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Lina AbuJamra

Lina AbuJamra

LINA ABUJAMRA is a Pediatric ER doctor, now practicing telemedicine, and founder of Living With Power Ministries. Her vision is to bring hope to the world by connecting biblical answers to everyday life. A popular Bible teacher, podcaster, and conference speaker, she is the author of several books, including her most recent ones, Still Standing and Don’t Tell Anyone You’re Reading This, and her Bible Study series Mapping the Footsteps of God. In her “spare” time, she provides medical care and humanitarian help in disaster areas and to refugees in Lebanon and Ukraine. Learn more about her at

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Tessa Afshar

Tessa Afshar

TESSA AFSHAR’s books have been on Publishers Weekly, CBA, and ECPA bestseller lists and have been translated into many languages. Her Bible study, The Way Home: God’s Invitation to New Beginnings, won the ECPA Christian Book of the Year in the Bible Study category. Tessa’s novels have been the recipient of the ECPA’s Bronze Milestone, Christy, and INSPY Awards. She holds a master of divinity from Yale, where she was elected to serve as co-chair of the Evangelical Fellowship for one year. Tessa is a devoted wife, a mediocre gardener, and an enthusiastic cook of biblical recipes. Learn more at

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Thomas A'Kempis

Thomas A'Kempis

THOMAS A’KEMPIS (1380-1471) was a Dutch priest, monk, and writer born in Kempen, Germany. He attended a school near Deventer in Holland. Thomas of Kempen, as he was known at school, was so impressed by his teachers that he decided to live his own life according to their ideals. When he was 19, he entered the monastery of Mount St. Agnes and spent the rest of his long life behind the walls of that monastery. Thomas wrote a number of sermons, letters, hymns, and lives of the saints. The most famous of his works, by far, is The Imitation of Christ, a charming instruction on how to love God. The Imitation of Christ has come to be, after the Bible, the most widely translated book in Christian literature.

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Deborah Alcock

Deborah Alcock

DEBORAH ALCOCK (1835-1913) is best known as the author of historical fiction on religious themes. She was born in Ireland, where her father, the Venerable John Alcock, became Archdeacon of Waterford. She lived with her father, writing a memoir of him on his death, and stayed unmarried for her entire life. Her work The Spanish Brothers, published in 1870, was set in the 16th century and was a tale of Protestant martyrdom. Other works include The Czar (1882), set during the French invasion of Russia; Archie's Chances (1886); and Prisoners of Hope (1894). A biography of her life, The Author of Spanish Brothers, was written by Elisabeth Boyd Bayley.

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Robert L. Alden

Robert L. Alden

ROBERT L. ALDEN (A.B., Barrington College; B.D., Westminister Theological Seminary; Ph.D., Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion) was professor of Old Testament at Denver Conservative Baptist Theological Seminary. He taught a wide range of courses related to Old Testament studies and traveled extensively in Israel.

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Ralph Alexander

Ralph Alexander

RALPH H. ALEXANDER (B.A., Rice University; Th.M., Th.D., Dallas Theological Seminary) was professor of Hebrew Scripture and chairman of the Division of Bible Studies at Western Conservative Baptist Seminary, Portland, Oregon. He did graduate work at Hebrew University and specialized in Hebrew and archaeology.

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Jason K. Allen

Jason K. Allen

DR. JASON ALLEN is the fifth and youngest president of Midwestern Baptist Seminary. He has served as pastor and interim pastor of Southern Baptist churches in Alabama and Kentucky over the past fifteen years. He currently serves the church more broadly through writing and preaching ministries, including his own website, where he writes on various topics including higher education, theology, preaching, and cultural and local church issues. He and his wife, Karen, have five children: Anne-Marie, Caroline, William, Alden, and Elizabeth.

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Marla Alupoaicei

Marla Alupoaicei

Author and speakerMARLA ALUPOAICEI (Dallas Theological Seminary) serves as the Director for Leap of Faith Ministries, an intercultural marriage support ministry in Frisco, Texas. Marla has authored or co-authored over twenty books and Bible study guides, including Taking the Intercultural Leap, Generation Hex: Understanding the Subtle Dangers of Wicca, and In the Flow: Spiritual Insights for Living a More Creative Life, as well as numerous nonfiction articles and poems. Marla has fifteen-plus years of ministry, teaching, and speaking experience with a variety of organizations. Currently she works as a staff writer for East-West Ministries, a grace-based church planting organization in Addison, Texas. Marla and her husband, Catalin, whom she met while on a missions trip to Romania in 1998, have been married for 7 years and currently reside in Texas.

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Chizuruoke Anderson

Chizuruoke Anderson

CHIZURUOKE ANDERSON is a graduate of Nyack College. She is coauthor of Yuzi's False Alarm with Dannah Gresh. She and her husband, David, live in State College, Pennsylvania.

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Hannah Anderson

Hannah Anderson

HANNAH R. ANDERSON lives in the haunting Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. She spends her days working beside her husband in rural ministry, caring for their three children, and scratching out odd moments to write. In those in-between moments, she contributes to a variety of Christian publications and is the author of Made for More (Moody, 2014), Humble Roots (Moody, 2016), and All That's Good (Moody, 2018). You can connect with her at her blog and on Twitter @sometimesalight.

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Matthew Lee Anderson

Matthew Lee Anderson

MATTHEW LEE ANDERSON is an Assistant Professor in Baylor University’s Honors College and the Associate Director of Baylor in Washington. He holds a DPhil in Christian Ethics from Oxford University and is a Perpetual Member of Biola University’s Torrey Honors Institute. He founded Mere Orthodoxy and co-hosts Mere Fidelity, a podcast on faith, theology, and ethics. He lives in Waco, Texas, where he enjoys piano and beating fourth graders at basketball in his spare time. Learn more at

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Robert C. Anderson

Robert C. Anderson

ROBERT C. ANDERSON served for 15 years as professor of pastoral theology at Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon, and as senior pastor of Bethel Baptist Church in Portland, Oregon. He also served as adjunct professor of pastoral theology at Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary at the Pacific Northwest Campus. Robert is the author of Circles of Influence: Expanding Your Leadership Capabilities in the Church and The Practical Pastor: A Practical Guide to the Ministry. Robert resides in Brush Prairie, Washington.

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Jean L. Andrianoff

Jean L. Andrianoff

JEAN ANDRIANOFF might easily have been chosen "Person Most Likely to Spend Her Life Behind a White Picket Fence in Mid-America" by fellow students at Geneva College. Instead, God took her and her husband David to Thailand, Laos, Mongolia, and Malaysia over a twenty-five year period of ministry under the Christian and Missionary Alliance and World Concern. They now live in the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State, where Jean finds inspiration for writing from God's creation, family, life experiences and her faith in Jesus. She is the author of Chosen for a Special Joy, the story of David's parents and a people movement to Christ among the Hmong of Laos. The Sunday School curriculum she developed for the Lao church is widely used in Cambodia as well. David and Jean have two daughters and two grandchildren.

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Paul Angone

Paul Angone

PAUL ANGONE is one of the leading voices in the nation to, and for, the Millennial generation. He is the best-selling author of two books, a sought after national speaker, and an organizational consultant who specializes in helping companies attract, retain, and develop Millennials. With over 10+ years writing, speaking, and engaging with Millennials, plus a master's degree in Organizational Leadership, Paul has created a cutting-edge process to help organizations called Millennial Mapping. Paul is also a media spokesperson on Millennials, executive coach alongside his father, Dr. Louis Angone, and the creator of, which has been read by millions of Millennials in 190 countries. Read more of Paul Angone's work at You can follow him on Twitter @PaulAngone.

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John Ankerberg

John Ankerberg

JOHN ANKERBERG (B.A., University of Illinois; M.A., and M.Div., Trinity Evangelical School; D.Min., Bethel Theological Seminary) is the president and founder of The Ankerberg Theological Research Institute and the producer and host of the nationally televised John Ankerberg Show. He is the author, co-author and/or editor of 76 books, including Middle East Meltdown, The Da Vinci Code Controversy and Ready with An Answer for the Tough Questions About God. John and his wife, Darlene, have one daughter and reside in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

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Kristie Anyabwile

Kristie Anyabwile

KRISTIE ANYABWILE is the author of Literarily: How Understanding Bible Genres Transforms Bible Study, and editor of His Testimonies, My Heritage: Women of Color on the Word of God. She is a Bible teacher at Anacostia River Church, and serves organizations that equip women to study and teach the Bible, such as The Charles Simeon Trust and Bible Equipping. Kristie is also a founding member of The Pelican Project, a women’s theology organization. Her work can be found at The Front Porch, Christianity Today, She Reads Truth, Risen Motherhood, The Gospel Coalition, and Revive Our Hearts. She is a pastor’s wife and has been married over 30 years. She and Thabiti have 3 children and live in Washington, DC.

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Thabiti Anyabwile

Thabiti Anyabwile

THABITI ANYABWILE is the full-time husband to a loving wife, Kristie, and father to three adorable children. He currently serves as a pastor of Anacostia River Church in Washington, D.C. Previously he served as senior pastor at First Baptist Church in Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, and as an assistant pastor at Capitol Hill Baptist Church. Thabiti holds B.S. and M.S. degrees in psychology from North Carolina State University. A former high school basketball coach and bookstore owner, Thabiti loves reading, sports, and watching sci-fi films. He is the author of Reviving the Black Church, The Decline of African-American Theology, What Is a Healthy Church Member?, and The Faithful Preacher.

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Cheri Appling

Cheri Appling

MATT AND CHERI APPLING live and work in Kansas City, Missouri. Cheri (DVM) is a veterinarian while Matt (M.Div) writes, mentors and teaches. He has been featured by numerous publications and radio programs and is the author of Life After Art: What You Forgot About Life and Faith Since You Left the Art Room, released by Moody Publishers.

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Matt Appling

Matt Appling

MATT APPLING teaches Pre-Kindergarten through sixth grade art, as well as high school art history. He has taught and ministered in a variety of school and church settings. He has also been a popular blogger for four years, as the author of, and as a featured contributor to many other online publications. Matt lives with his wife, Cheri in Kansas City, Missouri.

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Quina Aragon

Quina Aragon

QUINA ARAGON is an author, editor, and spoken word artist residing in Orlando, FL, with her husband and daughter. They are members of New Creation Fellowship. She is the author of the children's book trilogy, Love Made, Love Gave, and Love Can, which poetically retells Scripture's story through a Trinitarian lens of love. She is also the author of Love Has a Story: 100 Meditations on the Enduring Love of God, which invites you to explore God’s love as it has existed and moved throughout (and before) time, and how it intends to transform your own life story. This book, which can be read as one story or in 100 bite-sized pieces, features over 40 of Quina's personal poems, tracing God's love through her own life story. It is biblical theology, meets personal story work, meets your local coffee shop poet. Love Has a Story is available wherever books are sold. You can find Quina at her website

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Gleason L Archer Jr.

Gleason L Archer Jr.

GLEASON L. ARCHER, JR. (1916-2004), (B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Harvard University; B.D., Princeton Theological Seminary; L.L.B., Suffolk Law School) was a biblical scholar, theologian, educator, and author. He authored numerous books, including In the Shadow of the Cross, The Epistle to the Hebrews: A Study Manual, and Survey of Old Testament Introduction. His instrumental work in the preparation of the Old Testament portion of the New American Standard Bible has gained wide acclaim and positioned him as a world-renowned scholar.

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Jonathan Armstrong

Jonathan Armstrong

JONATHAN J. ARMSTRONG is Professor of Bible at Moody Bible Institute, where he lectures in New Testament studies and church history. He consults at the intersection of faith and technology and serves as the president of the Aqueduct Project ( He lives in the Chicago area with his wife and three children.

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Francena H. Arnold

Francena H. Arnold

FRANCENA H. ARNOLD was a schoolteacher, talented storyteller, mother of four children, and author of ten novels. Her first, Not My Will, was originally written "just for the eyes of the family" and has since sold more than 500,000 copies. Her other novels include Then Am I Strong, Three Shall Be One, Brother Beloved, Straight Down Crook Lane, The Road Winds On, Fruit for Tomorrow, and Light in My Window. Raised in rural Illinois, Francena lived with her husband, Frank, in the Chicago area.

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David Augsburger

David Augsburger

DAVID AUGSBURGER (B.A., Eastern Mennonite College; B.D., Eastern Mennonite Seminary; Ph.D., School of Theology at Claremont), who has taught at Fuller since 1990, is professor of pastoral care and counseling in the School of Theology. The author of 20 books in pastoral counseling, marriage, conflict and human relations, David's titles include Dissident Discipleship: A Spirituality of Self-Surrender, and Love of God and Love of Neighbor. David lives in California.

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St Augustine

St Augustine

AUGUSTINE OF HIPPO (354-430) was one of the foremost philosopher-theologians of early Christianity and the leading figure in the church of North Africa. He became bishop of Hippo in 396 and held that position until his death. Before becoming a Christian, Augustine lived a very secular life. His mother Monica prayed for him diligently and at age 32, during a trip to Milan, Augustine heard the preaching of St. Ambrose, was convicted by the Holy Spirit, and became a Christian. His numerous written works, the most important of which are his Confessions and City of God, shaped the practice of biblical exegesis and helped lay the foundation for much of medieval and modern Christian thought.

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Gladys Aylward

Gladys Aylward

GLADYS AYLWARD (1902-1970) served as a missionary to China for many years. She partnered with an older missionary to run an inn where they entertained guests with Bible stories. Gladys also began an orphanage that cared for hundreds of children. While in England on furlough, she frequently stayed at the home of Christine Hunter, who wrote down the stories Gladys told. Her life was also told in a 1958 Hollywood film, The Inn of the Sixth Happiness, a somewhat fictional account that Gladys disliked. She viewed her book with Christine Hunter as the authorized account of her life.

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Faith Coxe Bailey

Faith Coxe Bailey

FAITH COXE BAILEY (1924–1972) was a writer and pastor’s wife who lived in Syracuse, New York. Born in Hackensack, New Jersey, she graduated from the Simmons College school of publications in Boston, studied writing at Boston University, and took courses at Andover Newton Seminary. During her long writing career she worked as a commercial copywriter, wrote for many magazines, and developed Sunday school curriculum. She also wrote for Moody Radio’s Stories of Great Christians and Moody Monthly magazine. She died of ovarian cancer at 48.

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Keith M. Bailey

Keith M. Bailey

Keith M. Bailey held earned and honorary degrees from several institutions of higher learning. After more than forty years of missionary, pastoral, and administrative ministry, he communicated a wealth of wisdom and practical how-to to the Church at large.

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Cyril Barber

Cyril Barber

CYRIL J. BARBER has served as a visiting professor in Biblical Studies at Talbot Theological Seminary and a Counseling Associate with Insight for Living in Fullerton, California. Previously, Dr. Barber was Professor of Bibliography at the International School of Theology in Arrowhead Springs, California. Dr. Barber is author of numerous books, including Ruth: A Story of God’s Grace, Introduction to Theological Research, Joshua: A Devotional Exposition, and The Faithfulness of God: Devotional Studies in I Chronicles. He lives in Hacienda Heights, California.

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Louis Barbieri

Louis Barbieri

LOUIS A. BARBIERI, (B.A., Westmont College; Th.M., Th.D., Dallas Theological Seminary) is Chair of the Department of Theology at the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago. He is the author of a number of books, including the Everyman’s Bible Commentary: 1 & 2 Peter, The Moody Gospel Commentary: Mark, and The Life of Christ: Matthew. Dr. Barbieri and his wife of over forty years, Carol, reside in the Chicago area. They are the parents of three and grandparents of seven.

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Carol Barnier

Carol Barnier

CAROL BARNIER is a humorist and speaker, frequent radio guest and author, Pastor's kid, Christian. . .and former atheist. These days she admits she takes her God, her faith and her theology very seriously, but herself. . .not so much. To every task she brings along her slightly irreverent humor, whether tackling the issues of being very ADHD, the discomfort at being asked to be the older woman in a Titus program (after all, Titus rhymes with phlebitis--proceed with caution), or how to love today's "woman at the well." But in her latest project--bringing tools and hope to the parents of prodigals, Carol rolls up her sleeves and shares ideas and stories from the heart and from her own journey. In every talk, every article, every interview and every book, it is her objective to not only inspire people, but to give them something they can take home and use immediately. She lives in Connecticut with her husband of 25 years and her three kids.

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Deborah Barr

Deborah Barr

DEBORAH BARR is an author, speaker, and health educator with a passion for encouraging people to engage deeply with God as they journey through tough times. Her previous devotional book, Grace for the Unexpected Journey written for dementia caregivers, was named "Best Inspirational Book" at the 2018 Digital Book World awards. Strength for the Cancer Journey is her sixth book.

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Eric C. Barrett

Eric C. Barrett

ERIC BARRETT is the dean of the Slavic Gospel Association's Radio Academy of Science and former director of Remote Sensing at the University of Bristol in England. He is co-author of Remote Sensing for Hazard Monitoring and Disaster Assessment, Scientists Who Believe as well as a number of other books and papers on environmental science. Eric resides in the United Kingdom.

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Jen Barrick

Jen Barrick

JEN BARRICK is an inspirational speaker who travels all over the country, with her mother Linda, sharing their miraculous story of faith, hope, and forgiveness. She suffered a traumatic brain injury over a decade ago when her family's van was struck head-on by a drunk driver going 80 miles per hour. Even though Jen still suffers from vision impairment and memory loss, she knows there is no limit to what God can accomplish through her life. She completed a diploma from the Institute of Biblical Studies at Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA. Connect with Jen and Linda at

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Linda Barrick

Linda Barrick

LINDA BARRICK is a wife, mother, author, Bible teacher, and founder of Hope Out Loud Ministries. Her daily radio feature, Hope Out Loud, is heard on 733 stations in the US, Canada, and overseas. A graduate of Liberty University, Linda is a dynamic speaker who has conducted a weekly Bible study for 500 women at Thomas Road Baptist Church in Lynchburg, VA, for the past ten years. Linda and her daughter Jen Barrick, travel across the country sharing their miraculous story of faith, hope and forgiveness. Jen suffered a traumatic brain injury over a decade ago when her family's van was struck head-on by a drunk driver going 80 miles per hour. Though Jen still suffers from vision impairment and memory loss, she knows there is no limit to what God can accomplish through her life. Connect with Linda and Jen at

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Ray E. Baughman

Ray E. Baughman

RAY BAUGHMAN (1925-1999) (B.A., Dallas Bible College; Ed.D., Luther Rice Seminary) taught for thirty years on the faculty of Dallas Bible College and ten years on the faculty of Southeastern Bible College. He was an ordained Baptist minister who also pastored four independent churches. He is author of a number of books including The Abundant Life, The Kingdom of God Visualized, and Creative Bible Study Methods. Ray and his wife, Lucy, were married for just over 50 years and had three children.

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Stephan  Bauman

Stephan Bauman

STEPHAN BAUMAN is the President and CEO of World Relief, an international relief and development organization partnering with the global Church to serve more than five million vulnerable people each year. World Relief is also the founder and convener of The Justice Conference. Stephan's pursuit of justice led him to transition from a successful career in the Fortune 100 sector to Africa where he directed relief and development programs for nearly a decade before returning to the United States to lead World Relief's global operations. He holds degrees from Johns Hopkins University, Wheaton College, and the University of Wisconsin. He is a poet, an author, an ordained minister and a strategist. He considers his African friends his most important teachers, and his wife, Belinda, his most important mentor. Stephan, Belinda, and their two sons, Joshua and Caleb, live near Washington, D.C.

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Bradley Baurain

Bradley Baurain

BRADLEY BAURAIN has taught for more than 25 years in the United States, Canada, China, and Vietnam. He currently leads the TESOL programs at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. He is the author of Religious Faith and Teacher Knowledge in English Language Teaching, co-editor of the International Journal of Christianity and English Language Teaching, and writes devotional studies for Moody's Today in the Word.

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Shelly Beach

Shelly Beach

SHELLY BEACH has invested her life in the field of communication as an educator, administrator, writer, and writing consultant for the past thirty years. Her writing has been published in both the secular and religious markets in a wide variety of genres including poetry, short stories, feature articles, and interviews. Shelly speaks at writers’ conference, seminars, retreats, schools, and women’s conferences through the Midwest. In the editorial field, Shelly has also served as managing editor of specialty Bibles for Zondervan and was a contributing feature writer for the Stewardship Bible (Crossway Books).Shelly is a graduate of Oakland University and Grand Rapids Theological Seminary. She and her husband Dan reside in Rockford, Michigan, where they attend Blythefield Hills Church. They have two adult children who reside in Iowa and Washington State.

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Calvin Becker

Calvin Becker

CALVIN W. BECKER (B.B.A., University of Wisconsin; Pastor's Course, Moody Bible Institute; M.Div., Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, formerly Gordon Divinity School) recently retired from the Student Employment Service in the Student Service Department of Moody Bible Institute. Previously he was assistant director of advertising and promotion for Moody's Correspondence School. He and his wife, Phylis, have four sons: Dean, Bryce, Bryan, and David.

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Alistair Begg

Alistair Begg

ALISTAIR BEGG (Trent University; London School of Theology; Westminster Seminary) was born in Scotland and spent the first 30 years of life in the United Kingdom. Since September of 1983, he has been the senior pastor at Parkside Church in suburban Cleveland, Ohio. He is the daily speaker on the national radio program Truth For Life which stems from his weekly Bible teaching at Parkside, and is the author of Made for His Pleasure, Lasting Love, and What Angels Wish They Knew. He and his wife, Susan, have three grown children.

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Barry J. Beitzel

Barry J. Beitzel

BARRY J. BEITZEL (PhD, The Dropsie University; Fuller Theological Seminary; University of Pennsylvania) is professor emeritus of Old Testament and Semitic Languages at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, IL. He obtained a postdoctorate in ancient Near Eastern geography from the Université de Liège, Belgium, and has engaged in postdoctoral archaeological work in eastern Syria through UCLA. Dr. Beitzel is the editor and cartographer for Biblica, The Bible Atlas: A Social and Historical Journey Through the Lands of the Bible (Viking/Penguin Press), editor of the Lexham Geographical Commentary series (Logos/Lexham Press), and author of Where Was the Biblical Red Sea?: Examining the Ancient Evidence (Lexham Press). His published mapwork appears in Bibles produced by Moody Publishers, Zondervan, B. B. Kirkbride Bible Company, Tyndale House Publishers, Holman Bible Publishers, Crossway, Thomas Nelson Publishers, and Schuyler Publishers. He and his wife, Carol, reside in Mundelein, Illinois, and have three married children.

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Robert W Bell

Robert W Bell

ROBERT BELL was the son of missionary Ethel Bell. At age 11, he experienced first-hand a life-threatening 20 days at sea and a test of his dependence on God—the story told in his book In Peril on the Sea.

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Stephen B. Bell

Stephen B. Bell

STEVE and VALERIE BELL have been married and in ministry together for over 30 years. Steve is currently an executive vice-president of the Willow Creek Association. Valerie travels widely as a conference speaker, making frequent guest appearances on radio and television. Valerie is the author of seven books, and co-author with her husband of three books: Made to be Loved and Faith-Shaped Kids, and Real Survivors. Steve and Valerie live in Wheaton, Illinois; they have two grown sons.

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Valerie Bell

Valerie Bell

STEVE and VALERIE BELL have been married and in ministry together for over 30 years. Steve is currently an executive vice-president of the Willow Creek Association. Valerie travels widely as a conference speaker, making frequent guest appearances on radio and television. Valerie is the author of seven books, and co-author with her husband of three books: Made to be Loved and Faith-Shaped Kids, and Real Survivors. Steve and Valerie live in Wheaton, Illinois; they have two grown sons.

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James S. Bell, Jr.

James S. Bell, Jr.

JAMES STUART BELL is the owner of Whitestone Communications, a literary development agency. James has past editorial leadership experience with a number of publishers. He has received inside and cover credit for over one hundred print and audio volumes which he has compiled. He currently lives in West Chicago with his wife, Margaret.

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Kevin Belmonte

Kevin Belmonte

KEVIN BELMONTE holds a B.A. in English from Gordon College, an M.A. in Church History from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and a second Master's Degree in American and New England Studies from the University of Southern Maine. He has twice been a Finalist for the John Pollock Award for Christian Biography, and in 2003, his book, William Wilberforce: A Hero for Humanity, won that award. For five years, his biography of William Wilberforce has been taught as part of a course on leadership and character formation at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government. On several occasions, he has served as a script consultant for the BBC, and also for the PBS documentary, The Better Hour. For six years, he was the lead script and historical consultant for the critically acclaimed film, Amazing Grace. Kevin resides in a seaside village in Maine with his wife, Kelly, and their seven-year-old son, Sam.

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Dianna Benson

Dianna Benson

JERRY and DIANNA BENSON both grew up in Utah where Dianna was a member of a Mormon Church for 17 years, before becoming a Christian. They are active in Challenge Ministries, a non-profit organization which they began in 1983. They continue to speak in churches, helping others to understand Mormonism and how to best witness to those involved in this religion. Together, they authored How to Witness to a Mormon.

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Jerry Benson

Jerry Benson

JERRY and DIANNA BENSON both grew up in Utah where Dianna was a member of a Mormon Church for 17 years, before becoming a Christian. They are active in Challenge Ministries, a non-profit organization which they began in 1983. They continue to speak in churches, helping others to understand Mormonism and how to best witness to those involved in this religion. Together, they authored How to Witness to a Mormon.

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Ann Bentley

Ann Bentley

ANN BENTLEY is a graduate of Baylor University. She has experience in banking, retail, and education, and currently devotes much of her time to homeschooling her two youngest sons. She also loves mentoring young women and leading a small group through Bible Study Fellowship (BSF). Her passions and hobbies include spending time in the Bible, piano, reading, gardening, and knitting. She and her husband, Chuck, have been married since 1978 and have four sons and four grandchildren.

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Chuck Bentley

Chuck Bentley

CHUCK BENTLEY is a graduate of Baylor University and the CEO of Crown Financial Ministries. He has traveled throughout the world teaching biblical financial principles to the affluent, middle class, poor, and ultra poor. He is the author of four books, including his most recent: The Worst Financial Mistakes in the Bible, And How You Can Avoid Them. He is also executive director of the God Provides Film Learning Experience. These films are now in thirty languages with the potential to reach two billion oral and visual learners. Chuck and his wife, Ann, have been married since 1978 and have four sons and four grandchildren.

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Paul N. Benware

Paul N. Benware

DR. PAUL BENWARE (B.A., Los Angeles Baptist College, Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminary, Th.D., Grace Theological Seminary) is currently teaching in the Bible department at Southwestern College in Pheonix, Arizona. A former faculty member of the Los Angeles Baptist College (now the Master’s College) and Chicago’s Moody Bible Institute, Dr. Benware has continued to be involved in several local churches, often holding pastoral or staff positions. Dr. Benware is the author of seven books including Understanding End Times Prophecy, The Believer’s Payday, surveys of both the Old and New Testaments, and a newly published commentary on the Book of Daniel, as well as numerous articles published in journals and magazines. Dr. Benware lives with his wife, Anne, in Litchfield Park, Arizona. They have four children and six grandchildren.

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Becky Beresford

Becky Beresford

BECKY BERESFORD lives in North Carolina and is happily outnumbered by her husband and three wonderful boys. She is an author, speaker, and coach with a master's certificate in Spiritual Formation and Discipleship from Moody Theological Seminary. Becky loves encouraging God’s daughters to embrace Christ-centered empowerment through the truth found in the gospel. Connect with Becky at or follow her on Instagram or Facebook.

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Kristin  Berry

Kristin Berry

MIKE AND KRISTIN BERRY have been married for more than twenty years and are the parents of eight adopted children. In 2015 they launched the blog website Confessions of an Adoptive Parent. Their mission is simple - to offer hope to adoptive, foster, and special needs parents who feel weary, overwhelmed and frustrated, and to let them know they're not alone. They recently co-wrote the book, The Adoptive Parent Toolbox and travel extensively speaking at churches, camps, and conferences.

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Mike Berry

Mike Berry

MIKE AND KRISTIN BERRY have been married for more than twenty years and are the parents of eight adopted children. In 2015 they launched the blog website Confessions of an Adoptive Parent. Their mission is simple - to offer hope to adoptive, foster, and special needs parents who feel weary, overwhelmed and frustrated, and to let them know they're not alone. They recently co-wrote the book, The Adoptive Parent Toolbox and travel extensively speaking at churches, camps, and conferences.

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Stan Best

Stan Best

John Stanton (Stan) Best was the author of four youth fiction books based upon life in the Amazon jungle.

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D. Jeffrey Bingham

D. Jeffrey Bingham

D. Jeffrey Bingham (PhD, Dallas Theological Seminary) is Associate Dean of Biblical and Theological Studies and Professor of Theology at Wheaton College. His academic specialties are Patristic Theology, History of the Reception of the Bible, History of Biblical Interpretation, Second-Century Christianity, and Irenaeus. He is also the author of Pocket History of the Church, and The Routledge Companion to Early Christian Thought.

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Kurt Bjorklund

Kurt Bjorklund

KURT BJORKLUND was educated at Wheaton College, Trinity International University, and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. After serving two churches in the Chicago area, Kurt served as a Senior Pastor in a church in southeastern Michigan for a decade. He is currently the senior pastor of Orchard Hill Church, a large non-denominational church outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He and his wife Faith live with their four sons in Sewickley, Pennsylvania.

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Amy E. Black

Amy E. Black

DR. AMY E. BLACK is Associate Professor of Political Science and chair of the department of Politics & International Relations at Wheaton College (IL). Prior to joining the Wheaton faculty in 2001, she taught at Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. A specialist in American Government, her research interests include religion and politics and Congress. Her books include Religion and American Politics: Classic and Contemporary Perspectives, edited with Douglas Koopman and Larycia Hawkins (Pearson Longman, 2011), Beyond Left and Right: Helping Christians Make Sense of American Politics (Baker Books, 2008), From Inspiration to Legislation: How an Idea Becomes a Law (Prentice Hall, 2007), and, with Douglas Koopman and David Ryden, Of Little Faith: The Politics of George W. Bush’s Faith Based Initiatives (Georgetown, 2004). She and her husband, Wheaton theology professor Dan Treier, live in Wheaton with their daughter Anna.

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Wendy Blight

Wendy Blight

WENDY BLIGHT, a former trial lawyer, is a Bible teacher with Proverbs 31 Ministries and speaks frequently at events, churches, and retreats. Her passion is to help bring hope and healing to women by sharing the life-changing promises found in God’s Word. Wendy is author of Hidden Joy in a Dark Corner: The Transforming Power of God’s Story. Wendy, her husband Monty, and their two children live in Charlotte, North Carolina.

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Ron Block

Ron Block

RON BLOCK has been banjoist guitarist, vocalist, and songwriter for Alison Krauss & Union Station since 1991. He wrote many of the band's gospel songs: "There is a Reason," "In the Palm of Your Hand," "Jesus, Help Me to Stand," and his playing has been featured on albums by Dolly Parton, Vince Gill, Reba McEntire, Randy Travis, Alan Jackson, Brad Paisley, Fernando Ortega, and others. He's received 14 Grammy Awards for his work with Alison Krauss, Vince Gill, and the O Brother, Where Are Thou soundtrack, and received a Dove Award for his song "A Living Prayer." He has also written on spiritual and musical topics for the Rabbit Room website since its inception in 2007,

He married Sandra in 1988 and they live in rural Tennessee. They have two grown children, Ethan and Erica.

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Jon Bloom

Jon Bloom

JON BLOOM serves as cofounder and teacher at Desiring God. He has authored and contributed to numerous books, as well as hundreds of articles, all of which can be accessed at Jon and his wife, Pam, have five children and three grandchildren and make their home in the Twin Cities.

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Ron Blue

Ron Blue

RON BLUE is a successful entrepreneur in the financial services industry and an admired leader and speaker on the topic of Biblical financial management. In 1970, he founded an Indianapolis-based CPA firm which has grown to be one of the 50 largest CPA firms in the United States. In 1979, he founded Ronald Blue & Co., a fee-only financial planning firm, convinced that Christians would better handle their personal finances if they were counseled objectively with the highest technical expertise and from a Biblical perspective. Ron is the author of twelve books on personal finance from a Biblical perspective, including the best-seller, Master Your Money, and his most recent book, Wealth to Last, co-authored with Larry Burkett. He is currently the President of Kingdom Advisors and lives in Atlanta, Georgia.

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Edwin Blum

Edwin Blum

DR. EDWIN A. BLUM (D. Theol, University of Basel; ThD, Dallas Theological Seminary) for many years was Professor of Theology and New Testament at Dallas Theological Seminary. He served as Senior Pastor of several churches in Houston and Dallas, TX and was the Executive Director of the Christian Medical Society. The author of several commentaries and multiple articles, Ed also was the General Editor of the Holman Christian Standard Bible translation and the General Editor of the CSB Study Bible. Ed and his wife Ann live in Prescott, AZ and are the parents of five adult children.

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Darrell Bock

Darrell Bock

DARRELL BOCK (BA, University of Texas; ThM, Dallas Theological Seminary; PhD, University of Aberdeen) has earned recognition as a Humboldt Scholar (Tubingen University in Germany), and is the author of more than forty books, including well-regarded commentaries on Luke and Acts and studies of the historical Jesus. He was president of the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS) for 2000-2001, is a consulting editor for Christianity Today, and serves on the boards of Wheaton College and Chosen People Ministries. His articles appear in leading publications, and he is often an expert for the media on New Testament issues. Dr. Bock has been a New York Times best-selling author in nonfiction and is elder emeritus at Trinity Fellowship Church in Dallas. When traveling overseas, he will tune into the current game involving his favorite teams from Houston, even in the wee hours of the morning. Married for over forty years to Sally, he is a proud father of two daughters and a son, and is also a grandfather.

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Peggy Bodde

Peggy Bodde

PEGGY BODDE is an entrepreneur and the founder of Sacred Work, an organization that provides free career and leadership support for Christian women in the workplace. Peggy spent 25 years as a corporate executive and then pivoted to start a freelance writing business. Her clients include marketing firms and major textbook publishers. Peggy's passions are writing about the intersection between faith and work and empowering women to show up boldly in both spaces. She lives in the heart of the San Juan Mountains of Colorado alongside her husband, George, and rescue pup, Quill. Find her at

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Leah Boden

Leah Boden

LEAH BODEN is wife to Dave and mother to four children. With over two decades of experience in church leadership, she has also devoted herself to youth, children's, and family work within the church and for the local education authority. Leah is a respected speaker, podcast host, and coach who passionately shares the transformative beauty of the Charlotte Mason approach to childhood, motherhood, and education. She is the author of Modern Miss Mason and lives with her family in the West Midlands, England.

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James Montgomery Boice

James Montgomery Boice

JAMES MONTGOMERY BOICE (1938-2000) (A.B., Harvard University; B.D., Princeton Theological Seminary; D.Th., University of Basel, Switzerland; D.D., Theological Seminary of the Reformed Episcopal Church) was speaker on the worldwide radio ministry of the Bible Study Hour and pastor of historic Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia. His titles include Jesus on Trial and The Doctrines of Grace. He was married to Linda Ann Boice, who continues to teach at the high school they co-founded.

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Anthony G. Bollback

Anthony G. Bollback

ANTHONY G. BOLLBACK Anthony Bollback was born into a Christian home that always entertained missionaries. He received Christ at age 16 after a near-drowning incident at a summer youth conference. Beginning his missionary career in China, he and his wife Evelyn, were forced to evacuate when the Communists took over, and three years later began serving in Japan for five years. The remainder of his 24 years in Asia was spent in Hong Kong where he planted and directed 10 chapels and schools with 10,000 students. He served as Field Chairman of the China-Hong Kong Field of The Christian and Missionary Alliance for four years. Unexpectedly, God changed his direction and sent him to Honolulu for a most effective ministry as pastor of Kapahulu Bible Church. He retired from active ministry after serving as District Superintendent of the Mid-America District C&MA for 9 very productive years. Following retirement in Florida, he began an active writing career and the publishing of a very popular series of 6 books based on his experiences in China for children entitled Jack and Jenny Mystery Series. His most popular adult books based on the persecution of the church in China are the two-book series entitled The Persecuted Church in China: Red Runs the River, Vol. 1 and Exiles of Hope, Vol. 2.He continues a very active ministry of writing and speaking that includes a monthly e-letter called China Clippings. In addition he serves on the Church Board and is an Elder in the church.

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Horatius Bonar

Horatius Bonar

HORATIUS BONAR was a nineteenth-century Scottish author, hymn writer, and churchman. He earned a doctor of divinity at the University of Aberdeen and served as the editor for “The Quarterly Journal of Prophecy” for 25 years.

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Laura Booz

Laura Booz

LAURA BOOZ is a writer and teacher who encourages women to love God, think biblically, and live vibrantly. She'll cheer you on, share practical ideas, and point out the beautiful ways God is working in your life. Laura contributes to her local church and a variety of Christian ministries including Revive Our Hearts, True Girl, enCourage and Covenant Eyes. She and her husband, Ryan, and their six children make their home in Pennsylvania. She's delighted to be writing her first book with Moody! Meet her at

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E. M. Bounds

E. M. Bounds

EDWARD MCKENDREE BOUNDS (1835-1913) was born in Missouri. He studied deeply in the Scriptures and was greatly inspired by the writings of John Wesley. At the age of 24, he felt called to be a preacher and became a Methodist Pastor around the time of the American Civil War. At the age of 58, and for the next nineteen years (until he went home to be with the Lord at age 77), he began to write books. It is said that he prayed daily, from 4 A.M. to 7 A.M., before he would begin work on his writings. Bounds is author of many books, including Purpose in Prayer, The Weapon of Prayer, and The Reality of Prayer.

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Mary Frances Bowley

Mary Frances Bowley

MARY FRANCES BOWLEY is the Founder of Wellspring Living, an organization fighting childhood sexual abuse and exploitation since 2001. She has been a leader in bringing the fight against child sex-trafficking to Atlanta and is a founding member of the Georgia Statewide Human Trafficking Task Force. Mary Frances is the author of The White Umbrella and A League of Dangerous Women. She resides in Peachtree City with her husband, Dick.

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Michael Boyle

Michael Boyle

MICHAEL BOYLE is an interim pastor and previously served as a church planter, District Superintendent, and an Associate Professor of Pastoral Studies at Moody Bible Institute (2007-2018). He is a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary (1980) and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (2012). He and his wife Meloday have five adult married children and eight grandchildren. They make their home in Streamwood, IL.

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Tyler Braun

Tyler Braun

TYLER BRAUN is a 20-something worship pastor. After graduating from college with a business degree, Tyler decided to pursue a life of serving God through church ministry. When Tyler isn’t playing music or writing, he enjoys exploring the city, training for distance running races, and biking around town. Tyler lives in Portland, Oregon, with his wife, Rose. You can connect with him online at or follow him on Twitter @tylerbraun.

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Chris Brauns

Chris Brauns

CHRIS BRAUNS is the Senior Pastor at the Congregational Christian Church of Stillman Valley, IL. Chris left the corporate world in 1990 and graduated from Grand Rapids Theological Seminary in 1993 with a Master of Divinity degree. Since then he has served as a youth pastor, senior pastor, and church planting pastor. In 2006, Chris received a Doctor of Ministry degree from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary having completed the preaching track under Haddon Robinson. Chris is the author of Unpacking Forgiveness: Biblical Answers for Complex Questions and Deep Wounds.

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Alice Brawand

Alice Brawand

ALICE BRAWAND (B.A., Mars Hill College; M.A., Azusa Pacific University) has served for thirty-one years with Wycliffe Bible Translators, eleven of them in counseling missionaries and pastors from Wycliffe's International Headquarters in Dallas, Texas. Alice contributed to the book Secrets of Your Family Tree: Healing for Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families. Alice and her husband, John, have three children, all of whom were raised in Guatemala, where the Brawands served.

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Gary J. Bredfeldt

Gary J. Bredfeldt

GARY J. BREDFELDT (M.A., Denver Seminary; Ph.D., Trinity International University) has been married to Marlene for nearly forty years and is the father of four adult children: Lynne, Stephen, Michael, and Amy. He is a resident of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania where he serves as Vice President for Global Impact at Lancaster Bible College. Gary has also served as an administrator and faculty member at four prominent theological institutions: Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (Wake Forest, NC), Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (Louisville, KY), Moody Bible Institute (Chicago, IL) and Tyndale College and Seminary (Toronto, ON). He is the author of four books, three of those with Moody Publishers: Great Leader, Great Teacher; Caring for Souls: Counseling Under the Authority of Scripture, and Creative Bible Teaching.

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Dave Breese

Dave Breese

DAVE BREESE (1926-2002) was a graduate of Judson College and Northern Baptist Seminary and also served as president of Christian Destiny Ministries and World Prophetic Ministry. He was an evangelist, author, lecturer, and university speaker who ministered in more than sixty countries. In addition to a widespread broadcast ministry, Dr. Breese wrote several books, including Seven Men Who Rule the World from the Grave, Satan’s Ten Most Believable Lies, Living for Eternity, and His Infernal Majesty.

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Syd Brestel

Syd Brestel

SYD BRESTEL (B.A. Moody Bible Institute; M.A., Western Seminary) is a retired pastor who served a number of congregations for nearly fifty years. He has taught biblical classes at Kilns College in Bend, OR and is passionate about creating opportunities for lay people to receive biblical and theological training. He has ministered in several countries including India, Pakistan, UAE, Uganda, and Ireland. God has given him a passion to proclaim and defend both His grace and His holiness and wrath.

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David Brickner

David Brickner

DAVID BRICKNER is the Executive Chairman of the Board of Directors for Jews for Jesus. He previously served as the Executive Director and CEO from 1996 – 2024. Born in Massachusetts to Jewish parents, he comes from five generations of Jewish followers of Messiah Yeshua. David considers himself living proof that following Jesus does not require abandoning one’s Jewish identity.

David received his theological training at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago and earned a BA in Judaica from Northeastern Illinois University. He went on to earn his MA in missiology with an emphasis on Jewish studies from the Fuller School of Intercultural Studies.

He is the author of several books, including Christ in the Feast of Tabernacles, Future Hope—A Jewish Christian Look at the End of the World and Does the Jewish Bible Point to Jesus? David has been interviewed on secular and Christian national radio and television shows, including Larry King Live and In the Market with Janet Parshall.

David is married to Sabra Brickner and is the proud father of Isaac, Ilana, and Sivan. He is also the proud grandfather of Norah, Levy, and Itai.

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Nicole Braddock Bromley

Nicole Braddock Bromley

NICOLE BRADDOCK BROMLEY is an international activist on issues of sexual abuse and human trafficking. She is the founder and director of OneVOICE (, an organization that is bringing healing change into the lives of those affected by sexual abuse, and she is the founder and executive director of OneVOICE4freedom (, a nonprofit that is stopping child sex slavery around the world and bringing hope to survivors.

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Matt Bronleewe

Matt Bronleewe

MATT BRONLEEWE is a Grammy-nominated, award-winning producer and songwriter. He is the author of the August Adams thrillers, and is currently producing his first feature film. Born in Dallas, TX, Bronleewe was raised on the family farm in Kansas. He attended Greenville University, where he helped form the band Jars of Clay. After leaving the band, he began producing and songwriting full-time. Bronleewe currently resides in Nashville, TN, with his wife and three children.

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Keith Brooks

Keith Brooks

KEITH L. BROOKS founded the American Prophetic League of Los Angeles in 1930. He was the author of numerous Bible study courses, books, and tracts. Although Keith passed away in 1954, his wife, Laura, continued the ministry of the American Prophetic League until 1960. The League's Prophecy Monthly eventually merged with Moody Bible Institute's Moody Monthly. The published Bible study became the Teach Yourself the Bible Series from Moody Publishers.

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Len G. Broughton

Len G. Broughton

LEN G. BROUGHTON was a Baptist minister, medical doctor, and author. He attended Wake Forest College and the Kentucky School of Medicine.

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Joyce Vollmer Brown

Joyce Vollmer Brown

JOYCE BROWN has worked in public relations, advertising and commercial writing. She now uses abilities she developed in those careers to communicate spiritual truths in a fast-paced, captivating style. Joyce is the author of Courageous Christians, Snapshots of Heaven and You Go! Graduate. She has been interviewed on Prime Time America, Midday Connection, A New Day for America and hundreds of radio stations across the country.

Joyce lives in Omaha, Nebraska with her husband, David, and their two sons.

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Megan B. Brown

Megan B. Brown

MEGAN B. BROWN is a seasoned military spouse, mother of four, and military missionary. She is the Founder and Executive Director of MilSpo Co., a military nonprofit focused on the intentional discipleship of today's military community. Throughout Megan's journey as a military missionary, her ministry has been recognized with the Air Force Lifetime Volunteer Excellence Award and has earned her the 2016 Armed Forces Insurance Keesler Air Force Base Military Spouse of the Year Award. Her mission is to recruit, raise up, and release military-connected women to live on mission for Jesus. She lives in South Mississippi with her husband, M. Sgt. Keith Brown, and their four energetic kiddos.

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Richard Brown

Richard Brown

RICH BROWN Rich and his wife Janet have served together in churches in the Midwest and the Seattle area. He and Janet have three adult children; Rich III, Jenna, and Ryan. In 2003, Rich transitioned from serving as Pastor of Student Ministries to become Associate Professor within the Department of Church Ministries at his alma-mater, Liberty University. It is in this context of mentoring, equipping, and teaching the next generation of youth ministry leaders where he ministers to the college students God has placed in his life. Along with his residential teaching load, he also teaches online to adult learners. He has developed a number of youth ministry courses, including published work texts.

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Joanne E. Brubaker

Joanne E. Brubaker

JOANNE BRUBAKER is a widow with four daughters, three of whom are involved in church-planting with their husbands. She is co-author of Childhood Education in the Church along with Roy Zuck and Robert Clark. Joanne is currently active with a prayer ministry at her church, planning a Bible study for her neighbors, and keeping track of her 13 grandchildren and one great grandchild.

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J. C. Brumfield

J. C. Brumfield

J.C. BRUMFIELD, D.D., served as a pastor of Faith Baptist Church in Yorba Linda, California for many years and also ministered widely to children through radio. Pastor Brumfield is author of Comfort for Troubled Christians.

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Kurt Bruner

Kurt Bruner

KURT BRUNER hosts to help churches reach and disciple busy families. He has worked with hundreds of churches as they customize a ministry model pioneered while he served as pastor of spiritual formation at the 20,000 member Lake Pointe Church in Rockwall, Texas. The bestselling author of more than twenty books, Kurt spent twenty years with Focus on the Family where he served as Vice President over films, books, magazines, radio drama, broadcasting, and other media groups including the popular Adventures in Odyssey team.

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Lincoln Brunner

Lincoln Brunner

LINCOLN BRUNNER has been a journalist for 22 years. After cutting his teeth as a sportswriter and general assignment reporter in central Wisconsin in the early 90s, he went on to edit a small daily paper in Illinois. He then served as an editor for several trade magazines. In 2004, he felt a strong call to do full-time reporting about Christian missions work and went on to report on missionaries around the world for two different missions organizations. These days, he works as managing editor for a Bible translation organization. Lincoln and his wonderful wife, Ann, have three daughters and live in Texas.

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Chris Bruno

Chris Bruno

CHRIS BRUNO (PhD, Wheaton College; MDiv, Southern Seminary) serves as assistant professor of New Testament and Greek at Bethlehem College & Seminary in Minneapolis, MN. He previously taught Bible and theology at Cedarville University and Northland International University and served as a pastor at Harbor Church in Honolulu, Hawaii. Chris and his wife, Katie, have four sons.

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Mac Brunson

Mac Brunson

MAC BRUNSON (D.Min., M.Div., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary) is Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church of Jacksonville, Florida and also serves as Chancellor of Criswell College. Mac co-authored The New Guidebook for Pastors, and is the author of The God You've Been Searching For and The Miracle You’ve Been Searching For. A well-known speaker and experienced minister, Mac was appointed president of the Southern Baptist Convention Pastor’s Conference in 2003. He and his wife, Debbie, are the parents of three children.

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Mark I. Bubeck

Mark I. Bubeck

MARK I. BUBECK is the founder of ICBC, Inc., now Deeper Walk International. He is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute and Denver Seminary, and earned his D.Min. degree from Talbot Theological Seminary. Serving as a pastor for more than 40 years Bubeck is the author of The Adversary, Warfare Praying: Biblical Strategies for Overcoming the Adversary, Fire From Heaven, and many other resources on prayer and our victory in Christ. Known as a prayer warrior with a shepherd's heart, Mark Bubeck passed away in 2017.

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Christian Buckley

Christian Buckley

CHRISTIAN BUCKLEY is a husband, father, lawyer, entrepreneur, non-profit leader, writer, and follower of Christ. He holds a Bachelor’s degree from the University of California, Irvine, and a J.D. from UCLA. After leaving a successful corporate law practice behind to embark on a practical pursuit of discipleship, Christian founded Think More Truth, a platform where he hopes to inspire people to think and live outside the lines in devotion to Christ. He is also the co-founder of Glue Network and runs Covered Images, Inc. Christian lives in San Diego, California with his wife and children.

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C. Hassell Bullock

C. Hassell Bullock

C. HASSELL BULLOCK (B.A., Samford University; B.D., Columbia Theological Seminary; University Ph.D., Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion) is professor of Old Testament studies at Wheaton College. Since the completion of his formal education, Dr. Bullock has served as both a professor and as a pastor in 10 different churches.

He is the author of An Introduction to the Old Testament Prophetic Books, Encountering the Book of Psalms, An Introduction to the Old Testament Prophetic Books, and An Introduction to the Old Testament Poetic Books.

Dr. Bullock resides in Wheaton, Illinois.

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John Bunyan

John Bunyan

JOHN BUNYAN (1628-1688) was a Puritan preacher and writer in England. Bunyan had very little schooling. He followed his father in the tinker's trade, and served in the parliamentary army from 1644 to 1647. In 1655, Bunyan became a deacon and began preaching. He experienced marked success from the start and was the pastor of the Bedford church.

Bunyan is the author of The Pilgrim's Progress which he wrote in 1676 while imprisoned for preaching without a license. His numerous other titles include Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners and Holy War.

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Larry Burkett

Larry Burkett

LARRY BURKETT (1939-2003) was a well-known authority on business and personal finance. He wrote more than seventy books, including non-fiction bestsellers like Family Financial Workbook, Debt-Free Living, and The World’s Easiest Guide to Finances. He also had a worldwide radio ministry. Larry founded Christian Financial Concepts and served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Crown Financial Ministries®. He is survived by his wife, Judy, four grown children and nine grandchildren.

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Richard A. Burr

Richard A. Burr

Richard A. Burr was the founder of Pray-Think-Act Ministries, Inc., and former president of the late J. Edwin Orr's ministry, The Oxford Association for Research in Revival. He also served as the excecutive director for the "Here's Life" campaigns of Campus Crusade for Christ.

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Dillon Burroughs

Dillon Burroughs

DILLON BURROUGHS (B.A., Indiana State University; Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminary) serves as a professor of youth and culture at Tennessee Temple University. He has co-authored a number of books, including Comparing Christianity with World Religions and Comparing Christianity with the Cults and he is the author of Generation Hex and The Middle East Meltdown. Burroughs lives in Tennessee with his wife and children.

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Nathan Busenitz

Nathan Busenitz

NATHAN BUSENITZ, (M.Div., Th.M., Ph.D., The Master's Seminary) is the Dean of Faculty and Assistant Professor of Theology at The Master's Seminary. He holds a doctorate in church history, with a specific focus on patristic theology. He has served as a full-time member of the pastoral staff at Grace Community Church, director of the Shepherd's Fellowship, managing editor of Pulpit magazine, and as the personal assistant to John MacArthur.

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Luis Bush

Luis Bush

LUIS BUSH is a prominent strategist and the originator of the 10/40 Window Movement, which has brought into focus the region of the world with the greatest human suffering combined with the least exposure to the gospel. Born in Argentina and raised in Brazil, Luis has traveled the world over for the sake of the Great Commission. Over the decades, through work with Partners International and AD2000 & Beyond, he and his network of catalysts have mobilized millions of believers to impact the world through devoted prayer and a lifestyle of service. Since 2005, he has served as international facilitator of Transform World Connections based out of Singapore. And since 2009, he has championed the 4/14 Window Movement, which seeks to protect, nurture, and empower children worldwide to embrace the inheritance in Christ. Luis and his wife Doris make their home in the Chicago area near their four adult children and nineteen grandchildren.

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Freda McKissic Bush, MD

Freda McKissic Bush, MD

FREDA MCKISSIC BUSH, M.D., is a board-certified obstetrician/gynecologist and a partner in private practice with East Lakeland OB-GYN Associates in Jackson, Mississippi. She currently serves as Medical Director of the Center for Pregnancy Choices Metro Jackson and the Henry M. Johnson Women's Resource Crisis Pregnancy Center. Freda spends much of her time speaking on sexuality and social behavior education. Her passion is to help women "raise a standard" to become who they were created to be. To that end, she teaches and encourages a lifestyle of abstinence until marriage and fidelity within marriage. She co-authored her first book, Hooked, with Dr. Joe S. McIlhaney, in 2008.

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Justin Buzzard

Justin Buzzard

JUSTIN BUZZARD is founder and lead pastor of Garden City Church in Silicon Valley, California. He has been dating his wife for twelve years and is the father of three young sons. Justin speaks widely, writes at, and is the author of The Big Story, Why Cities Matter, Date Your Wife, John: A 12-Week Study, and Consider Jesus.

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Rebekah J. Byrd

Rebekah J. Byrd

BECKY BYRD obtained a Master's Degree in Historical Theology from Wheaton Graduate School in 2016. She has a BA in Bible and Theology from Moody Bible Institute and was trained as a Spiritual Director at North Park Seminary. Her ministry experience spans from youth ministry to small groups, discipleship and connection ministry. She currently works with Dr. John Trent at Moody Bible Institute. She is learning to be an advocate for her children with special needs and enjoys serving her local church. Becky has been married to her husband, Steve, for 19 years and has four children. In her spare time she enjoys connecting with people, reading, photography, writing and exploring the awesome city of Chicago. You can connect with her at or on her blog

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Ross Campbell

Ross Campbell

The late ROSS CAMPBELL, MD, was the author of the bestselling book How to Really Love Your Child, which has sold more than one million copies. He spent over 30 years as a clinical psychiatrist, concentrating on the parent-child relationship and later worked with the Ministering to Ministers Foundation, serving individual ministers, their families, and church organizations. Dr. Campbell was the co-author of The Five Love Languages of Children and Parenting Your Adult Child and author of How to Really Love Your Teenager.

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Ken Canfield PH.D.

Ken Canfield PH.D.

KEN R. CANFIELD, Ph.D. (B.A., Friends University; M.C.S., University of British Columbia; Ph.D., Kansas State University) is founder of the National Center for Fathering, and served as NCF's president and CEO from 1990 through 2005. In January 2008, he accepted an appointment as Executive Director of the Boone Center for the Family at Pepperdine University. He is the author of The Heart of a Father and numerous other books including the award-winning 7 Secrets of Effective Fathers. Ken and his wife, Dee, have been married over 30 years and have five children and three grandchildren.

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Brenda Cannon

Brenda Cannon

BRENDA CANNON was born in Kansas City, Missouri in 1890. After teaching school for seven years in that city, she attended the Women’s Missionary Union Training School in Louisville, Kentucky. In 1919 she went to North Carolina to serve as secretary of a small mission school, which developed into a home for homeless children and continued to serve the young mountaineers of the area as a school. Except for two years spent as a field worker and young people’s leader in Oklahoma, Cannon remained in North Carolina, teaching school and doing community work. So when she wrote of mountaineers, she wrote understandingly of friends and neighbors. She died in North Carolina in 1965.

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Dave Carder

Dave Carder

DAVE CARDER serves as Pastor of Counseling Ministries at First Evangelical Free Church of Fullerton, CA. His specialty is Adultery Recovery and Prevention for which he has appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Network, Discovery Health, and The Learning Channel, has done training for the US Army and Navy, plus multiple tapings for The Tony Robbins Passion Project, Marriage Uncensored, 100 Huntley Street, Salvation Army Leadership Training, and the American Association of Christian Counselors. His interviews and articles have appeared in Ladies Home Journal, USA Today, The Counseling Connection, and various other magazines and journals. He is the author or co-author of Torn Asunder: Recovering from an Extramarital Affair, Close Calls: What Adulterers Want You to Know About Protecting Your Marriage, and Unlocking Your Family Patterns: Finding Freedom from a Hurtful Past. He holds the Michigan Limited License for Psychology and the California Marital and Family Therapy license, and has graduate degrees in Biblical Literature and Counseling Psychology. Dave and his wife, Ronnie, have been married 49 years, have four adult children, and eight grandchildren.

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Joseph S. Carroll

Joseph S. Carroll

JOSEPH S. CARROLL was the founder of the Evangelical Institute of Greenville South Carolina and served as Pastor and Senior Elder at the First Evangelical Church in Greenville. He traveled extensively throughout the Far East speaking to mission societies. In addition, he served as Pastor at the Tokyo Evangelical Church.

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Todd Cartmell

Todd Cartmell

TODD CARTMELL is a child psychologist who practices in Wheaton, Illinois. He received his doctorate from Fuller Theological Seminary and is the author of several parenting books, including 8 Simple Tools. His parenting workshops have been enjoyed by thousands of parents throughout the country. Visit Dr. Todd's website at and follow him on Facebook.

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Noel Castellanos

Noel Castellanos

NOEL CASTELLANOS has worked in full-time ministry in urban communities since 1982. He has served in youth ministry, church planting, and community development in San Francisco, San Jose, and Chicago. Noel is a highly sought after speaker, motivator, and mentor to young leaders throughout the USA, and has a deep passion to serve and invest in the lives of emerging leaders. After serving on the Board of the Christian Community Development Association for many years, he has established the new CCDA Institute, which is working to equip emerging church leaders in the philosophy of Christian Community Development, and currently serves as the CEO of CCDA. He and his wife, Marianne, have three children, and make their home in the barrio of La Villita in Chicago.

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Charles Causey

Charles Causey

CHARLES CAUSEY is a recipient of the Bronze Star for his military service in Iraq. He is the author of several books including Words and Deeds and Unbreakable: Forging a Marriage of Contentment and Delight. Married with four children, Charles graduated from the University of Colorado and holds several advanced degrees. He formerly served at the Pentagon as a senior army chaplain for the chief of chaplains in Washington, D.C., and is currently serving as a command chaplain in Honolulu, Hawaii. His website is

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Cynthia Cavanaugh

Cynthia Cavanaugh

CYNTHIA CAVANAUGH is an author, speaker, and leadership influencer. Her story of brokenness has propelled her to write, teach, and help others redeem their pain and heal through the pages of God's Word. She is an award-winning author of several books, and the upcoming Bible study The Godly Kings of Judah: Faithful Living for Lasting Infuence, an 8-week study about how to leave a legacy that endures (2022). Cynthia holds her MA in Leadership from Trinity Western University, where she is an adjunct professor in the Leadership degree program for international students. In addition to writing, coaching, and teaching, she is a freelance editor for new authors and is the host of the podcast, The Soul Anchor. Cynthia and her husband live in the Pacific Northwest where they enjoy bicycling and spending time with their grandkids. Connect with Cynthia at:

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Douglas M. Cecil

Douglas M. Cecil

DOUGLAS CECIL (B.A., University of Cincinnati; Th.M., and D.Min., Dallas Theological Seminary) currently serves as a life stages pastor at Christ Chapel Bible Church in Fort Worth, Texas. A certified chaplain with more than 25 years of experience, Cecil is also an ordained minister and a former officer in the U.S. Air Force. He served as an associate professor of pastoral ministries at Dallas Theological Seminary for 18 years and is a regular tour leader in Israel. Cecil’s interests include evangelism and pastoral care. The author of Seven Principles of an Evangelistic Life, Cecil resides in Fort Worth, Texas with his wife, Patty.

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John Cervone

John Cervone

JOHN C. CERVONE is the associate pastor at Stow Alliance Fellowship in Stow, Ohio, where his responsibilities include outreach, family ministries, and administration.

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Lewis Sperry Chafer

Lewis Sperry Chafer

LEWS SPERRY CHAFER—a renowned American theologian—was a writer, evangelistic singer, and cofounder of Dallas Theological Seminary where he served as the first president and professor of theology. He wrote hundreds of articles and many books, including Grace and Systematic Theology.

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Linda Chaikin

Linda Chaikin

LINDA LEE CHAIKIN has written over thirty top selling books, including The Silk House series and For Whom the Stars Shine, a finalist for the prestigious Christy Award. Two of her novels have been awarded the Silver Angel Award for excellence. Linda is a graduate of Multnomah Biblical Seminary in Portland, Oregon, and taught neighborhood Bible classes for many years. She and her husband make their home in Northern California where her favorite recreations are reading and taking vacations where the wind blows through lonely deserts and ghost towns.

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Kevan Chandler

Kevan Chandler

KEVAN CHANDLER grew up in the foothills of North Carolina with a rare neuromuscular disease called spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). He has a BA in Counseling from John Wesley College, with a focus in prison ministry. An avid storyteller, Kevan has authored several books and speaks worldwide about his unique friendships and life with a disability. He is also the founder of the nonprofit We Carry Kevan, which provides support to families with disabilities around the world. He and his wife, Katie, live in Fort Wayne, Indiana, where they enjoy growing vegetables, making homemade bread, and reading to each other.

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Colleen Chao

Colleen Chao

COLLEEN CHAO has written extensively about finding God's goodness in the unexpected chapters of her life, including singleness, chronic illness, and terminal cancer. She's worked as an editor and writer for global organizations, and an English teacher to some of her favorite people on earth—teenagers. When she's not wrangling words, she enjoys beautiful hikes, side-splitting laughter, and half-read books piled bedside. She makes her home just outside Boise, Idaho with her husband Eddie, their son Jeremy, and Willow the dog.

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Gary Chapman

Gary Chapman

GARY CHAPMAN, PhD–author, speaker, counselor–has a passion for people and for helping them form lasting relationships. He is the #1 bestselling author of The 5 Love Languages series® and director of Marriage and Family Life Consultants, Inc. Gary travels the world presenting seminars, and his radio programs air on more than 400 stations. For more information, visit his website at

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H.B. Charles, Jr.

H.B. Charles, Jr.

H.B. CHARLES, JR. Is the Pastor-Teacher at the Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist Church of Jacksonville, Florida, where he has served since the fall of 2008. He is primarily responsible for preaching-teaching, vision casting, and leadership development. Prior to coming to Shiloh, he led the Mt. Sinai Missionary Baptist Church of Los Angeles for almost eighteen years. Succeeding his late father, he began his pastorate at Mt. Sinai at the age of seventeen.H.B. Charles regularly speaks at churches, conferences, and conventions around the country. He has contributed to several books and journals, and is the author of It Happens After Prayer. H.B. and his wife Crystal have three children: H.B. III, Natalie, and Hailey.

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G. K.  Chesterton

G. K. Chesterton

GILBERT KEITH CHESTERTON (1874-1936) is the author of 100 books, including Orthodoxy and The Everlasting Man, which led young atheist C.S. Lewis to become a Christian. He is probably best known for his series about the priest-detective Father Brown and was also known as a poet and a playwright. In spite of his literary accomplishments, he primarily considered himself a journalist, writing over 4,000 newspaper essays for papers such as Illustrated London News and Daily News, as well as his own G. K.’s Weekly.

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Todd R. Chipman

Todd R. Chipman

TODD R. CHIPMAN (B.S. University of Nebraska; MA-BL, M.Div., PhD, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary) is assistant professor of Biblical Studies at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the author of ScriptureStoryline, a Biblical Theology commentary available at his website He and his wife have seven children and advocate for foster/adoption ministry.

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Pat Cimo

Pat Cimo

PAT CIMO has led a dynamic children's ministry and coached children ministry leaders domestically and internationally for nearly twenty-nine years. She is currently the director of Marriage and Family Life at Willow Creek Community Church in the suburbs of Chicago, and for many years this included direct leadership and oversight with Willow's Children's Ministry. She has a deep passion to own the game she most wants to win: influencing and developing champions of faith. Pat and her husband Dave live in the northwest suburbs of Chicago near their two married children and four grandchildren.

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Asheritah Ciuciu

Asheritah Ciuciu

ASHERITAH CIUCIU is a bestselling author, national speaker, and host of the Prayers of REST podcast. Asheritah is the author of many books, including Full, Prayers of Rest, and Unwrapping the Names of Jesus. A Romanian missionary kid, she's passionate about helping people around the world enjoy Jesus through creative spiritual habits. Asheritah is married to her high school sweetheart, and together they raise their three spunky kiddos in NE Ohio. Discover your creative devotional type at

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Marjorie A. Clark

Marjorie A. Clark

MARJORIE A. CLARK (1911-2003) was a Canadian stenographer and missionary in Africa. She also authored several books and later wrote for the Moody Institute of Science.

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Robert E. Clark

Robert E. Clark

ROBERT E. CLARK (Omaha Baptist Bible College; Wheaton College; Omaha University; University of Denver) served for 22 years as professor of Christian education at Moody Bible Institute, Chicago. He is now engaged in Christian education ministry at the local church level. He is the general editor of Childhood Education in the Church. Clark resides in Lakewood, Colorado.

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David E Clarke, PhD

David E Clarke, PhD

DAVID E. CLARKE, PH.D., is a Christian psychologist, speaker, and the author of fifteen books, including I Don't Want a Divorce, My Spouse Wants Out, and I Don't Love You Anymore. He is a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary and Western Conservative Baptist Seminary. He has been in private practice for more than thirty years, focusing on marriages in crisis. He and his blonde wife, Sandy, live in Tampa, Florida. They have four children and four grandchildren (so far; they have asked for more grandkids).

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Nathan Clarkson

Nathan Clarkson

NATHAN CLARKSON is an award-winning film and television actor, a bestselling author of numerous books, a hit indie filmmaker, and a podcast philosopher. Nathan lives between the lights of Los Angeles and the streets of New York City.

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Sally  Clarkson

Sally Clarkson

SALLY CLARKSON is a beloved and bestselling speaker, mentor, and author of over twenty books who has spent three decades encouraging and supporting Christian women. She hosts the popular podcast At Home With Sally, which inspires countless women around the world. She has been married to her husband, Clay, for over forty years with whom she raised four children. She lives between the mountains of Colorado and the cobblestone streets of Oxford, England.

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Karl Clauson

Karl Clauson

KARL CLAUSON is the host of Karl and Crew Mornings on Moody Radio in Chicago. He's also the lead pastor of 180 Chicago Church. A few reckless years after completing the 1,100-mile Iditarod in Alaska at age 18, God radically transformed Karl's life. Now Karl is running the ultimate race as a speaker, ministry leader, husband, and father. His mission is "to inspire a spiritual revolution in the church that reaches the world." Karl and his bride have two adult children.

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Amanda Cleary Eastep

Amanda Cleary Eastep

AMANDA CLEARY EASTEP is an award-winning children’s author and a book editor. She works in a cabin in the mountains of North Carolina, but she has lived most of her life in the suburbs of Chicago, the home of the Tree Street Kids. Amanda and her husband, together, have eight grown children and a border collie named Annie who wakes Amanda up early every morning to write.

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Brandon Clements

Brandon Clements

BRANDON CLEMENTS is pastor at Midtown Fellowship in Columbia, South Carolina. He has been married to his college sweetheart, Kristi, for nine years and they have three children: Sully, Jeremiah, and Isla. Brandon currently blogs at and has previously published a novel, Every Bush is Burning.

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Brett Clemmer

Brett Clemmer

BRETT CLEMMER (B.S. Tufts University) is Vice President of Man in the Mirror. He acts as emcee and has served as a special speaker for the Friday morning Man in the Mirror Bible Study. He is the co-author of No Man Left Behind. Brett and his wife, Kimberly, live in Casselberry, Florida and have two children.

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Josh Clemons

Josh Clemons

JOSH CLEMONS resides in Atlanta, GA along with his wife Lakisha and sons Langston Grant and Duke Ellington. He has built a reputation as a lover of God, builder of people, and a reconciler of cultures. Leading a racial reconciliation movement and serving as a professor, Josh shares his brilliance, wisdom, and practical instruction impacting audiences in both religious and secular communities. He is privileged to serve as the Executive Director for OneRace Movement, and is pursuing his Ph.D. at Fuller Theological Seminary.

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David Clotfelter

David Clotfelter

DAVID CLOTFELTER (M.A., Yale University; M.Div., Fuller Theological Seminary; Ph.D., Claremont Graduate University) is Senior Pastor of the Chinese Christian Alliance Church in Northridge, California, and has been involved exclusively in pastoral ministry to Chinese congregations for over 20 years. David is the author of Sinners in the Hands of a Good God: Reconciling Divine Judgment and Mercy. He and his wife, Lisa, have two children and reside in Northridge, California.

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William Henry Cloud

William Henry Cloud

DR. HENRY CLOUD (B.S., Southern Methodist University; Ph.D., Biola University) is a clinical psychologist, leadership consultant, best-selling author and communicator. He has written or co-authored more than 20 books, including the two million seller Boundaries, Integrity, 9 Things You Simply Must Do To Succeed in Love and Life, and, most recently, Necessary Endings. Dr. Cloud is the co-host of the nationally syndicated radio program New Life Live.

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James   Coakley

James Coakley

JAMES COAKLEY has taught Bible at Moody Bible Institute for over twenty years in both the Seminary and Undergraduate school. He is married to Gayle and has two adult children and three grandchildren. He is a frequent tour leader to Bible lands and a frequent guest on several Moody Radio programs. He contributed to the Moody Bible Commentary and the Moody Handbook of Messianic Prophecy.

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S Maxwell Coder

S Maxwell Coder

DR. S. MAXWELL CODER was a graduate of Temple University, Dallas Theological Seminary, and Bible Seminary of Los Angeles. After twenty-four years in various capacities at Moody Bible Institute, Dr. Coder was named dean of education emeritus.

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Aaron Coe

Aaron Coe

AARON COE serves as the Vice President of Mobilization and Marketing of the North American Mission Board, providing leadership in mobilizing churches and missionaries to plant churches.Aaron, a native of Louisville, KY., served from 2003 to 2010 as a church planting missionary where he worked with New Hope New York, an organization that planted 38 churches in the years after 9/11. From this experience, he became the lead pastor/church planter at Gallery Church in 2006. He also has played a role in raising leaders, partners and resources for many new churches, including the Gallery Church.In 2009, he became executive director of “SendNYC,” the impetus for what has become Send North America – NAMB’s church planting initiative.Aaron has a Bachelor of Science from Middle Tennessee State University and a Master of Divinity and Master of Theology from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Carmen, have four children, Ezra James, Danielle, Joshua, and Harper.

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Gary Cohen

Gary Cohen

GARY G. COHEN represented Moody Bible Institute from coast to coast as a regular speaker for twenty years, 1974-1995, in annual regional Moody Prophecy Conferences and is author of Hosea and Amos Everyman's Bible Commentary.

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C. Donald Cole

C. Donald Cole

C. DONALD COLE served as a host and commentator on Moody Radio’s Open Line for 26 years before retiring in 2008. He previously served on the faculty at Emmaus Bible College and as a missionary in Angola with his wife, Naomi. Pastor Cole is the author of a number of books, including How to Know You’re Saved and All You Need to Believe: The Apostle’s Creed. Pastor and Mrs. Cole live in Carol Stream, Illinois.

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R. Dandridge Collins, PhD

R. Dandridge Collins, PhD

R. DANDRIDGE COLLINS (B.S., Eastern University; M.Div., Palmer Theological Seminary; Ph.D., Temple University) is currently the proprietor of the Pastoral Counseling Network. He is a licensed psychologist with 25 years of behavioral health experience in diverse settings with premier hospitals, residential care, and community mental health facilities. Dr. Collins was previously the executive director and chief operating officer of the Center for Innovative Family Achievements, Inc., in Trenton, New Jersey. He is author of Taunt Your Trauma and The Trauma Zone. He lives in eastern Pennsylvania with his wife and daughter.

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Maggie Combs

Maggie Combs

MAGGIE COMBS is a wife, mom of three busy boys, writer, and speaker. When motherhood overwhelmed her, God drew her closer to Himself through the writing of her first book, Unsupermommy: Release Expectations, Embrace Imperfection, and Connect to God's Superpower. You may have seen her before at The Gospel Coalition, Risen Motherhood, Revive Our Hearts True Woman Blog, The Journeywomen Podcast, and more.

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Ben Connelly

Ben Connelly

BEN CONNELLY is a pastor, author, equipper, and occasional professor. He is honored to serve everyday disciples, ministry leaders, and church planters across the world through The Equipping Group, and to help lead Salt+Light Community and Plant Fort Worth, TX. Ben has written or contributed to several books, workbooks, articles, and publications, has overseen church planting efforts for multiple organizations, and has also taught university and seminary classes. He and Jess have three children and at times host short-term foster kids too. Learn more at, or @connellyben on various social media platforms.

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Deanna Conrad

Deanna Conrad

DEANNA CONRAD studied both education and special education at Indiana University in Bloomington. Now her classroom is right in her own house—where she homeschools her five energetic boys. Deanna also teaches at the local community college and in her local homeschool co-op. All of her writing is fully tested among the large audience of students she engages. Home remains in Bloomington where she enjoys her community of family and friends, and on occasion sleeping out under the stars.

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Robert A. Cook

Robert A. Cook

ROBERT A. COOK was chancellor of the King's College, Briarcliff Manor, New York. He conducted a radio ministry at the King's College and served as president of the National Religious Broadcasters Association.c.1977

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Cliff Coon

Cliff Coon

CLIFF COON (1934-2005) was a research chemist holding sixteen patents. He published many scientific and apologetic articles in the course of his career, most of which was spent with Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, California. He is the author of The Mending String. Cliff spent many years actively involved with his church and community, including serving as a deacon and teaching Bible studies. He was married to Lucille and had six children.

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Craig Allen Cooper

Craig Allen Cooper

CRAIG ALLEN COOPER is a USA Today bestselling author and keynote speaker. He cowrote the book Glad You’re Here with Grammy-nominated country singer-songwriter Walker Hayes. Glad You’re Here instantly became a Publishers Weekly, ECPA, and USA Today national bestseller and has been featured on The Today Show, People magazine, Family Life Radio, and more. Craig served as one of the founding pastors of Redeeming Grace Church in Franklin, Tennessee, and is the founder of Glad You’re Here Ministries. He resides in the greater Nashville area with his lovely wife, Laura, and their four kids. You can follow Craig on Instagram @craigallencooper and learn more at

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Jed Coppenger

Jed Coppenger

JED COPPENGER is the lead pastor of First Baptist Church Cumming, GA. He earned his MDiv from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and his PhD from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the author of 21 Days to Childlike Prayer: Changing Your World One Specific Prayer at a Time. He and his wife, Melanie, have three kids.

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Henry W. Coray

Henry W. Coray

HENRY W. CORAY was born and reared in West Pittston, PA, in the heart of the anthracite region. He attended Wheaton College, and Princeton and Westminster Theological Seminaries. Following his three years in the pastorate in West Pittston, he spent one term as a missionary in Manchuria. The First Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Long Beach, CA, has also been one of Coray’s places of service.

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Steve Corbett

Steve Corbett

STEVE CORBETT is the Community Development Specialist for the Chalmers Center at Covenant College and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics and Community Development at Covenant College.

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Matthew Cork

Matthew Cork

MATTHEW CORK has served in a number of key roles over his many years at Friends Church, including: WorshipPastor, Executive Pastor and the position he currently holds, Lead Pastor. Matthew’s focus since 2003 has been on therenewal of Friends Church. He has a strong pastor’s heart that has led him to be a key part of transitioning a church incrisis. On a trip to India in 2007, Matthew saw firsthand the plight of the Dalit people and the impact education canhave on improving their lives. Since then, Friends Church has launched a new vision called Global Freedom and hasbeen instrumental in building a large number of Education Centers throughout India. Matthew lives in Yorba Lindawith his wife Mardi and their three children: Nolan, Sophie and Ella.

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Steven Cory

Steven Cory

STEVEN CORY is a former academic editor for Moody Publishers. He is co-author of the pamphlet Comparing Christianity with World Religions.

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Chris M. Coursey

Chris M. Coursey

CHRIS COURSEY is an ordained minister, pastoral counselor, published author, and international speaker. He and his wife, Jen, lead and design the THRIVE Training Program that uses brain-based exercises to train leaders, families, and communities in the 19 relational skills and the Immanuel Lifestyle. They are passionate about helping people acquire the skills to make relationships work. Chris and Jen have two boys, Matthew and Andrew.

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Brittany Cragg

Brittany Cragg

BRITTANY CRAGG has been editing and authoring marriage curriculum as the Director of Content for Grace Marriage since 2015. She has a degree in English Literature from Wheaton College and a law degree from Emory University, where she won the Golden Pen Award for excellence in legal editing. She has worked as an editor at Christianity Today in the preaching resources department and for investment firms in Chicago and Dallas. Brittany and her husband, Mark, have been married for over eleven years and live with their three children in Prosper, Texas.

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William Lane   Craig

William Lane Craig

WILLIAM LANE CRAIG is a Research Professor of Philosophy at Talbot School of Theology in La Mirada, California. He earned a doctorate in philosophy at the University of Birmingham, England, and a doctorate in theology from the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen, Germany, where he was for two years a Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung. Prior to his appointment at Talbot he spent seven years at the Higher Institute of Philosophy of the Katholike Universiteit Leuven, Belgium. He has authored or edited over forty books, including The Kalam Cosmological Argument; Assessing the New Testament Evidence for the Historicity of the Resurrection of Jesus; Divine Foreknowledge and Human Freedom; Theism, Atheism, and Big Bang Cosmology and God, Time, and Eternity, as well as over 150 articles in professional publications of philosophy and theology, including The Journal of Philosophy, New Testament Studies, Journal for the Study of the New Testament, American Philosophical Quarterly, Philosophical Studies, Philosophy, and British Journal for Philosophy of Science. His website is

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Dustin Crowe

Dustin Crowe

DUSTIN CROWE (B.A. Moody Bible Institute; M.A. Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) serves as the pastor of discipleship at Pennington Park Church, just outside Indianapolis, IN. He has written for websites such as The Gospel Coalition, Gospel-Centered Discipleship, Fighter Verses, and self-published Finding Satisfaction in Christ: A Devotional Study of Colossians. Dustin and his wife have a daughter. You can follow his blog or find him on Twitter or Instagram (@indycrowe) and Facebook (Dustin Crowe).

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Sarah Cunningham

Sarah Cunningham

SARAH CUNNINGHAM is an idea junkie who blogs about extraordinary friendships in a sometimes too ordinary world. She and her husband, Chuck, live in southern Michigan, where they serve as chief servants to the Emperor Justus, her 3 year old son and his newly-appointed chief of staff, the 5-month old, Malachi. She has authored three other books, does freelance event and communications work and attends a Wesleyan church plant that meets at her city's YMCA.

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William A. Cutts

William A. Cutts

William Cutts Hazi talk! That's what the Moni people of Irian Jaya, Indonesia, call the Chrsitian message. It is the gospel that Bill and Gracie Cutts spent a lifetime proclaiming as missionaries of The Christian and Missionary Alliance. Suffering from congenital deformities, Bill had every excuse inoti to become a missionary in the rugged interior of Irian Jaya. But instead he and Gracie carried on a ministry that was truly apostolic--accompainied by miracles and divine providence.

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Glenn Daman

Glenn Daman

GLENN C. DAMAN is the author of Leading the Small Church, Shepherding the Small Church, Developing Leaders for the Small Church, When Shepherds Weep and Shepherding the Small Church (ECPA Gold Medallion Finalist). He grew up on a farm in Northern Idaho and attended Big Sky Bible College, Western Seminary, and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Since 1991 Glenn has served as the pastor of River Christian Church in Stevenson, Washington. He has also served small rural churches in Montana and Oregon. He has served as the director of Village Missions' Center for Leadership Development and has been an adjunct professor for a number of Bible colleges and seminaries in the area of small church studies. He has also taught in Russia, the Philippines, Canada, and Mexico. Glenn enjoys photography, woodworking, camping with his family, and spending time on the family farm.

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Aaron Damiani

Aaron Damiani

AARON DAMIANI (MA, Biblical Exegesis) serves as the lead pastor of Immanuel Anglican Church in Chicago and is the author of The Good of Giving Up: Discovering the Freedom of Lent and Earth Filled with Heaven: Finding Life in Liturgy, Sacraments and other Ancient Practices of the Church. Aaron writes and speaks regularly about spiritual formation, leadership, and recovering the gifts of the ancient church for today's challenges. Aaron and his wife Laura live with their four kids in Chicago's Irving Park neighborhood.

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Daniel Darling

Daniel Darling

DANIEL DARLING is an author, pastor, and leader. He was recently appointed as the director of the Land Center for Cultural Engagement at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Dan is a bestselling author of several books, including The Original Jesus, The Dignity Revolution, The Characters of Christmas, The Characters of Easter, and A Way With Words. He is the general editor, along with Trillia Newbell, of a small group study on racial reconciliation, The Church and the Racial Divide and is a contributor to The Worldview Study Bible.

Dan is an award-winning writer whose work has appeared in numerous publications. He is a columnist for World Magazine, and a regular contributor to USA Today. His work is often featured in Christianity Today and The Gospel Coalition and his op-eds have appeared in The Washington Post, CNN, Washington Times, Time, Huffington Post, National Review, First Things, and other leading outlets. Publisher's Weekly called his writing style "substantive and punchy."

Dan speaks and preaches around the country and is regularly interviewed on radio and television, including MSNBC's Morning Joe, CNN, and Fox. He is the host of a popular weekly podcast The Way Home where he interviews Christian leaders, politicians, and journalists. He holds a bachelor's degree in pastoral ministry from Dayspring Bible College, has studied at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and is a graduate of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has served churches in Illinois and Tennessee. He and his wife Angela have four children.

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Darryl Dash

Darryl Dash

DARRYL DASH is pastor of Liberty Grace Church in Toronto. He is also cofounder of Gospel for Life, and director of Advance Church Planting Institute. He has a Doctor of Ministry degree from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and has over 25 years of ministry experience. Darryl is married to Charlene, and has two adult children, Christy and Josiah. You can find Darryl online at

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J  Merle D'Aubigne

J Merle D'Aubigne

J.H. MERLE D'AUBIGNE was born in Geneva in 1794. He prepared himself for the ministry at the University of Geneva. While visiting Germany in 1817, he was moved to write his immortal History of the Reformation in the Sixteenth Century. During his life he served as a pastor, a court preacher, and a seminary president.

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Erin Davis

Erin Davis

ERIN DAVIS is a writer and teacher passionately committed to getting women of all ages to the deep well of God's Word. She is the author of more than a dozen books and Bible studies, including Connected7 Feasts, and Fasting & Feasting. Hear her teach on The Deep Well with Erin Davis podcast. When she’s not writing, you can find Erin chasing chickens and children on her small farm in the Midwest.

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Jason Davis

Jason Davis

JASON DAVIS is excited to be co-authoring his first book with his wife, Erin. Jason and Erin live an adventurous life in the rural Midwest with their four growing boys. By profession, Jason works as a Marketing Manager. At heart, he is an artisan, farmer, and loves spending time with his family in the outdoors or in his small workshop.

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Lianna Davis

Lianna Davis

LIANNA DAVIS is a student of the Word with a B.A. in Ministry to Women from Moody Bible Institute. She and her husband, Tyler, reside outside of Dallas, Texas and have two dear daughters, one who lives in heaven and one who lives on earth. More of her writing can be found at

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Richard Brian Davis

Richard Brian Davis

DR. DAVIS is associate professor and chair of the Philosophy department. He specializes in metaphysics and ontology, focusing on questions concerning individuation, substance, relations, modality, and constituent ontology. He also has interests in epistemology, philosophy of science, and philosophical theology.

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W. Bell Dawson

W. Bell Dawson

WILLIAM BELL DAWSON was born in 1854. While today he is known for his books, he spent most of his life working as a surveyor and engineer. In 1893, he started working for the Canadian Department of Marine and Fisheries where he supervised a major tidal survey for over twenty years. This project produced what are called tide tables which gave important information about the tides in all of the main Canadian harbors. In 1924, he stopped work in Canada and began writing about creation science and evolution. He is best known for his books Forethought in Creation (1925), Evolution Contrasted with Scripture Truth (1926), and The Bible Confirmed by Science (1932).

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Richard Ellsworth Day

Richard Ellsworth Day

RICHARD ELLSWORTH DAY was born in the United States in 1884. In his early life he was an apprentice at the Terre Haute Gazette in Indiana serving as an associate reporter. His first book was a biography on the famous preacher Charles Spurgeon entitled The Shadow of the Broad Brim, which he published with Judson Press in 1934. The book was an immediate success which led to subsequent biographies on Charles Grandison Finney (1942), D.L. Moody (1944), and Henry Parsons Crowell (1946). Richard Day and his wife Deborah would begin each project with extensive research and study and then retreat to their little cottage in Sunnyvale, California to write. In his day he was a noted Christian biographer, and between projects, traveled around speaking in churches and schools until his death in 1965.

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Bev Dayton

Bev Dayton

BEVERLY DAYTON, along with her husband Howard, has co-authored books, workbooks, and teacher’s guides designed to teach children and teenagers to handle money God’s way. Bev is an accomplished speaker and also owns a home-based business. Howard and Bev have been married for over 35 years, have two married children, Matthew and Danielle, and live in Gainesville, Georgia.

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Howard Dayton

Howard Dayton

HOWARD DAYTON is Co-founder of Crown Financial Ministries®, created by a 2000 merger of Crown Ministries, which he founded in 1985, and Larry Burkett’s Christian Financial Concepts. Howard’s books and small-group financial studies have been used by thousands of churches and individuals. He is a former naval officer, restaurateur, and real estate developer.

Howard and his wife, Bev, have been married for over 35 years. They reside in Gainesville, Georgia, and have two married children.

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Kori de Leon

Kori de Leon

KORI DE LEON is the founder of Adoring Christ Ministries, a teaching ministry devoted to reaching women through the local church, online resources, books, and speaking engagements. She graduated from Southwestern Baptist Theological seminary with a master of arts in theology. Kori lives in Houston with her husband Bobby and daughter Jade. To find out more about her testimony and ministry, please visit

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Rosalie de Rosset

Rosalie de Rosset

DR. ROSALIE DE ROSSET is a professor of Literature, English and Homiletics at Moody Bible Institute where she has been for forty-two years. She earned her M.A. in English from Northeastern Illinois University, M.Div. from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and Ph.D. in Language, Literacy, and Rhetoric from The University of Illinois at Chicago. In addition to teaching, she regularly appears on Moody Broadcasting Network programs as a guest and co-host, and speaks at conferences and seminars. She lives on the northside of Chicago.

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Ron L Deal

Ron L Deal

RON L. DEAL is one of the most widely read and viewed experts on blended families in the country. He is founder of Smart Stepfamilies™, Director of FamilyLife Blended® for Family Life®, the author of numerous videos and books on stepfamily living including the bestselling The Smart Stepfamily, and is consulting editor for the Smart Stepfamily Series of books. Ron is a licensed marriage and family therapist, popular speaker, and host of the podcast FamilyLife Blended. He and his wife, Nan, have three sons and live in Little Rock, Arkansas. Find events and resources at

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Jennifer K. Dean

Jennifer K. Dean

JENNIFER KENNEDY DEAN was the executive director of The Praying Life Foundation and a frequent keynote speaker for retreats and conferences, most notably at the Billy Graham Center at the Cove, specializing in prayer and spiritual growth. Jennifer is the author of When You Hurt and When He Heals: Experiencing the Surprising Power of Prayer.

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Samantha Decker

Samantha Decker

SAMANTHA DECKER is a wife, mom, writer, and above all, a follower of Jesus. She is passionate about encouraging believers to deepen their walk with Jesus through discipleship relationships and an unrelenting love for the Word of God. She and her husband, Dustin, live in Oklahoma and enjoy serving in their local church, trying new restaurants (especially if it’s Tex-Mex), and adventuring with their three rambunctious boys. You can connect with her at

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Dan DeHaan

Dan DeHaan

DAN DEHAAN (1943-1982) was the director and founder of Training Church Leaders, Inc., a division of Ambassadors For Christ, Inc. The author of The God You Can Know, Intercepted By Christ: Biography of Steve Bartkowski, and Principles of Spiritual Growth and Leadership, Dan also served as a conference speaker, and minister of the Word before his accidental death in February, 1982.

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Anthony Delaney

Anthony Delaney

ANTHONY DELANEY served as a police officer in inner city Manchester, England, for ten years before going into church leadership. He now leads Ivy Church, a multiplying movement that meets at various sites and lectures on church planting and leadership. He founded LAUNCH: Church Multiplication Catalyst, a global community drawing together hundreds of church and network leaders to be inspired and commissioned to multiply disciples, leaders, churches, and movements. Anthony's books include The Man You Were Made To Be, also published by Moody. He has been married to Zoe for 36 years and they have three adult children and six grandchildren.

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David Delk

David Delk

DAVID DELK joined Man in the Mirror in 1994, and now serves as the President and Co-CEO. He speaks and consults across the country for Man in the Mirror. He has a great talent for helping people remember truths from God's Word. His use of humor, illustrations and unique visual aids help men apply Biblical principles to life. David is the author or co-author of five books, including The Marriage Prayer, No Man Left Behind, and The Dad in the Mirror. David has served as President of the National Coalition of Ministries to Men, and as a visiting lecturer in Biblical Studies at Reformed Theological Seminary. He lives in Orlando, FL with his wife, Ruthie. They have three grown children.

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Ruthie Delk

Ruthie Delk

RUTHIE DELK'S passion is to help women embrace the Gospel in such a way that it captures their hearts and not just their minds. She enjoys teaching, watching movies, drinking sweet tea, riding her bike and eating any assortment of cheap chocolate. Ruthie grew up in Europe as a missionary kid and met her husband David while at Furman University, where she graduated with a degree in Special Education. She and David have been married for 24 years and live in Orlando, Florida where he is President of Man in the Mirror. They have three children.

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Eric Demeter

Eric Demeter

ERIC DEMETER (B.S., Purdue University; M.A., Bethel University) is a relationship and conflict resolution specialist with advanced studies in mediation, peacemaking and negotiation from the Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver and Peacemaker Ministries. He is currently a missionary with Youth With a Mission (YWAM) based in Athens, Greece where he disciples young people from the Middle East, and teaches conflict resolution and healthy relationships to YWAM staff and missionary students. His experiences growing up listening to heavy metal, working alongside ex-convicts, and being raised in the Roman Catholic tradition give him the ability to connect well with people of diverse belief systems. He considers every reader a friend and challenges everyone to become more like Christ in everything they do.

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Sandy Dengler

Sandy Dengler

SANDY DENGLER is a free-lance writer who has written several articles and over 40 books for children and adults including historical fiction, biographies, and mysteries. Her latest books include The Wicked Step-Twister, The Comatose Cat, and The New Sugar Creek Gang series. She and her husband, William, live in Oklahoma and have two adult children.

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A. Morgan Derham

A. Morgan Derham

ARTHUR MORGAN DERHAM was born in Hertfordshire, England in 1915. He was converted when he was fourteen. After some time as a business man and four years serving with the Metropolitan Police Force, he entered the Strict Baptist Bible Institute in Brockley, London, in 1938. Derham took the pastorate of the West Ham Baptist Tabernacle in west London, and it was there that the weight of Hitler’s blitz fell in 1940. The area bore attacks throughout the war, and within a few weeks eighty percent of the congregation disappeared because of damage to their homes. The church services were continued underground until 1944. After the war he began writing in addition to part-time pastoral work in other churches in England. He was also married and the father of a son and a daughter. During his life he authored one book and two small publications published in London as well as contributed to a number of magazines and papers.

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Steve DeWitt

Steve DeWitt

STEVE DEWITT has served as Senior Pastor of Bethel Church since 1997. Bethel is a nondenominational church located in NW Indiana/Chicagoland and ministers to its community across multiple campuses. Steve is on the council of The Gospel Coalition and is a board member of Global Action. His teaching ministry can be heard on his popular podcast and media ministry The Journey. Steve and his wife, Jennifer, are the proud parents of two daughters.

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Kevin DeYoung

Kevin DeYoung

KEVIN DEYOUNG (PhD, University of Leicester) is the senior pastor at Christ Covenant Church in Matthews, North Carolina, and associate professor of systematic theology at Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte. He has written books for children, adults, and academics, including Just Do Something, Impossible Christianity, and The Biggest Story Bible Storybook. Kevin’s work can be found on Kevin and his wife, Trisha, have nine children.

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Claire Diaz-Ortiz

Claire Diaz-Ortiz

Claire Diaz-Ortiz (@claire) is an author, speaker and Silicon Valley innovator who was an early employee at Twitter. Named one of the 100 Most Creative People in Business by Fast Company, she holds an MBA and other degrees from Stanford and Oxford and has been featured widely in print and broadcast media. She writes a popular business blog at and is the author of the new book Hope Runs: An American Tourist, a Kenyan Boy, a Journey of Redemption. For more information, visit

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Lois Hoadley Dick

Lois Hoadley Dick

LOIS DICK is a freelance writer with over thirty years of experience. She specializes in historical biography. In addition to numerous articles and lessons for such organizations as Child Evangelism Fellowship, Inc., she is the author of several books, including Mercy at Midnight, False Coin, True Coin, Isobel Kuhn, Devil on the Deck, and Amy Carmichael. Lois resides in New Jersey.

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C Fred Dickason

C Fred Dickason

C. FRED DICKASON JR., (Th.D., Dallas Theological Seminary; B.S., Iowa State College) served on the faculty of the Moody Bible Institute for thirty-four years. He was professor and chairman of the theology department until his retirement in 1995. An author and lecturer on angelology and the spirit world, he counsels many who have been involved in the occult. Dr. Dickason is the author of Names of Angels, Demon Possession and the Christian, Angels: Elect and Evil, The Spirit of Grace, Angels: Studies in the Biblical Doctrine of Angels, and From Bondage To Freedom Studies in the Epistle to the Galatians. Dr. Dickason resides in Carol Stream, Illinois.

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Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens

CHARLES DICKENS (1812–1870) is regarded as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era. His works include Oliver TwistA Tale of Two Cities, and Great Expectations. He wrote works infused with spiritual themes, pointing to Christian ideas with Scripture allusions and metaphors.

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Robert Dickie III

Robert Dickie III

ROBERT DICKIE III has served as a decorated Air Force Officer, the CEO of an international company, and as the leader of several non-profits. In July 2011 he became the President of Crown. This unique and bold career path has given Bob a first-hand look at the changing economy/job market we now find ourselves in.

Bob and his wife Brandi reside in Knoxville, TN with their six children and two dogs. They are both graduates of the University of Tennessee. Bob earned his Master's Degree from the University of Arkansas in Industrial Engineering and is currently in the Harvard Business School Executive Education Program.

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R. Mark Dillon

R. Mark Dillon

DR. R. MARK DILLON is Vice President for Advancement at Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois. He has consulted with numerous colleges, universities, and seminaries in North America as well as a number of local churches and nonprofit ministries. For over 25 years the author has led a team of development professionals, first at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School/Trinity College and for the past 17 years at Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL. He has engaged with hundreds of thoughtful Christian stewards and ministry leaders. Dr. Dillon and his wife, Susan, live in Wheaton and are the proud parents of three children, Daniel, Joel, and Laura Grace, and grandparents to five precious grandchildren.

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William P. Dillon

William P. Dillon

BILL DILLON serves as founder and President of People Raising which focuses on providing fundraising training for missionaries, church planters and Christian organizations. He also is the founder and Executive Director of Inner City Impact in Chicago. Bill's family has served Chicago's Inner City since 1918 and he is third generation inner city minister. In 2005 he was honored by Moody Bible Institute as Alumnus of the Year. He is married, has three grown children and seven grandchildren. He resides in Des Plaines, Illinois.

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Linda Dillow

Linda Dillow

LINDA DILLOW is the author of the bestselling Calm My Anxious Heart and co-author of Intimate Issues. Her latest book, What's it Like to be Married to Me? was a finalist for the non-fiction book of 2011. Linda's books have sold more than one and a half million copies in the U.S. and have been translated into many languages. Linda and her husband, Jody, lived in Europe and Asia for seventeen years, training Christian leaders in closed countries with Biblical Education by Extension. The Dillows live in Monument, Colorado. They have four grown children and ten grandchildren.

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Laura Dingman

Laura Dingman

LAURA DINGMAN spends most of her time creating and leading worship experiences that help connect people with the story of God. She has served in vocational ministry as the Creative Arts Director at The Creek, a large church in Indianapolis, for over a decade. She loves to show people where their story intersects with God's story. She enjoys belting Broadway, laughing hysterically, reading great books, and living life with her favorite two people in the whole world, her husband, Matt, and her spunky daughter, Abigail. She is the author of Life Rhythms: Learning to Live in God-Centered Time and I Am Found: Quitting the Game of Hide and Seek with God, Ourselves, and Others. You can learn more about her journey and connect with her at

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Ryan Dobson

Ryan Dobson

RYAN DOBSON is the founder of KOR ministries and the author of four books, incuding Be Intolerant. Through his podcasts, speaking engagements, and books, Dobson seeks to call Christians deeper into the ultimate adventure of following Christ.

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Jimmy Dodd

Jimmy Dodd

JIMMY DODD (B.A. Wheaton College; M.Div., Gordon-Conwell Seminary) is the founder and CEO of PastorServe. This organization works across denominational lines to strengthen the church by serving pastors. He is the author of Survive or Thrive, 6 Relationships Every Pastor Needs, and Pastors Are People Too, co-authored with Larry Magnuson. Jimmy and his wife Sally have five children and three grandchildren. He enjoys reading, taking walks with his wife Sally and dog Finn, and cheering on his beloved Jayhawks at Allen Fieldhouse in Lawrence, KS.

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Vernon D. Doerksen

Vernon D. Doerksen

VERNON DOERKSEN (B.A., Pacific College; B.D., Th.M., Talbot Theological Seminary; Th.D., Grace Theological Seminary) was dean of students and professor of Bible and theology at Arizona Bible College.

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Adam B. Dooley

Adam B. Dooley

DR. ADAM DOOLEY serves as the senior pastor of Sunnyvale First Baptist Church on the northeast side of Dallas. He is a two-time graduate of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he has also served as an adjunct professor. He is married to Heather, and they have three sons and one daughter.

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Roberta Kells Dorr

Roberta Kells Dorr

ROBERTA KELLS DORR is the author of seven books: six novels, one biography. She majored in creative writing at the University of Maryland and received her master’s in Religious Education from the Southern Baptist Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. For seventeen years Dorr lived in the Middle East as the wife of a busy missionary surgeon and the mother of five children. On her return to the United States she carried with her the manuscript of the first novel she had written and researched extensively over the years. She claimed that the years in the Middle East, the exposure to their culture, and the experiences she had while there profoundly influenced what she wrote.

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Lyle W. Dorsett

Lyle W. Dorsett

DR. LYLE W. DORSETT is a prolific author and accomplished speaker and teacher. Dr. Dorsett received his B.A. and M.A. in history from the University of Missouri-Kansas City, and his Ph.D. in history from the University of Missouri-Columbia. He is now retired from teaching and pastoral ministry after serving many years in a number of different roles, including universities in Missouri, California, Colorado, and Alabama. He is the author of numerous books, among them biographies of Joy Davidman (Mrs. C.S. Lewis), E.M. Bounds, Dwight L. Moody, and Billy Sunday. Keenly interested in the life and writings of C. S. Lewis, he published a volume of Lewis's Letters to Children, The Essential C. S. Lewis, and Seeking the Secret Place: The Spiritual Formation of C. S. Lewis. His most recent book is Serving God and Country: U.S. Military Chaplains in World War II. Dr. Dorsett and his wife, Mary, have a grown son, a daughter in heaven, and four grandchildren.

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Tim Dowley

Tim Dowley

TIM DOWLEY, a native of London, holds a bachelor's degree in history and a doctorate in church history, both from the University of Manchester, England. He has written a number of children's stories and books on biblical subjects and the history of Christianity, as well as works on music and literature. A few of his latest books include Bible Atlas, A Public Faith: From Constantine to the Medieval World AD 312-600, My First Story of Christmas, and Bedtime Book of Bible Stories. Tim has traveled extensively, particularly in Israel, Turkey and other biblical lands. He lives in Clapham, South London, with his wife and family.

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Joy Downs

Joy Downs

JOY DOWNS is a 1979 graduate of Indiana University in Journalism. After graduation, she joined the staff of Campus Crusade for Christ where she served as a radio writer and producer and helped direct the Communication Center, a communication training facility of Campus Crusade. Joy and her husband, Tim, have spoken at FamilyLife Marriage and Parenting Conferences. Together they have co-authored two books entitled The Seven Conflicts: Resolving the Most Common Disagreements in Marriage and Fight Fair!: Winning at Conflict without Losing at Love. Joy lives in Cary, North Carolina, with her husband and three children.

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Tim Downs

Tim Downs

TIM DOWNS is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Indiana University in Graphic Design. After graduation in 1976 he created a comic strip, Downstown, which was syndicated by Universal Press Syndicate. His cartooning has appeared in more than a hundred newspapers worldwide. In 1979 he joined the staff of Campus Crusade for Christ, where he founded and directed the Communication Center, a communication training facility. He continues to serve as a speaker and writer. He and his wife, Joy, have spoken at FamilyLife Marriage and Parenting Conferences since 1985. He is author of First the Dead, Less Than Dead, Chop Shop, Head Game, Plague Maker, Shoo Fly Pie, and Finding Common Ground, which was awarded the Gold Medallion Award in 2000. He is also co-author of Fight Fair and The Seven Conflicts: Resolving the Most Common Disagreements in Marriage along with his wife Joy. Tim lives in Cary, North Carolina, with his wife and three children.

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Henry Drummond

Henry Drummond

HENRY DRUMMOND was born in Stirling, Scotland on August 17, 1851. As a young man he attended Edinburgh University where he particularly enjoyed the natural sciences. However, driven by a desire to preach the Gospel, he entered the Free Church of Scotland, where, before taking his own pastorate, he worked with D.L. Moody on his evangelistic efforts. In 1877 he became a teacher of natural science at the Free Church College. He spent six years lecturing and writing until, in 1883, he received an opportunity to conduct a geological survey in southern Africa. Upon his return a year later, he found himself to be rather famous in his homeland. Later on he would write of his work in Africa and participate in a similar work in Australia. He continued to write and lecture in England and the United States until his death on March 11, 1897.

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Judy Dunagan

Judy Dunagan

JUDY DUNAGAN is an acquisitions editor for the women's Bible studies and books at Moody Publishers. A wonder seeker of God and His Word, Judy is passionate about discipleship and making God's Word and prayer come alive in everyday life. She is a speaker and Bible teacher and serves on the Board of Deeper Walk International, the ministry her father Mark I. Bubeck founded. Judy and her husband Rick live in Colorado. Connect with Judy at:

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Cheryl Dunlop

Cheryl Dunlop

CHERYL J. DUNLOP is a freelance writer and editor. She received her B.A. in Communications from Moody Bible Institute. She is author of Follow Me as I Follow Christ and co-author of Complete Idiot’s Guide to the World of Narnia. Cheryl lives on the West Side of Chicago.

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Jerry Dunn

Jerry Dunn

JERRY DUNN was a recognized authority on alcoholism and alcoholics. He had lectured extensively on this subject at special conferences for pastors, medical students, and doctors. Pastor Dunn was executive director of People's City Mission Home in Lincoln, Nebraska and also served as president of the International Union of Gospel Missions. Pastor Dunn is author of Alcoholics Victorious and God is for the Alcoholic. He passed away in August 2001.

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Richard R. Dunn

Richard R. Dunn

DR. RICHARD R. DUNN (M.A., Ed.D., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) is the lead pastor at Fellowship Evangelical Free Church in Knoxville, Tennessee, where his responsibilities include directing a large student ministries program. He was formerly chair of educational ministries at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He is a fifteen-year veteran of church, campus, and camping youth ministries. Dr. Dunn is the author of Shaping the Spiritual Life of Students and Can’t Fight the Feeling and the co-editor of Reaching a Generation for Christ. Dr. Dunn and his wife, Teresa, have two children and live in Knoxville, Tennessee.

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Kara Durbin

Kara Durbin

KARA DURBIN has enjoyed continually serving in various roles of children's ministries. She has a degree in elementary education from Texas A&M University and homeschools her children part time. Kara's inspiration for the book was her mother, who blessed her life by parenting her with Scripture. When thinking about how to best parent her own children, Kara looked for a reference book that would have Scriptures to use for specific parenting moments. Not finding one, she began work on Parenting with Scripture. Kara and her husband and two children make their home near Dallas, Texas.

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Drew Dyck

Drew Dyck

DREW DYCK is an editor at Moody Publishers and the former managing editor of Leadership Journal. He is the author of several books, including Your Future Self Will Thank You: Secrets to Self-Control from the Bible and Brain Science (Moody, 2019). Drew’s work has been featured in Christianity Today, Relevant, and He lives with his wife, Grace, and their three children, near Portland, Oregon. Connect with Drew at or on Twitter @DrewDyck.

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Hallie Dye

Hallie Dye

HALLIE DYE is a wife of 13 years and mom to 3 spirited children in Monroe, Louisiana. Hallie is the host of the Saltworks Podcast and founder of the Saltworks Ministries. Encouraging everyday people to share their stories of incredible faith one Tuesday at a time, the Saltworks is a place where we can both connect from all walks of life and be encouraged to live boldly for Christ no matter our occupation or situation.Hallie and her husband teach a life group for 20-40s at their local church, and she loves speaking at events when able. When she’s not studying, recording, or writing, you can find her with friends and family, eating Louisiana soul food, or reading a fiction novel before bed.

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Charles H. Dyer

Charles H. Dyer

DR. CHARLIE DYER served for thirty-three years on the faculty and in the administration of three different institutions, including twenty years at Dallas Theological Seminary and ten years as Provost of the Moody Bible Institute. In 2010, Charlie became Professor-at-Large of Bible for Moody Bible Institute and host of The Land and the Book radio program, which is heard on more than 350 stations across the United States. For much of his time in ministry, Charlie has taken groups to Israel and the other lands of the Bible. In addition to his speaking, teaching, and guiding, Charlie has authored or coauthored numerous books, including The Rise of Babylon, What’s Next?, The Christian Traveler’s Guide to the Holy Land, 30 Days in the Land with Jesus, 30 Days in the Land of the Psalms, A Voice in the Wilderness, The ISIS Crisis, and Clash of Kingdoms. He also contributed to The Bible Knowledge Commentary, Nelson’s Old Testament Survey, and The Moody Bible Commentary.

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William  Dyer

William Dyer

REVEREND WILLIAM DYER was born in England in 1632. During his earlier ministry he was a pastor with the Church of England at Chesham and Cholesbury. He and many other pastors were known as “Puritans” because of their desire to purify and reform the state church. However, in 1662, Dyer and over two thousand other Puritans pastors were ejected from their parishes because of a lack of compliance to the new policies of the church. In the year following his dismissal from the church he wrote two of his most enduring books, A Cabinet of Jewels and Christ’s Famous Titles. In his later life he worked alongside the Quakers because of their zeal for Christ and passion for souls. He was buried among them in Southwark, England in April of 1696. From his writings he is seen to have been a man of great character, earnest to win men to the Lord, and eager to build up the saints in the love and confidence of Christ.

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Cindy Easley

Cindy Easley

CINDY EASLEY was born in Houston, Texas. She graduated from Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, Texas with a Bachelor of Science in Sociology and Social Rehabilitation. Author of What's Submission Got to Do with It?, Cindy is a nationally known speaker with the Weekend to Remember Marriage Conference. Cindy and her husband, Michael, former President of Moody Bible Institute and Teaching Pastor at Fellowship Bible Church in Nashville, Tennessee, have three daughters and one son.

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Michael J. Easley

Michael J. Easley

MICHAEL EASLEY received his Bachelor of Science in education from Stephen F. Austin State University, and his Master of Theology and Doctor of Ministry degree from Dallas Theological Seminary. He served as Senior Pastor at Grand Prairie Bible Church and Immanuel Bible before becoming the eighth president of Moody Bible Institute. In January 2009, he became the Teaching Pastor at Fellowship Bible Church in Nashville, TN. Dr. Easley has authored two books: Interludes, Prayers and Reflections of a Servant’s Heart and The DaVinci Code Controversy. Dr. Easley and his wife, Cindy, were married in 1980, and together they are raising four children.

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Lee Eclov

Lee Eclov

LEE ECLOV is Senior Pastor of the Village Church of Lincolnshire (Evangelical Free) in the northern suburbs of Chicago where he has served since 1998. Previously, he served for 14 years as senior pastor of Chippewa Evangelical Free Church, Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, and for five years as an Assistant Pastor at North Suburban Evangelical Free Church, Deerfield, Illinois. His columns on preaching and his sermons appear regularly at and he is a Contributing Editor of Leadership Journal. He has been an adjunct professor at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School for over ten years, currently teaching pastoral counseling. Lee is a native of South Dakota and the product of a rural church. He and his wife Susan have been married for nearly 40 years and have one son, Anders.

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Conway Edwards

Conway Edwards

CONWAY EDWARDS (Dallas Theological Seminary, Regent University) is Lead Pastor of the church, One, which ministers to the evolving communities of Plano, Allen, Frisco, and McKinney, Texas. He is also the Executive Director for the US-based ministry Caribbean Choice for Christ and the president of the National Center for Christian Leadership-Jamaica. Conway is the author of Leading a Turnaround Ministry: A Process for Exponential Growth. He co-authored When Love’s in View: Finding Focus in Dating and Relationships and The Undercover Woman with his wife, Jada. He and Jada reside in Allen, Texas.

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Jada Edwards

Jada Edwards

JADA EDWARDS is an experienced speaker, Bible teacher, and mentor and holds a Master of Business Administration from the University of Texas at Dallas. She currently serves as the Creative Arts Architect for her church, One, where she seeks to serve the evolving communities of Collin County through creative expression and cultural relevance. She also works in new business development, partner relations and marketing for Caribbean Choice for Christ. Jada and her husband, Conway, have co-authored two books: When Love’s in View: Finding Focus in Dating and Relationships and The Undercover Woman: A Guide for Single Women and Their Spiritual Fathers. Jada lives in Allen, Texas with her husband.

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Jonathan Edwards

Jonathan Edwards

JONATHAN EDWARDS was born in 1703 and died in 1758. He is best known for his part in the Great Awakening and as the outstanding theologian of colonial America.

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Sue Edwards

Sue Edwards

SUE EDWARDS (M.A., Dallas Theological Seminary; D.Min., Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary) is assistant professor of Christian Education at Dallas Theological Seminary. She has 30 years of experience in various aspects of ministry including Christian education, Bible teaching, directing women’s ministry, retreat and conference speaking, and writing curriculum. She is author of a number of books including Leading Women who Wound, Mixed Ministry, and the Sue Edwards Inductive Bible Study Series. She and her husband, David, have two daughters and four grandchildren.

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Ron Eggert

Ron Eggert

Ron Eggert graduated from Moody Bible Institute's Pastor's Course in 1966, completing a B.A. in Bible in 1969. He graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary in 1973 and served in pastoral ministry for over forty years. He currently serves as Pastoral Care Pastor at Salem First Church of the Nazarene in Salem, OR. He and his wife, Dianna, have three grown children and six grandsons. His hobbies are reading, nature study, and photography.

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Bruce Einspahr

Bruce Einspahr

BRUCE EINSPAHR (B.S., Washington State University; Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminary) is the pastor of Columbia Bible Church in Pasco, Washington. He is the author of Index to Brown, Driver and Briggs Hebrew Lexicon. Pastor Einspahr resides in Burbank, Washington.

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Bill Elliff

Bill Elliff

BILL ELLIFF leads the pastor emphasis of the OneCry movement. As the Senior Teaching Pastor of The Summit Church in North Little Rock, Arkansas, his passion is to see both genuine revival and methodological renewal in the church. Bill is a frequent conference speaker, writer, and consultant to churches drawing from more than 40 years of pastoring and revival ministry. He and his wife Holly have eight children and live in Little Rock, Arkansas.

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Diane Elliot

Diane Elliot

DIANE LYNN ELLIOT is an author, professional photographer and business administrator. With a heart for people and a passion for ministry she has worked and volunteered with children, teens, women, and short-term missions and relief projects. Diane's interest in the global orphan crisis started many years ago with a trip to a hospital for terminally ill children in Siberia, and later to an orphanage in Mexico. Seeing a small snapshot of the great need started her journey and fueled her passion for the orphaned child. For the research of the book Diane also traveled to Peru and Haiti which continued to expand your vision and passion for orphaned children. Diane has a BA in Communication from Trinity International University and an M.B.A. in Global Management from the University of Phoenix. Professionally she has co-written two youth management books, and has spent many years as a freelance meeting and events planner and business manager in both not-for-profit and corporate settings. Diane, her husband David, along with their trained Alaskan Klee Kai therapy dog named Kody, live in Wauconda, Illinois and attend Willow Creek Community Church.

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K. A. Ellis

K. A. Ellis

K. A. ELLIS is the Director of the Edmiston Center for the Study of the Bible and Ethnicity in Atlanta, Georgia. She's passionate about theology, human rights, and global religious freedom. Since 2006, she has collaborated with the Swiss-based organization, International Christian Response, traveling internationally to connect local and global Christians while studying and advocating for global religious freedom. Her research explores Christian endurance from society's margins, particularly in places where it's most difficult to live the Christian life. She is the Cannada Fellow for World Christianity at Reformed Theological Seminary, and holds a Master of Arts in Religion (MAR) from Westminster Theological Seminary, a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) from the Yale School of Drama, and is a Ph.D. candidate in World Christianity and Ethics at the Oxford Center for Mission Studies in England.

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Lee Ellis

Lee Ellis

LEE ELLIS is the President and Founder of Leadership Freedom and FreedomStar Media. He serves as a management consultant in leadership development and team-building. Lee is the author of a number of books, including Finding the Career that Fits You, Your Career in Changing Times, and Leading Talent Leading Teams. He and his wife, Mary, reside in Dawsonville, Georgia. They have four children and six grandchildren.

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Stanley Ellisen

Stanley Ellisen

The late DR. STANLEY A. ELLISEN was a professor at Western Seminary and a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary. He was the author of numerous books and article on Bible history and prophecy.

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David R. Enlow

David R. Enlow

David R. Enlow was for fifteen years the director of publications for Chrsitian Business Men's Copmmittee International. He also served as associate editor of iAlliance Lifei magazine. Now retired, he and his wife Dorothy reside in Orlando, Florida, where they are members of the Westwood Church of the C&MA.

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Patricia Ennis

Patricia Ennis

PAT ENNIS taught Home Economics for the San Diego Unified School District while developing the Home Economics Department at Christian Heritage College (now San Diego Christian College). She moved to The Master's College in 1987 to establish the Home Economics Family and Consumer Science Department. Pat relocated to Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in fall 2011 to assume the position of Distinguished Professor of Family and Consumer Sciences, after having served as its consultant for five years. Visit her blog at

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Paul Enns

Paul Enns

DR. PAUL ENNS has served as Minister, Biblical Training & Leadership Development at Idlewild Baptist Church since July 1995. He attended Dallas Theological Seminary, obtaining his Th.D. (Bible Exposition) in 1979. In addition to his teaching position at DTS, Dr. Enns also held positions at: Luther Rice Seminary, Talbot Theological Seminary, and Word of Life Institute. He was instrumental in establishing the Tampa Bay Extension of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and currently is Professor of Systematic Theology and Director.Dr. Enns has served as Scholar in Residence for the Lockman Foundation, since 1989, as editor and translator of the New American Standard Bible.An accomplished author, Dr. Enns has written twelve books including The Moody Handbook of Theology (Third Edition); Approaching God: Daily Reflections for Growing Christians; Matthew, Mark, Luke, John Gospel Commentary; Heaven Revealed and Everything Happens for a Reason. Dr. Enns enjoyed 45+ years with his beloved wife Helen before her homegoing to heaven in 2005. He resides in the Tampa area and has two sons.

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Jamie Erickson

Jamie Erickson

When she's not curating memories, hoarding vintage books, or homeschooling her five kids, JAMIE ERICKSON can be found encouraging and equipping a growing tribe of mothers all across the globe on the Mom to Mom podcast, through her blog The Unlikely Homeschool, at national conferences, and in her book Homeschool Bravely: How to Squash Doubt, Trust God, and Teach Your Child With Confidence.

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Kim Erickson

Kim Erickson

KIM ERICKSON began following Christ after the death of her three-year-old son in 2008. Kim began a writing and teaching ministry to help other women, which can be found at She is the author of His Last Words: What Jesus Taught and Prayed in His Final Hours and Surviving Sorrow, as well as a contributor to Hopelifter: Creative Ways to Spread Hope When Life Hurts. Kim is an attorney and practices immigration law. She lives in Florida with her husband, Devin, and son, Ethan.

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Ted Esler

Ted Esler

TED ESLER is the President of Missio Nexus, an association of agencies and churches representing about 30,000 Great Commission workers worldwide. He worked in the computer industry before becoming a church planter in Sarajevo, Bosnia, during the 1990's. Ted is the author of Overwhelming Minority, which tells the story of their family's ministry in Bosnia. In 2000, Ted became the Canadian director of Pioneers, and three years later moved to Orlando to join Pioneers USA's leadership team. He was appointed as President of Missio Nexus in 2015. Ted holds a PhD in Intercultural Studies (Fuller Theological Seminary, 2012).

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Jonathan Evans

Jonathan Evans

JONATHAN EVANS (B.A. Baylor University) is a professional football player, currently on the roster for the Buffalo Bills. A frequent communicator on living out your faith as an athlete, Jonathan is committed to developing the next generation of devoted Christian athletes. He co-authored Get in the Game with his father, Dr. Tony Evans.

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Lois Evans

Lois Evans

LOIS EVANS (B.A., Dallas Baptist University; Doctorate of Humane Letters, Eastern College) was Senior Vice President of The Urban Alternative, a national organization that seeks to bring about spiritual and social renewal through the church. Lois also served in the office of the Senior Pastor at Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship Church, on the National Religious Broadcasters Board, and with many other organizations. She was also the founder of The First Lady Ministry.

In addition to numerous magazine and newsletter articles, Lois was the author of Stones of Remembrance and Seasons Of A Woman's Life. She co-authored Our Love Is Here To Stay, and was a contributing author of Promises: Understanding and Encouraging Your Husband.

Lois was married to her favorite pastor/teacher and best friend, Dr. Tony Evans, Senior Pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, Texas. For more information, visit

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Tony Evans

Tony Evans

DR. TONY EVANS is the founder and senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, founder and president of The Urban Alternative, and former chaplain of the Dallas Cowboys and Dallas Mavericks. He is the first African American to earn a doctoral degree from Dallas Theological Seminary, and the first to publish a study Bible and whole-Bible commentary. His radio broadcast, The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, can be heard on over 2,000 US radio outlets daily and in more than 130 countries.

For more information, visit:

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W. Glyn Evans

W. Glyn Evans

W. GLYN EVANS was a minister at large of the Conservative Baptist Association of New England. He attended the Graduate School of Wheaton College and also had a master’s degree from Northern Illinois University. He served in seven churches, as Assistant Professor of Practical Theology at the Graduate School of Wheaton College, and as an evangelist under the Charles E. Fuller Evangelistic Foundation.

Pastor Evans was author of more than seven books including Daily With the King, Don't Quit Until You Taste The Honey, Practicing Peace, and Beloved Adversary.

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William Evans

William Evans

WILLIAM EVANS, (1870-1950) a noted American Bible teacher, was born in Liverpool, England, in 1870. Following several years in various pastorates, he was appointed director of the Department of Bible at the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, Illinois. Evans devoted his life to directing Bible conferences throughout the United States and Canada, and was the author of more than forty volumes on biblical interpretation including Great Doctrines of the Bible and How to Prepare Sermons.

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Mike Fabarez

Mike Fabarez

DR. MIKE FABAREZ is the founding pastor of Compass Bible Church and the president of Compass Bible Institute, both located in Aliso Viejo, California. Pastor Mike is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute, Talbot School of Theology, and Westminster Theological Seminary in California. Mike is heard on hundreds of stations on the Focal Point radio program. He has authored several books, including 10 Mistakes People Make About Heaven, Hell, and the Afterlife; Raising Men Not Boys; Lifelines for Tough Times; and Preaching That Changes Lives. Mike and his wife, Carlynn, are parents of three grown children, two sons and one daughter, and have four young grandchildren.

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Chris Fabry

Chris Fabry

CHRIS FABRY is an award-winning author and radio personality who hosts the daily program Chris Fabry Live on Moody Radio. He has written more than seventy books for children and adults. His latest is War Room, a novelization of the film by the Kendrick Brothers. He has also written the adult novels Dogwood, June Bug, Almost Heaven, Not in the Heart, Borders of the Heart, Every Waking Moment, and The Song. He has won three Christy Awards and an ECPA Christian Book Award. He has also written two books with NY Times bestselling author, Dr. Gary Chapman, A Marriage Carol and Extraordinary Grace. He and his wife Andrea have been married for more than thirty years and have nine children. They live in Tucson, AZ. Chris is a graduate of the W. Page Pitt School of Journalism at Marshall University in Huntington, WV, and Moody Bible Institute in Chicago.

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David J. Fant Jr.

David J. Fant Jr.

David J. Fant, Jr. became influential in the Christian and Missionary Alliance beginning when, fresh out of college, he accepted an appointment to The Alliance Weekly staff. Fant used his considerable literary skills to write numerous articles, booklets and books including Modern Miracles of Healing, Foundations of the Faith: Twelve Studies in the Basic Christian Revelation (an exposition of the Apostles Creed), All about the Sunday School (with Addie Marie French), and a biographical sketch of his father, Ambassador on Rails: David J. Fant--Engineer Evangelist.

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Steve Farrar

Steve Farrar

STEVE FARRAR (California State, Western Seminary, Dallas Theological Seminary) is the founder and chairman of Men’s Leadership Ministries and a speaker for these and other conferences and events around the country, including Promise Keepers. Steve is the author of King Me, How to Ruin Your Life by Forty, Point Man, and God Built. The Farrars have three grown children and currently reside in suburban Dallas, Texas. For more information, visit

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Hannah Farver

Hannah Farver

HANNAH FARVER is a college student, writer, website blogger, speech and debate coach, and she has even been interviewed on ABC. She also embarked on a national conference tour for young women. Like most people her age she doesn’t know exactly what the future holds, but for now she is planning on a career in media—and more writing, of course. She lives outside Dallas, Texas.

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Stefano Fehr

Stefano Fehr

STEFANO FEHR is the president of Call of Hope US. For over a century, Call of Hope has been making the Gospel accessible to Muslims through creative media, relational evangelism, discipleship, humanitarian aid, and church planting initiatives. Stefano's twenty years of ministry among Muslims have taken him to both urban and rural areas throughout the Middle East, Africa, India, and Southeast Asia. He is a sought after speaker on topics such as: Contextualization of the Gospel to Islam, the Quran is not the Word of God, Jesus in Islam, and Evangelization of Muslims. He earned his Master of Divinity degree from the internationally renowned Freie Theologische Academy in Giessen, Germany. He resides in Germany with his wife and their two children.

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Charles L. Feinberg

Charles L. Feinberg

CHARLES FEINBERG (1909-1995) was one of the nation's leading authorities on Jewish history, Old Testament languages and customs, and biblical prophecy. He earned six academic degrees including a B.A. from the University of Pittsburgh, a Th.B., Th.M. and Th.D. from Dallas Theological Seminary, an M.A. from Southern Methodist University, and a Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins. He served as a professor at Dallas Theological Seminary, Los Angeles Bible Theological Seminary, and Talbot Theological Seminary, before becoming the dean of Talbot School of Theology. Dr. Feinberg is author of numerous books including Minor Prophets, The Prophecy of Ezekiel, Daniel: The Kingdom of the Lord, and Millennialism: Two Views. Dr. Feinberg is survived by his three children and numerous grandchildren and great grand children.

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Brian Fikkert

Brian Fikkert

DR. BRIAN FIKKERT (PhD, Yale University) is the Founder and President of the Chalmers Center at Covenant College, where he has also served as a Professor of Economics and Community Development since 1997. He has published numerous articles in academic and popular journals and is co-author of six books, including the best-selling When Helping Hurts: How to Alleviate Poverty without Hurting the Poor...and Yourself. Brian and his wife, Jill, have three adult children.

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David Finkbeiner

David Finkbeiner

DAVID B. FINKBEINER is Professor of Theology at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, IL, where he has taught since 1998. He served as Chair of the Theology Department for several years and he ministers in Chicago-area churches through preaching, teaching, and serving as an elder. David earned his Ph.D. in Systematic Theology from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He and his wife, Kathy, have three daughters, Katie, Emily, and Rebecca.

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Hans Finzel

Hans Finzel

HANS FINZEL (D.Miss., Fuller School of World Missions; Th. M., Dallas Theological Seminary) is the president of HDLeaders. He served for 20 years as president of WorldVenture (formerly CBInternational). He and his wife, Donna, spent ten years as missionaries in Eastern Europe, working with WorldVenture to train pastors behind the Iron Curtain. Hans is the author of ten books, including Change is Like a Slinky, Launch Your Encore, The Power of Passion in Leadership, Unlocking the Scriptures, and his bestseller The Top Ten Mistakes Leaders Make. He co-authored The Top Ten Ways to Love Your Wife with his wife. He is the host of the Leadership Podcast, The Leadership Answer Man and is a widely sought-after speaker as an expert in leadership development, change management and international studies. The Finzels make their home in Highlands Ranch, Colorado and have four children.

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David Fisher

David Fisher

DAVID FISHER is a missionary radio broadcaster working jointly with Trans World Radio and the Slavic Gospel Association. He is director and editor-in-chief of Radio Academy of Science (RADAS). Fisher believed that scientific atheism was preventing many from accepting Christ, so he began writing scripts for a broadcast which countered atheistic spins on scientific issues, and included interviews with believers professionally involved in the sciences. Nearly 30 years later, TWR’s Truth in the Test Tube program and webcast continues to make a difference in the lives of students and young adults. He is co-author of Scientists Who Believed with Eric Barrett.

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Arthur Percy Fitt

Arthur Percy Fitt

ARTHUR PERCY FITT was born in Limerick, Ireland on October 5, 1869. Although a European native, he spent much of his life in the United States. It was in Northfield, Massachusetts that he came in contact with D.L. Moody because of Moody’s educational involvement in the city. He eventually traveled with Moody serving as his personal secretary. Later he fell in love with Moody’s only daughter, Emma. The two were married in 1894. Their only child, Emma Moody Fitt, was born a year later. Later in life he was the managing editor of the Record of Christian Work Company based out of East Northfield, Massachusetts. He is well-known as the author of several books about D.L. Moody including Moody Still Lives and The Shorter Life of D.L. Moody. He died in East Northfield on May 5, 1947 at the age of 78.

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Elyse M. Fitzpatrick

Elyse M. Fitzpatrick

ELYSE FITZPATRICK has been counseling women since 1989 and is presently a part-time counselor at Grace Church in San Diego. She holds a certificate in biblical counseling from the Christian Counseling and Education Foundation (San Diego) and an M.A. in Biblical Counseling from Trinity Theological Seminary. Elyse is the author of twelve books including Women Helping Women, Love to Eat, Hate to Eat, Idols of the Heart, and The Afternoon of Life. She is a member of the National Association of Nouthetic Counseling. A frequent speaker at women's conferences, she has been married for nearly thirty years and has three adult children and two grandchildren. She and her husband, Philip, reside in Escondido, California.

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Arnold R. Fleagle, DMin

Arnold R. Fleagle, DMin

DR. ARNOLD R. FLEAGLE is the senior pastor of Trinity Evangelical Free Church in Amherst, Ohio. Previously he served as Director of Church Development for the Central District of the Christian & Missionary Alliance that covers Northeast Ohio and West Virginia.Dr. Fleagle holds a B.S. in education from Shippensburg University, a M.A.R. degree from Asbury Theological Seminary and a D. Min. degree from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He has authored or co-authored devotional and academic articles and eight books, including Developing Your Secret Closet of Prayer (50,000+ sold to date).He is married to Faye and they have two sons, Matthew and Marc.

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Isabel Fleece

Isabel Fleece

The late ISABEL FLEECE was married to Dr. Allen Fleece in 1934, and together they ministered in three churches as pastor and wife. Mrs. Fleece is the author of Not By Accident: What I Learned from my Son’s Untimely Death. Many have come to love Isabel for her wise council and for her ministry to grieving parents.

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John Fonville

John Fonville

JOHN FONVILLE serves as the Rector (Pastor in charge of a self-supporting parish) and is the Founder and Church Planter of Paramount Church in Jacksonville, FL. He is an ordained presbyter in the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) and serves in the Gulf Atlantic Diocese (GAD). John is from Charlotte, North Carolina. He graduated from Gardner-Webb University (B.A.) and then earned his Master of Divinity at The Master's Seminary, and later earned his Doctor of Ministry at Ligonier Academy. John can be heard daily on his radio program, Him We Proclaim, as well as the Him We Proclaim Podcast. John and his wife, Kathryn, have six children and two dogs ("Binky", a Cavapoo and a real dog, "Laker", a Vizsla).

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Amy Ford

Amy Ford

AMY FORD is the President of Embrace Grace, Inc., a non-profit organization formed for the purpose of providing curriculum and leadership support for churches nationwide to open their arms to young women with unplanned pregnancies. Embrace Grace is utilized by over 700 churches across the nation and world. She is also the author of A Bump in Life: True Stories of Hope & Courage During an Unplanned Pregnancy. Amy resides in Arlington, Texas, has been married for 21 years, and has four beautiful children.

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James Ford Jr.

James Ford Jr.

JAMES FORD, JR. (Moody Bible Institute, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) has been the Senior Pastor at Christ Bible Church (formerly South Shore Baptist Church), located on the south side of Chicago, Illinois, since 1982. He serves on several boards, including the Alumni Board of Moody Bible Institute, is President of Impact Ministries, and provides the messages for Impact Ministries’ radio broadcast, Treasured Truth for Troubling Times. Pastor Ford is a contributor to the book Heart for the City and is the author of When A Man Loves A Woman and Seven Reasons Why God Created Marriage. He and his wife, Leslie, have three children and six grandchildren, and live in Chicago, Illinois.

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Natalie Ford, PhD

Natalie Ford, PhD

DR. NATALIE FORD (B.A., Mercer University; M.A., Reformed Theological Seminary; Ph.D., Liberty University) is a licensed professional counselor at Northeast Georgia Christian Counseling and is also the International Member Care Coordinator at Helen First Baptist Church. Previously she taught at the Leonhard Schiemer School of Psychology and Biblical Counseling at Truett McConnell University, was the director of Catalyst Christian Learning Center, and a missionary with the North American Mission Board. She wrote Seeking Answers, Finding Peace: Loving and Losing Someone with Mental Illness. She lives in the North Georgia Mountains with her husband, Jeff.

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John D. Foubert

John D. Foubert

JOHN D. FOUBERT (B.S., College of William & Mary; M.A., University of Richmond; Ph.D., University of Maryland at College Park) is Dean of the College of Education at Union University and serves as the Highly Qualified Expert for Sexual Assault Prevention for the U.S. Army. He founded the national nonprofit organization One in Four which worked for twenty years to apply research to rape prevention programs on college campuses and in the military. Dr. Foubert has testified before Congress and has been called upon by the White House and all four branches of the military for his expertise. He lives in Jackson, TN with his wife and two children, ages 13 and 11.

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Richard A. Fowler, EdD

Richard A. Fowler, EdD

DR. RICK FOWLER, son of missionary parents, has for over forty years served in a variety of capacities, including as pastor, licensed counselor, university professor of psychology and sociology, and head basketball coach. Dr. Fowler is currently a member of the graduate faculty of psychology/professional counseling at Truett McConnell University. In addition, he has been a frequent speaker at numerous seminars and Bible conferences across America and overseas. He is the author of thirteen books and has been a featured guest on FOCUS ON THE FAMILY and the 700 CLUB. Married for 52 years, he and his wife Jen have two children and eight grandchildren.

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Christina Fox

Christina Fox

CHRISTINA FOX is a licensed counselor, retreat speaker, and author of multiple books. She and her husband have been married for twenty-five years. They have two teen boys and live in the Atlanta area where she coordinates the counseling ministry at her church.

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Mabel Francis

Mabel Francis

MABEL FRANCIS served as a missionary for more than fifty years in Japan. Whether in church, suffering in a prison camp, or in an audience with the Empress or other dignitaries, she preached Christ. She went to Japan with few worldly goods and left with the eternal wealth of hundreds of Japanese won for Christ. Her preaching of Christ, her message of the Spirit-filled life, her deep love for the Japanese people and her sacrificial lifestyle still speak, though her lips are now silent.

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Jennifer Bradley Franklin

Jennifer Bradley Franklin

JENNIFER BRADLEY FRANKLIN is a multi-platform journalist whose work appears in numerous publications, including USA Today. Make it Zero represents not only a friendship but also a dynamic partnership in the fight against childhood vulnerability.

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Gordon H. Fraser

Gordon H. Fraser

GORDON HOLMES FRASER was born in Quebec, Canada. He moved to Detroit, Michigan, at the age of ten, and came to a personal knowledge of Christ when he was seventeen years of age. After majoring in business administration, he spent several years in executive and sales work. The call then came to enter full-time Christian work. His mentor in spiritual things was the late Dr. H.A. Ironside. Under private tutorship he studied Chinese while engaged for five years in Christian work in Chinese communities such as are found in Oakland and Sacramento, California. His entry into full-time missionary work under the American Sunday School Union was in 1932. He is the founder of the Southwestern School of Missions in Flagstaff, Arizona.

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DM Freed

DM Freed

DM FREED, M.Ed. is a former elementary teacher and has been employed for the last 18 years as a school counselor with Central Valley School District. He holds an Elementary Education Degree from Boise State University and two Masters Degrees in education from Whitworth University. His school and district have been recognized with numerous awards by Washington State for “Outstanding Educational Excellence”. D.M. believes that a student’s academic success hinges on the positive relationships they build with other students, their family and school faculty. When he’s not working, he enjoys spending time with his family at the lake and playing golf.

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Mrs. Paul Friederichsen

Mrs. Paul Friederichsen

KAY FRIEDERICHSEN was born in China to missionary parents in the early 1900s. She and her husband, Paul, served three terms as missionaries in the Philippines and were imprisoned in Japanese concentration camps during the World War II. Following her family’s return to the United States, she conducted Bible classes and presented chalk-talk messages in churches throughout America. Kay is the author of God’s Relief for Burdens, God’s Way Made Easy, and God’s Word Made Plain. She co-authored Like Them That Dream with her husband. Kay is now home with her Lord.

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Micah Fries

Micah Fries

MICAH FRIES is the Senior Pastor of Brainerd Baptist Church in Chattanooga, TN. Micah is married to Tracy and they have two daughters, Grace and Kessed, and a son, Haddon. Prior to serving at Brainerd, he worked for LifeWay Christian Resources, served as a Senior Pastor in Missouri, as an international church planter in Burkina Faso, West Africa, and as a Youth Director in Dothan, AL. He holds a Master of Divinity, a Bachelor of Arts, and is currently a Ph.D. student, studying North American Missiology. He is the author of a commentary on Haggai and Zephaniah in the Christ-Centered Commentary Series. Micah, along with Dr. Keith Whitfield, contributed and co-edited Islam and North America.

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John Fuder

John Fuder

JOHN FUDER (PH.D., Biola University) is Director of Justice and Compassion Ministries of re:source global as well as a part time grad school and adjunct professor for Moody Bible Institute. In 1993, after 15 years of serving in urban ministry in California, Dr. Fuder brought his passion of equipping students for effective urban ministry to Chicago. As the Professor of Urban Studies at Moody Theological Seminary, Dr. Fuder taught ministry practitioners and students for 17 years. Dr. Fuder has authored many publications including A Heart for the Community, A Heart for the City, and Training Students for Urban Ministry. Dr. Fuder and his wife, Nellie, have three children and a granddaughter.

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John Fuller

John Fuller

JOHN FULLER is vice president of Audio and New Media at Focus on the Family and co-host of the daily “Focus on the Family” broadcast. He leads the team that produces more than a dozen Focus programs reaching millions of listeners around the world. Many of these features and podcasts are also available at A media veteran of more than 30 years, John writes and speaks about creativity, media trends, influential leadership, excellence, and social media. As a father of six, he writes and speaks about strong marriages and effective parenting. John and his wife Dena are also advocates for orphan care and adoption. John has a M.A. from the University of Northern Colorado, and serves as an elected member of the board of the National Religious Broadcasters.

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Robby Gallaty

Robby Gallaty

ROBERT GALLATY, Ph.D. is the Senior Pastor of Long Hollow Baptist Church in Hendersonville, Tennessee. He was radically saved out of a life of drug addiction on November 12, 2002. In 2008 he began Replicate Ministries to equip and train men and women to be disciples who make disciples. He is also the author of Growing Up: How to Be a Disciple Who Makes Disciples, Firmly Planted: How to Cultivate a Faith Rooted in Christ, Rediscovering Discipleship: Making Jesus' Final Words Our First Work, Foundations: A 260-Day Bible Reading Plan for Busy Believers, and The Forgotten Jesus: How Western Christians Should Follow an Eastern Rabbi.

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Kenneth O. Gangel

Kenneth O. Gangel

KENNETH O. GANGEL (B.A., Taylor University; M.A., Fuller Summer Seminary; M.Div., Grace Theological Seminary; S.T.M., Concordia Seminary; Ph.D., University of Missouri) is a Scholar-in-Residence at Toccoa Falls College in Georgia and the Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Christian Education at Dallas Theological Seminary. He is the author of a number of books including Team Leadership in Ministry and The Christian Educator’s Handbook series. He now resides in Tarpon Springs, Florida.

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Jill Garner

Jill Garner

JILL GARNER is an accomplished speaker, advocate, and founder of Manners of the Heart, a nonprofit reawakening respect in our society for the sake of the next generation. She is the author of the award-winning Raising Respectful Children in a Disrespectful World, Raising Unselfish Children in a Self-Absorbed World, and Manners of the Heart, an elementary school curriculum that helps children see beyond themselves to become all God created them to be. Her work is endorsed by Focus on the Family, FamilyLife Today, Dr. Kevin Leman, and many others.

When Jill is not writing, you will find her digging into in-depth word studies in Scripture, baking a batch of her famous Double Delight Chocolate Chip Cookies, counting down to Christmas, planning the next great adventure, and occasionally casting a fly rod. Her greatest joy is time spent with her husband, grown children, and seven beloved grandchildren.

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Jon Gauger

Jon Gauger

JON GAUGER hosts several nationally syndicated programs for Moody Radio and is an award-winning narrator of more than 45 audio books. As a journalist and speaker, he has traveled to 35 countries. From Billy Graham to Chuck Norris, Jon is never more at home than when hosting an interview. An ordained minister, Jon is an avid photographer and videographer. He is married to Diana, and they have two children and several grandchildren. He enjoys camping (trailers, not tents), reading, travel, and great Mexican food. His weekly blog, The Thursday Thought, is available at

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Thelma Geer

Thelma Geer

THELMA "GRANNY" GEER was well-known throughout the South and Southwest for her extensive church and missionary conference speaking ministry on Mormonism. Her "down home" approach endeared her to thousands who heard her testimony. She is author of Mormonism Mama and Me. "Granny" has appeared in two films: The Cult Explosion and The God Makers.

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Doug Gehman

Doug Gehman

DOUGLAS GEHMAN attended Goshen College and Fuller Theological Seminary, and completed Master's and Doctorate degrees in Missions at Liberty Christian University in Pensacola, FL. Since 1994, Doug has served with Globe International, a mission-sending agency based in Pensacola, FL. He became the Director in 2001 and the President in 2004. Doug loves coaching and mentoring emerging leaders, helping them discover their giftings and life direction. Doug and Beth have ministered in neary sixty nations. They have four married children and eleven grandchildren. Doug is the author of three books. The most recent is their family's story, called White Picket Fences. He loves writing, surfing, cycling, walking, and spending time with his family.

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Norman L Geisler

Norman L Geisler

NORMAN GEISLER (Th.B., William Tyndale College; A.B., Wheaton College; M.A., Wheaton College Graduate School; Ph.D., Loyola University) Distinguished Professor of Apologetics at the Veritas Evangelical Seminary in Murrieta, California. He was the author or co-author of some 80 books including A General Introduction to the Bible, Baker Dictionary of Christian Apologetics, Christian Ethics, and Systematic Theology. He also wrote hundreds of articles. He and his wife of 57 years, Barbara, have six children, fifteen grandchildren, and three great grandchildren.

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Timothy George

Timothy George

TIMOTHY GEORGE is the founding dean of Beeson Divinity School and a professor of Divinity. He is the author of numerous books including Baptists: A Brief History, God the Holy Trinity: Reflections on Christian Faith and Practice, and Is the Father of Jesus the God of Muhammad?. He is co-author of For All the Saints and The Mark of Jesus. He is currently serving as executive editor for Christianity Today and on the editorial advisory boards of The Harvard Theological Review, Christian History and Books & Culture. Tim resides in Birmingham, Alabama.

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Michael Gerson

Michael Gerson

MICHAEL GERSON, former policy advisor and chief speechwriter to President George W. Bush, writes a nationally syndicated column that appears in the Washington Post. He is the author of Heroic Conservatism.

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Gene A. Getz

Gene A. Getz

DR. GENE GETZ served as a professor at Moody Bible Institute and Dallas Theological Seminary. In 1972 he helped plant a church in Dallas, then launched the Fellowship Bible Church movement. Gene has written 60 books and two multimedia study Bibles. He now serves as president of the Center for Church Renewal, where he helps gift his study Bible to pastors and leaders in developing countries.

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John Gillies

John Gillies

JOHN GILLIES was a missionary in Brazil, concert soloist, actor, and freelance writer. He wrote numerous articles, books—including Martyrs of Guanabara—and award–winning scripts for films, filmstrips, and television.

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Mitch Glaser

Mitch Glaser

MITCH GLASER (Ph.D., Fuller Theological Seminary, M.Div., Talbot Theological Seminary) serves as president of Chosen People Ministries with his wife, Zhava, who is their director of publications. Together they work to share Jesus with Jewish people, not only in New York City, but around the world. They are co-author of The Fall Feasts of Israel. The Glasers reside in Brooklyn, New York with their two daughters.

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Zhava Glaser

Zhava Glaser

MITCH GLASER (Ph.D., Fuller Theological Seminary, M.Div., Talbot Theological Seminary) serves as president of Chosen People Ministries with his wife, Zhava, who is their director of publications. Together they work to share Jesus with Jewish people, not only in New York City, but around the world. They are co-author of The Fall Feasts of Israel. The Glasers reside in Brooklyn, New York with their two daughters.

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Terry Glaspey

Terry Glaspey

TERRY GLASPEY is an author, creative mentor, and teaches at Northwind Seminary. He holds a D.Min. in spiritual formation and an M.A. in history. He has written over a dozen books, including Discovering God Through the Arts (winner of a Christianity Today Book Award and a Gospel Coalition Book Award), 75 Masterpieces Every Christian Should Know (winner of a Christianity Today Award), The Prayers of Jane Austen, 25 Keys to Life-Changing Prayer and Bible Basics for Everyone. Terry has been a featured speaker at colleges, conferences, and churches throughout the United States, as well as in Canada, Taiwan, and the UK. You can reach him through his website,

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S. Craig Glickman

S. Craig Glickman

S. CRAIG GLICKMAN (BA, Southern Methodist University; ThM, Dallas Theological Seminary) earned a doctorate in biblical studies and philosophy at the University of Basel, Switzerland, and a Doctor of Jurisprudence from Southern Methodist University School of Law. He was an instructor at Dallas Theological Seminary from 1974 to 1978 and is the author of Solomon’s Song of Love.

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Jeff Goins

Jeff Goins

JEFF GOINS was born and raised outside of Chicago. After graduating from Illinois College, he spent a year on the road with a band and was once recognized on the streets of Taipei. An author, speaker, and writing coach, Jeff's work has been featured on some of the largest blogs in the world. He lives in Franklin, TN with his family. You can find him online at

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David Goldmann

David Goldmann

DAVID GOLDMANN (B.S., University of Wisconsin; M.Div., Columbia International University) is an ordained minister with 24 years of experience living in North Africa and making disciples. He spent eight years as a missions specialist with Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship, and is presently a missions consultant and recruiter for Frontiers. He is author of Islam and the Bible: Why Two Faiths Collide. In addition, he conducts the seminars entitled “Understanding and Reaching Muslims”. He and his wife, Mary Lou, are the parents of four married children and five grandchildren and reside in Dublin, Ohio.

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John K. Goodrich

John K. Goodrich

JOHN GOODRICH (B.A., Moody Bible Institute; M.Div., Th.M., Talbot School of Theology; Ph.D., University of Durham) is Professor of Bible at Moody Bible Institute, where he has taught since 2010. John's teaching and writing focus on the literature, context, and theology of the New Testament, with a particular interest in the interpretation of the Pauline epistles. He also is deeply committed to the church and to training people to be active in ministry. He has been married to Christin since 2005 and together they enjoy following UCLA football and spending time with their son, Justin.

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Joe Gorra

Joe Gorra

JOSEPH E. GORRA is engaged in content development and publicity, research, writing, editing, and speaking. His writings can be found through various outlets, including the Christian Research Journal, the Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care, and the Evangelical Philosophical Society. Through Veritas Life Center, he cultivates multidisciplinary research, writing, and speaking on practical theologies of spiritual formation designed for the flourishing of our public life with others.

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Deborah E Gorton, PhD

Deborah E Gorton, PhD

DEBORAH GORTON (B.A. Arizona State University; M.A., Ph.D. Fuller Theological Seminary) is the Gary Chapman Chair of Marriage, Family Ministry, and Therapy at Moody Theological Seminary and Graduate School. For more than fourteen years Deb has worked as a change agent for individuals, organizations, and emerging leaders, helping them refine, embrace, and thrive in their purpose. Built on the foundation of relationship, her core philosophy is that collaboration in community produces radical transformation. She resides in Chicago and loves the Cubs. If she's not home in the city or traveling for work, you're likely to find her with family in Colorado, Oregon, or Oklahoma.

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Paul Gould

Paul Gould

PAUL GOULD is married to Ethel and has four wonderful kids–Austin, Madeleine, Travis, and Joshua. Paul has a Masters in Philosophy of Religion and Ethics from Talbot School of Theology and a Ph.D. in Philosophy from Purdue University. He works on the Executive Team of a Christian ministry to university Professors called Faculty Commons. He is also an adjunct professor teaching the History of Ideas a the College of Southeastern, the undergraduate college of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, North Carolina.

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Ralph Gower

Ralph Gower

RALPH GOWER (M.E., B.D., London Bible College; Ph.D., University of Liverpool) is currently the minister of Cornerstone Baptist Church, Ainsdale, in the north west of England. He has spent most of his life in the area of Religious Education as teacher, lecturer, researcher, administrator and inspector, and has written educational material for teachers and children. He has contributed articles to various Bible dictionaries and encyclopedias and is the author of The New Manners & Customs of Bible Times, Frontiers, Religious Education in the Junior Years, Religious Education in the Infant Years, and Life in New Testament Times. He has been a guide and tour leader in Israel. He resides in Lancashire, England.

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Tricia N Goyer

Tricia N Goyer

TRICIA GOYER is a speaker, podcast host, and USA Today bestselling author of over 90 books. She writes in various genres, including fiction, parenting, marriage, and books for children and teens. Tricia is a wife, a homeschooling mom of ten, and enjoys mentoring writers through WriteThatBook.Club. She lives near Little Rock, AR.

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Grace Community Church

Grace Community Church

GRACE COMMUNITY CHURCH was founded on July 1, 1956 as a nondenominational church with an emphasis on the basics of Christianity. Dr. John MacArthur has served as pastor since February 1969, continuing to build on the strong foundation of sound doctrine, spiritual leadership, and active service to God and the community.

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Jocelyn Green

Jocelyn Green

JOCELYN GREEN is an award-winning author who inspires faith and courage in her readers through both fiction and nonfiction. A former military wife herself, she authored Faith Deployed: Daily Encouragement for Military Wives and co-authored The 5 Love Languages Military Edition with Dr. Gary Chapman. Her novels, inspired by real heroines on American's home front, are marked by their historical integrity and gritty inspiration. The books in the Heroines Behind the Lines Civil War series have been honored with gold and silver medals from the Military Writer's Society of America. Wedded to War was a Christy Award finalist in two categories. Jocelyn graduated from Taylor University in Upland, Indiana, with a B.A. in English, concentration in writing. She is an active member of the Christian Authors Network, the Advanced Writers and Speakers Association, American Christian Fiction Writers, and the Military Writers Society of America.Jocelyn lives with her husband Rob and two small children in Cedar Falls, Iowa. Visit her at

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Clayton Greene

Clayton Greene

CLAYTON GREENE is CEO and cofounder of GoodKind. Together with friends, Clayton and his wife, Kristen, created Advent Blocks—a devotional practice to help them anticipate Jesus during the month of December. Clayton is also the Summit Collaborative Director, where he supports 70+ independent church plants. The Greenes live in Durham, NC, with their two daughters, Cara and Susan.

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Bob Gresh

Bob Gresh

BOB GRESH is the co-founder of True Girl (formerly Secret Keeper Girl) and Born to Be Brave, which provide live events for tweens and their parents in up to 100 cities per year, reaching over 400,000. A long-time marketing consultant, his passion is using his business experience to teach tweens and teens to live in confidence and Truth. His faith-based entrepreneurial ventures include Grace Prep High School, a new model of Christian education in Central Pennsylvania as well as the nationwide Christian touring ministries. He is the author of Who Moved The Goalpost: Seven Secrets to Sexual Integrity. He lives on a hobby farm in State College, Pennsylvania with his wife, Dannah, and over 20 animals.

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Dannah Gresh

Dannah Gresh

DANNAH GRESH is the cohost of Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth's Revive Our Hearts podcast and a bestselling author. She has written over twenty-eight books, including a Bible study based on the book of Habakkuk. She and her husband, Bob, live on a hobby farm in central Pennsylvania.

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Adam Griffin

Adam Griffin

ADAM GRIFFIN (DEdMin, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is the lead pastor of Eastside Community Church in Dallas, Texas. He is the coauthor of Family Discipleship with Matt Chandler. He previously served as an elder and spiritual formation pastor at the Village Church. Adam lives in Dallas with his wife Chelsea, and their three sons Oscar, Gus, and Theodore.

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Jonathan Griffiths

Jonathan Griffiths

JONATHAN GRIFFITHS serves as Lead Pastor at The Metropolitan Bible Church in Ottawa, Canada. He studied theology at the University of Oxford and holds a PhD in New Testament studies from the University of Cambridge. Jonathan is author of a number of books, including Hebrews and Divine Speech, Teaching 2 Timothy, and Preaching in the New Testament. He serves on the council of The Gospel Coalition Canada, is the Bible teacher for Encounter the Truth and Founder and Executive Director of the Timothy Trust. Jonathan is deeply committed to expository preaching and loves to train and mentor others in Word ministry. Jonathan and his wife, Gemma, have three children.

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Tim Grissom

Tim Grissom

TIM GRISSOM is a freelance writer living in Little Rock, Arkansas, where he also serves as senior editor for FamilyLife. He has served on the elder team of The Summit Church, which he helped start in 1998, and remains active in the teaching ministry there. Tim served on the staff of Life Action Ministries for fourteen years. He and his wife, Janiece (who is now with the Lord) have four children. His ministry passion is to help people understand how deeply the Bible speaks to the issues of life, both big and small. You can read more from Tim through his blog,

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Carrie E Gruhn

Carrie E Gruhn

CARRIE E. GRUHN was born Carrie E. Meyers on April 3, 1907 in Clarinda, Iowa. After completing high school, she attended Iowa State Teacher’s College for a year. She married a printer named Stanley Gruhn on May 18, 1929 at the age of twenty-two. Later the family moved to Ogle County, Illinois with their two boys. She is best known as the author of several books including An Unwanted Legacy (1953), Happy is the Man (1963), and The Lost City (1969).

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Peter F. Gunther

Peter F. Gunther

PETER GUNTHER attended Biola University, Wheaton College (BA), and the Wheaton Graduate School (MA). He compiled Sermon Classics by Great Preachers and was the assistant director of Moody Literature Mission.

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William Gurnall

William Gurnall

WILLIAM GURNALL (1616-1679) was a graduate of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, England, a university under strong Puritan influence. His life's work was as pastor of the Church of Christ, in Suffolk. He authored The Christian in Complete Armour: Daily Readings in Spiritual Warfare.

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Stan Guthrie

Stan Guthrie

STAN GUTHRIE is an editor at large for Christianity Today magazine. His most recent book, All that Jesus Asks: How His Questions Can Teach and Transform Us, was released by Baker. He is author of Missions in the Third Millennium: 21 Key Trends for the 21st Century. Besides authoring, writing, and editing books, Stan is a literary agent, bringing together good authors, good books, and good publishers.

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Jeff Haanen

Jeff Haanen

JEFF HAANEN (B.A., Valparaiso University; M.Div., Denver Seminary) is the Founder and Executive Director of Denver Institute for Faith & Work, an educational nonprofit that explores issues of faith, work, calling and culture. Jeff is a regular contributor to Christianity Today and has written numerous articles on finance, character, work, and calling. He is a nationally recognized voice on the intersection between faith and work.

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Curt Hamner

Curt Hamner

CURT HAMNER is a pastor and cofounder along with his wife, Rhonda of Between Two Trees (, a marriage ministry designed to resource couples and communities with tools to pursue God's design for marriage. Curt is also the founder of Bed and Breakfast with Purpose Retreats, and is a mentor with The Master's Program (a three-year marketplace leadership coaching ministry). Together Curt and Rhonda speak throughout the US and around the world helping couples enrich their marriages. They host DreamMaster Retreats for second half couples working together on vision and strategic plans for the years after career and family. Curt is a graduate of Dallas Seminary and served with Chuck Swindoll at the church they pastored in Fullerton, CA. The Hamners have three adult children and five grandchildren. They live in the mountains of southern California.

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Jennifer Hand

Jennifer Hand

JENNIFER HAND, Executive Director of Coming Alive Ministries, founded the ministry in 2012 and loves the honor of traveling nationally and internationally, inviting people to come alive in Christ through conferences, retreats, written resources, and counseling. She has had the joy of serving in over thirty countries. With a Master's degree in trauma counseling, God has opened a unique door for her to respond after natural disasters around the world, providing trauma counseling and the hope of Christ on the holy ground of suffering. She would love to keep up with you in her cozy internet corner of the world at or on social media @comingalivejenn or Jenn@comingaliveministries on Facebook.

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Mike Handler

Mike Handler

MIKE HANDLER serves as the Chief Innovation Officer for Awana. Prior to Awana, Mike was a pastor, a church planter as well as the principle of a creative agency. Mike is a coauthor of Resilient and the cofounder of the Child Discipleship Forum. Now in the Nashville area, Mike and his family are originally from Chicagoland and miss the food there.

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Melissa Hannigan

Melissa Hannigan

MELISSA HANNIGAN holds a Master of Arts degree in counseling from Midwestern Theological Seminary. Before becoming a full-time homeschool mom, Melissa has worked with teen girls to overcome abuse, addictions, and trauma. She is passionate about helping people discover God’s best for their lives. Melissa is married to John, they reside in Jacksonville, FL, and they are the parents of four children.

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Calvin Hanson

Calvin Hanson

CALVN B. HANSON (M.A., Litt. D.) is a professor of New Testament at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.

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Michael Hare

Michael Hare

DR. S. MICHAEL HARE never imagined a life looking for conflicts to resolve. Becoming a Christian at 19, he went to Bible college simply desiring to find out how to better serve God. However, following that path has led to over two decades of serving in the role of senior pastor in church turnaround ministries, 15 years of working as a church conflict consultant, and recently completing a PhD in Conflict Analysis and Resolution. Dr. Hare also serves as a senior staff chaplain and ombudsman for Compassion with its nearly 4,000 employees ministering in 26 third world countries. He has served as an adjunct instructor in several universities and is currently teaching mediation courses in a doctoral program in Denver. Michael and his wife Colleen live in Colorado Springs, CO and have four children and six grandchildren who live in Africa, Germany, and the US.

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Becky Harling

Becky Harling

BECKY HARLING has a degree in Biblical Literature and is a speaker and Bible teacher. The host of The Connected Mom podcast, Becky has a passion for helping women find hope, healing, freedom, and life transformation through Jesus Christ. She is the author of many books and Bible studies, including Our Father, The Extraordinary Power of Praise, Who Do You Say That I Am, Psalms for the Anxious Heart, The 30-Day Praise Challenge, How to Listen So People Will Talk, and How to Listen So Your Kids Will Talk. Becky and her husband reside in Colorado.

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R Laird Harris

R Laird Harris

R. LAIRD HARRIS (1911-2008) (B.S., University of Delaware; M.A., University of Pennsylvania; Th.B. and Th.M., Westminster Theological Seminary; Ph.D., Dropsie University) served as Professor of Old Testament at Covenant Theological Seminary. Widely known and respected for his biblical scholarship, he completed significant work in the study of theology and science, particularly dealing with creation and evolution. Dr. Harris served as chairman of the Committee on Bible Translation which produced the New International Version. He is co-author of Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament, and is the author of The Inspiration and Canonicity of the Bible, Introductory Hebrew Grammar, and Man: God's Eternal Creation.

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Everett Harrison

Everett Harrison

EVERETT F. HARRISON (B.A., University of Washington; M.A., Princeton University; Th.B., Princeton Seminary; Th.D., Dallas Theological Seminary; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania), has served as a missionary in China and as a Presbyterian minister in Pennsylvania, though most of his work was in the classroom. He taught both at Dallas Theological Seminary and Fuller Theological Seminary. He is the author of numerous books and commentaries including Colossians (Everyman’s Bible Commentary), Interpreting Acts: The Expanding Church, and Romans (Expositor’s Bible Commentary).

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R. K. Harrison

R. K. Harrison

R. K. HARRISON (1920-1993) (B.D., Th.M., Ph.D., University of London; D.D., Huron College, London, Ontario) was a professor at Wycliffe College, University of Toronto. He also served as a professor at Toronto School of Theology. He wrote, co-authored, and edited dozens of books including Numbers for the Wycliffe Exegetical Commentaries and Unger’s Bible Dictionary.

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John F. Hart

John F. Hart

DR. JOHN F. HART is professor of Bible at Moody Bible Institute where he has ministered for the last 32 years. He holds a Master of Theology degree from Dallas Theological Seminary and a Doctor of Theology degree from Grace Theological Seminary. He has written articles for several biblical journals and contributed chapters to two books. He is also the author of 50 Things You Need to Know about Heaven (Bethany House, 2014). He and his wife, Cindy, live in Valparaiso, IN, have been married for 40 years, and have two adult sons.

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Dave Hataj

Dave Hataj

DAVE HATAJ is the second-generation president and owner of Edgerton Gear, Inc., a Wisconsin-based custom gear manufacturer. As a journeyman machinist by age twenty-one, he then earned a Bachelor's Degree from the University of California-Irvine. He completed his Master's Degree from Regent College in Vancouver, BC. His graduate work focused on Systems Theory in a Family Business context. In 2014 he earned a Doctorate of Transformational Leadership from Bakke Graduate University, developing a curriculum called Craftsman with Character. The course introduces high school students to the trades and manufacturing as an excellent career path, while developing character and soft skills.

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Gregory A. Hatteberg

Gregory A. Hatteberg

GREGORY A. HATTEBERG (Joliet College; Moody Bible Institute; Dallas Theological Seminary) is the director of Alumni for Dallas Theological Seminary and a seminar leader for Walk Thru the Bible Ministries. Prior to joining the staff at DTS, Mr. Hatteberg worked in Admissions at Moody Bible Institute. He completed graduate studies at the Institute of Holy Land Studies in Jerusalem, and has traveled extensively in Israel and beyond. Based on his experiences in Israel, he co-authored The Christian Traveler’s Guide to the Holy Land with Dr. Charles Dyer. He and his wife, Lisa, are the parents of four children.

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Sarah Hauser

Sarah Hauser

SARAH J. HAUSER is a writer and speaker living in the Chicago suburbs with her husband and four kids. She shares biblical truth to nourish the soul—and the occasional recipe to nourish the body. She loves cooking but rarely follows a recipe exactly, and you can almost always find her with a cup of coffee in hand. Sarah completed her BA and MA at Wheaton College. She's a member of the Redbud Writers Guild and has written for Coffee + Crumbs, Risen Motherhood, The Rabbit Room, The Gospel Coalition, (in)courage, and more. Find her at, on Instagram (@sarah.j.hauser), or check out her monthly newsletter at

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Don Hawkins

Don Hawkins

DON HAWKINS, (Th.M.) is Director of radio communications for Rapha, Inc., and the host and executive producer of Life Perspectives and Confident Living radio call-in programs. He previously co-hosted Back To the Bible radio, has nineteen years of pastoral experience, is a conference speaker, and is author or co-author of numerous books, including Friends in Deed, How to Beat Burnout, and Overworked. He resides in Birmingham, Alabama.

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Kathy Hawkins

Kathy Hawkins

KATHY HAWKINS is a graduate of Southeastern Bible College and holds an M.A. in Biblical Studies from Dallas Theological Seminary. She and her husband, Christian broadcaster and author Don Hawkins, frequently speak at Bible conferences and seminars.

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Susie Hawkins

Susie Hawkins

Susie Hawkins lives in Dallas and has been actively involved in women’s ministry as a pastor’s wife, teacher and volunteer. She has also served as the Director of Women’s Ministry at Prestonwood Baptist Church in Dallas. She has taught a weekly Bible study for business women in downtown Dallas and speaks at women’s conferences and retreats. She is also a contributor to various publications, such as Voices Behind the Veil and the soon to be released “Women’s Evangelical Library Commentary.” Susie has an MA in Christian Leadership from Criswell College as well as an MA in Theology. She is married to O. S. Hawkins, president of GuideStone Financial Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention (formerly the Annuity Board of the Southern Baptist Convention) and is the mother of two married daughters, Wendy and Holly, as well as a grandmother of five. Her favorite things to do are bargain hunting, lunching with friends and playing with her grandchildren!08/08

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Alberta Hawse

Alberta Hawse

ALBERTA HAWSE was a playwright, free-lance writer, and avid storyteller. She authored many books including The Call of the Green Bird, The Birds of Alberta, and Vinegar Boy: Encounter Christ through the Dramatic Story of Vinegar Boy. She and her husband, Carl, had three children and lived most of their life in Barberton, Ohio.

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Walker Hayes

Walker Hayes

WALKER HAYES is a Grammy nominated singer/songwriter originally from Mobile, Alabama, signed to Monument Records. Throughout his career, he has released multi-Platinum singles "Fancy Like" and "You Broke Up With Me," performed on national television with Good Morning America, Late Night with Seth Meyers, The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, and The TODAY Show, and has been written about in the LA Times, Esquire, Billboard and Rolling Stone. His single "Craig" -- a song about a neighbor who reached out to Hayes in a time of need -- was nominated for Song of the Year at the 2018 AIMP Nashville Awards and prompted Hayes to start the Be a Craig Fund to help other families during their own times of need. A new version of the track featuring MercyMe is on Hayes' forthcoming album Country Stuff the Album. The song inspired this book.

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Daniel Henderson

Daniel Henderson

As a senior pastor for nearly three decades, DANIEL HENDERSON brought prayer-based revitalization to numerous churches. Now, as the President of Strategic Renewal and Global Director of The 6:4 Fellowship, Daniel is dedicating his full-time efforts to help congregations across the country and world experience renewal. Daniel is sought-after for his expertise in leading corporate prayer. He has authored numerous books on biblical leadership and prayer, including Old Paths, New Power and Transforming Prayer: How Everything Changes When You Seek God’s Face.

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Howard Hendricks

Howard Hendricks

DR. HOWARD G. HENDRICKS remains a legendary figure in the memory of countless Christians worldwide. In sixty years at Dallas Theological Seminary, "Prof" Hendricks is estimated to have taught more than 30,000 students, and through them now impacts tens of millions throughout the world. He ministered in more than eighty countries through speaking engagements, radio, books, and recordings (including the DVD series, Living By The Book). For a period of time he was also a Bible teacher and chaplain for the Dallas Cowboys football team. Dr. Hendricks and his wife Jeanne were married for sixty-five years, and he was the father of four children, five grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren.

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Michel Hendricks

Michel Hendricks

MICHEL HENDRICKS (MDiv, Denver Seminary; BS, University of Colorado) has been a teacher and trainer for more than twenty-five years. He is the former pastor of spiritual formation at Flatirons Community Church in Lafayette, CO. He has also served and trained people in Argentina, Bolivia, Mexico, Kenya, South Sudan, and Uganda. He is the author of Basic Training for Walking With Jesus and Intentional Apprenticeship. He and his wife, Claudia, have three adult children.

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Paula Hendricks

Paula Hendricks

PAULA HENDRICKS MARSTELLER is the Writing & Editorial Manager for Revive Our Hearts and the author of Confessions of a Boy-Crazy Girl: On Her Journey from Neediness to Freedom. There's nothing she loves to share more than the gospel-centered truths that have so transformed her own life: what it means on a daily basis to be "dead to sin, alive to God, and in Christ Jesus." Paula and her husband, Trevor, make their home in New York.

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William D. Hendricks

William D. Hendricks

BILL HENDRICKS is cofounder and president of The Global Centre for Giftedness, which resources a worldwide movement aimed at unleashing people’s giftedness, for human flourishing. Bill also serves as the Executive Director for Christian Leadership at The Hendricks Center, a leadership development initiative at Dallas Theological Seminary. He is the author of numerous books and other resources, including The Person Called YOU and So How Do I Parent THIS Child?, both available from Moody Publishers. Bill holds degrees from Harvard University, Boston University, and Dallas Theological Seminary, and is currently a doctoral student at Bakke Graduate University. He is married to Lynn Turpin Hendricks and is the father of three grown daughters.

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Bev Hendricks Godby

Bev Hendricks Godby

BEV GODBY is a senior associate and change management coach at The Giftedness Center in Dallas, Texas. She focuses on graduating students and women who are navigating challenging life transitions. She feels called to the role of an educator, teaching others about giftedness to help them find fulfilling lives. She serves as a consultant to schools and nonprofit organizations, and speaks and writes often on these topics. Bev holds degrees from Wheaton College and The University of Texas at Dallas. She is married to Dr. Dale Godby, with whom she has three married daughters and six grandchildren.

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Laura Hendrickson

Laura Hendrickson

DR. LAURA HENDRICKSON (MD, Michigan State University College of Human Medicine; Diplomate, American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology) was a medical doctor and board certified psychiatrist. She was a member of the National Association of Nouthetic Counselors and author of Finding Your Child's Way on the Autism Spectrum, Will Medicine Stop the Pain? and co-author of When Good Kids Make Bad Choices. She lived in Southern California with her husband, Daniel, before her passing.

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Earl Henslin

Earl Henslin

EARL R. HENSLIN (Psy.D., Biola University), is a licensed marriage and family therapist, former part-time faculty member at the Rosemead Graduate School of Psychology at Biola University, La Mirada, California, author of seven books, and co-author of three books and numerous professional articles. He is a member of several professional organizations and helped in the founding of Overcomers Outreach to aid churches in establishing support groups.For the past 14 years Dr. Henslin has been integrating brain imaging into the treatment of psychological, physical, and spiritual problems at his counseling practice, Henslin and Associates, a Christian counseling group in Brea, California. Dr. Henslin has four adult children and two lovely granddaughters.

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D Edmond Hiebert

D Edmond Hiebert

D. EDMOND HIEBERT (B.S., John Fletcher College; Th.M., Th.D., Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) served on the faculties of Tabor College and Mennonite Brethren Seminary, Fresno, California. Dr. Hiebert is the author of The Epistle of James, Introduction to the New Testament, Volumes I, II, and III; and The Thessalonian Epistles.

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Austin Hill

Austin Hill

AUSTIN HILL is an emerging American voice on talk radio and in national publications such as U.S. News & World Report and Townhall.Com. Focused on addressing culture-defining questions, Hill has an M.A. in the philosophy of religion and ethics from Biola University.

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E. V. Hill

E. V. Hill

E.V. HILL (1933 - 2003), author of A Savior Worth Having and Victory in Jesus, pastored the Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church, and was a preacher and teacher for conventions, universities, seminaries, Bible conferences, local churches and city-wide revivals throughout the world. Several United States presidents sought his counsel. He was honored by Time magazine as one of the seven most outstanding preachers of the United States. Dr. Hill also served as a member of the board for directors of the Billy Graham Association, America for Jesus, and the Board of Reference of African Enterprise.

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Don Hillis

Don Hillis

DON W. HILLIS served as a missionary to India under The Evangelical Alliance Mission (TEAM) from 1937 to 1953. In 1960 he became associate director of the mission at TEAM's international headquarters, heading the Publications Department. Dr. Hillis moved to Florida in 1974 when he became TEAM's Southeastern Representative. He is now an honorary representative for TEAM. Don is author or co-author of a number of books including Answers to Youth Hang-ups, and God, You and That Man with Three Goats: Divine Providence.

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James Hilt

James Hilt

JAMES HILT (B.S., M.S., University of Wisconsin) is director of counseling for the "Chapel of the Air" and maintains a private practice for individual and marital counseling.

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John Hinkley

John Hinkley

JOHN E HINKLEY has been married for more than 40 years to Tris and they have three adult children. For 35 years he has worked for Moody Publishers in Chicago, IL, where he currently serves as an acquisitions editor. John and Tris reside in Northwest Indiana and serve together as directors of their church’s counseling ministry.

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Bev Hislop

Bev Hislop

BEV HISLOP (D. Min., Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary) has recently served as Professor of Pastoral Care for Women and the Executive Director of the Women's Center for Ministry at Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon. She also served on the board of Network of Women in Leadership and was the former host of the weekly radio program Western Connection for Women. Bev has authored Shepherding Women in Pain: Real Women, Real Issues, and What You Need to Know to Truly Help, and Shepherding a Woman's Heart: A New Model for Effective Ministry to Women. She is also a contributing author to Tending the Soul and Women's Ministry Handbook. Bev and her husband, Jim, have two married children and six grandchildren.

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Mark Hitchcock

Mark Hitchcock

MARK HITCHCOCK graduated from law school in 1984 and worked for a judge at the Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals for four years. After a clear call to full-time ministry, Mark attended Dallas Theological Seminary, graduating in 1991. Since that time he has served as senior pastor of Faith Bible Church in Edmond, Oklahoma. He completed his Ph.D. at Dallas Theological Seminary in 2005 and serves as an adjunct faculty member at DTS in the Bible Exposition Department. He has authored over twenty books related to end time Bible prophecy. Mark and his wife Cheryl live in Edmond, Oklahoma. They have two sons, Justin and Samuel.

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Valerie Neff Hogan

Valerie Neff Hogan

VALERIE NEFF HOGAN holds a law degree and the Certified Financial Planner designation. She works with National Christian Foundation, Orchard Ministry Development, and Widow Connection. Since 2000 Valerie has served at church leading groups and individuals toward good stewardship with Christian Financial Concepts, Crown Financial, and Financial Peace University. She loves to help people overcome financial obstacles to achieve freedom, become more generous, and do more ministry. She is married, has three adopted children, and one fabulous rescue dog.

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Justin S. Holcomb

Justin S. Holcomb

JUSTIN HOLCOMB is an Episcopal priest and teaches theology, philosophy, and Christian thought at Gordon-Conwell-Theological Seminary and Reformed Theological Seminary. He holds two masters degrees from Reformed Theological Seminary and a Ph.D. from Emory University.Justin has written or edited numerous books: Know the Heretics, Know the Creeds and Councils, On the Grace of God, Acts: A 12-Week Study, For the World, and Christian Theologies of Scripture.He and his wife, Lindsey, are authors of: Is It My Fault?: Hope and Healing for Those Suffering Domestic Violence and Rid of My Disgrace: Hope and Healing for Victims of Sexual Assault.Justin serves on the boards of REST (Real Escape from the Sex Trade) and GRACE (Godly Response to Abuse in Christian Environments). He also serves on the council board of the Biblical Counseling Coalition.Connect with Justin Holcomb on Twitter, Facebook, Amazon, and his blog.

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Lindsey A. Holcomb

Lindsey A. Holcomb

LINDSEY HOLCOMB counsels victims of sexual assault and domestic violence. Previously, she worked at a sexual assault crisis center and also served as a case manager at a domestic violence shelter. Lindsey provided crisis intervention to victims of sexual assault and domestic violence and conducted a variety of training seminars to service providers. Her graduate research focused on violence against women and public health responses.She and her husband, Justin, are authors of: Is It My Fault?: Hope and Healing for Those Suffering Domestic Violence and Rid of My Disgrace: Hope and Healing for Victims of Sexual Assault.She was cofounder of REST (Real Escape from the Sex Trade).

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Heather Holdsworth

Heather Holdsworth

HEATHER HOLDSWORTH is a Bible teacher, lecturer, artist and lover of Earl Grey tea with friends. Her focus is on spiritual formation and discipleship for people of all ages. After graduating with a degree in education, she taught in various schools, specializing in emotionally and behaviorally disordered young people. She has a keen interest in how people work, and after receiving a 2-year diploma in Practical Theology, she completed a MA in Spiritual Formation at Moody Theological Seminary, Chicago, in 2010. Much of Heather's art is a unique meditation on Scripture that one may need a magnifying glass to appreciate. She lives in St. Andrews, Scotland with her husband, Adrian.

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Ashley Holleman

Ashley Holleman

ASHLEY HOLLEMAN and his wife, Heather, are on staff with Cru, where Ashley serves as the national director of Cru's graduate student ministry. Prior to this assignment Ashley completed a Master's in chemistry at the University of Michigan and then joined Cru staff to minister locally to grad students -- first at the University of Michigan and then at Penn State. In his spare time, he enjoys building furniture, gardening, working on his house, and watching UNC-Chapel Hill basketball and football. He and Heather have two daughters -- Sarah and Kate.

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Heather Holleman

Heather Holleman

DR. HEATHER HOLLEMAN an associate teaching professor of advanced writing at Penn State, speaker, and author. She has written ten books, including the bestseller Seated with Christ: Living Freely in a Culture of Comparison, and an award-winning book on evangelism (cowritten with her husband, Ashley Holleman) called Sent: Living a Life That Invites Others to Jesus. Heather’s book, The Six Conversations: Pathways to Connecting in an Age of Isolation and Incivility, helps fight the loneliness epidemic by inviting readers to enjoy better conversations. Her most recent fiction book, This Seat’s Saved, written for middle-grade audiences, helps young readers discover they are already seated at the best table with Jesus. This book recently won Christianity Today’s Book of the Year in the Young Adult category. Heather also serves with Faculty Commons in the professor ministry of Cru. She and her husband have two daughters and three cats. When she’s not writing or teaching, Heather is growing plum trees, looking for turtles in the woods, or gathering with friends for dinner and a movie.

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Tina Hollenbeck

Tina Hollenbeck

TINA HOLLENBECK is a Jesus-follower, wife, mother, and homeschool advocate. She and her husband educated each of their children at home from birth through high school graduation. Tina owns The Homeschool Resource Roadmap, a free database that describes thousands of homeschool-oriented learning options. She also mentors homeschooling parents, aiming to help them see that they are designed and equipped for the task.

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Christine Hoover

Christine Hoover

CHRISTINE HOOVER is a pastor's wife, mom, speaker, and the author of The Church Planting Wife (Moody, 2013) and From Good to Grace (Baker, 2015). She has written for The Gospel Coalition, Desiring God, and Christianity Today. She enjoys encouraging ministry wives and helping women apply the gift of God's grace to their daily lives. She lives in Virginia. For more information, visit

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Charles Horne

Charles Horne

Charles M. Horne (B.A., Grace College; B.D., Th.D., Grace Theological Seminary)- taught systematic theology at Wheaton Graduate School, Moody Bible Institute, Southeastern Bible College, and Cornus-Hill Bible College.

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D.A. Horton

D.A. Horton

D.A. HORTON currently serves on staff at Summit Church in Durham, NC while he and his family are preparing to plant a church in Los Angeles. Prior to his current role he served as an urban church planter, pastor, and Lead Teaching Elder in Kansas City, MO for nearly six years; a National Coordinator of Urban Student Ministries and the Urban Initiatives Team at the North American Mission Board (NAMB); and the Executive Director at ReachLife Ministries, the non-profit arm of Reach Records. D.A. is currently working on his Ph.D. at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Applied Theology with a North American emphasis. With a heart to provide local churches with quality Bible-centered tools and resources for evangelism and discipleship, D.A. wrote two books: G.O.S.P.E.L. and DNA: Foundations of the Faith both published by Moody Publishers. His third book, Bound to Be Free: Escaping Performance to be Captured by Grace will be released through NavPress in spring 2016. He and his wife Elicia have two daughters, Izabelle and Lola and one son, D.A. Jr. (aka Duce).

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Michael Horton

Michael Horton

MICHAEL S. HORTON (Biola University; Wycliffe Hall, Oxford; University of Coventry) is Professor of Theology and Apologetics at Westminster Theological Seminary in California. In addition to his work at the Seminary, he is the president of White Horse Media, for which he co-hosts the White Horse Inn, a nationally syndicated, weekly radio talk-show. He is also the editor-in-chief of Modern Reformation magazine. He served in pastoral ministry for over ten years. He is author of over a dozen books including Law of Perfect Freedom, Agony of Deceit, and Christless Christianity. He lives in Escondido, California, with his wife, Lisa, and four children.

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T. C. Horton

T. C. Horton

T. C. HORTON was the author of a number of books including Wonderful Names of our Wonderful Lord and Personal and Practical Christian Work. He was also the editor of The King's Business from 1910 to 1925. He served as a pastor in Minneapolis, St. Paul, Philadelphia, and Dallas. Rev. Horton was the chairman of the Gospel of John in Every Home campaign and was also responsible for the organization of the Fischermen's Club. He died on February 28, 1932.

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Casey B. Hough

Casey B. Hough

CASEY B. HOUGH (PhD, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary) currently serves as Director of Partnerships and Curriculum at World Hope Ministries International and Assistant Professor of Biblical Interpretation at Luther Rice College & Seminary. Before moving to World Hope, Casey served in pastoral ministry for 16 years. He and his wife, Hannah, have five children and live in Houston, TX.

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David M. Howard Jr.

David M. Howard Jr.

DAVID M. HOWARD Jr. (B.S., Geneva College; M.A., Wheaton College; A.M., Ph.D., The University of Michigan), is professor of Old Testament at Bethel Theological Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota. He is the author of four books, including An Introduction to the Old Testament Historical Books, What Makes a Missionary, and The Structure of Psalms 93-100, as well as several dozen articles in scholarly journals and Bible encyclopedias. He resides in Shoreview, Minnesota.

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Robert L. Hubbard

Robert L. Hubbard

ROBERT L. HUBBARD (A.B, Wheaton College; B.D., Fuller Theological Seminary; M.A., Ph.D., Claremont Graduate School) is Professor of Biblical Literature at North Park Theological Seminary in Chicago, IL. He also taught at Denver Seminary and served as a chaplain on active duty in the United States Navy and in the United States Naval Reserve. Dr. Hubbard is author of The Book of Ruth: New International Commentary on the Old Testament (Eerdmans, 1988), which received the Christianity Today Critics Choice Award as the best commentary of 1989.

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Robert B. Hughes

Robert B. Hughes

ROBERT B. HUGHES (B.A. California State University; M.Div., Th.M., Western Conservative Baptist Seminary; Ph.D., University of Edinburgh) was a professor of biblical studies and academic dean at Miami Christian College, Miami, FL. He is author of First and Second Corinthians Everyman's Bible Commentary and New Bible Companion.

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Ryan Huguley

Ryan Huguley

RYAN HUGULEY planted Redemption Bible Church in Arlington Heights, IL in 2009 and served as lead pastor for seven years. In 2016 he accepted a call to become the senior pastor of Harvest Bible Chapel in Hickory, NC, a growing congregation of 1,000. Ryan has worked in church planting since 2001 and has a passion to help the next generation know Jesus and make Him known. He helps assess, coach, and train church planters and hosts a podcast called In the Room.

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Jayme Hull

Jayme Hull

JAYME HULL is an author, speaker, and ministry leader who motivates audiences to invest in mentoring. Shaped by countless mentors over the past thirty-five years, Jayme now has the privilege of mentoring millennial women. Through her mentoring, teaching, blogging and devotionals, Jayme has no greater joy than to pour into women's lives -- whether over a cup of coffee or through the written word. Jayme resides in Tennessee, with her husband, John. They have three married children and are the proud grandparents of four grandchildren.

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Susan Hunt

Susan Hunt

SUSAN HUNT is the wife of retired PCA pastor Gene Hunt, mother of 3, and grandmother of 12. Susan is the former Coordinator of Women’s Ministry for the Presbyterian Church in America and is author of several books for women and children. She teaches a weekly Bible study for women in her church and has spoken for women’s conferences throughout the country and in several other countries.

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Richard Hunt Jr.

Richard Hunt Jr.

RICHIE HUNT is the Director of Children and Youth Ministries at Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church in Dallas, Georgia. He co-authored Big Truths for Little Kids, My ABC BIble Verses, and My ABC Bible Verses from Psalms. Richie is married and the father of three children.

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Christine Hunter

Christine Hunter

CHRISTINE HUNTER (1910–1988) attended a teacher training college in Liverpool, England, where she married John Hunter. They both taught in Carlisle and later at a village school in Atworth. Born as Maud Lilly Wheeler, she adopted the pen name of Christine Hunter and became a well-known Christian writer. She befriended Gladys Aylward, who frequently stayed with the Hunters and told stories of her missionary work.

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Charles E. Hurlburt

Charles E. Hurlburt

CHARLES E. HURLBURT was a former president of Pennsylvania Bible Institute (now Philadelphia Biblical University) and was also among the founders of the Africa Inland Mission in 1895. He is credited with convincing the Belgian government to allow Christian missionaries into the Congo. He is co-author of Names of Christ.

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Ron Hutchcraft

Ron Hutchcraft

RON HUTCHCRAFT is a veteran of youth and family work, president of Ron Hutchcraft Ministries and a visiting faculty member for the Billy Graham Schools of Evangelism. He is the author of several books, including The Battle for a Generation, A Life That Matters, and Called to Greatness. Ron is the host of the popular radio broadcasts A Word With You and Call To Greatness. He and Karen, his wife, are the parents of three adult children and reside in Harrison, Arkansas.

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Paul Hutchens

Paul Hutchens

The late PAUL HUTCHENS, one of evangelical Christianity's most prolific authors, went to be with the Lord on January 23, 1977. Mr. Hutchens, an ordained Baptist minister, served as an evangelist and itinerant preacher for many years. Best known for his Sugar Creek Gang series, Hutchens was a 1927 graduate of Moody Bible Institute. He was the author of 19 adult novels, 36 books in the Sugar Creek Gang series, and several booklets for servicemen during World War II. Mr. Hutchens and his wife, Jane, were married 52 years. They had two children and four grandchildren.

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Ruth Presswood Hutchins

Ruth Presswood Hutchins

Ruth Presswood Hutchins In 1970, to fulfill the request of Rev. J.C. Pollock, an author from England, Ruth Presswood Hutchins wrote at considerable length about the life and ministry of Ernest Presswood. At that time, a conviction came upon her that she had a story to be told, a story that had taken her 20 years to forget. She began to pray about the matter. The task seemed too great. It took her 20 years to remember, research, organize and write No Sacrifice Too Great. It is the story of her life, especially the years in the Netherlands East Indies as the wife of the pioneer missionary, William Ernest Presswood. Those years included internment by the Japanese during World War II and the tragedy of its aftermath.

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Chip Ingram

Chip Ingram

CHIP INGRAM is the teaching pastor and CEO of Living on the Edge, an international teaching and discipleship ministry. A pastor for over thirty years, Chip is the author of many books, including Holy Ambition, Discover Your True Self, True Spirituality, The Real God, and The Invisible War. Chip and his wife, Theresa, have four grown children and twelve grandchildren and live in California.

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Elizabeth Inrig

Elizabeth Inrig

ELIZABETH INRIG (B.S., M.A., Dallas Theological Seminary; D. Min., Trinity International University) is Pastor of Women of Trinity Ministries, and oversees 12 ministries including Leadership Development, Internship, Bible Studies, and Special Events for women. Elizabeth is author of Release Your Potential: Using Your Gifts in a Thriving Women’s Ministry. Elizabeth is married to Gary, senior pastor of Trinity Church. Together they have three married children and seven grandchildren.

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Dean Inserra

Dean Inserra

DEAN INSERRA is a graduate of Liberty University and holds a M.A. in Theological Studies from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the founding pastor of City Church. Dean is passionate about reaching the city of Tallahassee with the Gospel, to see a worldwide impact made for Jesus. He is married to Krissie and they have two sons, Tommy and Ty, and one daughter, Sally Ashlyn.

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Harry A. Ironside

Harry A. Ironside

HENRY ALLEN IRONSIDE (1876-1951) was born in Toronto, Canada to parents who were both active in the Plymouth Brethren. From an early age he showed a strong interest in evangelical Christianity and was active in the Salvation Army as a teenager before later joining the "Grant section" of the Plymouth Brethren. He was influential in popularizing dispensationalism among Protestants in North America. Despite his lack of formal education, his tremendous mental capacity, photographic memory and zeal for his beliefs caused him to be called "the Archbishop of Fundamentalism."

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Virginia Jacober

Virginia Jacober

SARAH "VIRGINIA" JACOBER was born in Dayton, Ohio and accepted Jesus as her Savior at age eleven. The first time she heard a missionary speak, she knew this was what God wanted her do. After graduating from Nyack College, she married Edward G Jacober. They pastored a church while he attended Dallas Theological Seminary, and then were appointed by The Christian and Missionary Alliance to do evangelistic work in India. Their four children attended school in the Himalaya Mountains. Transferred to Bethlehem, Israel, they taught the Bible and visited Bedouin tents for fifteen years. Sarah’s husband died, but she continued working and speaking in churches. After retiring, she made fifteen short term mission trips to various countries around the world.More than forty of Sarah’s articles and poems, plus six books have been published. Sarah lives near family in North Carolina, has seven grandchildren, two great-grandchildren, and continues to write for God’s glory.

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Joy Jacobs

Joy Jacobs

JOY JACOBS was a graduate of Messiah College and a popular seminar speaker. A gifted writer, teacher and counselor, Joy was also very involved in her husband Bob's ministries--The Jacobs Brothers Evangelistic Association and the King's Kids' Camp. Joy and Bob have three sons, all of whom are in ministry. She has authored five books, including a series of devotional books on Old and New Testament women. It is through her writings that Joy's ministry continues today.

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S. Winifred Jacobson

S. Winifred Jacobson

S. Winifred Jacobson No bio

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Edgar James

Edgar James

DR. EDGAR JAMES (Texas Institute of Technology; Wheaton College; Dallas Theological Seminary), a popular Bible teacher, is a former professor of Bible and Theology at Chicago's Moody Bible Institute. He is the author of over 30 books and more than a thousand articles. Among his published books are God, Man and Disaster, Armageddon, The Open Bible Owners Guide, Arabs, Oil and Armageddon and Armageddon and the New World Order. He is a contributor to the Wycliffe Bible Encyclopedia and the Family Bible Encyclopedia. He has had regular columns in Moody Magazine and Power for Living and has also written for the Chicago Tribune. Dr. James resides in Sunnyvale, California.

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Jamie Janosz

Jamie Janosz

JAMIE JANOSZ is the managing editor of Today in the Word, a daily devotional published by Moody Bible Institute. She studied theology and writing at Moody Bible Institute, Columbia College, and Illinois State University. In her off hours, you will most likely find her poking through antique shops, adding to her collections of old books, mid-century furniture, and vintage purses. Jamie and her husband, Milt live on the Atlantic coast of Florida.

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Sharon Jaynes

Sharon Jaynes

SHARON JAYNES is a popular conference speaker and author of nineteen books including The Power of a Woman's Words, and Praying for Your Husband from Head to Toe. She served as Vice-President of Proverbs 31 Ministries and co-host of their daily radio feature for ten years. She is the co-founder of Girlfriends in God, Inc. that reaches over 500,000 subscribers with their daily on-line devotions. Sharon and her husband, Steve, have one grown son. They call North Carolina home.

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Lisa Jefferson

Lisa Jefferson

LISA D. JEFFERSON is an inspirational speaker, wife, and mother of two. She has received numerous awards and is currently involved in fundraising efforts for the Flight 93 National Memorial Project. It was on the morning of the 9/11 attacks on the US, that Lisa, a 17-year Verizon Supervisor and Chicago native, handled the emergency phone call that came in from Todd Beamer, one of the passengers who helped divert hijacked Flight 93. Called is her first book. She lives in the Chicago area with her husband, and two children.

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John Jelinek

John Jelinek

DR. JOHN JELINEK (Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminary, Th.D., Grace Theological Seminary) is the former Dean of Education and Vice President and Academic Dean at Moody Theological Seminary. Prior to serving at Moody Seminary, Dr. Jelinek was professor of Theology and Academic Dean at the Michigan Theological Seminary for ten years and an associate professor at Baptist Bible Seminary in Clarks Summit, PA and at Alaska Bible College. He has published numerous articles and reviews in periodicals and books. His commentary on the biblical books of Amos and Leviticus is featured in The Moody Bible Commentary, published by Moody Publishers. Dr. Jelinek and his wife of 37 years, Linda, live in Willow Springs, IL and have three adult children, Rebekah, Micah John, and Anna.

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Danita Jenae

Danita Jenae

DANITA JENAE is a young mom and recent military widow learning to carry both joy and sorrow in the same breath. As an author, speaker, poet, and artist, she walks alongside the broken-hearted, offering practical and creative ways to lead a Spirit-led life at and @CompanioninSorrow. To help you find your footing in sorrow, Danita invites you to grab your free copy of The Grief Guide at

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Lee Jenkins

Lee Jenkins

LEE JENKINS (B.A., University of Tennessee, Knoxville) is regarded as one the nation’s top Registered Investment Advisors. He is President and CEO of Lee Jenkins Financial, LLC. An ordained minister, Lee is founder of Economic Evangelism, Inc. He is the author of several books, including What to do When Your Money is Funny and Taking Care of Business. Lee and his wife, Martica, live in Atlanta, Georgia with their three children.

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Irving L. Jensen

Irving L. Jensen

IRVING L. JENSEN (B.A., Wagner College; S.T.B., Biblical Seminary; Th.D., Northwestern Theological Seminary), was professor and chairman of the department of Bible at Bryan College, Dayton, Tennessee, and the author of numerous books, including the entire Bible Self-Study Series; Jensen's Survey of the Old Testament; Jensen's Survey of the New Testament; Jensen's Bible Study Charts; Acts: An Inductive Study; Independent Bible Study; and How to Profit from Bible Reading.

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Skye Jethani

Skye Jethani

SKYE JETHANI is an author, speaker, consultant and ordained pastor. He also serves as the co-host (along with Phil Vischer) of The Holy Post Podcast, a popular weekly show that blends astute cultural and theological insights with comical conversation. He has been a sought-after consultant for groups facing challenges at the intersection of faith and culture like The Lausanne Movement, The White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, and the Interfaith Youth Core. Included in his writings are The Divine Commodity: Discovering a Faith Beyond Consumer Christianity, WITH: Reimagining the Way You Relate to God, and Futureville. Skye and his wife Amanda have three children: Zoe, Isaac, and Lucy and reside in Wheaton, IL.

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Mark Jobe

Mark Jobe

MARK JOBE is the president of Moody Bible Institute and host of Moody Radio's Bold Steps. He is the author of Unstuck: Out of Your Cave into Your Call. He is also the founding pastor of New Life Community Church, a Chicago-based ministry with 27 locations throughout Chicago. Mark has a master's degree from Moody Theological Seminary and a Doctorate in transformational leadership from Bakke Graduate University. He and his wife, Dee, have three adult children.

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Alan F. Johnson

Alan F. Johnson

ALAN F. JOHNSON is a former professor of New Testament and Christian Ethics at Wheaton College and Graduate School. He is the author of several books including Romans, Revelation (Expositor's Bible Commentary), and co-author of What Christians Believe: A Biblical and Historical Summary.

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Eric L. Johnson

Eric L. Johnson

ERIC L. JOHNSON (PhD, Michigan State University) trained as an academic psychologist and is the Lawrence and Charlotte Hoover Professor of Pastoral Care at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. He is the author of Foundations for Soul Care; coeditor of God Under Fire and Christianity and Psychology: Four Views; and associate editor of the Journal of Psychology and Theology. He serves on the executive board at the Institute for Christian Psychology.

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Gwynne Johnson

Gwynne Johnson

GWYNNE JOHNSON (M.A., Dallas Theological Seminary), a popular conference and retreat speaker, demonstrates in her writing strong communication skills and extensive practical ministry to women. She is the author of So You’re Moving, Women Mentoring Women: Ways to Start, Maintain, and Expand a Biblical Women's Ministry, and contributed to More Than Conquerors. Gwynne lives in Dallas, Texas, with her husband, Don. They have one daughter and two grandchildren.

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Jackie  M. Johnson

Jackie M. Johnson

JACKIE M. JOHNSON (Trinity International University) is an author and freelance writer. Her first book, Power Prayers for Women has sold nearly 200,000 copies. She has also written articles, poetry, and hundreds of devotionals for Focus on the Family’s Renewing the Heart website, and was a contributor to A Cup of Comfort, co-authored by James Stuart Bell and Carol McLean Wilde. A native of Milwaukee, Jackie lives in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Visit her encouragement blog, A New Day Café, at or her website,

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Lin Johnson

Lin Johnson

LIN JOHNSON is Managing Editor of The Christian Communicator, Advanced Christian Writer and Church Libraries and is the author and co-author of more than 60 books, including Christian Education: Foundations for the Future, Extracting the Precious from 2nd Corinthians, Encouraging Others, and The Book of John from The Smart Guide to the Bible Series. Lin specializes in Bible curriculum and is a Gold Medallion Book Award recipient. She also directs the Write-to-Publish Conference in the Chicago area and teaches at writers' conferences across the country and internationally. Lin resides in Elgin, Illinois.

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Lois Walfrid Johnson

Lois Walfrid Johnson

LOIS WALFRID JOHNSON is a speaker, teacher of writing, and former instructor for Writer's Digest School. She is the author of 38 books, including Girl Talk, the Gold Medallion Book Award winning Let's-Talk-About-It Stories for Kids series, the bestselling Adventures of the Northwoods mysteries, and the much-loved Riverboat Adventures. In her exciting Viking Quest series Lois' characters travel from Ireland to Norway, Iceland, and Greenland, then sail with Leif Erickson to what is now America. Lois' husband, Roy, is a gifted teacher and idea person for her writing. They enjoy time with their family, friends, and readers who have written from more than 40 countries to say, "I love your books. I can't put them down."

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Ruth I. Johnson

Ruth I. Johnson

RUTH I. JOHNSON (1920–2023) wrote 30 books for Moody Publishers, including the popular Joy Sparton series and many devotional books. She graduated in 1946 from Moody Bible Institute and became director of youth choirs for Back to the Bible in Lincoln, Nebraska. She continued writing until her death at age 103.

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Mark Jones

Mark Jones

MARK JONES (PhD, Leiden Universiteit) is the Senior Minister at Faith Vancouver Presbyterian Church (PCA). He is the author and editor of many books and speaks all over the world on topics related to the Christian life.

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Nancy Kane

Nancy Kane

NANCY KANE (Northern Illinois University) is an author, licensed clinical professional counselor, speaker, and program director of The Caritas Center for Christian Formation. Together with her husband, Ray, Nancy coauthored the book From Fear to Love: Overcoming Obstacles to Healthy Relationships and frequently appears on radio. She cohosts the podcast Leaving Church: Rediscovering How to Live a Life with Christ That Changes Us and Changes the World alongside Brian Dahlen. Nancy’s work centers on helping individuals find healing and wholeness through a life with Christ. Learn more at and

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Kelly M. Kapic

Kelly M. Kapic

DR. KELLY M. KAPIC (PhD King's College, University of London) is professor of theological studies at Covenant College in Lookout Mountain, Georgia, where he has taught since 2001. He has written and edited numerous books, including Embodied Hope: A Theological Meditation on Pain and Suffering, which won the Book of the Year Award from Christianity Today in the category of Theology and Ethics.

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Mary A Kassian

Mary A Kassian

MARY KASSIAN is an award winning author, internationally renowned speaker, and a distinguished professor at Southern Baptist Seminary. She has published several books and Bible studies, including The Feminist Mistake. A graduate from the faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine from the University of Alberta, Canada, Mary has also studied systematic theology at the doctoral level and taught courses at seminaries throughout North America.

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Christmas Carol Kauffman

Christmas Carol Kauffman

CHRISTMAS CAROL KAUFMAN received her unique name in honor of her Christmas morning birth in 1901 in Elkhart, Indiana. She was raised in a Mennonite home and spent some time as a student at Goshen College. When she was 22, she married Norman Hostetler. However, tragedy struck when two months after their second anniversary, Norman was killed in an electrical accident. She worked in a sewing shop following the wake of her loss, but in 1928, her bishop recommended that she get away for a while and enroll as a Bible student at Hesston College. It was there that she met the man who would be her life partner—Nelson Kaufman. The two were married in 1929. Five years later they were commissioned by the Mennonite General Mission Board to start a mission church in Hannibal, Missouri. It was in their 22-year ministry in Missouri that she found the inspiration to write her many novels. In 1956, they returned to Elkhart where Kaufman wrote her last several books. She died in Elkhart on January 30, 1969.

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Crickett Keeth

Crickett Keeth

CRICKETT KEETH is the Women's Ministry Director at First Evangelical Church in Memphis, Tennessee, where she writes and teaches the women's Bible studies. She is the author of several published Bible studies, including The Gift of Rest and Sumatra with the Seven Churches (co-authored with Sandra Glahn). Crickett was on staff with Cru for ten years and is a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary. In addition to teaching regularly at her own church, she also speaks at women's conferences and retreats. She offers free resources for discipleship and encourages others in their own walk with God through her website at Her life purpose is to encourage others to passionately pursue Jesus Christ.

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Gary Keisling

Gary Keisling

Dr. Gary Keisling is the senior pastor of The Alliance Church in Bryan, Ohio. He has served in pastoral ministry with The Christian and Missionary Alliance for more than 25 years. He is also a professor with Crown College on-line. He and his wife Susan have been married for more than 35 years and have two grown children.

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W. Phillip Keller

W. Phillip Keller

W. PHILLIP KELLER (1920-1997) was born in East Africa and always loved the wildlife and the outdoors. Having spent many years in agriculture research, land management and ranch development in British Columbia, he later pursued careers in conservation, wildlife photography, and journalism. His experiences as a shepherd equipped him with the insights that are the basis for A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23. His other titles include A Layman Looks at the Lord’s Prayer, Splendor from the Sea, Lessons from a Sheepdog, and A Gardener Looks at the Fruits of the Spirit.

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Stephen Kellough

Stephen Kellough

STEPHEN KELLOUGH BA, Miami University, Oxford, OH; ThM, Dallas Theological Seminary; DMin, Covenant Theological Seminary, is an ordained minister of the Presbyterian Church USA. He served for fifteen years in parish ministry before being called as Chaplain of Wheaton College in 1989. He retired from this position after serving for twenty-five years. Steve and his wife, Linda, have one son, Jeffrey (wife-Sheralynn), and twin grandchildren, Luke and Brielynn.

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Kenneth Kemp

Kenneth Kemp

KENNETH KEMP, author and blogger, writes like he takes photographs. When a scene strikes him, he frames it and checks the lighting. If a story moves him, he takes on the challenge of capturing the essence in a narrative that will engage a reader. He complains that he has too much education. He currently serves as Western Regional Director for Global Generosity with Operation Mobilization, USA. He and his lifelong partner, Carolyn, cherish their children and grandchildren and live in Southern California. He is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute (B.A., 1971) and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (M.Div., 1974), and the author of To Everything a Season, Fire in Paradise, Why Not Today, and Broken for Good.

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Homer Kent Jr.

Homer Kent Jr.

DR. HOMER A. KENT, JR. (A.B., Bob Jones University; B.D., Th.M., Th.D., Grace Theological Seminary), was professor of New Testament and Greek at Grace Theological Seminary, Winona Lake, Indiana. He is the author of The Pastoral Epistles.

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Robert Ketcham

Robert Ketcham

ROBERT KETCHAM (1889-1978) was a Baptist pastor, and a founder of the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches. Although virtually blind for most of his career, he had a successful pastorate and wrote several books, including I Shall Not Want and Boxes, Bottles and Books.

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Virelle Kidder

Virelle Kidder

VIRELLE KIDDER is a full-time writer and conference speaker who has proclaimed the love of God for more than 25 years, and once hosted her own daily radio talk show in New York's capital district. She is the author of six books, including The Best Life Ain't Easy and Meet Me at the Well. Virelle and her husband, Steve, have four grown children and eight grandchildren and live in Sebastian, Florida. For more information, visit

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Jim Killam

Jim Killam

JIM KILLAM has been a journalist for more than 30 years -- including stints as a newspaper reporter and editor, a college media adviser, and a missionary journalist. Currently he is Story Director for the Seed Company, a Wycliffe affiliate. Jim and his wife, Lauren, live in Texas, though their Midwestern accents give them away quickly. They have three grown children and two grandchildren. Go Tell It is Jim's third book, and has led to training opportunities on three continents.

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Billy Kim

Billy Kim

BILLY KIM History and miracles combined to make Billy Kim the person he is today. Aptly described as the Billy Graham of Asia –Kim has had an influence on many world leaders. Kim, former president of the Baptist World Alliance, is the senior pastor of the Suwon Central Baptist Church, which he built from 12 members to over 15,000. He is also the chairman of the Far East Broadcasting Company, and during his tenure at FEBC-Korea, 12 radio stations came into being speaking the gospel into China and North and South Korea.

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Esther Ahn Kim

Esther Ahn Kim

ESTHER AHN KIM was a Korean Christian who spent six years (1939-1945) in Japanese prisons during WWII as a result of her faith. As she prepared to be martyred, Miss Ahn’s courageous activities in prison brought the light of the Gospel to many, and resulted in a reduction of the brutal torture Christians were subjected to. After her release she was married to Don Kim, and the couple toured Europe and the United States speaking of God’s sustaining power during those harrowing years. She is author of If I Perish. Her story was published in Korea and Japan, where it became a national sensation, reaching number three on the all-time religious bestseller list.

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David M King

David M King

DAVID KING has been in pastoral ministry for over 20 years, serving as senior pastor at Concord Baptist in Chattanooga, TN since 2001. He has degrees from Carson-Newman College, Beeson Divinity School, and the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Natalie, have three children, Casey, Ethan, and Amelia. He enjoys reading, running, and spending time with his family.

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Ted Kluck

Ted Kluck

TED KLUCK is co-author of Why We’re Not Emergent and author of Facing Tyson, 15 Stories, Paper Tiger and Game Time. His award-winning writing has also appeared in ESPN the Magazine, Sports Spectrum Magazine and on’s Page 2. An avid sports fan, he has played professional indoor football, coached high school football, trained as a professional wrestler, served as a missionary, and has also taught writing courses at the college level. He currently lives in Michigan with his wife and two sons.

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Kathy Koch, PhD

Kathy Koch, PhD

DR. KATHY KOCH (pronounced “cook”) is the founder of Celebrate Kids, Inc., where she uses her expertise in educational psychology to help parents inspire children in their unique strengths and to thrive in their identity. She is a prolific author and sought after speaker, known for addressing contemporary challenges in parenting and education with practical, faith-integrated strategies through books and nationwide speaking engagements. Her work emphasizes the integration of Christian principles, aiming to foster character growth, identity formation, and spiritual development in children. You can learn more and access her podcasts, books, and more at

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John Koessler

John Koessler

JOHN KOESSLER is a professor emeritus at Moody Bible Institute where he served on the faculty since 1994. Prior to joining the Moody faculty, John served as pastor of Valley Chapel in Green Valley, IL for nine years. He is an award-winning author who has written thirteen books and numerous magazine articles. He writes the monthly Theology Matters column for Today in the Word and is a frequent workshop leader at the Moody Pastor's Conference. John is married to Jane and they have two adult sons. They live in Ludington, MI.

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John R Kohlenberger III

John R Kohlenberger III

JOHN R. KOHLENBERGER III (Th.B., Multnomah Bible College; M.A., Western Seminary) is the author or co-editor of more than five dozen biblical reference books and study Bibles, including the awarding-winning NIV Exhaustive Concordance and The NIV Bible Commentary. John currently divides his time between writing and Bible design and typesetting.

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Vickie Kraft

Vickie Kraft

VICKIE KRAFT (M.A., Dallas Theological Seminary) served as Minister to Women at Northwest Bible Church in Dallas for over 13 years. She is also co-founder of Titus 2:4 Ministries Inc., a ministry established to encourage and equip women to mentor and disciple the generation following them, and to help local churches start effective, relevant women's ministries. She travels to speak nationally and internationally and is the author of Women Mentoring Women: Ways to Start, Maintain and Expand a Biblical Women's Ministry, The Influential Woman, and Facing Your Feelings.

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Glenn R. Kreider

Glenn R. Kreider

Glenn R. Kreider (PhD, Dallas Theological Seminary) is Professor of Theological Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary where he teaches systematic and historical theology courses. His research interests include Jonathan Edwards, theological method, and eschatology. He is also the author of God with Us: Exploring God’s Personal Interactions with His People throughout the Bible.

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Morgan Krueger

Morgan Krueger

MORGAN KRUEGER is a Jesus follower, wife, mother, and author who found her voice connecting with women seeking freedom from the brokenness of past shame. Passionate about the redemption found in following Jesus, Morgan aims to keep that at the center of all she does. Morgan works at Faithfully Restored, and is grateful to be a part of a ministry that offers the hope of Jesus in the midst of suffering.

In her downtime, you can find Morgan enjoying the significance of the mundane, including spending time with her two sons, encouraging women through words, and adventuring with her husband in Franklin, TN. Learn more about Morgan at

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Isobel Kuhn

Isobel Kuhn

ISOBEL KUHN (1901-1957) (Moody Bible Institute) was born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. She and her husband, John, served with the China Inland Mission (now Overseas Missionary Fellowship) from 1928 to 1954. She is author of numerous books including Second Mile People, In the Arena, Green Leaf in Drought, and By Searching: My Journey through Doubt into Faith.

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Abraham Kuruvilla

Abraham Kuruvilla

ABRAHAM KURUVILLA is Professor of Pastoral Ministries at Dallas Theological Seminary. He centers his ministry around the art and science of preaching: exploring preaching through research and scholarship, explaining preaching by training the next generation of church leaders, and exemplifying preaching in regular pulpit engagements in the U.S. and elsewhere. He has served as the interim preacher at churches in Texas, Massachusetts, and as President of the Evangelical Homiletics Society. In addition, he has written several preaching commentaries and he blogs regularly at In his other life, Dr. Kuruvilla is a Diplomat of the American Board of Dermatology, and he maintains an active clinical schedule seeing patients and taking care of their skin, hair, and nails. Single by choice, Abe has a special interest in the theology of Christ-centered singleness and celibacy.

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Carl Laney

Carl Laney

J. CARL LANEY (B.S., University of Oregon; M.Div., Th.M., Western Conservative Baptist Seminary; Th.D., Dallas Theological Seminary) is professor of biblical literature at Western Conservative Baptist Seminary, Portland, Oregon. He is the author of commentaries on First and Second Samuel, Ezra and Nehemiah, and Zechariah for the Everyman's Bible Commentary series. Dr. Laney has also written several other books, including God (Understanding Christian Theology Series), Tyndale Concise Bible Commentary, The Divorce Myth and Baker's Concise Bible Atlas. He resides in Portland, Oregon.

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Timothy Larsen

Timothy Larsen

TIMOTHY LARSEN is McManis Professor of Christian Thought and Professor of History at Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois. He is also an Honorary Fellow at Edinburgh University, and has been a Visiting Fellow at Trinity College, Cambridge University, and All Souls College, Oxford University. He is the author of nine books, including George MacDonald in the Age of Miracles: Incarnation, Doubt, and Reenchantment, and has edited a dozen volumes, including The Oxford Handbook of Christmas. Articles of his have appeared in many venues, including the Wall Street Journal, Christianity Today, World, Los Angeles Review of Books, Times Literary Supplement, and

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Susie Larson

Susie Larson

SUSIE LARSON is a national speaker, bestselling author, and the host of the daily talk show, Susie Larson Live heard on the Faith Radio Network. Susie has written 17 books and many articles. She's been a guest on Focus on the Family, The Life Today Show, Family Life Today, and other media outlets. Voted twice as a top-ten finalist for the John C. Maxwell Transformational Leadership Award, she is also a veteran of the fitness field. Susie has been married to her dear husband Kevin since 1985 and together they have three sons, three daughters-in-law, two beautiful grandchildren, and one adorable pit bull named Memphis. Susie's passion is to see people everywhere awakened to the value of their soul, the depth of God's love, and the height of their calling in Christ Jesus.

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Rick Lawrence

Rick Lawrence

RICK LAWRENCE is Executive Director of Vibrant Faith, a ministry resourcing, training, coaching, and research organization. He’s an award-winning author, journalist, cultural researcher, editor, and national speaker. For many years he led Group Publishing’s Youth Ministry Resourcing Team, and helped launch its “Jesus-Centered” line of adult resources. He also leads a “home church” for young people: Pursuing the Heart of Jesus, Not His Recipes. He’s the general editor of the bestselling Jesus-Centered Bible, and author of many books, including The Suicide Solution, Jesus-Centered Daily, and The Jesus-Centered Life. He’s host of the popular podcast Paying Ridiculous Attention to Jesus. He’s married to Beverly Rose and has two young-adult daughters, Lucy and Emma.

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Wendy Lawton

Wendy Lawton

WENDY LAWTON, an award-winning writer, sculptor, and doll designer, founded the Lawton Doll Company in 1979. She currently works as an agent for the Books & Such Literary Agency. Wendy has written numerous books, including six for her Daughters of Faith series and four for her Real TV series. Wendy is active in her church and is a frequent speaker for women's groups. Wendy and her husband, Keith, are parents to three adult children and live in Hilmar, California.

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Charles Leach

Charles Leach

CHARLES LEACH was born in England on March 1, 1847 and started from humble beginnings, having to begin work at the age of eight. He worked hard and eventually went to Ranmoor Theological College. In 1873 he took up a pastorate in Sheffield, and for the next thirty years, preached, ministered, and lectured all around England. He also took several trips to the Middle East and the United States. While he was successful in his professional life, he was not as fortunate in his personal life as only two of his six children were alive at his death. In 1908 he joined the Liberal Party to run for Parliament. Although initially thought to be a weak candidate, he won his seat in 1910. While in Parliament he introduced several bills and was fairly influential. Because of this and his ministry background he was named Chaplain to the Armed Forces at outset of World War I. After this, he began to step back from public life because of physical and mental deterioration. He died in England on November 24, 1919 at the age of seventy-two.

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Helen Lee

Helen Lee

HELEN LEE is an award-winning freelance writer and editor with nearly two decades of experience publishing in the Christian market. She is the co-editor of and contributor to Growing Healthy Asian-American Churches (IVP, 2006) and co-founder of the Best Christian Workplaces Institute, which runs the annual “Best Christian Places to Work” survey. Helen has written numerous articles for publications such as Christianity Today, Today’s Christian Woman, re:generation quarterly and Leadership Journal (LJ). In both 2008 and 2009, her articles for LJ earned Higher Goals awards in reporting from the Evangelical Press Association. As a former editor and writer with Christianity Today, she has worked with or interviewed a wide range of evangelical luminaries, such as Michael Card, J.I. Packer, and Chuck Colson. She is married to classical pianist and Moody Bible Institute professor Brian Lee; together they have three young sons. Helen is also a homeschooling mom and seeks to provide her sons with a classical Christian education; she and her family reside in Chicagoland.

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Trip Lee

Trip Lee

WILLIAM LEE BAREFIELD III, better known as TRIP LEE, is a Christian hip-hop artist under the Reach Records label. Trip Lee’s music has topped Billboard charts, the iTunes chart, and has received Dove nominations and a Stellar Award. His Christ-centered and God-exalting music has reached thousands with the Good News of Jesus Christ.Trip Lee now resides in Washington, DC with his wife and is finishing his Biblical and Theological Studies degree with Boyce College. Trip’s unending desire is to proclaim the grace and beauty of Jesus Christ to anyone that will listen. Ultimately, he hopes this journey will someday lead to pastoring a church.

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Barbara Leeman

Barbara Leeman

DAVID & BARBARA LEEMAN have been professional musicians for over 50 years—David was music director for churches in California, Oregon, Illinois, and Texas.; Barbara was a music educator in her private studio and a private Christian school. They are both graduates of Biola University School of Music. Together they have written Hosanna in Excelsis and Our Hymns, Our Heritage, a student hymnal that is widely used in churches, Christian schools, and homes. They are now retired and living in Greenville, South Carolina. They have four grown children and twelve grandchildren.

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David Leeman

David Leeman

DAVID & BARBARA LEEMAN have been professional musicians for over 50 years—David was music director for churches in California, Oregon, Illinois, and Texas.; Barbara was a music educator in her private studio and a private Christian school. They are both graduates of Biola University School of Music. Together they have written Hosanna in Excelsis and Our Hymns, Our Heritage, a student hymnal that is widely used in churches, Christian schools, and homes. They are now retired and living in Greenville, South Carolina. They have four grown children and twelve grandchildren.

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Jonathan Leeman

Jonathan Leeman

JONATHAN LEEMAN is the editorial director of 9Marks, which involves him in editing the 9Marks series of books as well as the 9Marks Journal. He has written a number of books on the church, including Reverberation, and he teaches theology at several seminaries. Jonathan lives with his wife and four daughters in a suburb of Washington, DC and serves as an elder at Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington. You can learn more about him and his writing at

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R. G. LeTourneau

R. G. LeTourneau

ROBERT GILMORE LETOURNEAU (1888-1969) rose to eminence in the competitive world of manufacturing and construction. Although his competitors thought him insane, history has proved that his inventive genius was decades ahead of its time. Mr. LeTourneau is known as the man who gave 90 percent of his income to Christian causes around the world. His combination of enterprise and Christian commitment led to his sponsoring many works involving missions and education, including LeTourneau College, a Christian liberal arts and technical school in Longview, Texas. Mr. LeTourneau is author of Mover of Men and Mountains.

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William O. Levi

William O. Levi

WILLIAM OCHAN LEVI is the founder of Operation Nehemiah Missions International, an organization dedicated to rebuilding the minds, bodies, and spirits of the Sudanese people. He is active in Christian education and humanitarian service in South Sudan and the Ugandan refugee camps. Mr. Levi, a Messianic believer from an African Hebrew tribal group, is a native of Sudan and grew up as a refugee. Following persecution, arrest, and torture, his miraculous escape from jihad forces ultimately led to life in the United States. He has written a book on his story entitled The Bible or the Axe: One Man's Dramatic Escape from Persecution in the Sudan. He is a frequent guest on Christian radio and has told his story nationwide, even testifying before representatives of the United States government regarding human rights abuses in the Sudan. Mr. Levi lives in Massachusetts with his wife, Hannah, and their six children.

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Sarah Lew Tierney

Sarah Lew Tierney

SARAH LEW TIERNEY is a Canadian-American who was born to missionary parents and spent her childhood in the mountains of Eastern Congo (DRC). Due to political unrest, her family moved to Illinois where she met and married her high school sweetheart. Jake and Sarah have two children -- a ninja and an artist -- and continue to reside amongst the cornfields today. She is a licensed clinical counselor by day...and a passionate writer typing madly at her keyboard by night (after the ninja and the artist go to bed). Her writing includes fiction, nonfiction, and personalized birthday songs for friends and family, which she performs accompanied by her dashing mandolin-wielding husband. She loves to collaborate on book projects and especially enjoyed teaming up for The Stranger at Our Shore with her friend, Joshua Sherif.

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Arthur Lewis

Arthur Lewis

ARTHUR H. LEWIS (B.A., Wheaton College; B.D., Gordon Divinity School; M.A., Harvard Graduate School; Ph.D., Brandeis University Graduate School) formerly served as professor of Old Testament and Hebrew at Bethel College. He is author of the Everyman’s Bible Commentary Volumes on Judges and Ruth.

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Amber Lia

Amber Lia

A former English teacher, AMBER LIA has authored multiple bestselling books including Food Triggers and Parenting Scripts. In her popular book, Triggers: Exchanging Parents’ Angry Reactions for Gentle Biblical Responses, Amber and coauthor, Wendy Speake, guide parents toward peaceful parenting. She and her husband own a production company in Chattanooga, TN, and are parents to four boys ages 6 to 16. A certified independent health coach, Amber helps clients looking to live life to the full! When she's not searching for Nerf darts around her house, you can find Amber writing to encourage families on her website at

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Donald A.  Lichi, PhD

Donald A. Lichi, PhD

DRR. DONALD A. LICHI is a licensed psychologist at EMERGE Counseling Services in Akron, Ohio. He is also an adjunct professor with Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (Deerfield, IL). He is married to Marcie, and they have three adult children and seven grandchildren.

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Ella K. Lindvall

Ella K. Lindvall

ELLA K. LINDVALL was a mother and former elementary school teacher. She spent 20 years teaching Kindergarten, first, and second grades in Taiwan, the United Arab Emirates, and the United States. Ella was a skilled children’s editor and writer, and served until retirement as the managing editor for Moody Publishers. Among her many children’s books are The Bible in Pictures for Toddlers and the acclaimed Read-Aloud Bible Stories series, the first volume of which is an ECPA Gold Medallion winner and C.S. Lewis Honor Book.

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Shai Linne

Shai Linne

SHAI LINNE is a recording artist who has released numerous acclaimed Christian hip-hop albums, including The Atonement and The Attributes of God. After completing a pastoral internship at Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, D.C. and serving as an elder at Del Ray Baptist Church in Alexandria, VA, Shai co-founded Risen Christ Fellowship, an inner-city church in his hometown of Philadelphia, PA. Previously, Shai wrote God Made Me and You and co-authored It Was Good: Making Music to the Glory of God. He lives in Philadelphia with his wife Blair and their three children, Sage, Maya, and Ezra.

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J. Ryan Lister

J. Ryan Lister

RYAN LISTER is a professor of theology at Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon. He is the author of The Presence of God: Its Place in the Story of Scripture and the Story of Our Lives and serves as Director of Doctrine & Discipleship for Humble Beast, where he helped start the Canvas Conference. He lives in Portland, Oregon with his wife, Chase, and their four children.

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Bryan Litfin

Bryan Litfin

BRYAN LITFIN grew up in Dallas, TX; Oxford, England; and Memphis, TN. He earned a degree in print journalism from the University of Tennessee, a master's degree in historical theology at Dallas Seminary, and a Ph.D. in the field of ancient church history at the University of Virginia. He now serves as Education Projects Editor at Moody Publishers in Chicago, IL. Bryan lives with his wife and two teenaged children in Wheaton, IL, and is a member of College Church in Wheaton. Connect with Bryan at

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Alicia Llewellyn

Alicia Llewellyn

ALICIA LLEWELLYN is co-founder of Quite Uncommon, a technology firm that helps organizations build, test, and launch new and innovative ideas. She is also a strategist and collaboration leader at NASA, currently directing the 1958 Coworking Space at the Johnson Space Center. She has more than two decades of cross-sector experience in growing effective teams and building engaged communities with resiliency and foresight--including for some of the largest hackathons in the world. Ali has served as a teacher, a team trainer, a youth pastor, and the Director of Ministries at Antioch Community Church in Houston, TX. This background in education, communication, and theology provides the clarity and articulation necessary to help organizations and communities take their mission to the next level.

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D. Bruce Lockerbie

D. Bruce Lockerbie

D. BRUCE LOCKERBIE is founder and Chairman of PAIDEIA, Inc., Stony Brook, New York, a comprehensive consulting firm serving Christian schools, colleges, seminaries, and other worthy causes. An educator for sixty years, including thirty-four years at the Stony Brook School, he is author, co-author, and editor of more than forty books, including A Passion for Learning, published by Moody Publishers in 1996. He is a frequent lecturer on topics relating to a biblical worldview of our culture, family life, education, the arts, and the role of the church. A former world class runner, he is now a struggling left-handed golfer.

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Jeanette Lockerbie

Jeanette Lockerbie

JEANETTE LOCKERBIE (1916-1998) homemaker, writing consultant, lecturer, and author of nearly forty books, was born in Scotland and spent her adult years in Canada and the United States. Jeanette was author of numerous books including Morning Glories and Salt in my Kitchen. In addition to her responsibilities as a pastor’s and missionary’s wife, she also served as staff editor for Psychology for Living. She was the mother of two children.

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Doug Logan

Doug Logan

DOUG LOGAN serves as Lead Pastor of Epiphany Camden. Doug and his wife Angel have been married since 1996 and have been blessed with three sons, Bernie, Aharon, and Avery. He is ordained in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). Doug served at both 10th Presbyterian and Epiphany Fellowship in a 2-year Church Plant Residency program before planting EFC. He also served as Vice President of Relational Connectivity and is a Board Member of Thriving, a Urban Church Planting Network. Doug has served in the inner city for nearly a decade as a pastor of Calvary Bible Church of Kensington and at Epiphany Fellowship in North Philly. He is currently completing his Masters at Capital Seminary.

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Jim Logan

Jim Logan

JIM LOGAN (B.A., Biola University; graduate studies at Talbot School of Theology) is a counselor at Biblical Restoration Ministries, Inc. He spent more than 20 years as a pastor and has taught at several Bible colleges. He and his wife live in Sioux City, Iowa, and have four children.

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Ryan Lokkesmoe

Ryan Lokkesmoe

RYAN LOKKESMOE PhD is the Senior Pastor of Community Church at Lake Wylie in the Charlotte area. He earned his master's degree in New Testament at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and his doctorate in New Testament at The University of Denver. Ryan is the author of Blurry: Bringing Clarity to the Bible (CLC Publications), and has written Small Group curriculum for LifeWay as well as articles for the Lexham Bible Dictionary. Ryan previously served as the Small Groups Pastor at a multi-site church, and as the Lead Pastor of Real Hope Community Church for seven years. He lives in Richmond, TX with his wife Ashley and their two children.

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Bryan Loritts

Bryan Loritts

BRYAN LORITTS is the Lead Pastor of the Abundant Life Christian Fellowship of Silicon Valley, California. He is the privileged husband of Korie, and the graced father of three sons -- Quentin, Myles, and Jaden. He is also an award winning author of six books including Saving the Saved: How Jesus Saves us from Try-harder Christianity into Performance-Free Love which was given the Christianity Today Award of Merit, and his newest release Insider Outsider. Bryan co-founded Fellowship Memphis in 2003, and later founded the Kainos Movement -- an organization committed to seeing the multi-ethnic church become the new normal in our world. He travels extensively throughout the world preaching the Good News of Jesus Christ at conferences and events, as well as serving on the board of trustees for Biola University and PineCove Christian Camps. His messages can be heard daily on the Salem Radio Network's KFAX station. You can follow him on Twitter @bcloritts.

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Karen Loritts

Karen Loritts

KAREN LORITTS has served alongside her pastor husband in ministry for over three decades as a teacher, mentor and international speaker. She is a founding member of a community outreach program that gives away thousands of dollars each year to those in need who are working towards a better future. She is a mom to four and a grandmother of eight.

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Crawford W. Loritts Jr.

Crawford W. Loritts Jr.

DR. CRAWFORD LORITTS' ministry has given him the opportunity to travel throughout the United States and much of the world, speaking in churches, evangelistic outreaches, conferences, colleges, and seminaries. He has been a church planter, served for over twenty-seven years on the staff of Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ) and for over fifteen years as Senior Pastor of Fellowship Bible Church in Roswell, Georgia. He is the author of nine books including Your Marriage Today...and Tomorrow, co-authored with his wife, Karen; and the host of two national radio programs, Living a Legacy and Legacy Moments. As President and Founder of Beyond Our, Crawford is committed to encouraging, mentoring, and helping to shape the next generation of Christian leaders.

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Sam Luce

Sam Luce

SAM LUCE has been a pastor at Redeemer Church in Utica, NY, for over 25 years. He holds a BA in Theology, an MA in Biblical and Theological Studies, and an MA in Christian and Classical Studies. Sam and his wife, Sandra, have four beautiful kids together.

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G Coleman Luck

G Coleman Luck

G. COLEMAN LUCK (Th.M. and Th. D., Dallas Theological Seminary) was chairman of the Department of Bible at the Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, where he began teaching in 1947. He also served as a professor of theology and Bible. In addition to his classroom ministry, he has written several books for Moody Publishers, including The Bible Book by Book: An Introduction to Bible Synthesis, as well as articles for Moody Monthly. He also composed many gospel songs and choruses. Dr. Luck is now at home with his Lord.

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Anita Lustrea

Anita Lustrea

ANITA LUSTREA has been with Moody Radio for nearly 30 years. The past 14 as executive producer and host of Midday Connection, an NRB award winning radio program. Besides speaking and writing, Anita's other loves include her husband Mike and college aged son John. Anita has co-edited and contributed to Tending the Soul: 90Days of Spiritual Nourishment (Moody Publishers 2011) and authored What Women Tell Me: Finding Freedom From the Secrets We Keep (Zondervan 2010). If you want to start a conversation with Anita that might go on for a long while, ask her about her beloved Maine! Anita hails from the coastal town of Blue Hill, but soon after headed to The County, Aroostook County, that is, and with Shades of Mercy, she hopes to put Aroostook County on the map.

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Erwin W. Lutzer

Erwin W. Lutzer

DR. ERWIN W. LUTZER is pastor emeritus of The Moody Church in Chicago where he served as the Senior Pastor for 36 years. A respected theologian, Dr. Lutzer earned his BTh from Winnipeg Bible College, a ThM from Dallas Theological Seminary, a MA in philosophy from Loyola University, and an honorary LLD from the Simon Greenleaf School of Law. He is an award-winning author and the featured speaker on three radio programs that can be heard on more than one thousand outlets around the world. Dr. Lutzer and his wife, Rebecca, live in the Chicago area and have three grown children and eight grandchildren.

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Manuel Luz

Manuel Luz

A rock musician-turned rocket engineer-turned Christian artist, MANUEL LUZ has been a creative arts pastor for 18 years, as well as a working musician who has contributed to nearly 50 albums. His eclectic experience as an artist, professional, and minister give him a unique view of the intersections of faith and art.

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John MacArthur

John MacArthur

JOHN MACARTHUR is the pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California; president of The Master's College and Seminary; and featured teacher for the Grace to You media ministry. Weekly telecasts and daily radio broadcasts of "Grace to You" are seen and heard by millions worldwide. John has also written several bestselling books, including The MacArthur Study Bible, The Gospel According to Jesus, The New Testament Commentary series, Twelve Ordinary Men, and The Truth War. He and his wife, Patricia, have four married children and fifteen grandchildren.

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Joel Malm

Joel Malm

JOEL MALM is an entrepreneur, dreamer and adventurer who loves to help people pursue their God-given dreams. As founder of Summit Leaders he takes people on outdoor expeditions around the world to places like Mt. Kilimanjaro, Grand Canyon and Machu Picchu. He has traveled in over sixty-five countries on six continents and speaks three languages. He and his wife Emily live in Texas.Learn more at and

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Jonathan Malm

Jonathan Malm

JONATHAN MALM is an author, speaker, and creative entrepreneur. While working full-time at his church as creative director, he created multiple resources to help the Church be more effective at creativity. He now runs these projects full-time and consults with churches and creative directors to make their ministries more successful. Jonathan lives with his wife Carolina in San Antonio, Texas.

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Barnabas Mam

Barnabas Mam

BARNABAS MAM has been AFCI’s Regional Director for Asia since 2007 and is one of only 200 Christians to survive the Killing Fields of Pol Pot. He joined the Communist party as a teenager and was converted to Christ while spying on a Christian evangelistic meeting in the early 1970's. He was later arrested and sent to the Killing Fields where he spent four years in captivity. After his release Barnabas was forced to flee the country where he spent another eight years in a refugee camp in Thailand where he began the ministry of church-planting. After returning to Cambodia, Barnabas helped rebuild the church in his native land, and over 400 churches have been planted since 1998.

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Jessica Manfre

Jessica Manfre

JESSICA MANFRE is a licensed social worker, author, and Chief Financial Officer of the nonprofit, Inspire Up. She holds a Master of Social Work degree from the University of Central Florida and a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Northwestern State University. Jessica is the proud wife of a U.S. Coast Guardsman, Scott, and mama to their two children, Anthony and Raegan. She is passionate about creating a kinder and more generous world—one that Jesus prayed and gave His life for.

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Matt Markins

Matt Markins

MATT MARKINS serves as the President and CEO of Awana, a global leader in child discipleship. As a researcher in child discipleship and children’s ministry, Matt has commissioned eleven research projects since 2013, including a study conducted by Barna Group called Children’s Ministry in a New Reality. He’s a board member at large for the National Association of Evangelicals and is the author or coauthor of four books, most notably The Faith of Our Children: Eight Timely Research Insights for Discipling the Next Generation and RESILIENT: Child Discipleship and the Fearless Future of the Church. He’s also the cofounder of the Child Discipleship Forum and D6 Conference. Matt and his wife, Katie, have been involved in children’s ministry for more than 25 years and spend their time in Nashville with their two sons. For more information go to and

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Louis Markos

Louis Markos

LOUIS MARKOS, is a professor in English and Scholar in Residence at Houston Baptist University and holds the Robert H. Ray Chair in Humanities. Dr. Markos is a respected and widly requested speaker on C. S. Lewis, Tolkien, and Christian worldview as well as the arts, education, the new age, apologetics and, ancient Greece and Rome. He is the author of several books and numerous lectures and articles. Dr. Markos lives in Houston, Texas, with his wife Donna, his son Alex, and his daughter Stacey.

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D. J. Marotta

D. J. Marotta

D. J. MAROTTA is a priest in the Anglican Church in North America and the founding Rector of Redeemer Anglican Church in Richmond, Virginia. His wife is gracious and his children are clever.

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Glenna Marshall

Glenna Marshall

GLENNA MARSHALL is a pastor's wife and mother of two energetic sons. She is the author of The Promise Is His Presence and Everyday Faithfulness. She writes regularly at on biblical literacy, suffering, and the faithfulness of God. She is a member of Grace Bible Fellowship in Sikeston, Missouri.

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Maxine Marsolini

Maxine Marsolini

MAXINE MARSOLINI is a free-lance writer, author, poet, pastor’s wife and homemaker. Maxine, author of Raising Children in Blended Families: Helpful Insights, Expert Opinions, True Stories and Blended Families: Creating Harmony as You Build a New Home Life, writes from what she calls “wisdom born of pain” through the difficult soil of a blended home. She and her husband Charlie, reside in the state of Oregon where they serve in ministry together working with couples who are struggling with relationship and financial issues. Maxine and Charlie have seven children in their blended family.

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Alfred Martin

Alfred Martin

ALFRED MARTIN (B.A., Washington College; Th.M., Th.D., Dallas Theological Seminary) is author of a number of books including The Holy Spirit: Investigation of the Personality, Deity, and Ministries of the Holy Spirit, Isaiah for the Everyday Bible Commentary series, and Not My Own: A Biblical Perspective on the Stewardship of Life. Throughout his career, he served as vice-president and dean of education at Moody Bible Institute and as professor at Dallas Bible College. He is now at home with His Lord.

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Chris Martin

Chris Martin

CHRIS MARTIN is editor of and a content marketing editor at Moody Publishers. You can follow him on Twitter at @ChrisMartin17

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Rob Martin

Rob Martin

ROB MARTIN has been involved in Christian ministry since his conversion in 1976. He first served as the editor of a Christian publication and then for six years with the Orange County Rescue Mission, Orange County, CA, before becoming General Manager of Fieldstead & Company, a private philanthropy of Howard and Robert Ahmanson. He later served as Executive Director of First Fruit, Inc. and has been with this organization in a full time capacity since 2009, serving ministries and colleague foundations as a coach on a variety of organizational issues. Rob was educated as a journalist, and spent his formative career years in newspaper work. He and his wife, Bev, have raised three daughters and reside at Useless Bay on Whidbey Island, WA.

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Eric    Mason

Eric Mason

DR. ERIC MASON is the founder and pastor of Epiphany Fellowship in Philadelphia, PA. He and his wife, Yvette, have four children. After more than two decades of gospel ministry, Dr. Mason has become known for his passion to see the glory of Jesus Christ robustly and relevantly engaged in broken cities with the comprehensive gospel. He helps coach and train families to plant churches locally, nationally, and internationally. He is the founder and president of Thriving, an urban resource organization committed to developing leaders for ministry in the urban context, and is the author of three books, Manhood Restored, Beat God to the Punch, and Unleashed. He is the recipient of multiple earned degrees, including a BS in Psychology from Bowie State University, a Master of Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary, and a Doctoral degree from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.

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Kelley Mathews

Kelley Mathews

KELLEY MATHEWS (B.A., Louisiana State University; Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminary) is a freelance writer and copy editor. She is co-author of Leading Women Who Wound with Sue Edwards. Kelley, her husband, John, and their two children reside in the Dallas area.

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John W. Mauck, JD

John W. Mauck, JD

JOHN MAUCK, an attorney for 30 years, is a founding partner at Mauck & Baker, LLC in Chicago. He is an Allied Attorney with Alliance Defending Freedom and was a board member of Christian Legal Society. John received his B.A. from Yale and his Juris Doctor from the University of Chicago. He and his wife of 40 years have four adult children and are active church members. John also wrote Paul on Trial: The Book of Acts as a Defense of Christianity, which was a finalist for the Evangelical Book of the Year.

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Jeremy Maxfield

Jeremy Maxfield

JEREMY MAXFIELD is a writer and consultant. After graduating from The University of Georgia and Beeson Divinity School, he began developing content for leaders and organizations throughout the country. He has also served in local churches, including his role as Discipleship Pastor at Brainerd Baptist in Chattanooga, TN. Jeremy and his wife, Amanda, have three daughters, Adalyn, Ella, and Katy Jane.

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L. E. Maxwell

L. E. Maxwell

L.E. MAXWELL founded Prairie Bible Institute in Three Hills, Alberta, Canada, in 1922. In his fifty-seven years of service with the school, he held many titles, including professor, principal, and president. A prolific author, he wrote many including Women in Ministry, Born Crucified, and Crowded to Christ. He is now at home with his Lord.

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Gary Mayes

Gary Mayes

GARY MAYES is a former pastor of Faith Community Church in Santa Ana, California. He has also served as consultant and trainer with SonLife Ministries. He is co-author of the book Economic Evangelist: Helping People to Become Financially Literate!, How to Trust God, and Growing a Healthy Church. He and his wife, Margaret, have two children and reside in Santa Ana, California.

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Richard Mayhue

Richard Mayhue

DR. RICHARD MAYHUE is the Executive VP and Dean and Professor of Theology and Pastoral Ministries of The Master’s Seminary. Before attending seminary, Dr. Mayhue served with the United States Navy from 1966 to 1971, including a tour of duty in Vietnam. Dr. Mayhue joined the faculty of The Master's Seminary in 1989 and was appointed as Dean of the Seminary in 1990. From 2000 to 2008, Dr. Mayhue also served in the role of Provost at The Master's College. Dr. Mayhue has authored, contributed to, and/or edited more than 25 books, including How To Study The Bible, Seeking God, Unmasking Satan, The Healing Promise, What Would Jesus Say About Your Church?, and Practicing Proverbs, plus numerous periodical and journal articles. Dick has been married to his gracious wife, "B", for over 42 years, and they have two children plus two grandsons. Dick enjoys gardening, model railroading (N scale), stamp collecting (USA), and grandfathering when he takes brief breaks from ministry.

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Jim McBride

Jim McBride

JIM MCBRIDE joined the staff of Sherwood Baptist Church in 2000 and has served as the executive pastor overseeing operations, church staff, finances and Men's Ministry since 2003. He is an executive producer of the films released by Sherwood Pictures, including Courageous, Fireproof, Facing the Giants, and Flywheel. Jim has also worked for Coca-Cola fifteen years and served in the U. S. Marine Corps for six years. Jim and his wife, Sheila, have been married for 28 years. They have four children, Victoria, Buddy, Tommy, and Sarah.

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September A. McCarthy

September A. McCarthy

As a homeschooling mom to ten children, SEPTEMBER MCCARTHY has encouraged and equipped families across the country on the Mom to Mom Podcast, the Dear Mom Podcast, at national conferences, and in her book Why Motherhood Matters. She can be found directing a large hybrid homeschool program, and creating homeschooling resources for her business, September and Co. September loves spending time with her grandchildren and ministering to all demographics of women in her community and around the world.

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Joy McClain

Joy McClain

JOY MCCLAIN Through song writing, publishing (over 150 short stories, Bible studies and articles), teaching, counseling and public speaking Joy passionately helps women understand their redemptive position in Christ. Joy has a unique call, marrying what women desire to express to words that give them a voice in which to do so. Married for 26 years, 20 of which involved a battle against her husband Mark's alcoholism, she and Mark have four children and live in Greenwood, Indiana. To learn more, visit

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Scott McClellan

Scott McClellan

SCOTT MCCLELLAN is the Communications Pastor at Irving Bible Church and an active voice in the conversation about church communication, creativity, and technology. Scott lives with his wife and two young daughters in the Dallas area where they are involved with Tapestry, a ministry to adoptive and foster families.

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Kate McCord

Kate McCord

KATE MCCORD worked in Afghanistan for nine years after the fall of the Taliban. During her years in country, she worked as a humanitarian aid worker, delivering projects to benefit the people of Afghanistan. She also learned the local language and developed deep and lasting friendships with local Afghans. After evacuating from her home in Afghanistan, Ms. McCord transitioned into a mentoring, training, consulting and coaching role to other workers serving in the region. Prior to moving to Afghanistan, Ms. McCord worked in the international corporate community as a business process and strategy consultant.Currently, she serves Christ through writing, speaking, mentoring, and conducting workshops and seminars. She is the author of In the Land of Blue Burqas and Farewell Four Waters, both published by Moody Publishers.

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Carolyn McCulley

Carolyn McCulley

CAROLYN McCULLEY is the author of Radical Womanhood and Did I Kiss Marriage Goodbye? She is also a contributor to the book, Sex and the Supremacy of Christ from John Piper, and to Focus on the Family's Boundless webzine. For ten years, she served as the media specialist for Sovereign Grace Ministries in Gaithersburg, Maryland. Currently, she is a blogger (Radical Womanhood), a frequent women's ministry speaker, and a filmmaker with the documentary company, Citygate Films. She lives in Maryland, where she is a member of Covenant Life Church.

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Josh McDowell

Josh McDowell

JOSH MCDOWELL As a young man, Josh McDowell considered himself an agnostic. He truly believed that Christianity was worthless. However, when challenged to intellectually examine the claims of Christianity, Josh discovered compelling, overwhelming evidence for the reliability of the Christian faith. In 1961 Josh joined the staff of Campus Crusade for Christ International. Not long after, he started the Josh McDowell Ministry to reach young people worldwide with the truth and love of Jesus.

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Joe S. McIlhaney, Jr., MD

Joe S. McIlhaney, Jr., MD

JOE S. MCILHANEY JR., M.D., is a board-certified obstetrician/gynecologist. In 2001, Dr. McIlhaney was appointed to the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS. He also serves on the Advisory Committee to the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Dr. McIlhaney has co-authored over six books including Hooked: The Brain Science on How Casual Sex Affects Human Development, and 1001 Health-Care Questions Women Ask. Dr. McIlhaney resides in Austin, Texas with his wife, Marion.

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Rebecca McLaughlin

Rebecca McLaughlin

REBECCA MCLAUGHLIN holds a PhD in Renaissance Literature from Cambridge University and a theology degree from Oak Hill College in London. Her first book, Confronting Christianity: 12 Hard Questions for the World’s Largest Religion, was named book of the year by Christianity Today. Her subsequent books include Exploring the Earliest Gospel, The Secular Creed: Engaging 5 Contemporary Claims, 10 Questions Every Teen Should Ask (and Answer) about Christianity, and Is Christmas Unbelievable?: Four Questions Everyone Should Ask about the World’s Most Famous Story. She lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts with her husband, three children, and church family.

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Robertson McQuilkin

Robertson McQuilkin

ROBERTSON McQUILKIN served as the third president of Columbia International University from 1968 to 1990 and currently serves as the president emeritus. He resigned from the presidency to care for his wife, Muriel, who had reached the stage of Alzheimer’s disease in which she needed full-time care. Prior to coming president of CIU, McQuilkin served as headmaster of Ben Lippen School, then for 12 years as a missionary in Japan. McQuilkin’s writings have appeared in numerous journals and periodicals. Among the books he has published are Understanding and Applying the Bible, Five Smooth Stones, Life in the Spirit, A Promise Kept, An Introduction to Biblical Ethics, and The Great Omission. In 2003 McQuilkin married Deborah Jones Sink. Between them, Robertson and Deborah have nine children.

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Andy McQuitty

Andy McQuitty

DR. MCQUITTY spent his high school years in Paris, Texas where his father served as Senior Minister of a Presbyterian church. Andy is husband to Alice and father to Julie, Elizabeth, Bonnie, Jonathan and Jeffrey. And most recently, grandpa to Drew and Madeline.Andy is an avid reader, tennis court rat, golfer, and writer; but his favorite pastime is spent with his family.He is a graduate of Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois and of Dallas Theological Seminary in Dallas, Texas. Andy earned his Doctor of Ministry degree from Dallas Theological Seminary in 1997, receiving the C. Sumner Wemp Award in personal evangelism as well as the John G. Mitchell Award for outstanding scholarship and effectiveness in ministry.Andy has served as a youth pastor in Washington State, and as Associate Pastor of a Bible Church in Garland, Texas. He has faithfully served as Sr. Pastor to Irving Bible Church since 1987.

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Margaret McSweeney

Margaret McSweeney

MARGARET McSWEENEY lives with her husband, David, and two teenage daughters in the Chicago suburbs. After earning a master’s degree in international business from the University of South Carolina, Margaret moved to New York City to work at a large bank where she met David. Margaret is the editor of Pearl Girls, author of A Mother’s Heart Knows and co-author of Go Back and Be Happy. Charity and community involvement are very important to Margaret. She has served on the board of directors for WINGS (Women in Need Growing Stronger) for over six years.

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Candy McVicar

Candy McVicar

CANDY MCVICAR is an author, educator, speaker, and devoted advocate for parents who experience the loss of a baby or child. After the stillbirth of her daughter Grace in 2001, she committed to enhance the care bereaved families receive while in the hospital, to facilitate healing holistically, and to optimize outcomes for subsequent pregnancies. Candy is the founder of the Missing GRACE Foundation, a national nonprofit that provides support, resources, and education for families and professional care providers when there is loss of a baby, infertility, or adoption challenges. Find out more about Candy at

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James T. Meeks

James T. Meeks

REVEREND JAMES T. MEEKS (B.A., Bishop College) is the founder and senior pastor of Salem Baptist Church in Chicago’s Roseland community. With over 20,000 members, Salem is the largest African American church in Illinois and one of the fastest growing in the nation. He also serves as the joint chairman for the Illinois Legislative Black Caucus and as an Illinois State Senator for the 15th Legislative District. Rev. Meeks is the author of How to get Out of Debt and Into Praise and Life-Changing Relationships. He and his wife, Jamell, reside in Chicago and are the proud parents of four children.

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Aaron Menikoff

Aaron Menikoff

AARON MENIKOFF is the Senior Pastor of Mount Vernon Baptist Church in Atlanta, GA. Before entering pastoral ministry, he served as a legislative assistant for the late United States Senator Mark O. Hatfield. He earned an M.Div. and a Ph.D. at Southern Seminary where he studied Christian social engagement during the Second Great Awakening. He is the author of Politics and Piety: Baptist Social Reform in America, 1770-1860 (Pickwick, 2014). Aaron has a heart for encouraging pastors. He organizes a yearly conference called Feed My Sheep, leads a monthly pastors fellowship in his area, and is Visiting Lecturer in Church History at Reformed Theological Seminary in Atlanta. He is married to Deana and is the father of Rachel, Jonah, Natalie, and Tori.

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Gil Mertz

Gil Mertz

GIL MERTZ is Assistant to the President at the Family Research Council in Washington, D.C. He has been involved with full-time Christian service for nearly forty years and draws from a vast background of ministry with international missions, humanitarian causes, public policy, and consulting. He is a former pastor and radio talk show host. His daily commentaries on forgiveness have been broadcast on more than 300 stations across America. Gil and his wife Patricia reside in southern California and have three children and three grandchildren.

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F. B. Meyer

F. B. Meyer

F. B. MEYER (1847-1929) was an internationally known British minister of the Gospel, a public servant, and an evangelist for more than sixty years. A good friend of D. L. Moody, he began preaching at Christ Church in London, when there were only 100 regular attendees. Within two years he was preaching regularly to over 2,000 people. Charles Spurgeon once spoke of him, saying "Meyer preaches as a man who has seen God face to face." Meyer was also active in the temperance movement, worked to close more than 500 houses of prostitution, and formed a prison aid society. Meyer authored more than 40 books, including biographies, devotional commentaries, sermon volumes and expository works. He also authored several pamphlets and edited a number of magazines.

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Jen Mickelborough

Jen Mickelborough

JEN MICKELBOROUGH is a British artist, creating from her garden studio in Sheffield, England. Her work resonates with color as she explores the beauty of nature and everyday wonder. Jen has been married to her husband Fran for 18 years and they have two children. For more information, visit

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Felicia Middlebrooks

Felicia Middlebrooks

FELICIA MIDDLEBROOKS (B.A., Purdue University) is one of the top media personalities in Chicago, anchoring the award-winning Morning Drive program on CBS Radio/WBBM Newsradio 780. She is the first woman and first African American to co-anchor Morning Drive. She is co-author of Called: "Hello, My Name is Mrs. Jefferson, I Understand Your Plane is Being Hijacked?" She also contributed to Our Voices. Felicia lives in Chicago, Illinois.

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Manny Mill

Manny Mill

MANNY MILL is chief executive officer of Koinonia House® National Ministries (KHNM)m whose mission is to bridge the gap between the Christian inmate and the local church. For almost 25 years, KHNM has been facilitating the integration of the former inmate into the church, workplace, and society through biblical discipleship. Manny graduated from Wheaton College (B.A., M.A.) and has been privileged to proclaim the Gospel in churches, schools, conferences, and especially behind prison walls in the United States and abroad. The father of five adult children and grandfather of six, Manny resides with his wife, Barbara, in Wheaton, IL.

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Donna J. Miller

Donna J. Miller

DONNA MILLER is the author of Growing Little Women: Capturing Teachable Moments with Your Daughter. Her husband, Don, is senior pastor of Westover Church in Greensboro, North Carolina, where Donna enjoys using her gift of hospitality to encourage its people. Donna further encourages mothers to mentor their daughters by leading seminars. Donna, Don, and their two daughters live in Greensboro, NC.

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Stephen Miller

Stephen Miller

STEPHEN MILLER is a pastor and artist who strives to enlarge people’s view of God with the truth of Scripture, and artfully provide a vocabulary to express thankfulness and praise. He is a passionate advocate for the local church and he travels all over the world to preach and lead worship. Stephen is the author of Worship Leaders, We Are Not Rock Stars and his latest album, Liberating King, is now available.

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Steve Miller

Steve Miller

STEVE MILLER, author of C.H. Spurgeon on Spiritual Leadership, has worked in Christian publishing for 20 years as an editor and writer. He is co-author of several books including D. L. Moody on Spiritual Leadership, and has written five children’s books with his wife, Becky. Steve has served as a Bible teacher and in various leadership positions since 1980, twelve years of which was spent leading the deaf ministry for John MacArthur’s Grace Community Church. Steve and Becky reside in Oregon’s Willamette Valley with their three sons.

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Al Mohler

Al Mohler

R. ALBERT MOHLER, JR. is the ninth president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, the flagship school of the Southern Baptist Convention and one of the largest seminaries in the world. Considered a leader among American evangelicals by Time and Christianity Today magazines, Dr. Mohler hosts two programs: "The Briefing," a daily analysis of news and events from a Christian worldview; and "Thinking in Public," a series of conversations with the day's leading thinkers. He also writes a popular blog and a regular commentary on moral, cultural and theological issues. Mohler is author of numerous books including He Is Not Silent: Preaching in a Postmodern World, The Conviction to Lead: 25 Principles for Leadership That Matters, and The Prayer That Turns the World Upside Down: The Lord's Prayer as a Manifesto for Revolution, and has also appeared on such national news programs as CNN, Larry King Live, NBC, Today Show, and Dateline NBC. He and his wife Mary, reside in Louisville, Kentucky and have two children.

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Andrew Montonera

Andrew Montonera

ANDREW MONTONERA is the great-grandson of Cornelius Stam, younger brother to John Stam. He holds a BA in communication from Trinity International University and resides in suburban Chicago.

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Dwight L. Moody

Dwight L. Moody

DWIGHT L. MOODY (1837-1899) was a highly acclaimed late 19th century evangelist. He founded the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago in 1886 and the Bible Institute Colportage Association, now Moody Publishers, in 1894. From training women, to reaching out to lost children, to bridging the gap between denominations, D.L. Moody was unlike any other. He is author of a number of books including Christ in You, Heaven, Men God Challenged, and Spiritual Power. His life is also chronicled in A Passion for Souls: The Life of D.L. Moody by Lyle Dorsett. He and his wife, Emma, had three children.

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Derrick C. Moore

Derrick C. Moore

DERRICK MOORE is a former NFL athlete who played for the Detroit Lions, Carolina Panthers, and Arizona Cardinals following his successful college football career. Since his retirement from the NFL in 1998 he has been in demand as a motivational speaker for professional teams, civic groups, churches, and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. He is on staff with FCA, serving as the chaplain of the football program at Georgia Tech. Derrick is the author of The Great Adventure and the general editor for the Strength and Honor Bible. He and his wife, Stephanie, a Christian fiction novelist, live in greater Atlanta area with their two daughters.

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R. York Moore

R. York Moore

R. YORK MOORE is a speaker, revivalist, abolitionist, and Tiktoker (york.moore), currently serving as President, CEO & National Evangelist for the Coalition for Christian Outreach. He is the co-founder of the EveryCampus movement, a coalition of organizations and churches seeking God for revival. He is the author of several books, including Seen. Known. Loved.

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Ron  Moore

Ron Moore

RONALD MOORE serves as Senior Pastor of The Bible Chapel, a multisite church with 4,000 people meeting at four campuses throughout the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area. Before joining Back to the Bible, Ron's teaching was heard each week day on a national program called The Journey. Ron earned a Master of Theology (Th.M.) and a Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) degree from Dallas Theological Seminary. He also holds a masters degree in education from Texas A&M. He has written several books including Journey Through the Bible, Journey Through the Psalms, Journey Through the Gospels and Ignite. He and his wife, Lori, have been married since 1980 and have four adult children.

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Stephanie Perry Moore

Stephanie Perry Moore

STEPHANIE PERRY MOORE is the author of many Young Adult Christian fiction titles, including the Payton Skky series, the Laurel Shadrach series, the Perry Skky Jr. series, the Faith Thomas Novelzine series, the Carmen Browne series, and the Beta Gamma Pi series. She is also the co-editor for the impactful BibleZine, REAL. Mrs. Moore speaks with young people across the country, showing them how they can live life fully and do it God's way. Stephanie currently lives in the greater Atlanta area with her husband, Derrick, a former NFL player and author, and their three children. Visit her website at

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J. P. Moreland

J. P. Moreland

J.P. MORELAND (B.S. University of Missouri, Th.M. Dallas Theological Seminary, M. A. University of California-Riverside, and Ph.D. University of Southern California) is the Professor of Philosophy at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University in La Mirada, California. He has co-planted three churches and he and his wife Hope attend Vineyard Anaheim church and are deeply committed to the body of believers there.

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Patrick Morley

Patrick Morley

PATRICK MORLEY founded Man in the Mirror in 1991, a ministry that has helped 35,000 churches impact the lives of twelve million men worldwide. Their vision is "for every church to disciple every man". He is the author of Man in the Mirror which was selected as one of the hundred most influential Christian books of the twentieth century. Patrick has written twenty books, 750 articles, has appeared on several hundred radio and television programs, and has a daily one minute radio program on 700 stations. He graduated from the University of Central Florida as well as Reformed Theological Seminary. He has earned a Ph.D. in management, completed through postgraduate studies at the Harvard Business School and Oxford University. He lives in Winter Park, Florida, with his wife, Patsy. His ministry websites are and

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Charles Morris

Charles Morris

CHARLES and JANET MORRIS At the turn of the new millennium Charles and Janet Morris packed up and moved to California, leaving behind the dream home they built at the base of Pikes Peak in the Colorado Rockies. They had been asking the Lord to use their communication skills in a front line way for the kingdom when the phone rang and Charles was called to become the fourth speaker on an 80-year-old Christian radio program based in Los Angeles. Charles had journalistic experience on radio, TV, and with UPI, but no file drawer full of sermons. So with a background in Bible teaching and leading women’s retreats, Janet joined her husband in helping write the daily messages. HAVEN Today airs on 600 stations with 500,000 listeners. Together Charles and Janet have co-authored two other books, Jesus in the Midst of Success and Saving a Life. Their prayer is that Living a Life that's All About Jesus will convey the same life-changing message Charles shares on the radio and that daily changes their own lives … “it’s all about Jesus”. Charles and Janet have three children and three grandchildren.

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Gilbert Morris

Gilbert Morris

GILBERT MORRIS wrote numerous novels for both adults and young people. After teaching high school, pastoring several Southern Baptist churches, and chairing the English department at Ouachita Baptist University, Gilbert retired to write and publish full-time. He wrote over 100 novels, including the Bonnets and Bugles and Seven Sleepers series for youth. He lived in Gulf Shores, Alabama, with his wife, Johnnie.

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Henry Morris

Henry Morris

DR. HENRY M. MORRIS (1918-2006) (B.S. Rice University; M.S., Ph.D. University of Minnesota) is widely recognized as the founder of the modern creation science movement. For many years he was the president of the Institute for Creation Research, San Diego, California. Dr. Morris wrote extensively on creation science and evolution, producing definitive works such as Some Call It Science, Biblical Creationism, Science and the Bible Scientific Creationism, and The Biblical Basis for Modern Science. In 1963, Dr. Morris and nine other creationists founded the Creation Research Society. At the age of 87 and after a full life devoted to the defense of the gospel, Dr. Morris entered into the joy of the Lord in 2006.

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Jena Morrow

Jena Morrow

JENA MORROW chronicles her journey with an eating disorder in her debut book, Hollow (May 2010). She studied music education at North Central College in Naperville, Illinois, and currently makes her home in Crest Hill, Illinois with her son. For more information, visit

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Jonathan Morrow

Jonathan Morrow

JONATHAN MORROW (D.Min., M.Div., M.A.) is the author of Welcome to College and Think Christianly and coauthor of Is God Just a Human Invention? He also contributed to the Apologetics Study Bible for Students. Jonathan is director of creative strategies for Impact 360 Institute where he teaches in the college “Gap Year” program and high school summer Immersion experience. As the founder of Think Christianly Jonathan speaks nationally on worldview, apologetics, and culture and is passionate about seeing a new generation of Christ-followers understand what they believe, why they believe it, and why it matters in life. His books have been featured on shows like Family Life Today, Stand to Reason, Breakpoint, WAY-FM, Frank Pastore, The Janet Mefferd Show, and Apologetics 315. He and his wife have been married for 13 years and have three children. Connect with him at

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Bill Mowry

Bill Mowry

BILL MOWRY (M.A., Ohio State University) has a passion for creating ministry cultures where relational disciplemaking is the norm. Bill and wife Peggy serve on staff with The Navigators Church Ministries in Columbus, Ohio. Both are avid "yardeners" and Peggy is a certified Master Gardener. Bill and Peggy have two adult children, two special grandchildren, and a coon hound named Ginger. They live on "Above and Beyond Acres" where they want to create a little place of beauty in a fallen world where people can reflect on the goodness of God. Bill is a published author in culture building, evangelism, and disciplemaking. You can contact Bill at his website:

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George Mueller

George Mueller

GEORGE MUELLER (1805-1898), evangelist and philanthropist in England, was a man of prayer and strong faith who depended wholly on God for his temporal and spiritual needs. During his time serving as pastor at a church in Bristol, England, his famous work with the orphans began when two young children were thrown upon the church's care. Mueller resolved never to tell anyone what his needs were. He told them to God and confidently expected them to be met. Over his life, he handled more than $8 million, although his own worldly possessions were valued at about $800 at his death. He is author of the book Answers to Prayer.

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Jasmine Mullen

Jasmine Mullen

JASMINE MULLEN is a writer and singer from Nashville, TN, and she was born to musical parents. Her mom is singer Nicole C. (Mullen) and her dad is a songwriter named David Mullen. She credits her love of words to their influence. Most of the time, Jasmine is writing songs or touring with her band, The New Respects, which she created with Zandy Mowry and Darius Fitzgerald. When she’s not creating music, she’s usually writing a story or daydreaming one up. Her hobbies include eating too much pizza, playing with her nieces and nephews, and laughing till she cries with her dearest and closest people.

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Art Murphy

Art Murphy

ART MURPHY (B.S. Union University; M.Ed Memphis State University) is the founder of Children's Ministry Solutions, a ministry to parents, churches, and children’s ministry leaders. Art has served 30+ years as a children's ministry pastor, author, speaker, and consultant, including seventeen years at First Baptist Church, Orlando, Florida. He also served as president of Preschool/Children Ministers Metro, leading over sixty of the largest churches in the U.S. He is author of the book The Faith of a Child: A Step-by-Step Guide to Salvation for Your Child. For more information visit

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Andrew Murray

Andrew Murray

ANDREW MURRAY (1828-1917) was a church leader, evangelist, and missionary statesman. As a young man, Murray wanted to be a minister, but it was a career choice rather than an act of faith. Not until he had finished his general studies and begun his theological training in the Netherlands, did he experience a conversion of heart. Sixty years of ministry in the Dutch Reformed Church of South Africa, more than 200 books and tracts on Christian spirituality and ministry, extensive social work, and the founding of educational institutions were some of the outward signs of the inward grace that Murray experienced by continually casting himself on Christ. A few of his books include The True Vine, Absolute Surrender, The School of Obedience, Waiting on God, and The Prayer Life.

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Joe Musser

Joe Musser

JOE MUSSER is author of more than 30 books, including Joni and Cereal Tycoon: Harry Parsons Crowell, Founder of the Quaker Oats Co. He is an award-winning film producer/director, has written a number of screenplays, and is president of Blackhawk Broadcasting and Quadrus Media.

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Maina Mwaura

Maina Mwaura

MAINA MWAURA is a freelance writer and journalist who has interviewed over 500 influential leaders, including two US Presidents, three Vice-Presidents, and a variety of others. He has learned what it takes to not only lead well, but to mentor well. Maina and his family attend High Point Church in the Kennesaw, Georgia area.

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Janet Mylin

Janet Mylin

JANET MYLIN is passionate about helping women and girls live boldly in Christ. Alongside Dannah Gresh, Janet is a lead teacher with Pure Freedom Ministries. She’s written three books, including Just Call Me Kate, part of a fiction series for tween girls. Janet is a worship leader and teacher in her local church community in central PA.

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Harold Myra

Harold Myra

HAROLD MYRA served as the CEO of Christianity Today International for 32 years. Under his leadership, the organization grew from one magazine to a communications company with a dozen magazines, copublished books, and a major Internet ministry. Myra started his journalistic career with "Youth for Christ" magazine, which under his leadership became "Campus Life" magazine. Author of five novels, numerous children's and nonfiction books, and hundreds of magazine articles, Myra has taught writing and publishing at the Wheaton College Graduate School in Illinois. He holds honorary doctorates from several colleges, including Biola University in California and Gordon College in Massachusetts. Myra has received various awards, among them the prestigious Magazine Publisher's Award and the James Deforest Murch Award from the National Association of Evangelicals. The Evangelical Press Association presented him with its highest honor, the Joseph T. Bayly Award, for his triple career as an editor, author, and publishing executive. Harold and his wife, Jeanette, are the parents of six children and grandparents of five. They reside in Wheaton, Illinois.

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Samuel   Naaman

Samuel Naaman

SAMUEL NAAMAN (BSW, University of Sind; M.Div., Asian Center for Theological Studies and Missions; Th.M., Chongshin University; D.Miss. from Asbury Theological Seminary) is Professor of Intercultural Studies at Moody Bible Institute. He is also president of the South Asian Friendship Center. He has an international ministry profile and relationships across the world. He lives with his wife and two sons in the Chicago suburbs.

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Philip Nation

Philip Nation

DR. PHILIP NATION is the Director of Content Development with the Resources Division of LifeWay Christian Resources. He is also the Teaching Pastor for The Fellowship and Assistant Professor of Leadership and Biblical Studies for Houston Baptist University. He holds a Master of Divinity from Beeson Divinity School and Doctor of Ministry from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Philip is a frequent speaker in churches and conferences. From 2010 to 2012 he served as the national spokesperson for the "National Back to Church Sunday" campaign for Outreach, Inc. Philip and his wife, Angie, make their home in Tennessee with their two sons, Andrew and Chris.

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Winfred   Neely

Winfred Neely

WINFRED NEELY (B.A., D.Min. Trinity International University; M.A. Wheaton) is currently working towards an advanced research degree in Old Testament at the University of Bristol, England. He is an ordained minister of the Gospel and a full time professor of hermeneutics, homiletics, and pastoral studies at Moody Bible Institute of Chicago. Prior to joining the faculty at Moody, Winfred served churches in the City of Chicago and is currently interim pastor of the Judson Baptist Church in Oak Park, IL. He brings to his ministry a global perspective, having served as a missionary/pastor in Senegal, West Africa for nine years. He is also involved in a global equipping ministry, speaking and conducting workshops and training events at churches and conferences in the US and abroad. He and his wife Stephne have been married for forty years and have four adult children and nine grandchildren. He takes acting classes from time to time and is an ardent fan of science fiction films such as Star Wars and Star Trek.

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Lori Neff

Lori Neff

LORI NEFF is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute and today she works as the Senior Producer of Midday Connection, a radio talk show for women. Lori has been general editor and writer for Come to Our Table: A Midday Connection Cookbook, and two devotional titles Daily Seeds from Women who Walk in Faith, and Tending the Soul. She lives with her husband, John, in the Chicago metro area.

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Miriam Neff

Miriam Neff

MIRIAM NEFF is the founder and president of Widow Connection (a not for profit ministry) and author of twelve books, including From One Widow to Another: Conversations on the New You and Women and Their Emotions. She is a counselor by profession, Bible study teacher, seminar and conference speaker, mother, and grandmother. She sponsors sewing projects and bakery training for widows in Africa and Albania. Her one-minute features, New Beginnings and Wise Women Managing Money are heard on many outlets, and she is a frequent radio guest on Moody Broadcasting and other networks. She is the co-creator of a video series, with her daughter Valerie Neff Hogan, Wise Women Managing Money. For more information, visit

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Todd Nettleton

Todd Nettleton

TODD NETTLETON is the Chief of Media Relations and Message Integration for the Voice of the Martyrs—USA and host of The Voice of the Martyrs Radio. He serves as a voice for persecuted Christians, inspiring Christians with the faithfulness of Christ's followers in 70+ nations where they face persecution for wearing His name. During more than 20 years serving at VOM, Todd has travelled the world and conducted face-to-face interviews with hundreds of Christians who've endured persecution in more than 30 nations. He is a graduate of Bartlesville Wesleyan College (now Oklahoma Wesleyan University) and has done postgraduate study at the University of Oklahoma. Todd and his wife, Charlotte, have two sons and two daughters-in-law. In his spare time he enjoys reading, music, travel and sports, including serving as commissioner of a fantasy football league.

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Trillia J. Newbell

Trillia J. Newbell

TRILLIA NEWBELL is the author of several books including 52 Weeks in the Word, A Great Cloud of Witnesses, Sacred Endurance, If God is For Us, Fear and Faith and the children's books, The Big Wide Welcome, Creative God, Colorful Us and God's Very Good Idea. When she isn't writing, she's encouraging and supporting other writers as an Acquisitions Director at Moody Publishers. She is also the host of the 52 Weeks in the Word podcast and the Living By Faith weekly radio program. Trillia is married to her best friend, Thern; they reside with their two children near Nashville, TN.

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Marvin J. Newell

Marvin J. Newell

MARV NEWELL (D. Miss. Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) is the Executive Director of CrossGlobal Link (formerly IFMA). Prior to that he was professor of Missions and Intercultural Studies at the Moody Theological Seminary in Chicago and he currently still serves as an adjunct professor. Previously, he and his wife, Peggy, served as missionaries for 21 years with TEAM, first as field missionaries in Papua (Irian Jaya), Indonesia and then Marv served as Asia-Pacific Regional Director. He is author of A Martyr's Grace: Stories of Those Who Gave All for Christ and His Cause. Marv has also written Commissioned – What Jesus Wants You To Know As You Go (2010).

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James L. Nicodem

James L. Nicodem

JIM NICODEM has been the senior pastor of Christ Community Church since its start in 1984. Beginning with a group of six families, the church has grown to over five thousand weekend attendees at four campuses. A significant focus on reaching spiritual explorers has resulted in scores of new believers being baptized each year.Born and raised in the Midwest, Jim received his BA in Biblical Studies from Wheaton College, and his MDiv and DMin from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. In keeping with Christ Community Church’s mission to "make passionate disciples of Jesus Christ", Jim loves to mentor others in prayer and the study of God’s Word. With that goal in mind, he has authored Prayer Coach: For All Who Want to Get Off the Bench and Onto the Praying Field (2008) and the four-book Bible Savvy series (2013).Jim and his wife, Sue, have been married for more than thirty years. They have three adult children, and are the proud grandparents of four grandchildren. Jim enjoys biking, hiking and kayaking for recreation. He loves to hang out in Chicago, where he can watch the Cubs play (no better park than Wrigley) or listen to the world-class Symphony Orchestra.

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William E. Nix

William E. Nix

WILLIAM E. NIX (A.B., Wayne State University; A.M., University of Michigan; Ph.D., University of Oklahoma) is an editorial and educational consultant based in Dallas, Texas. He has taught at several colleges and seminaries, and served as Dean at Southern Evangelical Seminary. Dr. Nix currently serves at Veritas Evangelical Seminary, Murrieta, CA as Professor of Historical and Theological Studies and Director of Master of Theological Studies. He is also President of The Electronic Bible Society. Dr. Nix is co-author with Dr. Norman L. Geisler of From God to Us and A General Introduction to the Bible. In addition, Dr. Nix has edited several books and written numerous articles. He resides with his wife, Eulaine, in Dallas, Texas.

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Laurie L Norris

Laurie L Norris

LAURIE NORRIS is a Professor of Bible at Moody Theological Seminary in Chicago, having served for ten years on the faculty of Moody Bible Institute in the division of Applied Theology and Church Ministries. She has a ThM from Dallas Theological Seminary and a PhD in Biblical Theology-New Testament from Wheaton College. Laurie's ministry centers on the communication of God's Word and equipping of the church through teaching, speaking, writing, and mentoring in both academic and non-academic settings. A native of the Pacific Northwest, she presently lives in West Chicago with her husband Bob, four dogs, and a cat.

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Chris Nye

Chris Nye

CHRIS NYE is a pastor, writer, and teacher living in Portland, Oregon with his wife, Allison. His writing has appeared in Books & Culture, Leadership Journal, Preaching Today, and various other publications. Currently, Chris serves as a pastor for teaching and leadership development at Willamette Christian Church, a growing community of over 2,000 people.

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Carson Nyquist

Carson Nyquist

CARSON NYQUIST graduated from Moody Bible Institute in 2010 with a B.A. in Pastoral Studies. In 2012 he graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary with an M.A. in Biblical Studies. Currently he is the Associate Pastor at Madison Alliance Church while also pursuing creative projects as a professional photographer and storyteller.

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J. Paul Nyquist

J. Paul Nyquist

DR. PAUL NYQUIST was the 9th president of the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago—a higher education and media ministry founded by evangelist D. L. Moody in 1886. He graduated from the University of Nebraska with a Bachelor of Science degree in Architectural Studies and received a Th.M. and a Ph.D. in Systematic Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary. He is the author of several books including Prepare: Living Your Faith in an Increasingly Hostile Culture.

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Carolyn Nystrom

Carolyn Nystrom

CAROLYN NYSTROM received her BA and MA from Wheaton College and is the author of more than 80 books, about half of which are written for children. She co-authored Guard Us, Guide Us: Divine Leading in Life's Decisions and Praying: Finding Our Way through Duty to Delight with theologian J.I. Packer, and Before I Was Born (God’s Design for Sex) with Sandra Speidel. Carolyn lives in the Chicago area with her husband and they have four grown children.

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Brandon J O'Brien

Brandon J O'Brien

BRANDON J. O'BRIEN (PhD, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) is Director of Content Development and Distribution for Redeemer City to City, where he coordinates, edits, and shepherds writing projects with Timothy Keller and urban church planters around the world. Brandon has served in pastoral ministry, worked in publishing, authored a few books, and taught for state and Christian colleges and universities. He and his wife Amy and their two children live in Washington Heights, NY. They enjoy good food, good company, and exploring New York City.

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James O'Donnell

James O'Donnell

JAMES O’DONNELL spent many years as an executive in the financial services industry with such firms as Fidelity Investments and the Dreyfus Corporation. He is currently a professor of Business and Economics at Huntington University. He received his undergraduate degree from Brown University and his MBA from Columbia University. He is the author of Letters for Lizzie and Walking with Arthur, which chronicle his wife’s battle with cancer and his spiritual journey as they walked through those trials together. O’Donnell currently resides in Huntington, Indiana.

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Lois Olmstead

Lois Olmstead

Lois Olmstead makes inspiring others a way of life. She shares her wit, wisdom and faith at women's retreats, camps, conferences, national and civic organizations. She has also hosted a daily radio program and writes a weekly newspaper column. Lois and her husband Robert live in Livingston, Montana and have been married 54 years. She has been active in many community and church activities and volunteers for the American Cancer Society as a breast cancer survivor. You can learn more about Lois on her website

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Bryan   O'Neal

Bryan O'Neal

BRYAN O'NEAL (M.A., Purdue University; Ph.D., Purdue University) served as the Vice President and Dean of Moody Distance Learning, as well as Interim Dean of Moody Undergraduate School. He edited and contributed to Standing Firm: The Doctrinal Commitments of Moody Bible Institute and was a contributor to The Moody Handbook of Preaching, Proclaiming Jesus, and The Moody Bible Commentary. He and his wife Denise have been married for over 30 years and have three wonderful daughters and one wonderful granddaughter.

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Rick Osborne

Rick Osborne

RICK OSBORNE is a bestselling, award-winning author of both parenting and children’s books. One of Rick’s main goals is to create resources that help families develop loving relationships and peaceful, happy homes. Among the many children’s books he’s written and coauthored are, ‘The Legend of the Christmas Tree,’ ‘The Legend of the Christmas Stocking,’ and the ‘101 Questions Kids Ask About God’ series. These have sold millions of copies and have been translated into many languages. Rick has coauthored books with Dr. John Trent, Josh McDowell, Larry Burkett, and Dr. Gary Chapman. He helped write and produce the booklet ‘The Most Important Story Ever Told’ which has had over 50 million copies distributed around the world. Find out more by visiting

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John Owen

John Owen

JOHN OWEN (1616-1683) was an English Nonconformist church leader, theologian, and one of the greatest minds of the English Puritan movement. He served as academic administrator at the University of Oxford and was briefly a member of parliament for the University.

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Rene Pache

Rene Pache

DR. RENE PACHE, was reared in a Christian home under the guidance of a deeply spiritual mother (his father died when the boy was ten years old). He received his doctor's degree in law at Lausanne, Switzerland. By that time he was an out-and-out unbeliever. As a lawyer he joined the business staff of the big chemical works (CIBA) at Basle, Switzerland. It was there, at the age of 24, that he was converted through reading a Bible he had purchased. He would eventually become one of the founders of the Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship in Switzerland and France. His important works include The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit and The Return of Jesus Christ.

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Margaret D. Pagan

Margaret D. Pagan

MARGARET PAGAN received an A.B. in English from Morgan State University and studied writing at Johns Hopkins University. Her first published work appeared in Essence magazine, and she continued to publish many freelance articles, for the most part, dealing with African American history and genealogy. After accepting Jesus Christ as her Savior she studied at Baltimore School of the Bible, and she began to desire to write on things that glorify Christ. After writing an entry on the life of Katherine Ferguson, a pioneer in the Sunday School movement, for a biographical encyclopedia, Margaret went on to write her first work of historical fiction, More Than a Slave: The Life of Katherine Ferguson. Margaret is the wife of Carl E. Pagan, pastor of Urban Bible Fellowship Church and resides in Baltimore, Maryland.

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Chris Pappalardo

Chris Pappalardo

CHRIS PAPPALARDO, PhD, is the author and cofounder of GoodKind, the makers of Advent Blocks, an organization that helps people cultivate the good kind of habits and holiday celebrations. Chris is a pastor, editor, and writer at The Summit Church in the Raleigh-Durham, NC, area. He is married to Jenn and is the proud dad of Lottie (who wants to save the planet) and Teddy (who wants you to read him another book).

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J. S. Park

J. S. Park

J. S. PARK, (BA Psychology, Univ. South Florida; MDiv, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary) is a hospital chaplain, viral blogger, and teaching pastor. As an interfaith chaplain at a large hospital in Tampa, he provides grief counseling and assists with end-of-life care. He also serves as a community care chaplain at Metropolitan Ministries, one of the largest nonprofit charities on the east coast, which serves the homeless in Tampa. He loves to play the drums and guitar, and has a sixth-degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do. He lives in Tampa, FL with his wife, Juliette, a nurse practitioner.

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Marv Parker

Marv Parker

Marv Parker an ordained minister, is the writer/producer of many innovative missions education, leadership training and disciple-making resources. He currently serves as Director of Church Health for the South Atlantic District of The Christian and Missionary Alliance.

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Johnny C. Parker, Jr

Johnny C. Parker, Jr

DR. JOHNNY PARKER is a certified Christian counselor and leadership coach. For over 10 years he conducted marriage conferences with FamilyLife Ministries. He also led Building Lasting Relationships seminars at McLean Bible Church for a number of years. Currently he serves as a chaplain for the Washington Redskins and speaks for Iron Sharpens Iron, the Man in the Mirror, NFL, and NBA teams. Dr. Parker holds a B.A. in Biblical Studies from Washington Bible College and a M.A. in Counseling Psychology from Bowie State University. He is also a member of the American Association of Christian Counselors. Dr. Parker is married to his best friend, Lezlyn, and they have three sons. The Parkers reside in the Washington, DC area.

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Catherine Parks

Catherine Parks

CATHERINE PARKS is the author of several books, including two middle grade biography collections, Strong and Empowered. She also serves as an acquisitions editor for Moody Publishers. Catherine and her husband, Erik, live outside of Nashville, TN, with their children, Sophie and Micah. In her free time, she loves hiking, playing volleyball, and serving on her church's worship team.

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Ele Parrott

Ele Parrott

ELE PARROT, a Biblical Counselor by profession, is the Director of Member Care for the Paraclete Mission Group. She worked as a missionary in the Latin community with OCI for 12 years, has worked in women’s and children’s ministry in her local church and has also been involved in Christian Camping ministry. She continues to lead Bible studies and is the head Mentor Mom at Sun Valley Community Church in Gilbert, Arizona. In addition to Transforming Together, Ele has authored a Spanish-language musical, El Futboles es mi Vida as well as Spanish materials for use in Christian homes and Sunday School classes.

Ele Parrot and her husband of 35 years, Don, the President and CEO of Finishers Project, have four grown children and three grandchildren.

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Roger Parrott

Roger Parrott

DR. ROGER PARROTT is one of America's most experienced presidents, leading Belhaven University, a doctoral-level institution, highly regarded as one of the 36 schools in the world working at the highest level of collegiate Arts programs. Behhaven was named in 2021 as "Best University to Work For" by the Chronicle of Higher Education, and Roger was recognized as one of "The 10 Most Visionary Education Leaders of 2021" by Education Magazine. For a quarter-century, he served in board leadership roles with Lausanne Movement and The Mission America Coalition and was chairman of the 2004 Forum for World Evangelization. He is the author of The Longview: Lasting Strategies for Rising Leaders.

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Janet Parshall

Janet Parshall

JANET PARSHALL is a graduate of Carroll College in Wisconsin. She has been consistently profiled as one of the top 100 "talkers" in Talkers magazine, the leading trade publication of the talk industry. Throughout her career, Janet has been a devoted advocate of the principles and policies that strengthen the family. In February 2005, Parshall was selected by President George W. Bush to represent the White House as public delegate to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women. Janet is a columnist for LIFE: Beautiful magazine and the author of several books. She and her husband, Craig, live in Virginia, and have four children and six grandchildren.

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Andy Partington

Andy Partington

ANDY PARTINGTON leads the work of Novō Communities and Novō Adventures. Novō Communities’ vision is to bring new life to individuals, peace to families, and hope to communities gripped by addiction by empowering local teams in developing nations to create transformational communities that offer healing, wholeness, and hope. Andy has served as Director of Training at London School of Theology, in local church leadership in the UK and Bolivia, and as CEO of Yeldall Manor, an addiction treatment center in the southeast of England. Andy is married to Michaela and the proud father of Daniel, Jemimah, Phoebe, JJ, and Miah. To learn more about Novo, visit and

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Dan Paterson

Dan Paterson

DAN PATERSON is a Christian thinker and the founder of Questioning Christianity, a ministry connecting the Christian story to life's deepest questions. With a personal background of wrestling through the problem of evil, he has earned several university qualifications in Theology and Apologetics in Australia and Oxford, fueled by a passion to help others process their doubts and discover the relevance and reasonableness of faith in Jesus. Speaking regularly to audiences around Australia and beyond, Dan is based in Brisbane, where together with his wife, Erin, their favorite job is raising three boys.

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Byron Paulus

Byron Paulus

BYRON PAULUS serve as Executive Director of Life Action Ministries, the largest organization in North America dedicated solely to the mission of revival. For more than four decades he has inspired thousands of believers to seek the Lord for widespread spiritual awakening through his writing, speaking, and leadership roles. Life Action Ministries focuses on igniting movements of authentic Christianity and is the parent organization of One Cry, Revive Our Hearts with Nancy Leigh DeMoss, and a variety of additional Life Action outreaches. The One Cry movement was birthed in Byron's heart, and he currently provides strategic leadership to this expanding initiative. The One Cry prayer summit, hosted by Moody Radio on the National Day of Prayer, has been used of God to lead others in praying for another great awakening in our nation. Byron and his wife Sue live in Niles, Michigan and have three children and twelve grandchildren. To learn more about his personal revival journey, visit

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Maggie Paulus

Maggie Paulus

MAGGIE PAULUS is a beauty seeker. She looks for God each day not only in His Word, but in creation, in her family, in the pain of life, in the humdrum—at the kitchen sink—everywhere. Maggie lives in Buchanan, MI, with her bearded husband, three precocious children, and one cat. When Maggie's not capturing life in words and photos, you'll find her digging in the dirt, deep-fat-frying anything within reach, prank calling, and garage sale-ing. Maggie loves God and people, and wants to love them more.

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Ruth Paxson

Ruth Paxson

RUTH PAXSON (1889-1949) was Bible teacher, missionary, and author. Born in Manchester, Iowa, she graduated from the State University of Iowa and then attended Chicago’s Moody Bible Institute. She served as YWCA secretary for Iowa and eventually traveled as secretary for the Student Volunteer Movement. In 1911, Ruth sailed for the mission field in China, sponsored by the YWCA. Health concerns forced her to leave China soon thereafter and she then taught Bible in Europe and the United States until her death. She is author of several books, including Life on the Highest Plane and Caleb the Overcomer.

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Jonathan Pearson

Jonathan Pearson

JONATHAN PEARSON is the Orangeburg Campus Pastor at Cornerstone Community Church and Assistant Director of The Sticks, an organization that empowers small town leaders. Jonathan is also co-host of the Next Up Podcast and author of Next Up: 8 Shifts Great Young Leaders Make and The Productive Pastor Handbook. He is married to Melissa and has a son named Riley. They live in Orangeburg, S.C. Find Jonathan online at

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Arlene Pellicane

Arlene Pellicane

ARLENE PELLICANE is a speaker, host of the Happy Home podcast, and author of several books including Parents Rising, Making Marriage Easier, and Screen Kids (coauthored with Dr. Gary Chapman). Arlene has been featured on popular media outlets including The Today Show, Fox & Friends, Focus on the Family, FamilyLife Today, The 700 Club, and the Wall Street Journal. She is the spokesperson for National Marriage Week and has been happily married to her husband, James, for more than 25 years. Arlene earned her BA from Biola University and her master’s in journalism from Regent University. Arlene inspires parents to raise children who are ready for life (not just playing video games). As an advocate of delaying smartphones and social media, her three children are living a revolutionary digital life and thriving. Arlene lives with her family in San Diego. To learn more, visit

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John Perkins

John Perkins

DR. JOHN M. PERKINS is the founder and president emeritus of the John and Vera Mae Perkins Foundation and co-founder of Christian Community Development Association. He has served in advisory roles under five U.S. presidents, is one of the leading evangelical voices to come out of the American civil rights movement, and is an author and international speaker on issues of reconciliation, leadership, and community development. For his tireless work he has received 14 honorary doctorates from universities including: Virginia University of Lynchburg, Wheaton College, Gordon College, Huntington College, Geneva College, Spring Arbor University, North Park College, and Belhaven College. In 2004 he partnered with Seattle Pacific University to launch the campus-based John Perkins Center for Reconciliation, Leadership Training, and Community Development.

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Lloyd Perry

Lloyd Perry

LLOYD M. PERRY (B.A. Gordon College; B.D., Gordon Divinity School; M.A., Columbia University; Th.D., Northern Baptist Theological Seminary; Ph.D. Northwestern University; D.Min., McCormick Seminary) was the director of the Doctor of Ministry program at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. His numerous books include Getting the Church on Target and Biblical Preaching for Today's World.

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Gerald W. Peterman

Gerald W. Peterman

GERALD PETERMAN is Professor of Bible and Director of Biblical and Theological Studies at Moody Bible Institute. Before coming to Moody he taught at Palm Beach Atlantic College in West Palm Beach, FL, spent 4 1/2 years doing church planting for the Evangelical Free Church in central Florida and in south central Iowa, and also served eight years in the Air National Guard as a Chaplain. Peterman also serves part-time at his local church. For Moody Publishers he has written Joy and Tears: The Emotional Life of the Christian (2013) and Between Pain and Grace: A Biblical Theology of Suffering with Dr. Andrew Schmutzer. Research interests include New Testament Greek Language and Exegesis, Greek and Roman Background to the New Testament, and Biblical Theology. Gerald has been married to Marjory since January 1984, with two adult daughters, Bethany and Grace.

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Arlene Peters

Arlene Peters

ARLENE PETERS married her husband David in 1966. They did their first three overseas missions terms together in Columbia between 1970- 1986. They then spent two terms in Brazil between 1987-1996. The Lord moved them to Mexico from 1997-2006 and then to Canada in 2006 where they have been since. David and Arlene have a daughter and son who both have their own families.

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David Peters

David Peters

DAVID PETERS married his wife Arlene in 1966. they did their first three overseas missions terms together in Columbia between 1970- 1986. They then spent two terms in Brazil between 1987-1996. The Lord moved them to Mexico from 1997-2006 and then to Canada in 2006 where they have been since. David and Arlene have a daughter and son who both have their own families.

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George W. Peters

George W. Peters

GEORGE W. PETERS (Th.B., B.A., Tabor College; B.D., St. Andrew's College; B.A., University of Saskatchewan; Ph.D., Hartford Seminary Foundation, Kennedy School of Missions) was professor of world missions at Dallas Theological Seminary for many years. Dr. Peters has been listed in Who's Who in American Education and has written several books including A Biblical Theology of Missions.

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Erik M. Peterson

Erik M. Peterson

ERIK M. PETERSON has been a designer and art director of book covers and interiors for over twenty years. From time to time he works on other types of design projects but always come back to books. More recently he’s worked on large-scale visual storytelling projects such as Little Pilgrim’s Progress: Illustrated Edition (in collaboration with illustrator Joe Sutphin) and The Pursuit of God: A 31-Day Experience (a thoughtful, illustrative layout of A. W. Tozer’s classic work, designed for slow, meditative reading).

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Charles Pfeiffer

Charles Pfeiffer

CHARLES F. PFEIFFER (Moody Bible Institute; B.A., Temple University; B.D., Reformed Episcopal Theological Seminary; Th.M., Chicago Lutheran Theological Seminary; Ph.D., Dropsie College) was professor of ancient literatures at Central Michigan University. He also studied at the University of Chicago's Oriental Institute and New York University. He served on the faculties of Gordon Divinity School, King's College, Lancaster School of the Bible, and Moody Bible Institute. Dr. Pfeiffer, as author, co-author, or editor, participated in the production of many works including Hebrews for the Everyman’s Bible Commentary Series, The Wycliffe Bible Commentary, and The Wycliffe Bible Encyclopedia.

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John Phillips

John Phillips

JOHN L. PHILLIPS is currently a Bible conference speaker through the Moody Bible Institute Extension Department. He was born in Great Britain, where he received much of his Bible teaching under the instruction of Stephen Olford. He spent two years in Israel during the last years of the Moody Bible Institute Correspondence School. He later served as director of the Emmaus Correspondence School. He is author of many books including 100 Sermon Outlines and Exploring Genesis.

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Jolene Philo

Jolene Philo

JOLENE PHILO grew up in a caregiving family and raised a son with medical special needs. As a teacher, she created an inclusive classroom for children with disabilities for 25 years. She's authored several books, including Every Child Welcome: A Ministry Handbook for Including Kids with Special Needs and Sharing Love Abundantly with Special Needs Families: The Five Love Languages® for Parents Raising Children with Disabilities. She hosts the award winning blog, Jolene and her husband live in a multigenerational family in Iowa with her daughter, son-in-law and their two young children.

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Robert E. Picirilli

Robert E. Picirilli

ROBERT E. PICIRILLI is the former Academic Dean of the Graduate School at Free Will Baptist Bible College in Nashville. He began teaching in 1955. He is a member of the Research Commission of the American Association of Bible Colleges and served twice as chairman of the southeastern section of the Evangelical Theological Society. Dr. Picirilli is the author of a number of books including Paul The Apostle, The Book of Romans, and Time and Order in the Circumstantial Participles of Mark and Luke. Dr. Picirilli and his wife, Clara, have five daughters, all married.

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Nate Pickowicz

Nate Pickowicz

NATE PICKOWICZ (BA, Muhlenberg College; MA, Trinity Theological Seminary) is the teaching pastor of Harvest Bible Church in Gilmanton Iron Works, New Hampshire. He is the author and editor of more than a dozen books, including Why We're Protestant, The American Puritans, How to Eat Your Bible, and Christ & Creed. Additionally, he has written for several publications, such as Tabletalk magazine. He and his wife, Jess, have three children.

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Vermon Pierre

Vermon Pierre

VERMON PIERRE (BA, Princeton University; MDiv, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) is the lead pastor at Roosevelt Community Church, a diverse multiethnic congregation in downtown Phoenix, Arizona. He is the author of Gospel Shaped Living and a contributor to The New City Catechism Devotional, 15 Things Seminary Couldn't Teach Me, and Revisiting 'Faithful Presence': To Change the World Five Years Later. He and his wife, Dennae, live in downtown Phoenix and have five children.

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Jeanette Hagen Pifer

Jeanette Hagen Pifer

JEANETTE HAGEN PIFER (B.A., Biola University, M.A. Talbot School of Theology, Ph.D., University of Durham) is Professor of New Testament at Biola University, where she has taught since 2016. Her focus in research and teaching is on the New Testament, especially the Pauline literature. She has served in a variety of ministry capacities including evangelistic and humanitarian work with orphans in the former Soviet Union, and helping to facilitate theological and ministry training around the world. Jeanette has been married to Nick since 2017. Together they enjoy long walks on the beach, summer road trips, and drumming up spontaneous adventure whenever they can.

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Arthur W. Pink

Arthur W. Pink

ARTHUR W. PINK (1886-1952) was born in Nottingham, England, became a follower of Jesus at age 22 and left England in 1910 to study at Moody Bible Institute. He had a handful of short term pastorates in Colorado, California, Kentucky, and South Carolina, as well as in Australia. He is author of a great number of books including The Ability of God, Gleanings in Exodus, and The Nature of God.

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Lorraine  Pintus

Lorraine Pintus

LORRAINE PINTUS graduated from the University of Nebraska with a BA in journalism and dabbled briefly in politics as a lobbyist and press manager for a gubernatorial candidate. She has been a media relations manager for Frito-Lay/PepsiCo., Inc. and with her husband owned an IBM store before becoming a promotion manager for the University of California, Irvine. Lorraine now proudly serves as "vice president" of the Pintus Household where she is wife to Peter and driver to her teenage daughters Mandy & Megan. In her spare time, she writes books and travels all around the world with her dear friend and co-author of Intimate Issues, Linda Dillow. Lorraine and Linda speak to tens of thousands of women each year, telling them of the hope and healing they can know through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

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Whitney K. Pipkin

Whitney K. Pipkin

WHITNEY K. PIPKIN lives with her husband, three children, and a dog named Honeybun in Northern Virginia, where where she works as a journalist. She has worked as a journalist for over 13 years, with articles appearing in The Washington Post, National Geographic and NPR alongside her regular work at the Chesapeake Bay Journal. She also has written for Christian publications such as The Gospel Coalition, The ERLC and Gospel-Centered Discipleship and serves as the Written Content Coordinator for the ministry Women & Work. She loves studying the Bible with her local church and reading on Sunday afternoons while her kids play (quietly?) nearby. You can find her on social media @whitneykpipkin and sign up for her newsletter at

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Janet Pope

Janet Pope

JANET POPE is a 2012 graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary with a Masters in Theology. Teaching the Bible is her passion, and her distinct speaking ministry inspires others to run to God’s Word first. Her solid foundation comes from memorizing entire books of the Bible—15 books and counting. Janet and her husband Ethan live in Dallas, Texas.

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Randy Pope

Randy Pope

RANDY POPE is the Lead Teacher and Directional Leader of Perimeter Church in Duluth, Georgia, a church devoted to reaching the unchurched of North Atlanta and the world. Pope is a graduate of the University of Alabama and Reformed Theological Seminary. His vision and commitment to make and train disciples is known throughout the Christian community. He is the founder of Atlanta Seminary and Perimeter Christian Schools and recently established Life-On-Life Ministries, where he continues to train church leaders both in the United States and throughout the world. Randy is the author of three books: The Intentional Church (previously released as The Prevailing Church), Finding Your Million Dollar Mate, and The Answer. Randy and his wife, Carol, have four children and live in Alpharetta, Georgia.

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Emma Moody Powell

Emma Moody Powell

EMMA MOODY POWELL was born in Northfield, Massachusetts on December 16, 1895. She was the daughter of A.P. Fitt (who was an author and the personal secretary of D.L. Moody) and Emma Moody Fitt (D.L. Moody’s only daughter). She grew up in Massachusetts, and at the age of twenty-one she married Edward Merriam Powell. Emma Moody Powell is best known for the biography she wrote on the life of her grandmother Emma Charlotte Revell, the wife of D.L. Moody.

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Ramon Presson

Ramon Presson

RAMON PRESSON, PhD, a licensed marriage & family therapist, has been in practice for 30 years and is the founder of LifeChange Counseling and Marriage Center of Franklin. He is a newspaper columnist; and with a dozen books in print he is the most published practicing therapist in Tennessee. He is a charter member of the American Association of Christian Counselors. From 1989 to 2004 Presson served as an assistant pastor in large churches in North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, and Tennessee. Ramon has had the unique privilege to serve on staff with and later co-author several books with Dr. Gary Chapman. He is currently co-authoring the teen edition of When Will My Life Not Suck? Authentic Hope for the Disillusioned with his 17-year-old son, Cameron. Ramon and his wife, Dorne, have been married for 28 years, have two sons, and live outside Nashville. He can be reached at

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Walter Price

Walter Price

WALTER K. PRICE (BS, University of Kentucky; MA, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) has pastored multiple congregations and authored many books including Next Year in Jerusalem, The Coming Antichrist, In the Final Days, and The Prophet Joel and the Day of the Lord.

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Derek J. Prime

Derek J. Prime

DEREK PRIME was born and brought up in London, where he received his secondary education at Westminster City School. National Service immediately followed for eighteen months, during which time he was attached as an army teacher to the Royal Scots Greys in Germany. Upon demobilisation he went to Emmanuel College, Cambridge, where he studied history and then theology. For the next three years he taught at a London Grammar School, prior to his ordination to become pastor of Lansdowne Evangelical Free Church in West Norwood in south London. After twelve years at Lansdowne he was called to Charlotte Chapel in Edinburgh where he was pastor for eighteen years. He then devoted himself to writing and an itinerant ministry. During this time, sadly, within a few years of one another, both his younger daughter and his wife died of cancer. However, he was greatly blessed in having his other daughter and older son in Edinburgh and second son in London, giving him the joy of eight grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren, an ever-growing family!

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Ray Pritchard

Ray Pritchard

RAY PRITCHARD serves as the president of Keep Believing Ministries. He is a graduate of Tennessee Temple University (B.A.), Dallas Theological Seminary (Th.M.) and Talbot School of Theology (D.Min.). Ministering extensively overseas, speaking at conferences, and appearing on Christian radio and television talk shows, Dr. Pritchard focuses on evangelism and encouragement to spread the hope of Jesus Christ through all the world. For 27 years he pastored churches in Los Angeles, Dallas and Chicago, and most recently served at Calvary Memorial Church in Oak Park, Illinois. Dr. Pritchard is the author of 27 books, including An Anchor for the Soul, Stealth Attack, Names of the Holy Spirit, and Credo. Ray and his wife, Marlene, have three sons.

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Austin Pryor

Austin Pryor

AUSTIN PRYOR is a native of Louisville, Kentucky, and graduated from the University of Kentucky where he received a B.S. degree in Banking and Finance in 1967. Pryor founded his own investment management firm, Forum Investment Counselors, in 1978 where he saw his average client account more than triple in value during its first five years of operations. He is an American financial writer, speaker, and radio personality whose work focuses on investment counseling from an evangelical Christian point of view. In 1990 he founded the Sound Mind Investing newsletter to help Christians apply biblical financial and investing principles in specific ways to their personal situations. His written articles appear regularly on as well as the Crosswalk, Christian Broadcasting Network, and Crown Financial Ministries websites.Pryor has been married to his wife, Susie, for 50 years; they have three grown children and ten grandchildren.

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Gregg Quiggle

Gregg Quiggle

GREGG QUIGGLE was the D. L. Moody professor of historical theology and dean of Study Abroad at Moody Bible Institute. He graduated from Wheaton College and Marquette University, then earned a PhD from Open University. Dr. Quiggle has written and lectured extensively on the impact of Mr. Moody, and recently contributed to Moody’s One Volume Seminary. Now retired from teaching, he operates Quotelos Travel Service, a Christian history tour company.

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Scott Rae

Scott Rae

SCOTT RAE, Ph.D., is professor of Christian ethics and chair of the philosophy of religion and ethics department at Talbot School of Theology. He's written six books, including Moral Choices: An Introduction to Ethics and Beyond Integrity: a Judeo-Christian Approach to Business Ethics.

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Soong-Chan Rah

Soong-Chan Rah

Soong-Chan Rah is Milton B. Engebretson Associate Professor of Church Growth and Evangelism at North Park Theological Seminary in Chicago, IL. He is the author of The Next Evangelicalism (IVP Books, 2009). Prior to coming to North Park, Soong-Chan was the founding and senior pastor of Cambridge Community Fellowship Church, a multi-ethnic, urban church in Cambridge, MA. Soong-Chan has a B.A. from Columbia University, a M.Div. from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, a Th.M. from Harvard University, and a D.Min. from Gordon-Conwell. Soong-Chan serves on the boards of Sojourners, the Christian Community Development Association, World Vision, and the Catalyst Leadership Center. He lives in Chicago with his wife Sue, a special educator and his two children, Annah and Elijah.

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Earle Ralph

Earle Ralph

RALPH EARLE (1908-1995; B.A., Eastern Nazarene College; M.A., Boston University; B.D., Gordon Divinity School; D.D., Eastern Nazarene College) was Distinguished Professor of New Testament Emeritus at the Nazarene Theological Seminary, Kansas City, Missouri, where he first began teaching in 1945. While holding pastorates in Woonsocket, Rhode Island, and Everett, Massachusetts, from 1933 to 1945, he was a professor of biblical literature at Eastern Nazarene College, Wollaston, Massachusetts. He later served on the fifteen-man Committee on Bible Translation, the governing body for the New International Version of the Bible. Ralph is the author of several books including Mark (from the Everyman’s Bible Commentary series), Word Meanings in the New Testament, How We Got Our Bible, Exploring the New Testament, and Story of the New Testament. He is now at home with his Lord.

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Chris Rappazini

Chris Rappazini

CHRIS RAPPAZINI is a Professor of Leadership at Anderson University, SC, and a professional speaker and leadership life coach. Eleven years prior to his role at Anderson University, he was a Professor of Pastoral Studies and Preaching at the Moody Bible Institute and served in various pastoral roles throughout the nation. He is a former writer for Moody’s Today in the Word and past President of the Evangelical Homiletics Society. He has earned a Ph.D. in Leadership Studies from Gonzaga University, an M.Th. from the University of Edinburgh, an M.Div. from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, a B.A. from the Moody Bible Institute, and did postdoctoral research at Baylor University.

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Philip E. Rawley

Philip E. Rawley

PHIL RAWLEY is a former Moody Publishers textbook editor, one of the founding editors and writers for Today in the Word, and a free-lance writer living in Rockwall, Texas. He is a graduate of the University of South Florida (B.A., 70) and Dallas Theological Seminary (Th.M., 80). Phil and his wife Sarah have two children and a grandson.

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Eric C Redmond

Eric C Redmond

ERIC C. REDMOND is Professor of Bible at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, IL and Associate Pastor of Preaching, Teaching, and Care at Calvary Memorial Church in Oak Park, IL. He has a Ph.D. in Biblical Studies from Capital Seminary and Graduate School, and a Th.M. Dallas Theological Seminary. He is the general editor of Say It! Celebrating Expository Preaching in the African American Tradition, the Preaching Magazine 2020 Book of the Year. His teaching and research specialties are hermeneutics, interpretation of narrative and parable, interpretation of poetical literature, homiletics and Bible exposition, and the Gospels. Eric is a fellow of the St. Augustine Cohort of the Center for Pastor Theologians, a Teaching Fellow for the C. S. Lewis Institute-Chicago, and previously served as a church-planting senior pastor.

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Donald Reeder

Donald Reeder

W. DONALD REEDER (B.B.A., Southeastern Bible College; Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminary) is owner of a ServiceMaster business and is a ServiceMaster master franchise coordinator. Previously, he worked in the Moody Bible Institute evening school, correspondence school, Moody Monthly, and personal departments.

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Michael Reeves

Michael Reeves

MICHAEL REEVES is President and Professor of Theology at Union in Oxford, UK. He is the author of Delighting in the Trinity and The Unquenchable Flame.

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Courtney Reissig

Courtney Reissig

COURTNEY REISSIG is a writer and Bible teacher living in Little Rock, AR. She loves teaching the Bible, writing about the Bible, or talking about the Bible in any context she finds herself in. She and her husband are the proud parents of four sons, and together they serve at Immanuel Baptist Church in Little Rock, AR, where she is the Discipleship Content Director.

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Crystal Renaud

Crystal Renaud

CRYSTAL RENAUD DAY is a pastoral counselor, certified coach, author, and speaker with over a decade of experience working with women, couples, and teen girls. She holds a Master of Arts in Pastoral Counseling: Life Coaching from Liberty University and eight certifications in counseling and coaching specialties from the American Association of Christian Counselors. Crystal owns and operates Living on Purpose Coaching & Pastoral Counseling and is the founding director of Dirty Girls Ministries, a non-profit organization helping women overcome porn and sexual addiction. Her work has been featured in the New York Times, ABC News, CNN, Christianity Today, The 700 Club, Outreach Magazine, and more. Her books include Dirty Girls Come Clean, 90 Days to Wholeness, and Dating Done Right (releasing December 2019). Crystal resides in the Kansas City area with her husband Tim.

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Chase Replogle

Chase Replogle

CHASE REPLOGLE is the pastor of Bent Oak Church in Springfield, Missouri. He holds a degree in Biblical Studies and an M.A. in New Testament from The Assemblies of God Theological Seminary. He is currently a D.Min. student in The Sacred Art of Writing at Western Theological Seminary. His work draws from history, psychology, literature, and a rich narrative approach to Scripture to help readers think more deeply about faith and life. He has written for Christianity Today, The Gospel Coalition, Ekstatis, Bible Engagement Project, and Influence Magazine. A native of the Ozark woods, he enjoys being outdoors with his wife and two kids, sailing, playing the mandolin (badly), and quail hunting with his bird dog Millie.

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Brad Rhoads

Brad Rhoads

BRAD AND MARILYN RHOADS founded Grace Marriage in 2015 to help churches and couples prioritize marriage. Prior to this, Brad was a practicing attorney for 22 years. He served as a marriage pastor at their local church, where he noted the nationwide absence of an intentional, ongoing strategy to keep couples on a trajectory of growth. Marilyn holds a masters in social work and worked at Counseling Associates before choosing to stay home with their children. In 2015, Brad left the practice of law to pursue marriage ministry full-time. The Rhoads currently lead Grace Marriage, author curriculum together, speak at conferences, and work with individual couples. They are the proud parents of five amazing kids and live in Owensboro, Kentucky.

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Marilyn Rhoads

Marilyn Rhoads

BRAD AND MARILYN RHOADS founded Grace Marriage in 2015 to help churches and couples prioritize marriage. Prior to this, Brad was a practicing attorney for 22 years. He served as a marriage pastor at their local church, where he noted the nationwide absence of an intentional, ongoing strategy to keep couples on a trajectory of growth. Marilyn holds a masters in social work and worked at Counseling Associates before choosing to stay home with their children. In 2015, Brad left the practice of law to pursue marriage ministry full-time. The Rhoads currently lead Grace Marriage, author curriculum together, speak at conferences, and work with individual couples. They are the proud parents of five amazing kids and live in Owensboro, Kentucky.

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Ray Rhodes Jr.

Ray Rhodes Jr.

RAY RHODES, JR. serves as founding pastor of Grace Community Church of Dawsonville, GA and as president of Nourished in the Word Ministries. He has served four congregations over three decades of pastoral ministry and for fifteen years, he has led Nourished in the Word. Ray has published several books and holds theological degrees from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (M.Div.) and The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (D.Min.). He is married to Lori and they are blessed with six daughters and four grandchildren. Ray has long been a Spurgeon enthusiast, and his doctoral thesis focused on the marriage and spirituality of Charles and Susannah Spurgeon.

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Lawrence O. Richards

Lawrence O. Richards

LAWRENCE O. RICHARDS (University of Michigan, Dallas Theological Seminary, Northwestern University) was one of the most prominent Christian Education writers during the second half of the twentieth century. He has written more than 70 books, including Creative Bible Teaching, Every Name of God in the Bible and Life of Christ. He was a contributor to Christian Education: Foundations for the Future. Larry resides in Raleigh, North Carolina.

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Steve Richardson

Steve Richardson

STEVE RICHARDSON has served as president of Pioneers-USA since 1999. Pioneers mobilizes and supports 3,200 missionaries and marketplace professionals who impact 500 unreached people groups in 95 countries. Steve was raised in Indonesia, where his parents planted churches in a jungle tribe. He witnessed the impact of the gospel on their war-like society, a story documented in his father's missionary classic, Peace Child. Steve and his wife, Arlene, also spent eleven years planting churches among an unreached people group in Southeast Asia. The Richardsons now live in Orlando, FL and have been blessed with four daughters and ten grandchildren.

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Joy Riley

Joy Riley

D. Joy Riley, M.D., M.A. is board-certified in internal medicine and has a master's degree in bioethics from Trinity International University. The executive director of The Tennessee Center for Bioethics & Culture, she writes and speaks on a variety of bioethics topics, with special interest in reproductive technologies, medical ethics, and stem cell research. She and her husband, an obstetrician/gynecologist, have three sons and live in Brentwood, TN.

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Bob Roberts

Bob Roberts

DR. BOB ROBERTS, JR. is founding pastor of NorthWood Church, Fort Worth, TX. NorthWood has started over 200 churches in the US and a center for training new pastors. He is a leading practitioner and writer on Glocal transformation of individuals, religious communities, NGOs, cities, and global engagement, having worked extensively with the UN and various State Departments globally. He is a nationally and internationally recognized speaker and author of books including Transformation, Glocalization, Real-Time Connections and Bold as Love. Bob is married to Nikki and they have two children and one grandson.

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Irvine Robertson

Irvine Robertson

IRVINE ROBERTSON was born in Glasgow, Scotland. He graduated from Moody Bible Institute in 1938 and served as a missionary in India for eighteen years. He is a former faculty member of the Moody Bible Institute and former professor at MBI's evening school program in Boynton Beach, Florida. He is author of several books including What the Cults Believe and Transcendental Meditation and co-author of Comparing Christianity with the Cults and The Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Error. He is now at home with his Lord.

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Paul F. Robinson

Paul F. Robinson

PAUL F. ROBINSON is founder of Moody Aviation, the first and largest flight and maintenance school designed for missionary pilots. For thirty years, he led the program that has produced one-half of all the pilots for the two largest mission aviation agencies, MAF and Jungle Aviation and Radio Service (JAARS).

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Rich Robinson

Rich Robinson

RICHARD A. ROBINSON serves as Senior Researcher at Jews for Jesus in San Francisco and is a Jewish believer in Jesus who came to faith in 1973. He has served with Jews for Jesus since 1978, beginning with the mobile evangelistic music team, The Liberated Wailing Wall, and subsequently as a missionary at the Los Angeles, New York, and Boston branches. He holds an M.Div. from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (1978) and a Ph.D. from Westminster Theological Seminary (1993).Rich is the author of The Messianic Movement and Christ in the Sabbath. He edited God, Torah, Messiah: The Messianic Jewish Theology of Dr. Louis Goldberg and co-authored Christ in the Feast of Pentecost with David Brickner. He has contributed chapters to various scholarly books, conferences papers (Lausanne Consultation on Jewish Evangelism--North America, Evangelical Theological Society), and is a frequent contributor to the journal Mishkan. Rich also edits Havurah, a publication for Jewish believers in Jesus.

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Kerwin A Rodriguez

Kerwin A Rodriguez

KERWIN A. RODRIGUEZ is an Assistant Professor of Pastoral Studies at Moody Bible Institute where he teaches homiletics, spiritual formation, and cultural dynamics for congregational ministry. He has an MDiv from Trinity Evangelical Seminary and is currently completing a PhD at Baylor University's Truett Seminary with a particular interest in Latino preaching. Kerwin is passionate about preaching and teaching others to preach. He lives in Chicago with his wife, Meredith and their two children, Ezra Joel and Elias Rowe.

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Jerry Root

Jerry Root

DR. JERRY ROOT is an Associate Professor at Wheaton College where he teaches graduate courses in the MA in Evangelism Program as well as courses in the undergraduate Christian Formation and Ministry Department. In addition, Jerry is a visiting professor at Biola University and Talbot Graduate School of Theology in La Mirada, California.Jerry has written many books centered around the teachings of C.S. Lewis. He has lectured on C. S. Lewis at 48 College or University Campuses in 11 countries. He has taught college and graduate courses on C. S. Lewis for 30 consecutive years.Jerry and his wife Claudia have four married children, four grandchildren, and a Welsh Corgi; they live in Wheaton, Illinois.

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Reagan Rose

Reagan Rose

REAGAN ROSE is the founder of Redeeming Productivity, a media ministry focused on a biblical approach to personal productivity. Reagan has a Master of Divinity from The Master's Seminary and lives in Michigan with his wife, Kim, and their two children.

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Vicki Rose

Vicki Rose

VICKI ROSE is a strong Bible teacher with a relevant, life-changing message. She was born and raised in New York City and upon graduating from Sarah Lawrence College in 1975, Vicki began her retail career at Saks Fifth Ave and went on to marry Bill Rose in 1977.After almost 10 years of marriage, Vicki found herself the single mother of a 1 ½ and 4 year old, separated from her husband who was addicted to cocaine, woman and work. 1 ½ years later, Vicki accepted Christ through an outreach dinner at age 35 and became a passionate follower of Jesus Christ with a deep hunger for His word. As Vicki began to pray for her husband to also know Christ, her heart toward him changed and they were reconciled after he accepted Christ, entered rehab and they spent time in counseling. They had been separated for 5 ½ years. Both Vicki and Bill are Jewish believers though neither was raised in a religious Jewish home. Vicki has taught, facilitated and led many Bible Studies for women in her church as well as acted as Prayer Coordinator for the Women’s Ministry and has taught and shared her testimony all across the U.S. as well as in Nicaragua, Poland, Russia, Bulgaria and Italy.

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Ceil Rosen

Ceil Rosen

MOISHE and CEIL ROSEN are a Jewish couple who have come to know Jesus as their Messiah. Moishe is the founder and director of Jews for Jesus and Ceil is a free-lance writer. Together, Moishe and Ceil have co-authored a number of books, including Y’shua: The Jewish Way to Say Jesus, Christ in the Passover, and Witnessing to Jews. Moishe and Ceil reside in San Francisco, California.

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Moishe Rosen

Moishe Rosen

MOISHE and CEIL ROSEN were a Jewish couple who came to know Jesus as their Messiah. Moishe was the founder and director of Jews for Jesus and Ceil is a free-lance writer. Together, Moishe and Ceil co-authored a number of books, including Y’shua: The Jewish Way to Say Jesus, Christ in the Passover, and Witnessing to Jews. They resided in San Francisco, California until Moishe's passing.

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Rian Roux

Rian Roux

Originally from South Africa, RIAN ROUX spent his adolescence in a small fishing and farming community in the far north of Australia. Intrigued by the stories that shape our lives, he travelled widely and pursued studies in Applied Science, Education, and Theology. After a year at Oxford University, he commenced a PhD in Australia with a focus on transformative learning and student leadership development in higher education. Rian has experience in pastoral ministry, teaching, and business and currently lives and works in Toowoomba with his wife, Sally, and their three children.

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Bob Russell

Bob Russell

BOB RUSSELL At just twenty-two years of age, Bob became the pastor of Southeast Christian Church. That small congregation of 120 members became one of the largest churches in America, with 18,000 people attending the four worship services every weekend in 2006 when Bob retired. Now through Bob Russell Ministries, Bob continues to preach at churches and conferences throughout the United States, provide guidance for church leadership, mentor other ministers and author Bible study videos for use in small groups. An accomplished author, Bob has written over one-dozen books.Bob and his wife Judy of 50 years have two married sons, Rusty and Phil. In his leisure time he enjoys playing golf and is an avid University of Louisville football and basketball fan.

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Michael Rydelnik

Michael Rydelnik

DR. MICHAEL RYDELNIK is Vice President/Academic Dean and Professor of Jewish Studies and Bible at Moody Bible Institute. He is also the Host/Bible Teacher on Open Line with Dr. Michael Rydelnik, answering listener Bible questions on over 225 stations nationwide across Moody Radio. The son of Holocaust survivors, he was raised in an observant Jewish home in Brooklyn, New York. As a high school student, Michael became a follower of Jesus the Messiah and began teaching the Bible almost immediately. Besides his work on The Moody Bible Commentary and The Moody Handbook of Messianic Prophecy as coeditor and contributor, Michael is also the author of 50 Most Important Bible Questions, The Messianic Hope: Is the Hebrew Bible Really Messianic?, and Understanding the Arab-Israeli Conflict. Michael and his wife, Eva, live in Chicago, love hiking with their collie and boxer, and have two terrific adult sons, a delightful daughter-in-law, and the cutest grandchildren in the world.

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Philip Graham Ryken

Philip Graham Ryken

PHILLIP GRAHAM RYKEN (M.Div., Westminster Theological Seminary; D.Phil., University of Oxford, England) is Senior Minister of Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, where he has preached since 1995. He is the author of several books including What Is the Christian Worldview, The Heart of the Cross, and The Message of Salvation. Dr. Ryken lives with his wife, Lisa, and their children in Center City, Philadelphia.

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J. C. Ryle

J. C. Ryle

JOHN CHARLES RYLE (1816-1900) was born in Cheshire County, England. He attended Eton and then went on to Oxford, finishing his Oxford studies in 1837. In 1841 Ryle was ordained as a minister in the Anglican Church, and in 1880 he was named the first Bishop of Liverpool. Throughout his ministry he became known and beloved as a defender of the evangelical reformed faith.

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Charles C. Ryrie

Charles C. Ryrie

CHARLES C. RYRIE (A.B., Haverford College; Th.M. and Th.D., Dallas Theological Seminary; Ph.D., University of Edinburgh; Litt.D., Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary) was a renowned author and scholar. He wrote numerous books, including The Ryrie Study Bible, Basic Theology, Balancing the Christian Life, The Holy Spirit, Dispensationalism Today, Revelation, Survey of Bible Doctrine, and So Great Salvation, which rank among his best-selling titles.

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John Sailhamer

John Sailhamer

JOHN SAILHAMER (BA, California State University at Long Beach; MA, PhD, University of California at Los Angeles; ThM, Dallas Theological Seminary) has been teaching since 1975, most recently at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has published a number of books including 1 & 2 Chronicles in the Everyman’s Bible Commentary Series, An Introduction to Old Testament Theology, and The Pentateuch as Narrative. Dr. Sailhamer resides in Fullerton, California.

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Brittany Salmon

Brittany Salmon

BRITTANY SALMON is a professor, writer, and Bible teacher. She has a MA in Intercultural Studies from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, a MA in Teaching from North Carolina State University, and is currently pursuing her doctorate from Southeastern Seminary where she is doing research on racial representation in Christian children's literature. Brittany is passionate about taking theology and applying it to everyday lives. And yet the people closest to her think of her as the friend who loves oversized sweatpants and a great conversation over coffee. She lives in Abilene, Texas with her best friend, Ben, and their four children. You can connect with Brittany on Instagram @brittanynsalmon.

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Margaret M. Sandberg

Margaret M. Sandberg

MARGARET M. SANDBERG was a homemaker and a freelance writer. She served as a stenographer for four years and majored in Bible at Multnomah School of the Bible in Tacoma, Washington.

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Brian Sanders

Brian Sanders

BRIAN SANDERS is the founder of the Underground Network, an international coalition of churches united by the prophetic call to love the poor, reach the lost, and seek biblical justice. The Underground is a new form of church designed and empowered for mission. A serial entrepreneur, Brian has helped to start hundreds of missional enterprises, including churches, non-profits, and businesses all over the world. He holds a degree in communication from the University of Florida, a Masters Degree in Religious Studies from the University of South Florida, and a Masters Degree in Applied Theology from Spurgeon's College. Brian has lived in intentional community in the inner city for more than twenty years, embodying the ideas that drive him. He lives in Tampa, Florida with his wife Monica and their six children.

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Fred Sanders

Fred Sanders

FRED SANDERS is a professor of theology at Biola University's Torrey Honors Institute, where he has taught since 1999. The doctrine of the Trinity is his main interest, but he writes and speaks on the full range of Christian doctrine. He is the author of several books, including The Deep Things of God: How the Trinity Changes Everything and Wesley on the Christian Life: The Heart Renewed in Love. He and his family live in La Mirada, California, and attend Grace Evangelical Free Church.

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J. Oswald Sanders

J. Oswald Sanders

J. OSWALD SANDERS (1902-1992) was a Christian leader for nearly seventy years and authored more than forty books on the Christian life including The Incomparable Christ, Spiritual Discipleship, Spiritual Leadership, and Spiritual Maturity. He left a promising law practice to serve as an instructor and administrator at the Bible College of New Zealand. Dr. Sanders later became general director of the China Inland Mission (now the Overseas Missionary Fellowship), and was instrumental in beginning many new missions projects throughout East Asia.

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Martin Sanders

Martin Sanders

DR. MARTIN SANDERS is a professor at Alliance Theological Seminary in Nyack, New York. He also serves as president of Global Leadership, Inc. through which he develops leaders, national pastors and missionaries in more than 30 countries. Dr. Sanders is married and has four adult children. He is the author of How to Get the Family You've Always Wanted.

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Robert L. Saucy

Robert L. Saucy

ROBERT L. SAUCY (Westmont College, Dallas Theological Seminary) is a distinguished professor of systematic theology at Talbot Theological Seminary. He previously served as president of the Evangelical Theological Society and addresses that group frequently. He is author of numerous books, including The Church in God’s Program, and is the editor of Women and Men in Ministry: A Complementary Perspective. His shorter works have appeared in many journals including Bibliotheca Sacra, Grace Theological Journal, and Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society. Dr. Saucy resides in Anaheim, California.

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Jill Savage

Jill Savage

JILL SAVAGE is an author and speaker who is passionate about encouraging families. She is the author of nine books including Professionalizing Motherhood, My Hearts At Home, Real Moms...Real Jesus, Living With Less So Your Family Has More, and her most recent bestselling release No More Perfect Moms. Featured on Focus on the Family,, and as the host of the Heartbeat radio program, Jill is the founder of Hearts at Home, an organization that encourages moms. Jill and her husband, Mark, have five children, two who are married, two granddaughters, and one grandson. They make their home in Normal, Illinois.

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Mark Savage

Mark Savage

MARK AND JILL SAVAGE are passionate about encouraging, educating, and equipping families. After serving in church ministry for twenty years, the Savage's are meeting the needs of families as authors and speakers through Hearts at Home, a ministry to moms. The parents of five young adult children, and grandparents of three, the Savage's make their home in Central Illinois.

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Mark Sayers

Mark Sayers

MARK SAYERS is the Lead Pastor of Red Church in Melbourne, Australia. He is passionate about spiritual renewal and the future of the church. Mark is the author of several books including A Non-Anxious Presence and Reappearing Church. Mark lives in Melbourne with his wife, Trudi, his daughter, Grace, and twin boys, Hudson and Billy.

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Harry Schaumburg

Harry Schaumburg

HARRY W. SCHAUMBURG, MA, MS, DMin, LMFT, speaker, author and counselor, is the founder and Executive Director of Stone Gate Resources, Inc., a ministry that has addressed the problems of sexual sin within the church for more than eighteen years. Offering real change, his pioneering Brief Intensive CounselingSM program has drawn over two thousand five hundred laity and clergy from the U.S. and eighteen foreign countries. For nearly thirty years, Dr. Schaumburg has been involved in pointing people away from sexual sin to restored intimacy with God and others. He is the author of False Intimacy: Understanding the Struggle of Sexual Addiction, the first book on the subject from a biblical perspective, and Sexual Redemption. Married forty years to his wife Rosemary, they have two adult sons.

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Cary Schmidt

Cary Schmidt

CARY SCHMIDT (MMin, DMin) serves as the senior pastor of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Newington, Connecticut. He and his wife, Dana, have been blessed with three children, their spouses, and four grandchildren, and they have enjoyed over thirty years of marriage and ministry together. Cary is the author of more than a dozen books, and his passion is to point people to Jesus Christ through leading, teaching, and writing. You can connect with Cary at

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Melinda Schmidt

Melinda Schmidt

MELINDA SCHMIDT graduated from Moody Bible Institute and holds a B.S. in Broadcasting-Bible from Calvary Bible College. She has served with Moody Radio since 1980 in various hosting capacities. She is now a co-host of the radio talk show for women, Midday Connection ( . Melinda has served as an editor and contributing author to Come to Our Table: A Midday Connection Cookbook, Daily Seeds from Women who Walk in Faith, and Tending the Soul. Married to Dave, they are parents of two young adults, Kelly and Kevin.

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Andrew J. Schmutzer

Andrew J. Schmutzer

ANDREW SCHMUTZER (PhD, Trinity International University) is Professor of Biblical Studies at Moody Bible Institute (Chicago, Illinois). In addition to numerous articles and essays on the Old Testament, he has written the exegetical theology Be Fruitful and Multiply and two forthcoming commentaries on Ruth and Esther.

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Patrick Schreiner

Patrick Schreiner

PATRICK SCHREINER (Ph.D., Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is Associate Professor of New Testament and Biblical Theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the author of The Kingdom of God and the Glory of the Cross and Matthew, Disciple and Scribe. He loves watching students see the depths and beauty of the Scriptures. This translates into a greater love for God and others as he trains ministers of the gospel who will go out to the nation and the world with the healing message of Jesus. He is married to Hannah and they have four children. They love good local food, the outdoors, sports, and he enjoys serving local churches through teaching and preaching. You can connect with him on Twitter @pj_schreiner.

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Rita A. Schulte, LPC

Rita A. Schulte, LPC

RITA A. SCHULTE is a licensed professional counselor who specializes in the treatment of mental health disorders. In 2011, she created Heartline Radio, a broadcast show that addresses cutting-edge mental health issues and provides content to educate and equip listeners in how mental health affects our culture. Rita is frequent contributor to many publications and is the author of Shattered: Finding Hope and Healing through the Losses of Life; Imposter: Gain Confidence, Eradicate Shame and Become Who God Made You to Be, and Think This Not That: Rewiring Your Brain to Eliminate Toxic Thinking. She speaks around the country on mental health-related issues. She received her B.S. in psychology and her master's degree in counseling from Liberty University. Rita is no stranger to loss and suffering. In 2013, she lost her beloved husband to suicide and her world was decimated. She speaks candidly about this loss at her national workshops in the hope of helping others heal. Rita makes her home in the northern Virginia suburbs of Washington, D.C.

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Samuel Schultz

Samuel Schultz

DR. SAMUEL SCHULTZ was a professor of biblical studies and theology at Wheaton College, where he taught for 41 years. He is the author of The Prophets Speak: The Law of Love - The Essence of Israel's Religion, Deuteronomy: The Gospel of Love, The Gospel of Moses, Leviticus, and numerous articles on biblical subjects.

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Andrew Scott

Andrew Scott

ANDREW SCOTT is the President and CEO of OM USA, part of a global mission movement working in 118 nations. He grew up in Northern Ireland where he married his childhood sweetheart and now lives with his family in Tyrone, GA. A former butcher, turned pastor he has travelled to over eighty countries. He plays soccer, shows dogs and loves to scuba dive.

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Rachel G. Scott

Rachel G. Scott

RACHEL G. SCOTT is a devoted wife, mother, and Ohio native. She holds a BSc from Kansas State and an MBA from the University of Mary. As founder of the I Can’t Come Down Movement, Bible teacher, and podcast host, she desires to inspire believers to walk in their purpose and assignment as they boldly take leaps of faith. Discover more at

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W.L. Seaver

W.L. Seaver

DR. W. L. SEAVER is an associate professor of statistics at the University of Tennessee. He holds a Ph.D. in Statistics, a Master of Business Administration and a Master of Arts in Biblical Studies. He is not only an author of more than thirty articles and four books but also a researcher and consultant whose expertise is in finding patterns in data and the Scriptures over time. He has developed discipleship ministries with athletes, students, faculty, and the local church. He and his wife, Barbara, have three grown children.

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Andrew Seidel

Andrew Seidel

ANDREW SEIDEL (West Point Military Academy, University of Illinois, Dallas Theological Seminary) serves as the executive director of the Center for Christian Leadership as Dallas Theological Seminary. He also works in Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia with the mission organization Entrust. A graduate of West Point and a veteran of the U.S. Army, Dr. Seidel previously served as senior pastor at Grace Bible Church in College Station, Texas for 14 years. He is the author of Charting a Bold Course. Dr. Seidel and his wife have been married for more than 40 years and have two grown children and six grandchildren.

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Mark Senter III

Mark Senter III

MARK H. SENTER III contributed to or edited three generations of Moody Press youth ministry text books, the most recent of which is the Gold Medallion Book Award winning, Reaching a Generation for Christ, co-edited with Richard R. Dunn. He has authored five other books. Recognized as the leading historian of Protestant youth ministry in America, Senter was honored by the Association of Youth Ministry Educators with the Distinguished Youth Ministry Educator Award in 2011. A graduate of Moody Bible Institute who earned his PhD at Loyola University, Chicago, Senter is Professor Emeritus at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, Illinois.

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Michelle Lynn Senters

Michelle Lynn Senters

MICHELLE LYNN SENTERS (B.A. Education; M.Ed. Integrated Teaching Through the Arts) raised two daughters on her own and experienced many issues common to single mothers: financial crisis, emotional trauma in children, pursuit of education, isolation from church, feelings of guilt/shame, consequences of fatherlessness, and the challenges of relationships and remarriage. Her message has been forged in her own journey as a single mom and has deepened through her years of mentoring single moms and launching ministries geared to them in the local church. She founded the Arise Ministry for Single Moms at her local church in Colorado Springs and this ministry is being considered by other area churches. She is a sought-after speaker at women's events, Bible studies, and writer's conferences.

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Jim Shaddix

Jim Shaddix

JIM SHADDIX (BS, Jacksonville State University; M.Div., D.Min., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary; Ph.D., New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary) serves as Professor of Preaching at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, NC, occupying the W. A. Criswell Chair of Expository Preaching. He has pastored churches in Texas, Mississippi, Louisiana and Colorado, and also served as Dean of the Chapel and Professor of Preaching at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary in New Orleans, LA. Jim is the author of The Passion Driven Sermon (Broadman & Holman, 2003) and co-author of Power in the Pulpit with Jerry Vines (Moody, 1999). Jim and his wife, Debra, focus much of their attention on discipling and mentoring young leaders and spouses. They have three grown children.

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Laurel Shaler

Laurel Shaler

DR. LAUREL SHALER is a national certified counselor, licensed marriage and family therapist, licensed professional counselor, and licensed social worker. She is a professor at Liberty University in the Department of Counselor Education and Family Studies. Dr. Shaler is the author of Relational Reset: Unlearning the Habits That Hold You Back and Reclaiming Sanity: Hope and Healing for Trauma, Stress, and Overwhelming Life Events. Learn more and contact her about speaking at

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Phil Shappard

Phil Shappard

PHIL SHAPPARD served at the Moody Bible Institute as Moody Radio's National Operations Manager before retiring at the beginning of 2020. Starting as a part-time announcer at Moody's station WDLM in 1981 he came to Chicago in 1983 and joined the Moody Radio Network staff full-time in 1984. He studied at Toccoa Falls College and later graduated with a B.S. in Business Management from Elmhurst University in Elmhurst, IL. Phil and his wife, Nora, have three grown children and nine grandchildren, and make their home in the western suburbs of Chicago.

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Edward G. Shaw

Edward G. Shaw

EDWARD G. SHAW, MD, MA, is dually trained as a physician and a mental health counselor. He is the primary care partner for his wife, Rebecca, who was diagnosed with eary-onset Alzheimer's disease at age 54. He was a practicing radiation oncologist for 23 years. In 2010, inspired by Rebecca's journey, his medical interest shifted to dementia diagnosis and treatment, and with his additional training in mental health counseling, he founded the Memory Counseling Program that is now part of Wake Forest Baptist Health in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. His moving personal story of caring for his wife, coupled with his innovative use of the five love languages in dementia counseling, inspired the central message of Keeping Love Alive as Memories Fade.

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Charles W. Shepson

Charles W. Shepson

CHARLES W. SHEPSON has served for more than sixty years as pastor, educator and counselor. He is the founder of Fairhaven Ministries, a counseling and retreat center in Tennessee and has served for more than three decades as its president. He is also the founder of the Canadian-based Fairhaven Ministries in British Columbia. He has ministered in thirty-seven countries and has authored fifteen books.

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Dennis Shere

Dennis Shere

DENNIS SHERE was a reporter, editor, and then publisher for the Dayton Daily News before becoming the senior media manager at Moody Bible Institute. He is currently an attorney working on behalf of death penalty defendants in Illinois. He is author of Cain's Redemption: A Story of Hope and Transformation in America's Bloodiest Prison. He resides in North Aurora, Illinois.

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Joshua Sherif

Joshua Sherif

JOSHUA SHERIF was born in Egypt to a Muslim family and immigrated to the United States, where he later came to faith in Jesus. For the past decade, he has planted and pastored in Albany Park, Chicago, IL, one of the most diverse neighborhoods in the country. His congregation represents more than thirty nationalities, speaking twenty languages. Josh has enjoyed his years equipping and coaching other missionaries and pastors around the world. His story was featured in Love Costs Everything, a documentary produced by CIY and Voice of the Martyrs, concerning Christian persecution.

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Harry E. Shields

Harry E. Shields

HARRY SHIELDS has served pastorates in Illinois and Colorado and currently serves on the graduate school faculty of the Moody Bible Institute. He is co-author of Caring for Souls: Counseling under the Authority of Scripture. He and his wife have two adult sons, who are also involved in local church ministries. Harry and his wife, Carol, reside in Crystal Lake, Illinois.

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Priscilla Shirer

Priscilla Shirer

PRISCILLA SHIRER (Dallas Theological Seminary) is an internationally-recognized Bible teacher who focuses her ministry on the expository teaching of the Word of God to women. She desires to see women both understand the uncompromising truths of Scripture intellectually and experience them practically. Priscilla is the author of A Jewel in His Crown, And We Are Changed, He Speaks to Me, and Discerning the Voice of God. She is also an accomplished vocalist. Priscilla and her husband, Jerry, are the founders of Going Beyond Ministries and live in Dallas, Texas with their three sons.

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Clarence Shuler

Clarence Shuler

CLARENCE SHULER is the President/CEO of BLR: Building Lasting Relationships. Clarence is a counselor, diversity consultant, speaker, and author of ten books. He and his wife, Brenda, reside in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and have three adult daughters. For more information, visit

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Kat Shultis

Kat Shultis

KAT SHULTIS lives in Jacksonville Beach, Florida, with her husband, Casey, and their son. Their company,, answers the question What Would Jesus Do? She leads a ministry called Be a Blessing to help girls with body image and disordered eating habits and shares encouragement online for women with various struggles she has walked through as well.

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Jeff Simmons

Jeff Simmons

JEFF SIMMONS is the founding and senior pastor of Rolling Hills Community Church, which he and his wife, Lisa, planted twenty years ago. The church has grown from 15 people meeting for a Bible study in an apartment clubhouse on Thursday nights to several thousand people and five campuses in Franklin, Nashville, Nolensville, Columbia, and Haywood Hills. Jeff is a follower of Jesus, husband, and father of three wonderful children. He serves alongside an amazing staff team at Rolling Hills and is the President of Justice and Mercy International doing mission work in the countries of Moldova and the Amazon jungle. Jeff is an author and speaker while overseeing the ministry work with over 80 full-time church staff, 55 international staff, 70 learning center teachers, and multi-million-dollar budgets. Jeff is passionate about God's work and longs to make a difference for the glory of God in His day and generation.

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A.B. Simpson

A.B. Simpson

Albert Benjamin Simpson author, hymn writer, conference speaker, was an evangelist to the urban masses of New York City and a missionary statesman. Among his enduring achievements was the founding of The Christian and Missionary Alliance and what is now Nyack College.

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Joy Skarka

Joy Skarka

DR. JOY SKARKA, doctoral graduate from Dallas Theological Seminary, is the Director of Discipleship for Authentic Intimacy. Joy leads online groups for women with unwanted sexual behavior and trains leaders how to help women find freedom from sexual shame and pornography. Joy has a published dissertation, "Sexual Shame in Women and How to Experience Freedom," and a published chapter in Sanctified Sexuality: Valuing Sex in an Oversexed World.

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Nicholas Skytland

Nicholas Skytland

NICHOLAS SKYTLAND is co-founder of Quite Uncommon, a technology firm that helps organizations build, test, and launch new and innovative ideas. He is also the Deputy Chief of the Exploration Technology Office at NASA. His technical and leadership experience has helped him build high-performing teams and pioneer new ways of doing business in both government and industry for over two decades. He has trained astronauts, designed next-generation spacesuits, developed open-source technology, led missional movements, and created some of the largest purpose-driven collaborations in history. Outside of work he is an experienced diver and avid triathlete, having completed more than twenty Ironman races. He lives in Houston with his wife and three kids, and serves as an elder at Clear Creek Community Church.

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Ashleigh Slater

Ashleigh Slater

ASHLEIGH SLATER is also the author of the book Team Us: The Unifying Power of Grace, Commitment, and Cooperation in Marriage and Braving Sorrow: The Transformative Power of Faith and Community When Life is Hard. With over twenty years of writing experience and a master's degree in communication, she loves to combine the power of a good story with practical application to encourage and inspire readers. She and her husband Ted married in 2002 and have four daughters.

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Juli Slattery

Juli Slattery

DR. JULI SLATTERY is the president and cofounder of Authentic Intimacy, a ministry dedicated to reclaiming God's design for sexuality. She is the host of the weekly podcast Java with Juli. She has authored or coauthored twelve books, including Passion Pursuit, Rethinking Sexuality, and Twenty-Five Questions You're Afraid to Ask about Love, Sex, and Intimacy. Juli is a member of the board of trustees of Moody Bible Institute. She and her husband, Mike, have three grown sons and live in Akron, Ohio.

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Allyn K. Sloat

Allyn K. Sloat

ALLYN K. SLOAT (B.A., Trinity College; M.Ed., University of Illinois) is the former Pastor of Education and Adult Ministries at Winnetka Bible Church in Winnetka, Illinois and editor of Christian Education.

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John Smed

John Smed

JOHN SMED is the founding director of Prayer Current, an organization that helps leaders make multiplying disciples through prayer and evangelism. Since 2000 John and his team have developed prayer training materials and conferences for church planters, pastors, and network teams in North America, Cuba, India, China, and Russia. His book 7 Days of Prayer with Jesus has been translated into ten languages. His conviction for prayer was born out of thirty years of experience in church planting and urban mission.

John and his wife Caron have 5 children, 11 grandchildren, and live in Lake Country, British Columbia, Canada.

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Dr Issam Smeir

Dr Issam Smeir

DR. ISSAM SMEIR is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor who specializes in trauma treatment for refugees, victims of torture, and severely abused and neglected children. He holds a Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology from Wheaton College and a Doctoral Degree in Counseling and Clinical Supervision from Northern Illinois University, and has done post doctorate training in trauma and refugee issues at Harvard University. He has worked for World Relief since 2001, serving refugees and other immigrants from dozens of countries of origin. Prior to joining World Relief, Issam worked with several missions and relief organizations. Originally from the country of Jordan, Issam now lives in Suburban Chicago with his wife and four sons.

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Kendra Smiley

Kendra Smiley

KENDRA SMILEY, named Illinois Mother of the Year in 2001, hosts a daily radio program, Live Life Intentionally, and speaks nationally and internationally. She graduated with highest honors from the University of Illinois then went on to earn her Master of Science from University of North Dakota.

She has written more than half a dozen books including High Wire Mom and Empowering Choices. She and her husband are co-authors of Do Your Kids a Favor...Love Your Spouse and Journey of a Strong-Willed Child. Kendra has also written numerous magazine articles, contributed to several books, and currently writes a monthly column for Hearts at Home magazine.

Kendra and her husband, John, live in East Lynn, Illinois.

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Allie Marie Smith

Allie Marie Smith

ALLIE MARIE SMITH is the Founder and Director of Wonderfully Made, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping teen girls and young women know their true value. She is an award-winning author, speaker, podcast host, and certified life coach. She lives in North Santa Barbara County where she loves surfing and adventuring up and down the California coast with her husband, Paul, and Golden Retriever Gidget.

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Arthur E. Smith

Arthur E. Smith

ARTHUR E. SMITH, father of five, was born in London, England. Smith received the diploma of Fellow College of Violinists (F.C.V.) of London and after he moved to Canada, became a member of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra, serving as violinist with the organization for ten years. Most of his time has been spent in Bible teaching in Canada and U.S. His 40 years of evangelism include work among the men of lumber camps and gold and silver mines of northern Ontario.

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Colin S. Smith

Colin S. Smith

COLIN SMITH serves as senior pastor of The Orchard with six campuses across Chicagoland. Born in Edinburgh, Scotland, Colin received his Bachelor of Arts in Theology and Master of Philosophy from the London School of Theology. Colin is the author of several books including The Ten Greatest Struggles of Your Life. He can be heard daily on the Open the Bible radio broadcast and at and Colin and his wife, Karen, have two sons and five granddaughters.

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Daniel Smith

Daniel Smith

DANIEL H. SMITH (Th.B., Midwest Bible Seminary; A.B., Greenville College; M.Ed., University of Missouri; Ed.D., Loyola University) is a former president of Emmaus Bible College, Dubuque, Iowa. He is author of How to Lead a Child to Christ. He and his wife, Martha, have three children and several grandchildren.

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Hannah Whitall Smith

Hannah Whitall Smith

HANNAH WHITALL SMITH (1832-1911) was born in Philadelphia to a Quaker family. Her life expressed the joy that is found in complete surrender to the Lord. The secret to a happy life, according to Whitall Smith, is to trust implicitly in the promises of the Bible. Her goal was not to impress the scholar, but to elevate the simple man or woman who longed for a more consecrated way of living. Deeply practical, her writings deal directly with the day-to-day struggles of ordinary people. She is author of The Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life and The God of All Comfort.

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Paul Smith

Paul Smith

PAUL SMITH (Wheaton College, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Trinity Evangelical Theological Seminary) has served as senior pastor of West Side Presbyterian Church in Seattle, Washington for more than 18 years and has also been active in renewal ministries with the Presbyterian Church (USA). Paul is the author of several books, including Enjoying God Forever and God’s Plan for Our Good. He and his wife, Careen, have one son and three daughters.

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Rachel Booth Smith

Rachel Booth Smith

RACHEL BOOTH SMITH has a contagious love for God’s Word. Her passion to teach accessible theology has led her to develop curriculum and leadership summits, write Bible studies, and teach. Rachel has a Master of Divinity degree from Pillar Seminary, where she learned to study the Bible in its original languages while being trained in ancient Near East context for both the Old and New Testament.

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Rhett Smith

Rhett Smith

RHETT SMITH is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) in private practice at Auxano Counseling in Plano, TX. He is a graduate of Fuller Theological Seminary (MDiv, MSMFT) and former college pastor at Bel Air Presbyterian Church in Los Angeles. Rhett has a passion for helping people navigate significant areas of transition in their lives such as parenting, marriage, and the adolescent to young adult journey. He also serves on staff at The Hideaway Experience in Amarillo, TX where he helps couples work towards having great marriages. Rhett lives in Frisco, TX with his wife Heather and their two children. You can find out more about Rhett at his blog or his counseling practice

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Ryan Whitaker Smith

Ryan Whitaker Smith

RYAN WHITAKER SMITH is an author and filmmaker from Nashville, Tennessee. His film projects include the romantic drama Surprised by Oxford, based on the award winning memoir by Carolyn Weber, the Lionsgate documentary The Jesus Music, and a forthcoming adaptation of G. K. Chesterton's comic adventure The Ball and the Cross. He is coauthor, with Dan Wilt, of Sheltering Mercy and Endless Grace, two collections of prayers inspired by the Psalms.

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Avi Snyder

Avi Snyder

AVI SNYDER was raised in a conservative Jewish home in New York City and came to a saving faith in Jesus in 1977 with the help of a Jews for Jesus tract and the forthright witness of Christian friends. He graduated from Fuller Theological Seminary, the School of World Mission, with a Masters degree in missiology. Avi has served with Jews for Jesus since 1978 and has provided leadership for branch offices in the US, the UK, the former USSR, Germany, and Hungary. He currently lives with his wife Ruth in Budapest where he serves as the ministry director for Europe and the former USSR. He and Ruth have three grown children.

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James L. Snyder

James L. Snyder

JAMES L. SNYDER is the pastor of the Family of God Fellowship in Ocala, FL, a Christian and Missionary Alliance church. He is recognized as an authority on the life and ministry of A. W. Tozer, and has written a number of books as well as numerous essays in Christian periodicals about Tozer. Snyder has a weekly radio ministry and writes a nationally syndicated newspaper column: "Out to Pastor." In Pursuit of God: The Life of A. W. Tozer, Snyder's first book, won the Reader's Choice Award in 1992 by Christianity Today. He has authored and edited 27 books. Through more than 40 years of ministry, he and his wife, Martha, have been involved in three church-planting projects prior to their current ministry. They have three children and nine grandchildren.

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Chelsea Patterson Sobolik

Chelsea Patterson Sobolik

CHELSEA PATTERSON SOBOLIK is the author of Longing for Motherhood: Holding On to Hope in the Midst of Childlessness, and works in Washington, DC, as the Director of Government Relations for a nonprofit organization. Previously she’s worked for the leading evangelical child welfare organization in the country, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), and on Capitol Hill. Chelsea has been published at the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, The Gospel Coalition, Christianity Today, and other outlets. Chelsea was adopted as a newborn from Bucharest, Romania, grew up in North Carolina, and holds a BA in International Relations from Liberty University. She and her husband, Michael, are welcoming their son home through international adoption.

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Matthew Soerens

Matthew Soerens

MATTHEW SOERENS serves as the U.S. Director of Church Mobilization for World Relief. He previously served as the Field Director for the Evangelical Immigraton Table, a coalition of evangelical organizations of which World Relief is a founding member. He is the co-author of Welcoming the Stranger: Justice, Compassion & Truth in the Immigration Debate (InterVarsity Press, 2009), and a graduate of Wheaton College (IL) and DePaul University. Matt lives in Aurora, Illinois with his wife Diana and their two children.

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Sergey Sologub

Sergey Sologub

SERGEY SOLOGUB is pastor of Irpin Bible Church in Kiev reg., Ukraine. He graduated from the the Institute of Preparing of Church Ministers (CLZ) in Irpin, Ukraine, and is completing his studies at Ukrainian Baptist Theological Seminary in Lviv, Ukraine. Prior to becoming a pastor he served for seven years with Youth for Christ. He and his wife, Tatiana, have three children. He considers acknowledging God and leading others to know Him to be his life calling.

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Randy Southern

Randy Southern

RANDY SOUTHERN has written dozens of books, articles, study guides and curricula for the Christian market. His works include The World's Easiest Guide to Family Relationships, Raising Highly Capable Kids, and Dating Clues for the Clueless. A graduate of Taylor University, Randy lives with his family in Fishers, Indiana.

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Dann Spader

Dann Spader

DANN SPADER (Moody Bible Institute, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) has dedicated his life to disciple-making, teaching others how to take someone from seeker to making disciples themselves. More than 750,000 people in 90 plus countries have been trained to make disciples through organizations he has led. He is the Founder of Sonlife ministries and currently serves as President of Global Youth Initiative, an alliance of organizations in 95 countries committed to "equipping young leaders for movements of multiplication." He is also author of Walking As Jesus Walked and co-author of Growing a Healthy Church and The Everyday Commission, among other titles. For free online videos visit

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James Spiegel

James Spiegel

JAMES S. SPIEGEL is a Professor of Philosophy and Religion at Taylor University in Upland, Indiana. He has published several books, including The Benefits of Providence, Faith, Film, and Philosophy, Gum, Geckos, and God, and the award-winning How to be Good in a World Gone Bad. Jim and his wife, Amy, blog together at They have four children and live in Fairmount, Indiana.

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C .H. Spurgeon

C .H. Spurgeon

CHARLES H. SPURGEON (1834-1892) was known as England's most prominent preacher for most of the second half of the nineteenth century. He preached his first sermon at the age of 16, and by 22, he was the most popular preacher of his day, habitually addressing congregations of six to ten thousand. In addition, he was active in philanthropic work and evangelism. Spurgeon is the author of numerous books, including All of Grace, Finding Peace in Life’s Storms, The Anointed Life, and Praying Successfully.

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Patricia St. John

Patricia St. John

PATRICIA ST. JOHN (1919-1993) was a nurse, missionary and author. She earned a nursing degree at St. Thomas' Hospital in London in 1946. In the early 1950s she moved to Tangier, Morocco where she served as a missionary nurse for 27 years. Throughout her life, she travelled extensively in Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East, as the settings of her novels reflect. In 1977, she returned to England, where she cared for elderly relatives and ministered from her home to youths, single parents, and the elderly. Patricia authored numerous books, including Treasures of the Snow, The Tanglewoods' Secret, The Secret at Pheasant Cottage, and Star of Light.

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Wess Stafford

Wess Stafford

WESS STAFFORD From the poor of Africa's Ivory Coast to President and Chief Executive Officer of Compassion International, Dr. Wesley K. Stafford — Wess — has maintained one simple belief: God's children are priceless resources. To that end, Wess leads Compassion's efforts to break the cycle of poverty for children everywhere. Wess joined the staff of Compassion International in 1977 and has worked with the ministry, both overseas and at headquarters, for 34 years. He has served as president since 1993. Wess lives on a small ranch near Colorado Springs, Colorado with his wife, Donna, of 32 years who was a Compassion sponsor even before she met Wess! They have two daughters, Jenny and Katie — the two children in the world for whom Wess is the greatest advocate of all.

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Dan Stanford

Dan Stanford

DAN STANFORD is not a comic book superhero. The glasses make you do a double take but under his shirt is not a cool costume and cape. He doesn't have a catch phrase like "Up, Up and Yahweh!" and there's no blockbuster movie about his heroic deeds. He's an ordinary, decaf drinking, nap taking, Jesus loving citizen. But in spite of being ordinary, he married his true love, Suzanne and they have three dynamic boys: Caleb, Connor and Colton. Dan holds a Masters degree from Trinity International University and started The Well Church in Kenosha, Wisconsin. To learn more visit

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Glenn T. Stanton

Glenn T. Stanton

GLENN T. STANTON is the director of Family Formation Studies at Focus on the Family in Colorado Springs and a research fellow at the Institute of Marriage amd Family in Ottawa. He debates and lectures extensively on the issues of gender, sexuality, marriage and parenting at universities and churches around the world. Stanton served the George W. Bush administration for many years as a consultant on increasing fatherhood involvement in the Head Start program. Glenn is an author and contributor to many books and is quoted as a leading spokesperson on marriage and family issues. His latest book, Loving My (LGBT) Neighbor: Being Friends in Grace and Truth, explores how Christians should interact with gay or lesbian neighbors in a Christ-honoring way. He is also the author of The Ring Makes All the Difference and Secure Daughters, Confident Sons: How Parents Guide Their Children into Authentic Masculinity and Femininity. Stanton is a graduate of the University of West Florida with graduate degrees in philosophy and history. He now makes his home in Colorado Springs with his wife and five children.

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Dave Sterrett

Dave Sterrett

DAVE STERRETT is a conference speaker and writer for a movement called I am Second. Along with ministering in churches, high schools, and college campuses, Dave serves as an adjunct professor of New Testament, Philosophy and Apologetics at Liberty University. In addition to the three book series, Coffee House Chronicles, Dave is the author of Why Trust Jesus? (Moody Publishers) and co-author of the book, "O" God, A Dialogue on Truth and Oprah's Spirituality.

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Hazen Stevens

Hazen Stevens

HAZEN STEVENS is one of the original leaders and vice chairman of OneRace Movement, an organization focused on gospel-centered racial reconciliation and biblical justice. Since the movement's inception in 2016, OneRace has been addressing the racial divide in the church and society through four key pillars: mobilizing catalytic prayer, building authentic relationships, equipping disciples, and partnering for justice. He has a passion for prayer and missions and for thirteen years has served on staff with a 24/7 house of prayer and as domestic director of a pioneer missions organization. He currently serves as the Executive Pastor of GateCity Church. He is married to his best friend Hannah and they reside with their four delightful children (Amarin 8, Chesed 5, Pearl 4, and Elisha 3) in metro-Atlanta.

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Charles Stone

Charles Stone

DR. CHARLES STONE (MDiv, DMin, PhD) has served for forty-three years in vocational ministry, thirty of those years as a senior pastor. He recently completed a nine-year role as lead pastor of West Park Church in London, Ontario, Canada, a multicultural congregation with over a thousand attendees. He has authored seven books and now serves as a coach-consultant to pastors and leaders. Over three hundred of his articles have appeared in magazines and online in such publications as Outreach Magazine, Leadership Journal,,, and Charles and his wife, Sherryl, have been married for forty-three years and have three adult children and five grandchildren. You can reach him through his website at

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Nathan Stone

Nathan Stone

The late NATHAN J. STONE was a member of the faculty of Moody Bible Institute for several years and a teacher for the radio program Radio School of the Bible. He is the author of Names of God, Answering Your Questions, 100 Basic Bible Questions Answered, and Holy to the Lord: Studies in Leviticus.

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Joseph M. Stowell

Joseph M. Stowell

DR. JOSEPH M. STOWELL has a distinguished career in higher education and church leadership. He has served as President of Moody Bible Institute and Cornerstone University and has had the honor of pastoring several churches in the Midwest. An internationally recognized conference speaker, Joe has written devotionals for Our Daily Bread and authored several books, including Strength for the Journey, The Trouble with Jesus, Simply Jesus, and Redefining Leadership: Character-Driven Habits of Effective Leaders. He and his wife, Martie, enjoy the pleasure of three children and ten grandchildren.

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Owen Strachan

Owen Strachan

OWEN STRACHAN is Associate Professor of Christian Theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is also the Director for the Center on Public Theology at MBTS. He holds a PhD from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, an MDiv from Southern Seminary, and an AB from Bowdoin College. Strachan has published fourteen books and writes regularly for The Gospel Coalition, the Christian Post, and Thoughtlife, his Patheos blog. He is married and is the father of three children. Strachan hosts the City of God podcast available at

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Steve Stroope

Steve Stroope

STEVE STROOPE (B.A., Hardin Simmons University; M.Div., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary) served as the Lead Pastor for 40 years at Lake Pointe Church in Rockwall, Texas. He is now the Founding Pastor. Church attendance under his leadership grew from 53 at its inception to over 11,000 today. Steve also provides coaching to partnership churches and missionaries in Africa, Australia, New Zealand, China, Cuba, Russia, Mexico, France, South Africa, and North America. He is a sought-after speaker, both nationally and internationally, and is co-author of Money Matters in the Church. He and his wife, Marsha, have two grown daughters and five grandchildren.

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Tracy Sumner

Tracy Sumner

TRACY SUMNER is a graduate of the University of Oregon. He is an editor and writer, with a background in newspaper sports writing. Tracy is the writer of seven books, including Karsten's Way -The Remarkable Story of Karsten Solheim, three of which have been Gold Medallion finalists. Tracy currently resides in Portland, Oregon.

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Joe Sutphin

Joe Sutphin

JOE SUTPHIN illustrates children’s books and graphic novels. These include the timeless classic Little Pilgrim’s Progress, the official graphic novelization of Richard Adams’s masterwork Watership Down, Andrew Peterson’s beloved Wingfeather Saga, and more. Joe’s fascination with nature, and the living creatures in the fields and woods around his home, has informed his art for much of his life. Joe lives in a barn with his wife, Gina, and a bunch of cats.

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Chris Swain

Chris Swain

CHRISTOPHER SWAIN is the Disciplemaking Pastor at Long Hollow Baptist Church and the CEO of Replicate Ministries. After four years of service in the United States Marine Corps, Chris served in full-time ministry for two decades in Arkansas, Florida, Texas, Georgia, and Tennessee leading ministries ranging from students to collegiate to spiritual formation. He also served as the Director of Student Ministry Publishing at Lifeway Christian Resources, serving the church in its mission of making disciples. Chris has been with Replicate Ministries and Long Hollow Baptist Church since 2016, with a heart to expand the Gospel through disciplemaking in the local church. Along with his wife, two children, and Boston Terrier, Chris resides in the Nashville, Tennessee area.

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Douglas Allen Sweeney

Douglas Allen Sweeney

DOUGLAS A. SWEENEY is Professor of Church History and the History of Christian Thought and Director of the Carl F. H. Henry Center for Theological Understanding at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He formerly served as a lecturer at Yale University, as an adjunct professor as Aquinas College, and as a visiting professor at both Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and Reformed Theological Seminary. Sweeney is the author of a number of books and articles about religious history and the American theologian, Jonathan Edwards. He resides with his wife, Wilma, and their son in Lindenhurst, Illinois.

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Donald Sweeting

Donald Sweeting

DONALD SWEETING is currently the president of Reformed Theological Seminary-Orlando and James Woodrow Hassell professor of church history. He earned a Ph.D. degree from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and has 22 years of experience pastoring two churches. He has authored The Acts of God and Lessons from the Life of Moody. He and his wife, Christina, have four children.

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George Sweeting

George Sweeting

DR. GEORGE SWEETING (1924-2024) was the former president and chancellor of the Moody Bible Institute (1971-1999). As a world-renowned evangelist, pastor, teacher, and writer, few were better equipped to explain how to grow in your salvation. How to Begin the Christian Life is a modern classic with more than a million copies in print in English and other languages.

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A. J. Swoboda

A. J. Swoboda

DR. A. J. SWOBODA is a professor, author, and pastor of Theophilus Church in Portland, Oregon. He teaches biblical studies, theology, and church history at George Fox Evangelical Seminary and Fuller Theological Seminary, among others. Previously he served as a campus pastor at the University of Oregon. He is the author of A Glorious Dark: Finding Hope in the Tension Between Belief and Experience, Messy: God Likes it That Way, and The Dusty Ones: Why Wandering Deepens Your Faith, and coauthor of Introducing Evangelical Ecotheology.

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Stanley Tam

Stanley Tam

Stanley Tam In addition to God Owns My Business, Stanley is also the author of three other books: Stanley Tam's Incredible Adventures with God, Every Christian a Soul Winner, and God's Woodshed. Two motion pictures have been made about his life. Stanley lives in Lima, Ohio, and has four daughters, ten grandchildren and twenty great-grandchildren.

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Samy  Tanagho

Samy Tanagho

SAMY TANAGHO has shared the Gospel with Muslims for over thirty years. He speaks on God's love towards sinners and how we can communicate the Gospel effectively to the people we meet, including Muslims. Samy's passion is to encourage every member of the body of Christ to be active in fulfilling the Great Commission. His wife, Hala, often joins him to share her story of imprisonment in Egypt for converting from Islam to Christianity. He ministers as an evangelist to Muslims through the Salvation Army with a radio program on more than ninety stations.

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Lisa Tatlock

Lisa Tatlock

LISA TATLOCK (B.S. Christian Heritage College; M.S., University of Nevada-Reno; Ed.D., Nova Southeastern University) is an associate professor of Home Economics at The Master’s College in Santa Clarita, California. She has taught at the college level since 1988. Lisa is co-author of Becoming a Woman Who Pleases God: A Guide to Developing Your Biblical Potential and Designing a Lifestyle that Pleases God: A Practical Guide. During her childhood she lived in places as varied as Japan and Tasmania. In addition to her teaching responsibilities, Lisa is a full-time mother to two young boys. She enjoys historic costume and clothing design. She and her husband, Mark, live with their children in Valencia, California.

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Helen L. Taylor

Helen L. Taylor

HELEN LOUISA TAYLOR (1850–1929) was the daughter of a silk manufacturer in Derby, England. She excelled in her studies as the only girl in an all-boys school. Later she wrote for magazines and published several books, including Little Christian's Pilgrimage: The Story of the Pilgrim's Progress Simply Told (1889) and Christiana, The Story of the Pilgrim's Progress Second Part (1902). Many years ago Moody Publishers purchased the rights to both books, updated them, and created the bestselling Little Pilgrim’s Progress series.

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Howard Taylor

Howard Taylor

DR. FREDERICK HOWARD TAYLOR (1862-1946) was a British missionary to China and the son, James Hudson Taylor, the founder of China Inland Mission. He completed his diploma at the Royal London Hospital in 1888 Howard and his wife, Geraldine, wrote several books about his father’s ministry and their own experiences in China.

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Kenneth N. Taylor

Kenneth N. Taylor

KENNETH N. TAYLOR was the founder of Tyndale House Publishers and the Christian Booksellers Association (CBA). With 10 children and more than 25 grandchildren, he had ample experience in teaching children about the Bible. Kenneth is the author of The Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes, Devotions for the Childrens House, and Big Thoughts for Little People, as well as the best-selling Living Bible paraphrase. His desire was to see more and more easy-to-read, understandable, contemporary versions of the Bible in hundreds of languages overseas.

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Judith TenElshof

Judith TenElshof

JUDITH K. TENELSHOF (B.A., California State University; M.A., Talbot School of Theology, M.A. Ph.D., Fuller Theological Seminary) is a professor of Christian Ministry and Leadership at Talbot School of Theology. She has established and directed counseling centers in churches and Christian schools, and is the founder and vice president of Hilltop Renewal Center for Christian Leaders. She is the general editor of Men and Women in Ministry: A Complementary Perspective and has also authored several journal articles and chapters in three additional books. Judith resides in Brea, California.

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Kyle Tennant

Kyle Tennant

KYLE TENNANT is the Director of Student Ministries at the Village Church of Bartlett in Bartlett, IL. He is a graduate of the Moody Bible Institute and is currently pursuing an M.A. in Christian Formation and Ministry from Wheaton Graduate School. Kyle lives in Chicago's west suburbs, and enjoys reading, writing, preaching, eating, cooking, and good conversation.

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Lysa TerKeurst

Lysa TerKeurst

LYSA TERKEURST is the New York Times bestselling author of The Best Yes, Unglued, and Made to Crave. She is president of Proverbs 31 Ministries and writes from her sticky farm table in North Carolina where she lives with her husband, Art, five kids, three dogs, and a mouse that refuses to leave her kitchen. Connect with her at

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Thomas J Terry

Thomas J Terry

THOMAS J. TERRY is the founder and executive director of Humble Beast, a record label and ministry in Portland, Oregon. As a spoken word artist and a member of Beautiful Eulogy, he seeks to bring creativity and theology together to glorify the Lord who created them both. Thomas lives with his wife, Heather, and two boys, Tobin and Kuyper, and serves as the Executive Pastor at Trinity Church of Portland.

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The Voice of the Martyrs

The Voice of the Martyrs

THE VOICE OF THE MARTYRS is a nonprofit, interdenominational missions organization dedicated to serving the persecuted church worldwide through practical and spiritual assistance and leading other members of the body of Christ into fellowship with them. Voice of the Martyrs was founded in 1967 by Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, who was imprisoned for fourteen years in Communist Romania for his faith in Christ; his wife, Sabrina, was imprisoned for three years. In 1965 they were ransomed out of Romania, and soon thereafter they established the global network of missions of which Voice of the Martyrs is a part. They based these missions on Hebrews 13:3, "Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering." (NIV)

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Erik Thoennes

Erik Thoennes

DR. ERIK THOENNES (B.A., Central Connecticut State University, M.A., Wheaton College Graduate School, Ph.D., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) is Professor and Chair of the Theology Department at Biola University and is a pastor at Grace Evangelical Free Church in La Mirada, CA. He was voted Professor of the Year twice, and was awarded the Faculty Excellence Award by his colleagues at Biola University. He is the author of Life's Biggest Questions: What the Bible Says About the Things That Matter Most and Biblical and Theological Studies: A Student's Guide. Erik and his wife Donna have four children: Caroline, Paige, Samuel, and Isaac.

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James Thomas

James Thomas

JAMES H. THOMAS (1890–1973) was a Bible teacher, pastor, and John Bunyan scholar. Born in Maury City, Tennessee, Thomas graduated from Oklahoma Baptist University and earned a ThD from Central Baptist Seminary, Kansas City. After discovering the Phillips New Testament in Modern English, Thomas wanted to take a similar approach with an updated version of John Bunyan’s most famous book. The resulting work, Pilgrim’s Progress in Today’s English, is the bestselling modern version of Bunyan’s classic.

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Jennifer Thomas

Jennifer Thomas

JENNIFER M. THOMAS, Ph.D., is a motivational speaker specializing in the five love languages and communication. She is a business consultant and psychologist. She recently gave a TEDx talk on the two essentials for healthy relationships. Hint: They involve a love tank and forgiveness. She is co-author (with Gary Chapman) of When Sorry Isn't Enough and The Five Languages of Apology. Her books have been translated into fifteen foreign languages and sold hundres of thousands of copies around the world. Jennifer has a doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology from the University of Maryland, as well as a BA in Psychology and Religion from the University of Virginia. Visit her website at to take a free apology profile and register for her enewsletter.

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Robert L. Thomas

Robert L. Thomas

ROBERT THOMAS (B.M.E., Georgia Institute of Technology; Th.M. and Th.D., Dallas Theological Seminary) is currently professor of New Testament at The Master’s Seminary. Dr. Thomas is author of A Harmony of the Gospels, Revelation 1-7 and Revelation 8-22: An Exegetical Commentary. Dr. Thomas previously served with the Lockman Foundation as a member of the translation team for the Exhaustive Concordance Committee and on the Topical Reference Bible Committee for the New American Standard Bible. Robert resides in Sun Valley, California.

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W Griffith Thomas

W Griffith Thomas

W. H. GRIFFITH THOMAS (1861-1924), a minister with the Church of England, was one of the founders of Dallas Theological Seminary. Saved at the age of 17, he had an energetic ministry in the Unites States, Canada and in England. Thomas wrote many books, including commentaries on Genesis, Luke, Matthew and Hebrews, as well as Principles of Theology, And God Spake These Words, and How We Got Our Bible.

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Jessica Thompson

Jessica Thompson

JESSICA THOMPSON is an author of several books including Give Them Grace: Dazzling Your Kids with the Love of Christ and frequent conference speaker. She is part of the podcast Front Porch with the Fitzes, and is the director of church life at RISEN Church in San Diego, California.

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David C. Thompson M.D.

David C. Thompson M.D.

DAVID THOMPSON was born in the U.S. but grew up in Cambodia where his parents worked for 16 years. When he was 14 he and his father tried unsuccessfully to save a Cambodian man who was seriously injured when a truck and a bus collided. God used the incident to plant in David's young heart a desire to become a doctor and help people who had limited access to healthcare. David graduated from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine in 1973 with a M.D. degree and eventually completed five years of residency in general surgery in southern California. In 1977 he and his wife Rebecca moved to Gabon, Africa and for the next 34 years built a 150-bed full-service hospital to provide medical services to Gabon's least served provinces. In 1966, Dr. Thompson helped establish the Pan-African Academy of Christian Surgeons (PAACS), an organization that trains African surgeons at Christian hospitals throughout the continent. Since 2014, Dr. Thompson has been working as a volunteer to train Egyptian surgeons at Harpur Memorial Hospital.

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Joe Thorn

Joe Thorn

JOE THORN is the founding and Lead Pastor of Redeemer Fellowship in St. Charles, IL. He is the author of Note to Self: the Discipline of Preaching to Yourself and Experiencing the Trinity: The Grace of God for the People of God, and has contributed articles to Tabletalk Magazine, the ESV Men's Devotion Bible, The ESV Story Bible, and The Mission of God Study Bible.

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John Thornton

John Thornton

DR. JOHN THORNTON is a CPA with a Ph.D. in Accounting from Washington State University. He is the L.P. and Bobbi Leung Chair of Accounting Ethics at Azusa Pacific University, a Christian university with over 10,000 students near Los Angeles, CA where he directs the School of Accounting. He is a nationally recognized author and speaker on accounting ethics and has served as Chair of the American Accounting Association's Public Interest Section. His scholarship has been published in several top academic journals, winning multiple best paper awards from the AAA. He is married to Alyssa with three sons, Joshua, Benjamin, and Jacob.

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Penny Thrasher

Penny Thrasher

PENNY THRASHER- Penny Thrasher was raised in a home given to hospitality and feels privileged to carry on that tradition, especially in hosting large holiday celebrations. She contributed to her husband's book, Believing God for His Best -- How to Marry Contentment and Singleness. Penny is in her 17th year of home schooling and enjoys serving in their church, being part of a prayer group which supports missionaries, and mentoring younger women. Bill and Penny have three sons, Will, Michael, and David.

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William D. Thrasher

William D. Thrasher

BILL THRASHER serves as the lead faculty member in the Master's Program in Spiritual Formation and Discipleship at Moody Theological Seminary. He is a frequent speaker for churches and retreats across the country. His ministry interests include campus discipleship, singles ministry, and evangelism. He is author of Believing God for His Best, A Journey to Victorious Praying, Principles of Christian Living from Romans 5-8, The Attributes of God in Pauline Theology, Living the Life God Has Planned, Putting God Back into the Holidays, and God As He Wants You to Know Him. Bill and his wife, Penny, live in the Chicago area and have three sons—Will, Michael, and David. His website is

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Mark   Tobey

Mark Tobey

MARK TOBEY (Moody Bible Institute; Dallas Theological Seminary) is a pastor, freelance writer, and editor. Previously he served in publishing and as an adjunct professor of pastoral studies. Mark is co-author of Strike the Dragon with Dr. Charles Dyer and is a collaborator for The Trouble with Jesus Study Guide with Dr. Joe Stowell. He and his wife, Tracy, have three children.

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Today in the Word

Today in the Word

TODAY IN THE WORD, a ministry of Moody Bible Institute, is a daily devotional that strives to proclaim the truth of the word. Available by email, podcast, or magazine, it helps guide your Bible study and boldly declares a biblical perspective on real issues.

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Richard E. Todd

Richard E. Todd

Pastor Richard E. Todd and his wife Claudia live in Southern California where he is Senior Pastor of Community Grace Brethren Church in Whittier and has served that church family since 1987. They have three grown sons and are grandparents. Richard has developed a sermon title database plus written other materials for nurturing the spiritual growth of children, youth, and adults.

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Isabel Tom

Isabel Tom

ISABEL TOM is an author and speaker passionate about serving the older adult population. Between growing up in an intergenerational household and working in the field of aging, Isabel has over 35 years of experience with older adults. Her grandparents, who lived until 98 and 102, had a profound impact on her life. Professionally, she has over 13 years experience working at reputable healthcare organizations. She holds an MPH from the University of Maryland, College-Park. She has been married to her husband, Kevin, for ten years and they have three little ones who keep life fun. Check out her blog at to learn more.

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R. A. Torrey

R. A. Torrey

RUBEN ARCHER TORREY (1856-1928), educated at Yale University and Divinity School, was renowned as an educator, a pastor, a world evangelist and an author. He pastored Moody Memorial Church in Chicago, was the superintendent of Moody Bible Institute for nineteen years, and served as the dean of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles from 1911 to 1924, when he retired to embark upon full time evangelistic campaigns around the world. Mr. Torrey wrote more than forty books including How to Pray and How to Promote and Conduct a Successful Revival. Mr. Torrey was married to Clara and together they had five children.

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John Townsend

John Townsend

DR. JOHN TOWNSEND is a psychologist, relational expert, business consultant, and leadership coach. He has written or co-written over 20 books, selling 5 million copies, including the 2 million best-seller Boundaries; Leadership Beyond Reason; and Handling Difficult People.For more than twenty years Dr. Townsend has engaged with audiences, organizations and leaders around the world, providing practical solutions to their problems. He is a co-host of the nationally-syndicated talk show New Life Live John is a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary, and is Clinical Director of the American Association of Christian Counselors. He is active on the Board of Directors of Mustard Seed Ranch, a residential program for abused children. He, his wife, and their children reside in Newport Beach, CA. John’s passion is playing in a band which performs at southern California lounges and venues.

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A. W. Tozer

A. W. Tozer

A. W. TOZER began his lifelong pursuit of God at the age of seventeen after hearing a street preacher. He never attended high school or seminary—his spiritual understanding came from the power of the Word and the power of the Spirit. While serving as a pastor and magazine editor, he wrote prolifically about basic spiritual disciplines and their relationship to contemporary life. His powerful use of words continues to grip the intellect and stir the soul of today's reader.

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John Trent

John Trent

JOHN TRENT, Ph.D., is the President of, a ministry committed to building strong relationships in these stressful times. Dr. Trent's main focus includes writing and speaking at retreats, conferences, business settings, churches, and seminars across the country. In addition to building family teams, Dr. Trent regularly speaks to corporate America on team building, recruiting and retaining outstanding employees. He has authored and co-authored more than a dozen books for both adults and children, including Love For All Seasons, The Language of Love, and The Blessing. In addition to writing books, Dr. Trent has written numerous articles for both professional and popular publications. He and his wife, Cynthia, live in Scottsdale, Arizona and have two adult daughters.

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John Trent, PhD

John Trent, PhD

JOHN TRENT, Ph.D., is the Gary D. Chapman Chair of Marriage and Family Ministry and Therapy at Moody Theological Seminary. He works to help train the next generation of family pastors and Christian counselors. He's also the President of, a ministry committed to building strong relationships in these stressful times. Dr. Trent's main focus includes writing and speaking at retreats, conferences, business settings, churches, and seminars across the country. In addition to building family teams, Dr. Trent regularly speaks to corporate America on teambuilding, recruiting and retaining outstanding employees. He has authored and co-authored more than a dozen books for both adults and children, including Love For All Seasons, The Language of Love, and The Blessing. In addition to writing books, Dr. Trent has written numerous articles for both professional and popular publications. He and his wife, Cynthia, live in Scottsdale, Arizona and have two grown daughters.

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Carl Trueman

Carl Trueman

CARL R. TRUEMAN studied at the Universities of Cambridge and Aberdeen in the United Kingdom. Prior to emigrating to the United States, he was on faculty at the University of Nottingham and King's College, University of Aberdeen. He is currently Vice President for Academic Affairs and Professor of Historical Theology and Church History at Westminster Theological Seminary (PA). His scholarly publications focus on the development of Reformed Orthodoxy in sixteenth and seventeenth century Britain. He is also a Council Member of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals and an ordained minister in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. His latest books are Republocrat: Confessions of a Liberal Conservative (Presbyterian and Reformed) and, Histories and Fallacies: Problems Faced in the Writing of History (Crossway).

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Christiana Tsai

Christiana Tsai

Cai Sujuan, also known in the West as Christiana Tsai, was born the 18th of 24 children in Nanjing, China. Sujuan grew up in a fortunate setting, but she was often sad and a very serious child—she even considered becoming a Buddhist nun. She was fascinated by the English language and was initially introduced to the Gospel at a missionary school. Soon after, though she was inclined to disbelieve, the message of Jesus Christ struck Sujuan’s heart and she became a Christian.Sujuan grew in love and faith, and upon graduation decided to return home to bring her family to Christ. In all, 55 members of her family eventually followed the Lord.Later in life, Sujuan contracted malaria and spent much of the rest of her life bedridden. But her ministry only grew! From her bedside, Sujuan was able to comfort lost and broken souls more effectively than she ever had before.After many decades of faithful service to the Lord, never losing her love for her homeland, Sujuan went to be with Jesus on August 25th, 1984.

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Edward W. Ulrich

Edward W. Ulrich

Captain Ed Ulrich (1922-2003) served as a pilot with Christian and Missionary Alliance in New Guinea, then with Kroonduif, a KLM subsidiary airline, and later with the CIA's Air America in southeast Asia. Some of these aviation and cross-cultural adventures are recounted in Out There Beyond Beyond. He and his wife Elaine lived in Sharon, Pennsylvania, and were both active members of the North Mar Alliance Church in Warren, Ohio. They have four adult children.

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Merrill F. Unger

Merrill F. Unger

MERRILL F. UNGER (A.B., Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University; Th.M., Th.D., Dallas Theological Seminary) pastored several churches before joining the faculty of Dallas Theological Seminary in 1948. There he served as professor of Old Testament studies until his retirement in 1967. He was the author of many books including such monumental reference works as Unger's Bible Dictionary, Unger’s Bible Handbook, and the two-volume Unger's Commentary on the Old Testament.

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Renaut van der Riet

Renaut van der Riet

RENAUT VAN DER RIET loves to go zip-lining with his eight kids through the adventure course they built together. He walks quickly. He talks with his hands and arms. And if you find him at home, you're likely to see him tilling soil because Brooke, his wife of 25 years, loves gardening. In 2002, Renault founded Mosaic Church in Winter Garden, FL. It has become a nationwide pacemaker for fostering and adoption and a model for trauma care. He is also the founder of Axum Coffee Company, named after the Ethiopian city from which he and Brooke adopted four of their children. Renault is developing The ReStory, a project aimed at providing Gospel clarity to followers of Christ and inviting them to consider how their lives might be different if they dared to believe Galatians 5:1: "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free."

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John Van Sloten

John Van Sloten

JOHN VAN SLOTEN is a Calgary-based writer, teacher, and pastor who is passionate about helping people engage God everywhere. Over the past ten years he has preached dozens of creation/bible-based sermons on topics like radiation therapy, DNA repair mechanisms, river hydrology, chemical catalysts, tree branches, human knees, and the Giant Squid. John is a regular columnist with the Calgary Herald and his books include The Day Metallica Came to Church and Every Job a Parable. Over the past ten years, he has been awarded three John Templeton Foundation subgrants for preaching science, has been part of an Ambrose Seminary Science for Seminaries, and has been a Sinai and Synapses fellow.

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Dorie Van Stone

Dorie Van Stone

DORIS VAN STONE is a graduate of St. Paul Bible Institute. She works with Precept Ministries of Chattanooga, Tennessee, and travels widely in a ministry of testimony, Bible teaching, and counseling. She is co-author of Dorie: The Girl Nobody Loved and No Place To Cry: The Hurt and Healing of Sexual Abuse with Erwin Lutzer. Doris resides in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

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Jim Van Yperen

Jim Van Yperen

JIM VAN YPEREN (B.A. ,Wheaton College; M.A., Wheaton Graduate School) is the Founder and Executive Director of Metanoia Ministries, a non-profit Christian ministry serving evangelical churches in conflict reconciliation and leadership formation. Jim is the author of Making Peace: A Guide to Overcoming Church Conflict. He and his wife, Sharon, reside on a small sheep farm in East Washington, New Hampshire. They have two adult children.

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Steve Vandegriff

Steve Vandegriff

STEVE VANDEGRIFF (Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary) is a professor of youth ministries at Liberty University in Virginia. A former youth pastor, Steve enjoys ministering and speaking to young people and their parents. He previously spent thirteen years as the executive director of Youth for Christ in Alberta, Canada. He is co-author of Timeless Youth Ministry, Disturbing Behavior, and Protecting Your Teen from Disturbing Behaviors. The parents of three children, Steve and his wife, Pamela Jo, reside in Lynchburg, Virginia.

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H Ronald Vandermey

H Ronald Vandermey

H. RONALD VANDERMEY (B.A. Los Angeles Baptist College; M.Div., Th.M., Talbot Theological Seminary) is head pastor of Bethany Bible Presbyterian Church, Glendale, California.

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Michael Vanlaningham

Michael Vanlaningham

DR. MICHAEL VANLANINGHAM was Professor of Bible at the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago for more than twenty years. He is now the Director of Research at Harvest Bible Chapel in Rolling Meadows, IL. He received his M.Div. in Systematic Theology from Talbot Theological Seminary and his Ph.D. in New Testament and Pauline Studies from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He has written a number of articles for The Master's Seminary Journal as well as other publications.

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Allison Vesterfelt

Allison Vesterfelt

ALLISON VESTERFELT is a reader, writer, thinker dreamer and the author of Packing Light, a book about learning to live life with less. She lives in Nashville, Tennessee with her husband Darrell. You can follow her daily on Twitter or Facebook.

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James Vincent

James Vincent

JAMES VINCENT (B.A., UCLA ; M.A., University of Illinois) served as assistant professor of communications at MBI for ten years and is now senior editor at Moody Publishers. He has written or cowritten three books, including the centennial edition of MBI: The Story of Moody Bible Institute. Jim lives in Valparaiso, Indiana, with his wife, Lori, and their three sons.

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Jerry Vines

Jerry Vines

DR. JERRY VINES (B.A., Mercer University; Th.D., Luther Rice Seminary; PhD, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary) retired as pastor of First Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Florida in 2006, where he served for 40 years. He served two terms as president of the Southern Baptist Convention. Jerry is author of a number of books including Power in the Pulpit: How to Prepare and Deliver Expository Sermons, and A Practical Guide to Sermon Preparation. He and his wife, Janet, have four adult children and five grandchildren.

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Howard F. Vos

Howard F. Vos

HOWARD F. VOS ( B.A., Wheaton College; M.A. and Ph.D., Northwestern University; Th.M. and Th.D., Dallas Theological Seminary) was Professor Emeritus of History and Archaeology at The King's College, Tuxedo, New York, and Adjunct Professor at the King's campus in the Empire State Building, New York. He was the author of twenty-five books including Beginnings in Bible Geography, Can I Trust The Bible, Genesis and Galatians in the Everyman's Bible Commentary Series, and co-author of the Wycliffe Encyclopedia. He wrote from his vast knowledge of Bible geography, archeology and church history for Christians seeking to increase their understanding of Scripture. Additionally, he traveled extensively in the Bible lands and excavated many sites in Israel.

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L.C.W. was a contributor to the Moody Colportage Library, a collection of the finest writings of many consecrated Christian men and women.

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Kimberly  Wagner

Kimberly Wagner

KIMBERLY WAGNER is the author of Fierce Women: The Power of a Soft Warrior. Spreading God's glory is Kim's deepest passion. Her desire for women to connect with Christ is woven through everything she writes. You can read her daily blog at where she encourages women to be students of the Word. Kim is a frequent guest on the Revive our Hearts radio program, as well as a regular contributor to the True Woman blog. She is an author, a women's conference speaker, and a blogger. She is married to her favorite pastor, LeRoy Wagner, and they enjoy hanging out with their adult children and growing tribe of grandchildren!

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LeRoy Wagner

LeRoy Wagner

LEROY WAGNER has served as a pastor and speaker for more than thirty years. His greatest desire is to see God's glory fill the earth and he believes that begins with training individuals to live out the gospel in their homes and through their daily life experiences. The supreme love of his life is Jesus Christ, then his wife, Kimberly, their children, and grandchildren.

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Catherine B. Walker

Catherine B. Walker

CATHERINE WALKER (B.A., Wheaton College; M.A., Columbia Bible College; M.R.E. and D.R.E., Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) previously served as an instructor at the Indonesian Baptist Theological Seminary in Semarang for 26 years. Upon retirement she served as special assistant for intercessory prayer at Foreign Mission Board headquarters. She is author of Bible Workbook Volumes I and II and six theological textbooks in the Indonesian language. She also co-authored Disciples and Prayer Life.

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John Walsh

John Walsh

JOHN WALSH is the founder of BibleTelling and the Christian Storytelling Conference. His network of BibleTelling trainers conduct seminars in the US as well as 21 other countries. The most exciting seminar is the annual BibleTelling Seminar in Israel. Those who attend tell 120 stories of the Bible at the 45 locations where they happened. The Art of Storytelling was first published in 2003, and then republished in 2014. His book, All the Stories of the Bible is used worldwide by missionaries, pastors, and other Christian workers. John shares his Bible stories on a 2-minute daily radio spot called All the Stories of the Bible in a Year and a 4-minute weekly radio spot called Telling the Stories of the Bible.

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Bruce K. Waltke

Bruce K. Waltke

BRUCE WALTKE (B.A., Houghton College; Th.M. and Th.D., Dallas Theological Seminary; Ph.D., Harvard University) is a preeminent Old Testament scholar. His teaching appointments at Dallas Theological Seminary, Regent College, Knox Theological Seminary, and Reformed Theological Seminary Orlando, have earned him a reputation as a master teacher with a pastoral heart. Among his many books are Genesis: A Commentary and An Old Testament Theology, both of which were awarded the Gold Medallion Book Award in Biblical reference works and commentaries by the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association. An autobiography of Bruce can be found in Why I (Still) Believe, Byron and Lohr, eds. (Zondervan, 2015).

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John F. Walvoord

John F. Walvoord

JOHN F. WALVOORD (A.B., D.D., Wheaton College; A.M., Texas Christian University; Th.B., Th.M., Th.D., Dallas Theological Seminary), former president of Dallas Theological Seminary and editor of Bibliotheca Sacra, America's oldest theological quarterly, was recognized as one of the leading evangelical theologians in America and an authority on systematic theology and eschatology. His academic background and extensive travel in the Middle East greatly enriched his theological and eschatological studies. He authored numerous books on theology and biblical prophecy, including The Revelation of Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ Our Lord, and Daniel: The Key to Prophetic Revelation.

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Carrie Ward

Carrie Ward

CARRIE WARD – Carrie, her husband Wes, and their four children make their home in Michigan. Join Carrie and other every day mamas at

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Shannon Warden

Shannon Warden

DR. SHANNON WARDEN is an associate professor of counseling for Liberty University. She also is a licensed counselor, who for more than 20 years, has specialized in counseling families, couples, and women. She has been interviewed on numerous radio programs and podcasts and is a popular conference speaker. Among other writing projects, Shannon has co-authored two books with her friend and mentor, Dr. Gary Chapman. She and her husband, Stephen, have three children and reside in North Carolina.

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Marcus Warner

Marcus Warner

MARCUS WARNER (MDiv, ThM, and Min Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) is the president of Deeper Walk International. A former pastor and professor, he has written on topics ranging from how to study the Bible to spiritual warfare, emotional healing, and leadership. Marcus travels the world equipping people on the front lines of ministry with practical tools for dealing with root issues that keep people stuck and unable to go deeper into what God has for them.

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Eva Stuart Watt

Eva Stuart Watt

EVA STUART WATT was born in Australia in 1891. Her father was a successful businessman in the tea trade in Great Britain. He was an agnostic, but converted to Christ during D.L. Moody’s tour in Great Britain from 1873-1875. Ten years later, her father and mother left the Isles to be missionaries in Africa, but because of health concerns they moved to Australia. It was on this respite that Eva Watt was born. At the age of ten she went to Ireland for the first time so she could get an education. In 1914, she returned to Africa to serve alongside her parents. In 1928, after fourteen hard years in the field in which she lost her father and brother to fever, she returned to Ireland where she founded the Young Ireland for Christ mission in Dublin. She continued ministry in her home country until her death. During her lifetime she wrote many books about her missionary efforts both in Ireland and in Africa.

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Trevin Wax

Trevin Wax

TREVIN WAX is the editor of TGM - Theology, Gospel, Mission, a gospel-centered small group curriculum developed by LifeWay Christian Resources. He blogs at and is also the author of Holy Subversion: Allegiance to Christ in an Age of Rivals. He has served in pastoral roles in churches in the United States and in Romania. His wife is Corina and they have two children.

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Peter Wehner

Peter Wehner

PETER WEHNER, former deputy assistant to the president and director of the White House Office of Strategic Initiatives, is a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center. He writes widely on political, cultural, religious, and national security issues for Commentary, the Weekly Standard, the Washington Post, the Financial Times, the Wall Street Journal, and other publications.

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Suzy Weibel

Suzy Weibel

SUZY WEIBEL is a graduate of Wheaton College and Northern Kentucky University. She spent six years as a middle school English teacher, two teaching high school English and logic, and five as a Director of Christian Education, yet she has found the past six years as a speaker and worship leader with Pure Freedom, a national sexual purity ministry for teens, to be her most fulfilling work. Suzy is author of Secret Diary Unlocked: My Struggle to Like Me and co-author of T is for Antonia and Crossroads: The Teenage Girl's Guide to Emotional Wounds. She lives with her husband, Jonathan, and their two daughters.

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Joshua Michael Weidmann

Joshua Michael Weidmann

JOSH WEIDMANN has traveled the world speaking to churched and un-churched crowds about the truth of the Gospel from the authority of God’s Word for more than a decade (since his late teen years). Josh started preaching at a young age and soon found himself living out God’s calling on His life to communicate the Bible through whatever means possible. After the 1999 Columbine high school shooting tragedy in his hometown, God used Josh as a voice of hope to his generation around the nation. Over the last decade, Josh has continued to preach the truth around the world. He has had the privilege of speaking for some well-known ministries such as Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, Youth for Christ, and others.His years as a student at Moody Bible Institute served to deepen his understanding of God’s Word and equipped him for a long-term role in serving the church. Josh has had the privilege of fulfilling several pastoral roles in various churches in Colorado and Illinois, including a recent role as a lead pastor in Aurora, Colorado. He currently serves as the Discipleship pastor of Mission Hills Church in Littleton, CO. He also leads and writes for a web ministry called Honest To God. He and his wife, Molly, live in the suburbs of Denver with their two kids and enjoy loving Christ, loving each other, and loving on God’s people.

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John Weldon

John Weldon

JOHN WELDON (Ph.D., Pacific College of Graduate Studies; D.Min., Luther Rice Seminary) was co-author of many books including The Secret Teachings of the Masonic Lodge, Myth Of Safe Sex: The Tragic Consequences of Violating God's Plan, Playing with Fire, Psychic Healing, and One World: Bible Prophecy and the New World Order.

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John C. Whitcomb

John C. Whitcomb

JOHN C. WHITCOMB (A.B., Princeton University; B.D., Th.M., Th.D., Grace Theological Seminary) is a former President of the Board of Spanish World Gospel Missions Inc and also served as Professor of Theology and Old Testament at Grace Theological Seminary Winona Lake, Indiana for 49 years. He has lectured around the world and is the author of Daniel and Esther from the Everyday Bible Commentary series, among other titles.

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Paul White

Paul White

PAUL WHITE, PHD, is a psychologist, author, and speaker who "makes work relationships work." He has consulted with a wide variety of organizations, including Microsoft, the US Air Force, the Million Dollar Round Table, and Princeton University. He and Gary Chapman coauthored The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace.

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Dan White Jr.

Dan White Jr.

DAN WHITE JR. coplanted Axiom, an Intentional Christian Community in Syracuse, New York. He is also a strategist with the V3 Movement, coaching cohorts from around the country through a 9-month missional system. Dan is the author of Subterranean and coauthor of the award-winning The Church as Movement. He is married to Tonya, dad to Daniel and Ari, and can be found enjoying conversations at Salt City Coffee. Connect at

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Donald S. Whitney

Donald S. Whitney

DON WHITNEY (Arkansas State University; Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) is the founder and president of The Center for Biblical Spirituality and is Associate Professor and Dean of Biblical Spirituality at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. Don is the author of Spiritual Disciplines within the Church, How Can I Be Sure I'm A Christian, and Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life. Don and his wife, Caffy, have one daughter and live near Louisville, Kentucky.

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David Wiersbe

David Wiersbe

DAVID W. WIERSBE (Moody Bible Institute; North Park College; Northern Illinois University) has pastored four churches and currently serves at Calvary Evangelical Free Church of Spring Grove, Minnesota. He is the author or co-author of Ministering to the Mourning, Comforting the Bereaved, Making Sense of the Ministry, and Gone but Not Lost: Grieving the Death of a Child. He has also served as chaplain for a community fire/rescue unit and as facilitator of support groups for bereaved parents. David and his wife, Susan, have one son and reside in Caledonia, Minnesota.

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Warren W. Wiersbe

Warren W. Wiersbe

WARREN W. WIERSBE (Th.B., Northern Baptist Seminary; D.D., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School), former pastor of the Moody Church and general director of Back to the Bible, has traveled widely as a Bible teacher and conference speaker. Because of his encouragement to those in ministry, Dr. Wiersbe is often referred to as "the pastor’s pastor." He has authored over 150 books including Ministering to the Mourning, The Wiersbe Bible Commentary, On Being a Servant of God, and the “Be” series. Dr. Wiersbe and his wife, Betty, live in Lincoln, Nebraska.

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Erica Wiggenhorn

Erica Wiggenhorn

ERICA WIGGENHORN is the founder of Every Life Ministries, bringing the truths of Scripture to transform lives. She teaches in various local and national venues and serves on the women's ministry leadership team for her church. She's also taught women in the Arizona State Prison system, and overseas. She loves to bring God's Word through Bible teaching, conferences, seminars and retreats. A graduate of Azusa Pacific University, Erica lives in Phoenix with her husband, Jonathan, and their two children, Eliana and Nathan. For more information about Erica, her Bible studies, and writing/speaking ministry, visit

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Jim Wilder

Jim Wilder

JIM WILDER (PhD, Clinical Psychology, and M.A. Theology, Fuller Theological Seminary) has been training leaders and counselors for over 27 years on five continents. He is the author of nine books with a strong focus on maturing and relationship skills for leaders. His coauthored book Living From the Heart Jesus Gave You has sold over 100,000 copies in eleven languages. Wilder has published numerous articles and developed four sets of video and relational leadership training called THRIVE. He is currently executive director of Shepherd's House Inc., a nonprofit working at the intersection of brain science and theology, and founder of Life Model Works that is building contagiously healthy Christian communities through equipping existing networks with the skills to thrive. Dr. Wilder has extensive clinical counseling experience and has served as a guest lecturer at Fuller Seminary, Biola, Talbot Seminary, Point Loma University, Montreat College, Tyndale Seminary and elsewhere.

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Darcy Wiley

Darcy Wiley

DARCY WILEY is a storyteller who digs below the surface to find the transforming work of the Lord in unexpected places. As a youth, she took part in praying for the gateway cities of the 10/40 Window, and then traveled extensively, observing movements of God and serving on mission in various regions of the world. Even as family life has turned her from a world traveler into a stay-at-home mom, God continues to cross her path with the nations through international ministries or casual conversations in the grocery store. Darcy lives in the Indianapolis area with her husband and their three exuberant children. She writes about faith, family, and adventure at

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Dustin  Willis

Dustin Willis

DUSTIN WILLIS has served as a marketing consultant, organizational executive, and pastor over the last 17 years, working with small businesses, local churches and some of the largest faith-based nonprofits in North America. He is the author of Life in Community and the co-author of Life on Mission and The Simplest Way to Change the World. Dustin and his wife Renie have two children and are daily seeking to live on mission just outside of Atlanta, GA.

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Wesley K. Willmer

Wesley K. Willmer

WESLEY K. WILLMER is the former vice president of university advancement and professor at Biola University. He currently serves as senior vice president with the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA). He has been author, co-author, or editor of twenty-one books, including A Revolution in Generosity: Transforming Stewards to Be Rich Toward God, God and Your Stuff: The Vital Link Between Your Possessions and Your Soul, and The Prospering Parachurch: Enlarging the Boundaries of God's Kingdom. He has also contributed to many professional publications.

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Becky Wilson

Becky Wilson

BECKY WILSON has nearly twenty years experience in Christian publishing, having served in the retail division of Lifeway Christian Resources. She has served many years as a pastor's wife and is currently a homemaker.

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Eric Wilson

Eric Wilson

ERIC WILSON is the New York Times bestselling author of more than twenty books. His love of other cultures began during his years as a missionary kid. His travels inspired his desire to write. Married 33 years, Eric and his wife, Carolyn Rose, have two grown daughters and two grandchildren.

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Jared C. Wilson

Jared C. Wilson

JARED C. WILSON is Assistant Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Author in Residence at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and the Director of the Pastoral Training Center at Liberty Baptist Church in Kansas City, Missouri. He has authored over twenty books. He and his wife, Becky, has been married twenty-five years and have dedicated this latest season of their lives to the mentoring and discipling of young men and women.

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Todd A. Wilson

Todd A. Wilson

TODD A. WILSON, B.A., M.A. Wheaton College; Ph.D., Cambridge University, is the President of the Center for Pastor Theologians. He previously served as senior pastor of Calvary Memorial Church in Oak Park, IL. He is the author or editor of over a dozen books, including The Curse of the Law and the Crisis in Galatia, Pastors in the Classics, Galatians: Gospel-Rooted Living, The Pastor Theologian, Real Christian, Mere Sexuality and The Crucified Apostle. Todd is married to Katie and they have seven children, three biological and four adopted from Ethiopia.

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Todd Wilson

Todd Wilson

TODD WILSON is the founder of Familyman Ministries and is a writer, speaker, dad, and former pastor. Todd is author of Help! I'm Married to a Homeschooling Mom, The Official Book of Homeschooling Cartoons, and Lies Homeschooling Moms Believe. His articles have appeared in various magazines, including Christian Parenting Today, Men of Integrity, and Stand Firm. Todd and his wife Debbie, along with their seven children, spend several months of the year traveling the country encouraging moms and dads. When they’re not traveling, they reside in Milford, Indiana.

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Dewey Wilson, PhD

Dewey Wilson, PhD

DEWEY WILSON, Ph.D. is founder and CEO of Strong Marriages. He has contributed to Focus on the Family's book, The Best Advice on Parenting, with Jim Daly and has written books and workbooks for Strong Marriages, including Devoted and Doing Life Together.

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Herbert Wolf

Herbert Wolf

HERBERT M. WOLF (Wheaton College, Dallas Theological Seminary, Brandeis University) was a well loved and respected professor of Old Testament at Wheaton Graduate School in Wheaton, Illinois. A translator for the Old Testament section of the New International Version, Dr. Wolf is the author of a number of books including Haggai and Malachi, in the Everyman's Bible Commentary Series, An Introduction to the Old Testament Pentateuch, and Interpreting Isaiah as well as numerous journal, magazine, and encyclopedia articles.

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Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

NANCY DEMOSS WOLGEMUTH is the founder and lead Bible teacher for Revive Our Hearts, a ministry dedicated to calling women to freedom, fullness, and fruitfulness in Christ. Nancy's love for Christ and passion for His Word are evident through her writing, digital, and conference outreaches and her two daily audio teachings—Revive Our Hearts and Seeking Him. Her books have sold millions of copies and are reaching the hearts of women around the world. Nancy and her husband, Robert, live in Michigan.

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Robert Wolgemuth

Robert Wolgemuth

ROBERT WOLGEMUTH grew up in a Swiss-German home where truth-telling was a big deal. Even exaggerations were verboten. Writing a book denouncing lies spoken and believed makes perfect sense. He is the bestselling author of over twenty books, including She Calls Me Daddy, The Most Important Place on Earth, Like the Shepherd, Gun Lap, Finish Line, and You Can Trust God to Write Your Story, cowritten with his wife, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, founder of Revive Our Hearts. Robert is the General Editor of the Men’s Daily Bible. He is a 1969 graduate of Taylor University, where he received an honorary doctorate in May 2005. Dr. Wolgemuth has two grown daughters, two sons-in-law, one grandson-in-law, five grandchildren, and two great grandchildren named Ezra and Ruby. Robert is a dogguy, but doesn’t currently own one.

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John Woodbridge

John Woodbridge

JOHN D. WOODBRIDGE (Wheaton College; Michigan State University; Trinity Evangelical Divinity School; University of Toulouse, France) is research professor of Church History and the History of Christian Thought at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Illinois. He has taught at Trinity since 1970. He previously served as a senior editor of Christianity Today. He is author of a number of books including The Mark of Jesus: Loving in a Way the World Can See, Ambassadors for Christ, and Great Leaders of the Christian Church. Dr. Woodbridge and his wife, Susan, reside in Lake Forest, Illinois, and have three children.

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Ray Woolridge

Ray Woolridge

REV. RAY WOOLRIDGE (M.Div., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary; Master of Strategic Studies, U.S. Army War College) is the Executive Director of Life Model Works. He is thrilled to serve in a role that combines his pastoral and leadership experience with his calling, giftings, and walk with God. Ray is a skilled public communicator and a leadership coach who enjoys helping leaders discover their uniqueness and unleash their potential. He is a retired U.S. Army Brigadier General with forty-three years of military and civilian service with the Department of Defense.

Ray has been blessed by thirty-five years of marriage to the love of his life, Deborah. They enjoy life in Colorado and their five children and four grandchildren. A disabled veteran, he is a malignant melanoma cancer survivor, avid skier, coffee aficionado, and mentor to young leaders.

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Kelli   Worrall

Kelli Worrall

KELLI WORRALL is the Chair of Music and Media Arts at Moody Bible Institute. She is the co-author (with husband, Peter, Assoc. Professor Education at MBI) of 20 Things We'd Tell Our Twentysomething Selves and the author of Pierced and Embraced: 7 Life-Changing Encounters with the Love of Christ. Kelli speaks at women¿s events and retreats. She and Peter also speak together at marriage and young adult retreats. Connect with Kelli at

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Peter Worrall

Peter Worrall

PETER WORRALL teaches Education majors at Moody Bible Institute and is a doctoral student in the Educational Studies program at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He and his wife, Kelli, write and teach together. Peter also does pulpit supply, teaches Sunday school, and leads a small group. Since his twenties Peter has taught elementary school, graduated with a Masters in Teaching, and is a grateful father of Daryl and Amelia.

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H. Norman Wright

H. Norman Wright

H. NORMAN WRIGHT (M.R.E., Fuller Theological Seminary; M.A., Pepperdine University; 1937-2023) was a Research Professor of Christian Education at Talbot School of Theology and a licensed Marriage, Family, and Child Therapist. He taught on the graduate school level for more than twenty-five years and was the founder and director of Christian Marriage Enrichment in Tustin, California. Dr. Wright was the author of more than seventy books, including The Premarital Counseling Handbook, Pressure Points, Communication: Key to Your Marriage, and the best-selling Always Daddy's Girl. Dr. Wright was married to his wife of 49 years and lived in Bakersfield, CA.

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Ken Wytsma

Ken Wytsma

KEN WYTSMA is a leader, innovator, and social entrepreneur respected for his insight and collaborative spirit. He is the president of Kilns College, where he teaches courses in philosophy and justice. He is the founder of The Justice Conference—an annual international conference that introduces men and women to a wide range of organizations and conversations relating to biblical justice and God's call to give our lives away.Ken is a consultant and creative advisor to nonprofits and a sought-after speaker on justice, church, and culture. A church planter and lead pastor at Antioch Church, Ken lives in Bend, Oregon, with his wife, Tamara, and their four daughters.

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Ed Young

Ed Young

ED YOUNG has been the pastor of 32,000-member Second Baptist Church in Houston, Texas, since 1978 and is also a trustee of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and Houston Baptist University. A former president of the Southern Baptist Convention, Ed is the author of many books including The Ten Commandments of Marriage and The Ten Commandments of Parenting, and ministers through the international television and radio broadcasts of Winning Walk. He and his wife, Jo Beth, have three adult sons and seven grandchildren and reside in Houston.

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Jody Zappia

Jody Zappia

JODY ZAPPIA is the wife of Pastor Ron Zappia. After a successful career in corporate America she left to become fully engaged in ministry at HighPoint Church, leading the Women's Ministry for many years. Jody brings wisdom, humor, and much needed transparency into the conversation of marriage.

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Ron Zappia

Ron Zappia

RON ZAPPIA is the pastor and founder of Highpoint Church, a multi-site church reaching thousands in the western suburbs of Chicago. His teaching ministry, Highpoint Ministries provides comprehensive teaching from God's Word through radio broadcasts that air on over 400 stations around the United States. A graduate of Bowling Green State University and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Ron and his wife Jody live in Wheaton, IL with their three daughters: Allie, Erin, and Emily.

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Kevin D. Zuber

Kevin D. Zuber

KEVIN D. ZUBER is Chief Academic Officer and Professor of Theology at The Master's Seminary in Los Angeles, California. Before that he was a professor at Moody Bible Institute for seventeen years and he also served as a teaching pastor at Grace Bible Church Northwest in Schaumburg, IL. Over the years, Kevin has ministered around the world, teaching graduate and undergraduate classes in Asia, Africa, and Europe. He is a graduate of Grace College and Grace Theological Seminary, and he holds a Ph.D. from Trinity Evangelical Divinity school. Kevin is married to Diane, and they have two sons, David and Christopher.

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Roy B. Zuck

Roy B. Zuck

ROY ZUCK (B.A. Biola University, Th.D. Dallas Theological Seminary), Senior Professor Emeritus of Bible Exposition at Dallas Theological Seminary, has taught at the seminary for more than 23 years. He is author of a number of books, including Open Letter to a Jehovah’s Witness, and is the editor of Childhood Education in the Church, Biblical Theology of the Old Testament, and Biblical Theology of the New Testament. Dr. Zuck resides in Dallas, Texas.

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