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Glenn Daman

Glenn Daman

GLENN C. DAMAN is the author of Leading the Small Church, Shepherding the Small Church, Developing Leaders for the Small Church, When Shepherds Weep and Shepherding the Small Church (ECPA Gold Medallion Finalist). He grew up on a farm in Northern Idaho and attended Big Sky Bible College, Western Seminary, and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Since 1991 Glenn has served as the pastor of River Christian Church in Stevenson, Washington. He has also served small rural churches in Montana and Oregon. He has served as the director of Village Missions' Center for Leadership Development and has been an adjunct professor for a number of Bible colleges and seminaries in the area of small church studies. He has also taught in Russia, the Philippines, Canada, and Mexico. Glenn enjoys photography, woodworking, camping with his family, and spending time on the family farm.

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Aaron Damiani

Aaron Damiani

AARON DAMIANI (MA, Biblical Exegesis) serves as the lead pastor of Immanuel Anglican Church in Chicago and is the author of The Good of Giving Up: Discovering the Freedom of Lent and Earth Filled with Heaven: Finding Life in Liturgy, Sacraments and other Ancient Practices of the Church. Aaron writes and speaks regularly about spiritual formation, leadership, and recovering the gifts of the ancient church for today's challenges. Aaron and his wife Laura live with their four kids in Chicago's Irving Park neighborhood.

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Daniel Darling

Daniel Darling

DANIEL DARLING is an author, pastor, and leader. He was recently appointed as the director of the Land Center for Cultural Engagement at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Dan is a bestselling author of several books, including The Original Jesus, The Dignity Revolution, The Characters of Christmas, The Characters of Easter, and A Way With Words. He is the general editor, along with Trillia Newbell, of a small group study on racial reconciliation, The Church and the Racial Divide and is a contributor to The Worldview Study Bible.

Dan is an award-winning writer whose work has appeared in numerous publications. He is a columnist for World Magazine, and a regular contributor to USA Today. His work is often featured in Christianity Today and The Gospel Coalition and his op-eds have appeared in The Washington Post, CNN, Washington Times, Time, Huffington Post, National Review, First Things, and other leading outlets. Publisher's Weekly called his writing style "substantive and punchy."

Dan speaks and preaches around the country and is regularly interviewed on radio and television, including MSNBC's Morning Joe, CNN, and Fox. He is the host of a popular weekly podcast The Way Home where he interviews Christian leaders, politicians, and journalists. He holds a bachelor's degree in pastoral ministry from Dayspring Bible College, has studied at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and is a graduate of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has served churches in Illinois and Tennessee. He and his wife Angela have four children.

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Darryl Dash

Darryl Dash

DARRYL DASH is pastor of Liberty Grace Church in Toronto. He is also cofounder of Gospel for Life, and director of Advance Church Planting Institute. He has a Doctor of Ministry degree from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and has over 25 years of ministry experience. Darryl is married to Charlene, and has two adult children, Christy and Josiah. You can find Darryl online at

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J  Merle D'Aubigne

J Merle D'Aubigne

J.H. MERLE D'AUBIGNE was born in Geneva in 1794. He prepared himself for the ministry at the University of Geneva. While visiting Germany in 1817, he was moved to write his immortal History of the Reformation in the Sixteenth Century. During his life he served as a pastor, a court preacher, and a seminary president.

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Erin Davis

Erin Davis

ERIN DAVIS is a writer and teacher passionately committed to getting women of all ages to the deep well of God's Word. She is the author of more than a dozen books and Bible studies, including Connected7 Feasts, and Fasting & Feasting. Hear her teach on The Deep Well with Erin Davis podcast. When she’s not writing, you can find Erin chasing chickens and children on her small farm in the Midwest.

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Jason Davis

Jason Davis

JASON DAVIS is excited to be co-authoring his first book with his wife, Erin. Jason and Erin live an adventurous life in the rural Midwest with their four growing boys. By profession, Jason works as a Marketing Manager. At heart, he is an artisan, farmer, and loves spending time with his family in the outdoors or in his small workshop.

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Lianna Davis

Lianna Davis

LIANNA DAVIS is a student of the Word with a B.A. in Ministry to Women from Moody Bible Institute. She and her husband, Tyler, reside outside of Dallas, Texas and have two dear daughters, one who lives in heaven and one who lives on earth. More of her writing can be found at

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Richard Brian Davis

Richard Brian Davis

DR. DAVIS is associate professor and chair of the Philosophy department. He specializes in metaphysics and ontology, focusing on questions concerning individuation, substance, relations, modality, and constituent ontology. He also has interests in epistemology, philosophy of science, and philosophical theology.

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W. Bell Dawson

W. Bell Dawson

WILLIAM BELL DAWSON was born in 1854. While today he is known for his books, he spent most of his life working as a surveyor and engineer. In 1893, he started working for the Canadian Department of Marine and Fisheries where he supervised a major tidal survey for over twenty years. This project produced what are called tide tables which gave important information about the tides in all of the main Canadian harbors. In 1924, he stopped work in Canada and began writing about creation science and evolution. He is best known for his books Forethought in Creation (1925), Evolution Contrasted with Scripture Truth (1926), and The Bible Confirmed by Science (1932).

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Richard Ellsworth Day

Richard Ellsworth Day

RICHARD ELLSWORTH DAY was born in the United States in 1884. In his early life he was an apprentice at the Terre Haute Gazette in Indiana serving as an associate reporter. His first book was a biography on the famous preacher Charles Spurgeon entitled The Shadow of the Broad Brim, which he published with Judson Press in 1934. The book was an immediate success which led to subsequent biographies on Charles Grandison Finney (1942), D.L. Moody (1944), and Henry Parsons Crowell (1946). Richard Day and his wife Deborah would begin each project with extensive research and study and then retreat to their little cottage in Sunnyvale, California to write. In his day he was a noted Christian biographer, and between projects, traveled around speaking in churches and schools until his death in 1965.

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Bev Dayton

Bev Dayton

BEVERLY DAYTON, along with her husband Howard, has co-authored books, workbooks, and teacher’s guides designed to teach children and teenagers to handle money God’s way. Bev is an accomplished speaker and also owns a home-based business. Howard and Bev have been married for over 35 years, have two married children, Matthew and Danielle, and live in Gainesville, Georgia.

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Howard Dayton

Howard Dayton

HOWARD DAYTON is Co-founder of Crown Financial Ministries®, created by a 2000 merger of Crown Ministries, which he founded in 1985, and Larry Burkett’s Christian Financial Concepts. Howard’s books and small-group financial studies have been used by thousands of churches and individuals. He is a former naval officer, restaurateur, and real estate developer.

Howard and his wife, Bev, have been married for over 35 years. They reside in Gainesville, Georgia, and have two married children.

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Kori de Leon

Kori de Leon

KORI DE LEON is the founder of Adoring Christ Ministries, a teaching ministry devoted to reaching women through the local church, online resources, books, and speaking engagements. She graduated from Southwestern Baptist Theological seminary with a master of arts in theology. Kori lives in Houston with her husband Bobby and daughter Jade. To find out more about her testimony and ministry, please visit

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Rosalie de Rosset

Rosalie de Rosset

DR. ROSALIE DE ROSSET is a professor of Literature, English and Homiletics at Moody Bible Institute where she has been for forty-two years. She earned her M.A. in English from Northeastern Illinois University, M.Div. from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and Ph.D. in Language, Literacy, and Rhetoric from The University of Illinois at Chicago. In addition to teaching, she regularly appears on Moody Broadcasting Network programs as a guest and co-host, and speaks at conferences and seminars. She lives on the northside of Chicago.

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Ron L Deal

Ron L Deal

RON L. DEAL is one of the most widely read and viewed experts on blended families in the country. He is founder of Smart Stepfamilies™, Director of FamilyLife Blended® for Family Life®, the author of numerous videos and books on stepfamily living including the bestselling The Smart Stepfamily, and is consulting editor for the Smart Stepfamily Series of books. Ron is a licensed marriage and family therapist, popular speaker, and host of the podcast FamilyLife Blended. He and his wife, Nan, have three sons and live in Little Rock, Arkansas. Find events and resources at

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Jennifer K. Dean

Jennifer K. Dean

JENNIFER KENNEDY DEAN was the executive director of The Praying Life Foundation and a frequent keynote speaker for retreats and conferences, most notably at the Billy Graham Center at the Cove, specializing in prayer and spiritual growth. Jennifer is the author of When You Hurt and When He Heals: Experiencing the Surprising Power of Prayer.

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Samantha Decker

Samantha Decker

SAMANTHA DECKER is a wife, mom, writer, and above all, a follower of Jesus. She is passionate about encouraging believers to deepen their walk with Jesus through discipleship relationships and an unrelenting love for the Word of God. She and her husband, Dustin, live in Oklahoma and enjoy serving in their local church, trying new restaurants (especially if it’s Tex-Mex), and adventuring with their three rambunctious boys. You can connect with her at

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Dan DeHaan

Dan DeHaan

DAN DEHAAN (1943-1982) was the director and founder of Training Church Leaders, Inc., a division of Ambassadors For Christ, Inc. The author of The God You Can Know, Intercepted By Christ: Biography of Steve Bartkowski, and Principles of Spiritual Growth and Leadership, Dan also served as a conference speaker, and minister of the Word before his accidental death in February, 1982.

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Anthony Delaney

Anthony Delaney

ANTHONY DELANEY served as a police officer in inner city Manchester, England, for ten years before going into church leadership. He now leads Ivy Church, a multiplying movement that meets at various sites and lectures on church planting and leadership. He founded LAUNCH: Church Multiplication Catalyst, a global community drawing together hundreds of church and network leaders to be inspired and commissioned to multiply disciples, leaders, churches, and movements. Anthony's books include The Man You Were Made To Be, also published by Moody. He has been married to Zoe for 36 years and they have three adult children and six grandchildren.

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David Delk

David Delk

DAVID DELK joined Man in the Mirror in 1994, and now serves as the President and Co-CEO. He speaks and consults across the country for Man in the Mirror. He has a great talent for helping people remember truths from God's Word. His use of humor, illustrations and unique visual aids help men apply Biblical principles to life. David is the author or co-author of five books, including The Marriage Prayer, No Man Left Behind, and The Dad in the Mirror. David has served as President of the National Coalition of Ministries to Men, and as a visiting lecturer in Biblical Studies at Reformed Theological Seminary. He lives in Orlando, FL with his wife, Ruthie. They have three grown children.

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Ruthie Delk

Ruthie Delk

RUTHIE DELK'S passion is to help women embrace the Gospel in such a way that it captures their hearts and not just their minds. She enjoys teaching, watching movies, drinking sweet tea, riding her bike and eating any assortment of cheap chocolate. Ruthie grew up in Europe as a missionary kid and met her husband David while at Furman University, where she graduated with a degree in Special Education. She and David have been married for 24 years and live in Orlando, Florida where he is President of Man in the Mirror. They have three children.

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Eric Demeter

Eric Demeter

ERIC DEMETER (B.S., Purdue University; M.A., Bethel University) is a relationship and conflict resolution specialist with advanced studies in mediation, peacemaking and negotiation from the Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver and Peacemaker Ministries. He is currently a missionary with Youth With a Mission (YWAM) based in Athens, Greece where he disciples young people from the Middle East, and teaches conflict resolution and healthy relationships to YWAM staff and missionary students. His experiences growing up listening to heavy metal, working alongside ex-convicts, and being raised in the Roman Catholic tradition give him the ability to connect well with people of diverse belief systems. He considers every reader a friend and challenges everyone to become more like Christ in everything they do.

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Sandy Dengler

Sandy Dengler

SANDY DENGLER is a free-lance writer who has written several articles and over 40 books for children and adults including historical fiction, biographies, and mysteries. Her latest books include The Wicked Step-Twister, The Comatose Cat, and The New Sugar Creek Gang series. She and her husband, William, live in Oklahoma and have two adult children.

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A. Morgan Derham

A. Morgan Derham

ARTHUR MORGAN DERHAM was born in Hertfordshire, England in 1915. He was converted when he was fourteen. After some time as a business man and four years serving with the Metropolitan Police Force, he entered the Strict Baptist Bible Institute in Brockley, London, in 1938. Derham took the pastorate of the West Ham Baptist Tabernacle in west London, and it was there that the weight of Hitler’s blitz fell in 1940. The area bore attacks throughout the war, and within a few weeks eighty percent of the congregation disappeared because of damage to their homes. The church services were continued underground until 1944. After the war he began writing in addition to part-time pastoral work in other churches in England. He was also married and the father of a son and a daughter. During his life he authored one book and two small publications published in London as well as contributed to a number of magazines and papers.

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Steve DeWitt

Steve DeWitt

STEVE DEWITT has served as Senior Pastor of Bethel Church since 1997. Bethel is a nondenominational church located in NW Indiana/Chicagoland and ministers to its community across multiple campuses. Steve is on the council of The Gospel Coalition and is a board member of Global Action. His teaching ministry can be heard on his popular podcast and media ministry The Journey. Steve and his wife, Jennifer, are the proud parents of two daughters.

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Kevin DeYoung

Kevin DeYoung

KEVIN DEYOUNG (PhD, University of Leicester) is the senior pastor at Christ Covenant Church in Matthews, North Carolina, and associate professor of systematic theology at Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte. He has written books for children, adults, and academics, including Just Do Something, Impossible Christianity, and The Biggest Story Bible Storybook. Kevin’s work can be found on Kevin and his wife, Trisha, have nine children.

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Claire Diaz-Ortiz

Claire Diaz-Ortiz

Claire Diaz-Ortiz (@claire) is an author, speaker and Silicon Valley innovator who was an early employee at Twitter. Named one of the 100 Most Creative People in Business by Fast Company, she holds an MBA and other degrees from Stanford and Oxford and has been featured widely in print and broadcast media. She writes a popular business blog at and is the author of the new book Hope Runs: An American Tourist, a Kenyan Boy, a Journey of Redemption. For more information, visit

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Lois Hoadley Dick

Lois Hoadley Dick

LOIS DICK is a freelance writer with over thirty years of experience. She specializes in historical biography. In addition to numerous articles and lessons for such organizations as Child Evangelism Fellowship, Inc., she is the author of several books, including Mercy at Midnight, False Coin, True Coin, Isobel Kuhn, Devil on the Deck, and Amy Carmichael. Lois resides in New Jersey.

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C Fred Dickason

C Fred Dickason

C. FRED DICKASON JR., (Th.D., Dallas Theological Seminary; B.S., Iowa State College) served on the faculty of the Moody Bible Institute for thirty-four years. He was professor and chairman of the theology department until his retirement in 1995. An author and lecturer on angelology and the spirit world, he counsels many who have been involved in the occult. Dr. Dickason is the author of Names of Angels, Demon Possession and the Christian, Angels: Elect and Evil, The Spirit of Grace, Angels: Studies in the Biblical Doctrine of Angels, and From Bondage To Freedom Studies in the Epistle to the Galatians. Dr. Dickason resides in Carol Stream, Illinois.

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Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens

CHARLES DICKENS (1812–1870) is regarded as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era. His works include Oliver TwistA Tale of Two Cities, and Great Expectations. He wrote works infused with spiritual themes, pointing to Christian ideas with Scripture allusions and metaphors.

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Robert Dickie III

Robert Dickie III

ROBERT DICKIE III has served as a decorated Air Force Officer, the CEO of an international company, and as the leader of several non-profits. In July 2011 he became the President of Crown. This unique and bold career path has given Bob a first-hand look at the changing economy/job market we now find ourselves in.

Bob and his wife Brandi reside in Knoxville, TN with their six children and two dogs. They are both graduates of the University of Tennessee. Bob earned his Master's Degree from the University of Arkansas in Industrial Engineering and is currently in the Harvard Business School Executive Education Program.

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R. Mark Dillon

R. Mark Dillon

DR. R. MARK DILLON is Vice President for Advancement at Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois. He has consulted with numerous colleges, universities, and seminaries in North America as well as a number of local churches and nonprofit ministries. For over 25 years the author has led a team of development professionals, first at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School/Trinity College and for the past 17 years at Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL. He has engaged with hundreds of thoughtful Christian stewards and ministry leaders. Dr. Dillon and his wife, Susan, live in Wheaton and are the proud parents of three children, Daniel, Joel, and Laura Grace, and grandparents to five precious grandchildren.

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William P. Dillon

William P. Dillon

BILL DILLON serves as founder and President of People Raising which focuses on providing fundraising training for missionaries, church planters and Christian organizations. He also is the founder and Executive Director of Inner City Impact in Chicago. Bill's family has served Chicago's Inner City since 1918 and he is third generation inner city minister. In 2005 he was honored by Moody Bible Institute as Alumnus of the Year. He is married, has three grown children and seven grandchildren. He resides in Des Plaines, Illinois.

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Linda Dillow

Linda Dillow

LINDA DILLOW is the author of the bestselling Calm My Anxious Heart and co-author of Intimate Issues. Her latest book, What's it Like to be Married to Me? was a finalist for the non-fiction book of 2011. Linda's books have sold more than one and a half million copies in the U.S. and have been translated into many languages. Linda and her husband, Jody, lived in Europe and Asia for seventeen years, training Christian leaders in closed countries with Biblical Education by Extension. The Dillows live in Monument, Colorado. They have four grown children and ten grandchildren.

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Laura Dingman

Laura Dingman

LAURA DINGMAN spends most of her time creating and leading worship experiences that help connect people with the story of God. She has served in vocational ministry as the Creative Arts Director at The Creek, a large church in Indianapolis, for over a decade. She loves to show people where their story intersects with God's story. She enjoys belting Broadway, laughing hysterically, reading great books, and living life with her favorite two people in the whole world, her husband, Matt, and her spunky daughter, Abigail. She is the author of Life Rhythms: Learning to Live in God-Centered Time and I Am Found: Quitting the Game of Hide and Seek with God, Ourselves, and Others. You can learn more about her journey and connect with her at

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Kyle DiRoberts

Kyle DiRoberts

KYLE DIROBERTS (PhD, Dallas Theological Seminary) is the department chair and associate professor of Biblical and Theological Studies at Arizona Christian University in Glendale, Arizona, adjunct professor at Dallas Theological Seminary, and pastor of the Minister-in-Residence program at Scottsdale Bible Church. Kyle is the author of The Secret to Prayer. He and his wife, Lolly, live in Scottsdale and have three boys.

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Christin Ditchfield

Christin Ditchfield

CHRISTIN DITCHFIELD is an international conference speaker, Bible teacher, and author of more than 80 books, including the best-selling A Family Guide to Narnia: Biblical Truths in C.S. Lewis’s The Chronicles of Narnia, and a dozen other guides to spiritual truth in classic literature. Christin holds a masters degree (MA) in Bible & Theology and doctorate (DMin) in Spiritual Formation. She shares her love of all things C.S. Lewis with her husband, Lewis scholar and Episcopal priest, Andrew Lazo.

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Ryan Dobson

Ryan Dobson

RYAN DOBSON is the founder of KOR ministries and the author of four books, incuding Be Intolerant. Through his podcasts, speaking engagements, and books, Dobson seeks to call Christians deeper into the ultimate adventure of following Christ.

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Jimmy Dodd

Jimmy Dodd

JIMMY DODD (B.A. Wheaton College; M.Div., Gordon-Conwell Seminary) is the founder and CEO of PastorServe. This organization works across denominational lines to strengthen the church by serving pastors. He is the author of Survive or Thrive, 6 Relationships Every Pastor Needs, and Pastors Are People Too, co-authored with Larry Magnuson. Jimmy and his wife Sally have five children and three grandchildren. He enjoys reading, taking walks with his wife Sally and dog Finn, and cheering on his beloved Jayhawks at Allen Fieldhouse in Lawrence, KS.

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Vernon D. Doerksen

Vernon D. Doerksen

VERNON DOERKSEN (B.A., Pacific College; B.D., Th.M., Talbot Theological Seminary; Th.D., Grace Theological Seminary) was dean of students and professor of Bible and theology at Arizona Bible College.

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Adam B. Dooley

Adam B. Dooley

DR. ADAM DOOLEY serves as the senior pastor of Sunnyvale First Baptist Church on the northeast side of Dallas. He is a two-time graduate of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he has also served as an adjunct professor. He is married to Heather, and they have three sons and one daughter.

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Roberta Kells Dorr

Roberta Kells Dorr

ROBERTA KELLS DORR is the author of seven books: six novels, one biography. She majored in creative writing at the University of Maryland and received her master’s in Religious Education from the Southern Baptist Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. For seventeen years Dorr lived in the Middle East as the wife of a busy missionary surgeon and the mother of five children. On her return to the United States she carried with her the manuscript of the first novel she had written and researched extensively over the years. She claimed that the years in the Middle East, the exposure to their culture, and the experiences she had while there profoundly influenced what she wrote.

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Lyle W. Dorsett

Lyle W. Dorsett

DR. LYLE W. DORSETT is a prolific author and accomplished speaker and teacher. Dr. Dorsett received his B.A. and M.A. in history from the University of Missouri-Kansas City, and his Ph.D. in history from the University of Missouri-Columbia. He is now retired from teaching and pastoral ministry after serving many years in a number of different roles, including universities in Missouri, California, Colorado, and Alabama. He is the author of numerous books, among them biographies of Joy Davidman (Mrs. C.S. Lewis), E.M. Bounds, Dwight L. Moody, and Billy Sunday. Keenly interested in the life and writings of C. S. Lewis, he published a volume of Lewis's Letters to Children, The Essential C. S. Lewis, and Seeking the Secret Place: The Spiritual Formation of C. S. Lewis. His most recent book is Serving God and Country: U.S. Military Chaplains in World War II. Dr. Dorsett and his wife, Mary, have a grown son, a daughter in heaven, and four grandchildren.

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Tim Dowley

Tim Dowley

TIM DOWLEY, a native of London, holds a bachelor's degree in history and a doctorate in church history, both from the University of Manchester, England. He has written a number of children's stories and books on biblical subjects and the history of Christianity, as well as works on music and literature. A few of his latest books include Bible Atlas, A Public Faith: From Constantine to the Medieval World AD 312-600, My First Story of Christmas, and Bedtime Book of Bible Stories. Tim has traveled extensively, particularly in Israel, Turkey and other biblical lands. He lives in Clapham, South London, with his wife and family.

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Joy Downs

Joy Downs

JOY DOWNS is a 1979 graduate of Indiana University in Journalism. After graduation, she joined the staff of Campus Crusade for Christ where she served as a radio writer and producer and helped direct the Communication Center, a communication training facility of Campus Crusade. Joy and her husband, Tim, have spoken at FamilyLife Marriage and Parenting Conferences. Together they have co-authored two books entitled The Seven Conflicts: Resolving the Most Common Disagreements in Marriage and Fight Fair!: Winning at Conflict without Losing at Love. Joy lives in Cary, North Carolina, with her husband and three children.

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Tim Downs

Tim Downs

TIM DOWNS is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Indiana University in Graphic Design. After graduation in 1976 he created a comic strip, Downstown, which was syndicated by Universal Press Syndicate. His cartooning has appeared in more than a hundred newspapers worldwide. In 1979 he joined the staff of Campus Crusade for Christ, where he founded and directed the Communication Center, a communication training facility. He continues to serve as a speaker and writer. He and his wife, Joy, have spoken at FamilyLife Marriage and Parenting Conferences since 1985. He is author of First the Dead, Less Than Dead, Chop Shop, Head Game, Plague Maker, Shoo Fly Pie, and Finding Common Ground, which was awarded the Gold Medallion Award in 2000. He is also co-author of Fight Fair and The Seven Conflicts: Resolving the Most Common Disagreements in Marriage along with his wife Joy. Tim lives in Cary, North Carolina, with his wife and three children.

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Henry Drummond

Henry Drummond

HENRY DRUMMOND was born in Stirling, Scotland on August 17, 1851. As a young man he attended Edinburgh University where he particularly enjoyed the natural sciences. However, driven by a desire to preach the Gospel, he entered the Free Church of Scotland, where, before taking his own pastorate, he worked with D.L. Moody on his evangelistic efforts. In 1877 he became a teacher of natural science at the Free Church College. He spent six years lecturing and writing until, in 1883, he received an opportunity to conduct a geological survey in southern Africa. Upon his return a year later, he found himself to be rather famous in his homeland. Later on he would write of his work in Africa and participate in a similar work in Australia. He continued to write and lecture in England and the United States until his death on March 11, 1897.

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Judy Dunagan

Judy Dunagan

JUDY DUNAGAN is an acquisitions editor for the women's Bible studies and books at Moody Publishers. A wonder seeker of God and His Word, Judy is passionate about discipleship and making God's Word and prayer come alive in everyday life. She is a speaker and Bible teacher and serves on the Board of Deeper Walk International, the ministry her father Mark I. Bubeck founded. Judy and her husband Rick live in Colorado. Connect with Judy at:

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Cheryl Dunlop

Cheryl Dunlop

CHERYL J. DUNLOP is a freelance writer and editor. She received her B.A. in Communications from Moody Bible Institute. She is author of Follow Me as I Follow Christ and co-author of Complete Idiot’s Guide to the World of Narnia. Cheryl lives on the West Side of Chicago.

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Jerry Dunn

Jerry Dunn

JERRY DUNN was a recognized authority on alcoholism and alcoholics. He had lectured extensively on this subject at special conferences for pastors, medical students, and doctors. Pastor Dunn was executive director of People's City Mission Home in Lincoln, Nebraska and also served as president of the International Union of Gospel Missions. Pastor Dunn is author of Alcoholics Victorious and God is for the Alcoholic. He passed away in August 2001.

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Richard R. Dunn

Richard R. Dunn

DR. RICHARD R. DUNN (M.A., Ed.D., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) is the lead pastor at Fellowship Evangelical Free Church in Knoxville, Tennessee, where his responsibilities include directing a large student ministries program. He was formerly chair of educational ministries at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He is a fifteen-year veteran of church, campus, and camping youth ministries. Dr. Dunn is the author of Shaping the Spiritual Life of Students and Can’t Fight the Feeling and the co-editor of Reaching a Generation for Christ. Dr. Dunn and his wife, Teresa, have two children and live in Knoxville, Tennessee.

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Kara Durbin

Kara Durbin

KARA DURBIN has enjoyed continually serving in various roles of children's ministries. She has a degree in elementary education from Texas A&M University and homeschools her children part time. Kara's inspiration for the book was her mother, who blessed her life by parenting her with Scripture. When thinking about how to best parent her own children, Kara looked for a reference book that would have Scriptures to use for specific parenting moments. Not finding one, she began work on Parenting with Scripture. Kara and her husband and two children make their home near Dallas, Texas.

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Drew Dyck

Drew Dyck

DREW DYCK is an editor at Moody Publishers and the former managing editor of Leadership Journal. He is the author of several books, including Your Future Self Will Thank You: Secrets to Self-Control from the Bible and Brain Science (Moody, 2019). Drew’s work has been featured in Christianity Today, Relevant, and He lives with his wife, Grace, and their three children, near Portland, Oregon. Connect with Drew at or on Twitter @DrewDyck.

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Hallie Dye

Hallie Dye

HALLIE DYE is a wife of 13 years and mom to 3 spirited children in Monroe, Louisiana. Hallie is the host of The Saltworks podcast and founder of the Saltworks Ministries. Encouraging everyday people to share their stories of incredible faith one Tuesday at a time, the Saltworks is a place where we can both connect from all walks of life and be encouraged to live boldly for Christ no matter our occupation or situation.Hallie and her husband teach a life group for 20-40s at their local church, and she loves speaking at events when able. When she’s not studying, recording, or writing, you can find her with friends and family, eating Louisiana soul food, or reading a fiction novel before bed.

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Charles H. Dyer

Charles H. Dyer

DR. CHARLIE DYER served for thirty-three years on the faculty and in the administration of three different institutions, including twenty years at Dallas Theological Seminary and ten years as Provost of the Moody Bible Institute. In 2010, Charlie became Professor-at-Large of Bible for Moody Bible Institute and host of The Land and the Book radio program, which is heard on more than 350 stations across the United States. For much of his time in ministry, Charlie has taken groups to Israel and the other lands of the Bible. In addition to his speaking, teaching, and guiding, Charlie has authored or coauthored numerous books, including The Rise of Babylon, What’s Next?, The Christian Traveler’s Guide to the Holy Land, 30 Days in the Land with Jesus, 30 Days in the Land of the Psalms, A Voice in the Wilderness, The ISIS Crisis, and Clash of Kingdoms. He also contributed to The Bible Knowledge Commentary, Nelson’s Old Testament Survey, and The Moody Bible Commentary.

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William  Dyer

William Dyer

REVEREND WILLIAM DYER was born in England in 1632. During his earlier ministry he was a pastor with the Church of England at Chesham and Cholesbury. He and many other pastors were known as “Puritans” because of their desire to purify and reform the state church. However, in 1662, Dyer and over two thousand other Puritans pastors were ejected from their parishes because of a lack of compliance to the new policies of the church. In the year following his dismissal from the church he wrote two of his most enduring books, A Cabinet of Jewels and Christ’s Famous Titles. In his later life he worked alongside the Quakers because of their zeal for Christ and passion for souls. He was buried among them in Southwark, England in April of 1696. From his writings he is seen to have been a man of great character, earnest to win men to the Lord, and eager to build up the saints in the love and confidence of Christ.

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