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Nancy Kane

Nancy Kane

NANCY KANE (Northern Illinois University) is an author, licensed clinical professional counselor, speaker, and program director of The Caritas Center for Christian Formation. Together with her husband, Ray, Nancy coauthored the book From Fear to Love: Overcoming Obstacles to Healthy Relationships and frequently appears on radio. She cohosts the podcast Leaving Church: Rediscovering How to Live a Life with Christ That Changes Us and Changes the World alongside Brian Dahlen. Nancy’s work centers on helping individuals find healing and wholeness through a life with Christ. Learn more at and

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Kelly M. Kapic

Kelly M. Kapic

DR. KELLY M. KAPIC (PhD King's College, University of London) is professor of theological studies at Covenant College in Lookout Mountain, Georgia, where he has taught since 2001. He has written and edited numerous books, including Embodied Hope: A Theological Meditation on Pain and Suffering, which won the Book of the Year Award from Christianity Today in the category of Theology and Ethics.

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Mary A Kassian

Mary A Kassian

MARY KASSIAN is an award winning author, internationally renowned speaker, and a distinguished professor at Southern Baptist Seminary. She has published several books and Bible studies, including The Feminist Mistake. A graduate from the faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine from the University of Alberta, Canada, Mary has also studied systematic theology at the doctoral level and taught courses at seminaries throughout North America.

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Christmas Carol Kauffman

Christmas Carol Kauffman

CHRISTMAS CAROL KAUFMAN received her unique name in honor of her Christmas morning birth in 1901 in Elkhart, Indiana. She was raised in a Mennonite home and spent some time as a student at Goshen College. When she was 22, she married Norman Hostetler. However, tragedy struck when two months after their second anniversary, Norman was killed in an electrical accident. She worked in a sewing shop following the wake of her loss, but in 1928, her bishop recommended that she get away for a while and enroll as a Bible student at Hesston College. It was there that she met the man who would be her life partner—Nelson Kaufman. The two were married in 1929. Five years later they were commissioned by the Mennonite General Mission Board to start a mission church in Hannibal, Missouri. It was in their 22-year ministry in Missouri that she found the inspiration to write her many novels. In 1956, they returned to Elkhart where Kaufman wrote her last several books. She died in Elkhart on January 30, 1969.

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Crickett Keeth

Crickett Keeth

CRICKETT KEETH is the Women's Ministry Director at First Evangelical Church in Memphis, Tennessee, where she writes and teaches the women's Bible studies. She is the author of several published Bible studies, including The Gift of Rest and Sumatra with the Seven Churches (co-authored with Sandra Glahn). Crickett was on staff with Cru for ten years and is a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary. In addition to teaching regularly at her own church, she also speaks at women's conferences and retreats. She offers free resources for discipleship and encourages others in their own walk with God through her website at Her life purpose is to encourage others to passionately pursue Jesus Christ.

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Gary Keisling

Gary Keisling

Dr. Gary Keisling is the senior pastor of The Alliance Church in Bryan, Ohio. He has served in pastoral ministry with The Christian and Missionary Alliance for more than 25 years. He is also a professor with Crown College on-line. He and his wife Susan have been married for more than 35 years and have two grown children.

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W. Phillip Keller

W. Phillip Keller

W. PHILLIP KELLER (1920-1997) was born in East Africa and always loved the wildlife and the outdoors. Having spent many years in agriculture research, land management and ranch development in British Columbia, he later pursued careers in conservation, wildlife photography, and journalism. His experiences as a shepherd equipped him with the insights that are the basis for A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23. His other titles include A Layman Looks at the Lord’s Prayer, Splendor from the Sea, Lessons from a Sheepdog, and A Gardener Looks at the Fruits of the Spirit.

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Stephen Kellough

Stephen Kellough

STEPHEN KELLOUGH BA, Miami University, Oxford, OH; ThM, Dallas Theological Seminary; DMin, Covenant Theological Seminary, is an ordained minister of the Presbyterian Church USA. He served for fifteen years in parish ministry before being called as Chaplain of Wheaton College in 1989. He retired from this position after serving for twenty-five years. Steve and his wife, Linda, have one son, Jeffrey (wife-Sheralynn), and twin grandchildren, Luke and Brielynn.

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Kenneth Kemp

Kenneth Kemp

KENNETH KEMP, author and blogger, writes like he takes photographs. When a scene strikes him, he frames it and checks the lighting. If a story moves him, he takes on the challenge of capturing the essence in a narrative that will engage a reader. He complains that he has too much education. He currently serves as Western Regional Director for Global Generosity with Operation Mobilization, USA. He and his lifelong partner, Carolyn, cherish their children and grandchildren and live in Southern California. He is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute (B.A., 1971) and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (M.Div., 1974), and the author of To Everything a Season, Fire in Paradise, Why Not Today, and Broken for Good.

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Homer Kent Jr.

Homer Kent Jr.

DR. HOMER A. KENT, JR. (A.B., Bob Jones University; B.D., Th.M., Th.D., Grace Theological Seminary), was professor of New Testament and Greek at Grace Theological Seminary, Winona Lake, Indiana. He is the author of The Pastoral Epistles.

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Robert Ketcham

Robert Ketcham

ROBERT KETCHAM (1889-1978) was a Baptist pastor, and a founder of the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches. Although virtually blind for most of his career, he had a successful pastorate and wrote several books, including I Shall Not Want and Boxes, Bottles and Books.

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Virelle Kidder

Virelle Kidder

VIRELLE KIDDER is a full-time writer and conference speaker who has proclaimed the love of God for more than 25 years, and once hosted her own daily radio talk show in New York's capital district. She is the author of six books, including The Best Life Ain't Easy and Meet Me at the Well. Virelle and her husband, Steve, have four grown children and eight grandchildren and live in Sebastian, Florida. For more information, visit

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Jim Killam

Jim Killam

JIM KILLAM has been a journalist for more than 30 years -- including stints as a newspaper reporter and editor, a college media adviser, and a missionary journalist. Currently he is Story Director for the Seed Company, a Wycliffe affiliate. Jim and his wife, Lauren, live in Texas, though their Midwestern accents give them away quickly. They have three grown children and two grandchildren. Go Tell It is Jim's third book, and has led to training opportunities on three continents.

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Billy Kim

Billy Kim

BILLY KIM History and miracles combined to make Billy Kim the person he is today. Aptly described as the Billy Graham of Asia –Kim has had an influence on many world leaders. Kim, former president of the Baptist World Alliance, is the senior pastor of the Suwon Central Baptist Church, which he built from 12 members to over 15,000. He is also the chairman of the Far East Broadcasting Company, and during his tenure at FEBC-Korea, 12 radio stations came into being speaking the gospel into China and North and South Korea.

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Esther Ahn Kim

Esther Ahn Kim

ESTHER AHN KIM was a Korean Christian who spent six years (1939-1945) in Japanese prisons during WWII as a result of her faith. As she prepared to be martyred, Miss Ahn’s courageous activities in prison brought the light of the Gospel to many, and resulted in a reduction of the brutal torture Christians were subjected to. After her release she was married to Don Kim, and the couple toured Europe and the United States speaking of God’s sustaining power during those harrowing years. She is author of If I Perish. Her story was published in Korea and Japan, where it became a national sensation, reaching number three on the all-time religious bestseller list.

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David M King

David M King

DAVID KING has been in pastoral ministry for over 20 years, serving as senior pastor at Concord Baptist in Chattanooga, TN since 2001. He has degrees from Carson-Newman College, Beeson Divinity School, and the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Natalie, have three children, Casey, Ethan, and Amelia. He enjoys reading, running, and spending time with his family.

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Ted Kluck

Ted Kluck

TED KLUCK is co-author of Why We’re Not Emergent and author of Facing Tyson, 15 Stories, Paper Tiger and Game Time. His award-winning writing has also appeared in ESPN the Magazine, Sports Spectrum Magazine and on’s Page 2. An avid sports fan, he has played professional indoor football, coached high school football, trained as a professional wrestler, served as a missionary, and has also taught writing courses at the college level. He currently lives in Michigan with his wife and two sons.

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Kathy Koch, PhD

Kathy Koch, PhD

DR. KATHY KOCH (pronounced “cook”) is the founder of Celebrate Kids, Inc., where she uses her expertise in educational psychology to help parents inspire children in their unique strengths and to thrive in their identity. She is a prolific author and sought after speaker, known for addressing contemporary challenges in parenting and education with practical, faith-integrated strategies through books and nationwide speaking engagements. Her work emphasizes the integration of Christian principles, aiming to foster character growth, identity formation, and spiritual development in children. You can learn more and access her podcasts, books, and more at

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John Koessler

John Koessler

JOHN KOESSLER is a professor emeritus at Moody Bible Institute where he served on the faculty since 1994. Prior to joining the Moody faculty, John served as pastor of Valley Chapel in Green Valley, IL for nine years. He is an award-winning author who has written thirteen books and numerous magazine articles. He writes the monthly Theology Matters column for Today in the Word and is a frequent workshop leader at the Moody Pastor's Conference. John is married to Jane and they have two adult sons. They live in Ludington, MI.

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John R Kohlenberger III

John R Kohlenberger III

JOHN R. KOHLENBERGER III (Th.B., Multnomah Bible College; M.A., Western Seminary) is the author or co-editor of more than five dozen biblical reference books and study Bibles, including the awarding-winning NIV Exhaustive Concordance and The NIV Bible Commentary. John currently divides his time between writing and Bible design and typesetting.

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Vickie Kraft

Vickie Kraft

VICKIE KRAFT (M.A., Dallas Theological Seminary) served as Minister to Women at Northwest Bible Church in Dallas for over 13 years. She is also co-founder of Titus 2:4 Ministries Inc., a ministry established to encourage and equip women to mentor and disciple the generation following them, and to help local churches start effective, relevant women's ministries. She travels to speak nationally and internationally and is the author of Women Mentoring Women: Ways to Start, Maintain and Expand a Biblical Women's Ministry, The Influential Woman, and Facing Your Feelings.

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Ellen Krause

Ellen Krause

ELLEN KRAUSE, aka Mentor Mama, is cofounder of Coffee and Bible Time with daughters Ashley and Taylor. She hosts the CBT Podcast, which equips people to delight in God’s Word and thrive in Christian Living! Ellen has been involved in women’s ministry for over 20 years and mentors women worldwide through CBT. Her MA in marketing and her years in corporate America help CBT flourish. You will find her at the CrossFit gym in her free time, doing mixed media art, sewing, gardening, or cooking.

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Taylor Krause

Taylor Krause

TAYLOR KRAUSE holds a bachelor's degree in pre-counseling and has devoted herself to extensive academic and personal study of the Bible. She is passionate about helping women apply biblical principles to their everyday lives, guiding them to grow closer to God through His Word. With a deep commitment to integrating spiritual and mental health, Taylor encourages women to embrace their true selves and feel fully loved. In her free time, she enjoys writing music, playing games with family, and taking time to relax.

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Glenn R. Kreider

Glenn R. Kreider

Glenn R. Kreider (PhD, Dallas Theological Seminary) is Professor of Theological Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary where he teaches systematic and historical theology courses. His research interests include Jonathan Edwards, theological method, and eschatology. He is also the author of God with Us: Exploring God’s Personal Interactions with His People throughout the Bible.

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Morgan Krueger

Morgan Krueger

MORGAN KRUEGER is a Jesus follower, wife, mother, and author who found her voice connecting with women seeking freedom from the brokenness of past shame. Passionate about the redemption found in following Jesus, Morgan aims to keep that at the center of all she does. Morgan works at Faithfully Restored, and is grateful to be a part of a ministry that offers the hope of Jesus in the midst of suffering.

In her downtime, you can find Morgan enjoying the significance of the mundane, including spending time with her two sons, encouraging women through words, and adventuring with her husband in Franklin, TN. Learn more about Morgan at

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Isobel Kuhn

Isobel Kuhn

ISOBEL KUHN (1901-1957) (Moody Bible Institute) was born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. She and her husband, John, served with the China Inland Mission (now Overseas Missionary Fellowship) from 1928 to 1954. She is author of numerous books including Second Mile People, In the Arena, Green Leaf in Drought, and By Searching: My Journey through Doubt into Faith.

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Abraham Kuruvilla

Abraham Kuruvilla

ABRAHAM KURUVILLA is Professor of Pastoral Ministries at Dallas Theological Seminary. He centers his ministry around the art and science of preaching: exploring preaching through research and scholarship, explaining preaching by training the next generation of church leaders, and exemplifying preaching in regular pulpit engagements in the U.S. and elsewhere. He has served as the interim preacher at churches in Texas, Massachusetts, and as President of the Evangelical Homiletics Society. In addition, he has written several preaching commentaries and he blogs regularly at In his other life, Dr. Kuruvilla is a Diplomat of the American Board of Dermatology, and he maintains an active clinical schedule seeing patients and taking care of their skin, hair, and nails. Single by choice, Abe has a special interest in the theology of Christ-centered singleness and celibacy.

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