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C .H. Spurgeon

C .H. Spurgeon
CHARLES H. SPURGEON (1834-1892) was known as England's most prominent preacher for most of the second half of the nineteenth century. He preached his first sermon at the age of 16, and by 22, he was the most popular preacher of his day, habitually addressing congregations of six to ten thousand. In addition, he was active in philanthropic work and evangelism. Spurgeon is the author of numerous books, including All of Grace, Finding Peace in Life’s Storms, The Anointed Life, and Praying Successfully.

C .H. Spurgeon's Books

  • Faith's Checkbook
  • All Of Grace
  • Moody Classics Complete Set
  • Good Tidings
  • Spurgeon Starter Pack
  • Sermon Classics by Great Preachers