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Ross Campbell

Ross Campbell

The late ROSS CAMPBELL, MD, was the author of the bestselling book How to Really Love Your Child, which has sold more than one million copies. He spent over 30 years as a clinical psychiatrist, concentrating on the parent-child relationship and later worked with the Ministering to Ministers Foundation, serving individual ministers, their families, and church organizations. Dr. Campbell was the co-author of The Five Love Languages of Children and Parenting Your Adult Child and author of Your New Life with Adult Children.

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Ken Canfield PH.D.

Ken Canfield PH.D.

KEN R. CANFIELD, Ph.D. (B.A., Friends University; M.C.S., University of British Columbia; Ph.D., Kansas State University) is founder of the National Center for Fathering, and served as NCF's president and CEO from 1990 through 2005. In January 2008, he accepted an appointment as Executive Director of the Boone Center for the Family at Pepperdine University. He is the author of The Heart of a Father and numerous other books including the award-winning 7 Secrets of Effective Fathers. Ken and his wife, Dee, have been married over 30 years and have five children and three grandchildren.

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Brenda Cannon

Brenda Cannon

BRENDA CANNON was born in Kansas City, Missouri in 1890. After teaching school for seven years in that city, she attended the Women’s Missionary Union Training School in Louisville, Kentucky. In 1919 she went to North Carolina to serve as secretary of a small mission school, which developed into a home for homeless children and continued to serve the young mountaineers of the area as a school. Except for two years spent as a field worker and young people’s leader in Oklahoma, Cannon remained in North Carolina, teaching school and doing community work. So when she wrote of mountaineers, she wrote understandingly of friends and neighbors. She died in North Carolina in 1965.

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Dave Carder

Dave Carder

DAVE CARDER serves as Pastor of Counseling Ministries at First Evangelical Free Church of Fullerton, CA. His specialty is Adultery Recovery and Prevention for which he has appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Network, Discovery Health, and The Learning Channel, has done training for the US Army and Navy, plus multiple tapings for The Tony Robbins Passion Project, Marriage Uncensored, 100 Huntley Street, Salvation Army Leadership Training, and the American Association of Christian Counselors. His interviews and articles have appeared in Ladies Home Journal, USA Today, The Counseling Connection, and various other magazines and journals. He is the author or co-author of Torn Asunder: Recovering from an Extramarital Affair, Close Calls: What Adulterers Want You to Know About Protecting Your Marriage, and Unlocking Your Family Patterns: Finding Freedom from a Hurtful Past. He holds the Michigan Limited License for Psychology and the California Marital and Family Therapy license, and has graduate degrees in Biblical Literature and Counseling Psychology. Dave and his wife, Ronnie, have been married 49 years, have four adult children, and eight grandchildren.

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Joseph S. Carroll

Joseph S. Carroll

JOSEPH S. CARROLL was the founder of the Evangelical Institute of Greenville South Carolina and served as Pastor and Senior Elder at the First Evangelical Church in Greenville. He traveled extensively throughout the Far East speaking to mission societies. In addition, he served as Pastor at the Tokyo Evangelical Church.

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Todd Cartmell

Todd Cartmell

TODD CARTMELL is a child psychologist who practices in Wheaton, Illinois. He received his doctorate from Fuller Theological Seminary and is the author of several parenting books, including 8 Simple Tools. His parenting workshops have been enjoyed by thousands of parents throughout the country. Visit Dr. Todd's website at and follow him on Facebook.

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Noel Castellanos

Noel Castellanos

NOEL CASTELLANOS has worked in full-time ministry in urban communities since 1982. He has served in youth ministry, church planting, and community development in San Francisco, San Jose, and Chicago. Noel is a highly sought after speaker, motivator, and mentor to young leaders throughout the USA, and has a deep passion to serve and invest in the lives of emerging leaders. After serving on the Board of the Christian Community Development Association for many years, he has established the new CCDA Institute, which is working to equip emerging church leaders in the philosophy of Christian Community Development, and currently serves as the CEO of CCDA. He and his wife, Marianne, have three children, and make their home in the barrio of La Villita in Chicago.

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Charles Causey

Charles Causey

CHARLES CAUSEY is a recipient of the Bronze Star for his military service in Iraq. He is the author of several books including Words and Deeds and Unbreakable: Forging a Marriage of Contentment and Delight. Married with four children, Charles graduated from the University of Colorado and holds several advanced degrees. He formerly served at the Pentagon as a senior army chaplain for the chief of chaplains in Washington, D.C., and is currently serving as a command chaplain in Honolulu, Hawaii. His website is

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Cynthia Cavanaugh

Cynthia Cavanaugh

CYNTHIA CAVANAUGH is an author, speaker, and leadership influencer. Her story of brokenness has propelled her to write, teach, and help others redeem their pain and heal through the pages of God's Word. She is an award-winning author of several books, and the upcoming Bible study The Godly Kings of Judah: Faithful Living for Lasting Infuence, an 8-week study about how to leave a legacy that endures (2022). Cynthia holds her MA in Leadership from Trinity Western University, where she is an adjunct professor in the Leadership degree program for international students. In addition to writing, coaching, and teaching, she is a freelance editor for new authors and is the host of the podcast, The Soul Anchor. Cynthia and her husband live in the Pacific Northwest where they enjoy bicycling and spending time with their grandkids. Connect with Cynthia at:

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Douglas M. Cecil

Douglas M. Cecil

DOUGLAS CECIL (B.A., University of Cincinnati; Th.M., and D.Min., Dallas Theological Seminary) currently serves as a life stages pastor at Christ Chapel Bible Church in Fort Worth, Texas. A certified chaplain with more than 25 years of experience, Cecil is also an ordained minister and a former officer in the U.S. Air Force. He served as an associate professor of pastoral ministries at Dallas Theological Seminary for 18 years and is a regular tour leader in Israel. Cecil’s interests include evangelism and pastoral care. The author of Seven Principles of an Evangelistic Life, Cecil resides in Fort Worth, Texas with his wife, Patty.

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John Cervone

John Cervone

JOHN C. CERVONE is the associate pastor at Stow Alliance Fellowship in Stow, Ohio, where his responsibilities include outreach, family ministries, and administration.

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Lewis Sperry Chafer

Lewis Sperry Chafer

LEWS SPERRY CHAFER—a renowned American theologian—was a writer, evangelistic singer, and cofounder of Dallas Theological Seminary where he served as the first president and professor of theology. He wrote hundreds of articles and many books, including Grace and Systematic Theology.

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Linda Chaikin

Linda Chaikin

LINDA LEE CHAIKIN has written over thirty top selling books, including The Silk House series and For Whom the Stars Shine, a finalist for the prestigious Christy Award. Two of her novels have been awarded the Silver Angel Award for excellence. Linda is a graduate of Multnomah Biblical Seminary in Portland, Oregon, and taught neighborhood Bible classes for many years. She and her husband make their home in Northern California where her favorite recreations are reading and taking vacations where the wind blows through lonely deserts and ghost towns.

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Kevan Chandler

Kevan Chandler

KEVAN CHANDLER is the founder of a nonprofit organization called We Carry Kevan, and speaks worldwide about friendship and disability. He and his wife, Katie, enjoy doing everything together, including growing vegetables and reading to each other.

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Colleen Chao

Colleen Chao

COLLEEN CHAO has written extensively about finding God's goodness in the unexpected chapters of her life, including singleness, chronic illness, and terminal cancer. She's worked as an editor and writer for global organizations, and an English teacher to some of her favorite people on earth—teenagers. When she's not wrangling words, she enjoys beautiful hikes, side-splitting laughter, and half-read books piled bedside. She makes her home just outside Boise, Idaho with her husband Eddie, their son Jeremy, and Willow the dog.

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Gary Chapman

Gary Chapman

GARY CHAPMAN, PhD–author, speaker, counselor–has a passion for people and for helping them form lasting relationships. He is the #1 bestselling author of The 5 Love Languages® series and director of Marriage and Family Life Consultants, Inc. Gary travels the world presenting seminars, and his radio programs air on more than 400 stations. For more information, visit his website at

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H.B. Charles, Jr.

H.B. Charles, Jr.

H.B. CHARLES, JR. Is the Pastor-Teacher at the Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist Church of Jacksonville, Florida, where he has served since the fall of 2008. He is primarily responsible for preaching-teaching, vision casting, and leadership development. Prior to coming to Shiloh, he led the Mt. Sinai Missionary Baptist Church of Los Angeles for almost eighteen years. Succeeding his late father, he began his pastorate at Mt. Sinai at the age of seventeen.H.B. Charles regularly speaks at churches, conferences, and conventions around the country. He has contributed to several books and journals, and is the author of It Happens After Prayer. H.B. and his wife Crystal have three children: H.B. III, Natalie, and Hailey.

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G. K.  Chesterton

G. K. Chesterton

GILBERT KEITH CHESTERTON (1874-1936) is the author of 100 books, including Orthodoxy and The Everlasting Man, which led young atheist C.S. Lewis to become a Christian. He is probably best known for his series about the priest-detective Father Brown and was also known as a poet and a playwright. In spite of his literary accomplishments, he primarily considered himself a journalist, writing over 4,000 newspaper essays for papers such as Illustrated London News and Daily News, as well as his own G. K.’s Weekly.

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Todd R. Chipman

Todd R. Chipman

TODD R. CHIPMAN (B.S. University of Nebraska; MA-BL, M.Div., PhD, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary) is assistant professor of Biblical Studies at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the author of ScriptureStoryline, a Biblical Theology commentary available at his website He and his wife have seven children and advocate for foster/adoption ministry.

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Pat Cimo

Pat Cimo

PAT CIMO has led a dynamic children's ministry and coached children ministry leaders domestically and internationally for nearly twenty-nine years. She is currently the director of Marriage and Family Life at Willow Creek Community Church in the suburbs of Chicago, and for many years this included direct leadership and oversight with Willow's Children's Ministry. She has a deep passion to own the game she most wants to win: influencing and developing champions of faith. Pat and her husband Dave live in the northwest suburbs of Chicago near their two married children and four grandchildren.

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Asheritah Ciuciu

Asheritah Ciuciu

ASHERITAH CIUCIU is a bestselling author, national speaker, and host of the Prayers of REST podcast. Asheritah is the author of many books, including Full, Prayers of Rest, and Unwrapping the Names of Jesus. A Romanian missionary kid, she's passionate about helping people around the world enjoy Jesus through creative spiritual habits. Asheritah is married to her high school sweetheart, and together they raise their three spunky kiddos in NE Ohio. Discover your creative devotional type at

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Marjorie A. Clark

Marjorie A. Clark

MARJORIE A. CLARK (1911-2003) was a Canadian stenographer and missionary in Africa. She also authored several books and later wrote for the Moody Institute of Science.

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Robert Clark

Robert Clark

ROBERT E. CLARK (Omaha Baptist Bible College; Wheaton College; Omaha University; University of Denver) served for 22 years as professor of Christian education at Moody Bible Institute, Chicago. He is now engaged in Christian education ministry at the local church level. He is the general editor of Childhood Education in the Church. Clark resides in Lakewood, Colorado.

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David E Clarke, PhD

David E Clarke, PhD

DAVID E. CLARKE, PH.D., is a Christian psychologist, speaker, and the author of fifteen books, including I Don't Want a Divorce, My Spouse Wants Out, and I Don't Love You Anymore. He is a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary and Western Conservative Baptist Seminary. He has been in private practice for more than thirty years, focusing on marriages in crisis. He and his blonde wife, Sandy, live in Tampa, Florida. They have four children and four grandchildren (so far; they have asked for more grandkids).

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Nathan Clarkson

Nathan Clarkson

NATHAN CLARKSON is an award-winning film and television actor, a bestselling author of numerous books, a hit indie filmmaker, and a podcast philosopher. Nathan lives between the lights of Los Angeles and the streets of New York City.

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Sally  Clarkson

Sally Clarkson

SALLY CLARKSON is a beloved and bestselling speaker, mentor, and author of over twenty books who has spent three decades encouraging and supporting Christian women. She hosts the popular podcast At Home With Sally, which inspires countless women around the world. She has been married to her husband, Clay, for over forty years with whom she raised four children. She lives between the mountains of Colorado and the cobblestone streets of Oxford, England.

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Karl Clauson

Karl Clauson

KARL CLAUSON is the host of Moody Radio's Karl and Crew, a nationally syndicated radio program, and is Lead Pastor of 180 Chicago Church. Karl and his bride, Junanne, have been married for 37 years and have two adult children.

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Amanda Cleary Eastep

Amanda Cleary Eastep

AMANDA CLEARY EASTEP is an award-winning children’s author and a book editor. She works in a cabin in the mountains of North Carolina, but she has lived most of her life in the suburbs of Chicago, the home of the Tree Street Kids. Amanda and her husband, together, have eight grown children and a border collie named Annie who wakes Amanda up early every morning to write.

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Brandon Clements

Brandon Clements

BRANDON CLEMENTS is pastor at Midtown Fellowship in Columbia, South Carolina. He has been married to his college sweetheart, Kristi, for nine years and they have three children: Sully, Jeremiah, and Isla. Brandon currently blogs at and has previously published a novel, Every Bush is Burning.

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Brett Clemmer

Brett Clemmer

BRETT CLEMMER (B.S. Tufts University) is Vice President of Man in the Mirror. He acts as emcee and has served as a special speaker for the Friday morning Man in the Mirror Bible Study. He is the co-author of No Man Left Behind. Brett and his wife, Kimberly, live in Casselberry, Florida and have two children.

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Josh Clemons

Josh Clemons

JOSH CLEMONS resides in Atlanta, GA along with his wife Lakisha and sons Langston Grant and Duke Ellington. He has built a reputation as a lover of God, builder of people, and a reconciler of cultures. Leading a racial reconciliation movement and serving as a professor, Josh shares his brilliance, wisdom, and practical instruction impacting audiences in both religious and secular communities. He is privileged to serve as the Executive Director for OneRace Movement, and is pursuing his Ph.D. at Fuller Theological Seminary.

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David Clotfelter

David Clotfelter

DAVID CLOTFELTER (M.A., Yale University; M.Div., Fuller Theological Seminary; Ph.D., Claremont Graduate University) is Senior Pastor of the Chinese Christian Alliance Church in Northridge, California, and has been involved exclusively in pastoral ministry to Chinese congregations for over 20 years. David is the author of Sinners in the Hands of a Good God: Reconciling Divine Judgment and Mercy. He and his wife, Lisa, have two children and reside in Northridge, California.

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William Henry Cloud

William Henry Cloud

DR. HENRY CLOUD (B.S., Southern Methodist University; Ph.D., Biola University) is a clinical psychologist, leadership consultant, best-selling author and communicator. He has written or co-authored more than 20 books, including the two million seller Boundaries, Integrity, 9 Things You Simply Must Do To Succeed in Love and Life, and, most recently, Necessary Endings. Dr. Cloud is the co-host of the nationally syndicated radio program New Life Live.

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James   Coakley

James Coakley

JAMES COAKLEY has taught Bible at Moody Bible Institute for over twenty years in both the Seminary and Undergraduate school. He is married to Gayle and has two adult children and three grandchildren. He is a frequent tour leader to Bible lands and a frequent guest on several Moody Radio programs. He contributed to the Moody Bible Commentary and the Moody Handbook of Messianic Prophecy.

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S Maxwell Coder

S Maxwell Coder

DR. S. MAXWELL CODER was a graduate of Temple University, Dallas Theological Seminary, and Bible Seminary of Los Angeles. After twenty-four years in various capacities at Moody Bible Institute, Dr. Coder was named dean of education emeritus.

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Aaron Coe

Aaron Coe

AARON COE serves as the Vice President of Mobilization and Marketing of the North American Mission Board, providing leadership in mobilizing churches and missionaries to plant churches.Aaron, a native of Louisville, KY., served from 2003 to 2010 as a church planting missionary where he worked with New Hope New York, an organization that planted 38 churches in the years after 9/11. From this experience, he became the lead pastor/church planter at Gallery Church in 2006. He also has played a role in raising leaders, partners and resources for many new churches, including the Gallery Church.In 2009, he became executive director of “SendNYC,” the impetus for what has become Send North America – NAMB’s church planting initiative.Aaron has a Bachelor of Science from Middle Tennessee State University and a Master of Divinity and Master of Theology from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Carmen, have four children, Ezra James, Danielle, Joshua, and Harper.

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Gary Cohen

Gary Cohen

GARY G. COHEN represented Moody Bible Institute from coast to coast as a regular speaker for twenty years, 1974-1995, in annual regional Moody Prophecy Conferences and is author of Hosea and Amos Everyman's Bible Commentary.

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C. Donald Cole

C. Donald Cole

C. DONALD COLE served as a host and commentator on Moody Radio’s Open Line for 26 years before retiring in 2008. He previously served on the faculty at Emmaus Bible College and as a missionary in Angola with his wife, Naomi. Pastor Cole is the author of a number of books, including How to Know You’re Saved and All You Need to Believe: The Apostle’s Creed. Pastor and Mrs. Cole live in Carol Stream, Illinois.

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R. Dandridge Collins, PhD

R. Dandridge Collins, PhD

R. DANDRIDGE COLLINS (B.S., Eastern University; M.Div., Palmer Theological Seminary; Ph.D., Temple University) is currently the proprietor of the Pastoral Counseling Network. He is a licensed psychologist with 25 years of behavioral health experience in diverse settings with premier hospitals, residential care, and community mental health facilities. Dr. Collins was previously the executive director and chief operating officer of the Center for Innovative Family Achievements, Inc., in Trenton, New Jersey. He is author of Taunt Your Trauma and The Trauma Zone. He lives in eastern Pennsylvania with his wife and daughter.

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Maggie Combs

Maggie Combs

MAGGIE COMBS is a wife, mom of three busy boys, writer, and speaker. When motherhood overwhelmed her, God drew her closer to Himself through the writing of her first book, Unsupermommy: Release Expectations, Embrace Imperfection, and Connect to God's Superpower. You may have seen her before at The Gospel Coalition, Risen Motherhood, Revive Our Hearts True Woman Blog, The Journeywomen Podcast, and more.

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Ben Connelly

Ben Connelly

BEN CONNELLY is a pastor, author, equipper, and occasional professor. He is honored to serve everyday disciples, ministry leaders, and church planters across the world through The Equipping Group, and to help lead Salt+Light Community and Plant Fort Worth, TX. Ben has written or contributed to several books, workbooks, articles, and publications, has overseen church planting efforts for multiple organizations, and has also taught university and seminary classes. He and Jess have three children and at times host short-term foster kids too. Learn more at, or @connellyben on various social media platforms.

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Deanna Conrad

Deanna Conrad

DEANNA CONRAD studied both education and special education at Indiana University in Bloomington. Now her classroom is right in her own house—where she homeschools her five energetic boys. Deanna also teaches at the local community college and in her local homeschool co-op. All of her writing is fully tested among the large audience of students she engages. Home remains in Bloomington where she enjoys her community of family and friends, and on occasion sleeping out under the stars.

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Robert A. Cook

Robert A. Cook

ROBERT A. COOK was chancellor of the King's College, Briarcliff Manor, New York. He conducted a radio ministry at the King's College and served as president of the National Religious Broadcasters Association.c.1977

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Cliff Coon

Cliff Coon

CLIFF COON (1934-2005) was a research chemist holding sixteen patents. He published many scientific and apologetic articles in the course of his career, most of which was spent with Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, California. He is the author of The Mending String. Cliff spent many years actively involved with his church and community, including serving as a deacon and teaching Bible studies. He was married to Lucille and had six children.

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Craig Allen Cooper

Craig Allen Cooper

CRAIG ALLEN COOPER is a USA Today bestselling author and keynote speaker. He cowrote the book Glad You’re Here with Grammy-nominated country singer-songwriter Walker Hayes. Glad You’re Here instantly became a Publishers Weekly, ECPA, and USA Today national bestseller and has been featured on The Today Show, People magazine, Family Life Radio, and more. Craig served as one of the founding pastors of Redeeming Grace Church in Franklin, Tennessee, and is the founder of Glad You’re Here Ministries. He resides in the greater Nashville area with his lovely wife, Laura, and their four kids. You can follow Craig on Instagram @craigallencooper and learn more at

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Jed Coppenger

Jed Coppenger

JED COPPENGER is the lead pastor of First Baptist Church Cumming, GA. He earned his MDiv from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and his PhD from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the author of 21 Days to Childlike Prayer: Changing Your World One Specific Prayer at a Time. He and his wife, Melanie, have three kids. Connect with him at

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Henry W. Coray

Henry W. Coray

HENRY W. CORAY was born and reared in West Pittston, PA, in the heart of the anthracite region. He attended Wheaton College, and Princeton and Westminster Theological Seminaries. Following his three years in the pastorate in West Pittston, he spent one term as a missionary in Manchuria. The First Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Long Beach, CA, has also been one of Coray’s places of service.

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Steve Corbett

Steve Corbett

STEVE CORBETT is the Community Development Specialist for the Chalmers Center at Covenant College and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics and Community Development at Covenant College.

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Matthew Cork

Matthew Cork

MATTHEW CORK has served in a number of key roles over his many years at Friends Church, including: WorshipPastor, Executive Pastor and the position he currently holds, Lead Pastor. Matthew’s focus since 2003 has been on therenewal of Friends Church. He has a strong pastor’s heart that has led him to be a key part of transitioning a church incrisis. On a trip to India in 2007, Matthew saw firsthand the plight of the Dalit people and the impact education canhave on improving their lives. Since then, Friends Church has launched a new vision called Global Freedom and hasbeen instrumental in building a large number of Education Centers throughout India. Matthew lives in Yorba Lindawith his wife Mardi and their three children: Nolan, Sophie and Ella.

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Steven Cory

Steven Cory

STEVEN CORY is a former academic editor for Moody Publishers. He is co-author of the pamphlet Comparing Christianity with World Religions.

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Chris M. Coursey

Chris M. Coursey

CHRIS COURSEY is an ordained minister, pastoral counselor, published author, and international speaker. He and his wife, Jen, lead and design the THRIVE Training Program that uses brain-based exercises to train leaders, families, and communities in the 19 relational skills and the Immanuel Lifestyle. They are passionate about helping people acquire the skills to make relationships work. Chris and Jen have two boys, Matthew and Andrew.

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Brittany Cragg

Brittany Cragg

BRITTANY CRAGG has been editing and authoring marriage curriculum as the Director of Content for Grace Marriage since 2015. She has a degree in English Literature from Wheaton College and a law degree from Emory University, where she won the Golden Pen Award for excellence in legal editing. She has worked as an editor at Christianity Today in the preaching resources department and for investment firms in Chicago and Dallas. Brittany and her husband, Mark, have been married for over eleven years and live with their three children in Prosper, Texas.

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William Lane   Craig

William Lane Craig

WILLIAM LANE CRAIG is a Research Professor of Philosophy at Talbot School of Theology in La Mirada, California. He earned a doctorate in philosophy at the University of Birmingham, England, and a doctorate in theology from the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen, Germany, where he was for two years a Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung. Prior to his appointment at Talbot he spent seven years at the Higher Institute of Philosophy of the Katholike Universiteit Leuven, Belgium. He has authored or edited over forty books, including The Kalam Cosmological Argument; Assessing the New Testament Evidence for the Historicity of the Resurrection of Jesus; Divine Foreknowledge and Human Freedom; Theism, Atheism, and Big Bang Cosmology and God, Time, and Eternity, as well as over 150 articles in professional publications of philosophy and theology, including The Journal of Philosophy, New Testament Studies, Journal for the Study of the New Testament, American Philosophical Quarterly, Philosophical Studies, Philosophy, and British Journal for Philosophy of Science. His website is

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Dustin Crowe

Dustin Crowe

DUSTIN CROWE (BA Moody Bible Institute; MA Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) serves as the discipleship pastor at Stones Crossing Church, just outside Indianapolis, IN. He has written two books (with another forthcoming from Moody Publishers in 2025) and has written for websites such as The Gospel Coalition, Gospel-Centered Discipleship, and Christianity Today. Dustin and his wife have two young kids. You can follow his blog or find him on Twitter or Instagram (@indycrowe) and Facebook (Dustin Crowe).

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Sarah Cunningham

Sarah Cunningham

SARAH CUNNINGHAM is an idea junkie who blogs about extraordinary friendships in a sometimes too ordinary world. She and her husband, Chuck, live in southern Michigan, where they serve as chief servants to the Emperor Justus, her 3 year old son and his newly-appointed chief of staff, the 5-month old, Malachi. She has authored three other books, does freelance event and communications work and attends a Wesleyan church plant that meets at her city's YMCA.

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William A. Cutts

William A. Cutts

William Cutts Hazi talk! That's what the Moni people of Irian Jaya, Indonesia, call the Chrsitian message. It is the gospel that Bill and Gracie Cutts spent a lifetime proclaiming as missionaries of The Christian and Missionary Alliance. Suffering from congenital deformities, Bill had every excuse inoti to become a missionary in the rugged interior of Irian Jaya. But instead he and Gracie carried on a ministry that was truly apostolic--accompainied by miracles and divine providence.

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