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John MacArthur

John MacArthur

JOHN MACARTHUR is the pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California; president of The Master's College and Seminary; and featured teacher for the Grace to You media ministry. Weekly telecasts and daily radio broadcasts of "Grace to You" are seen and heard by millions worldwide. John has also written several bestselling books, including The MacArthur Study Bible, The Gospel According to Jesus, The New Testament Commentary series, Twelve Ordinary Men, and The Truth War. He and his wife, Patricia, have four married children and fifteen grandchildren.

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Joel Malm

Joel Malm

JOEL MALM is an entrepreneur, dreamer and adventurer who loves to help people pursue their God-given dreams. As founder of Summit Leaders he takes people on outdoor expeditions around the world to places like Mt. Kilimanjaro, Grand Canyon and Machu Picchu. He has traveled in over sixty-five countries on six continents and speaks three languages. He and his wife Emily live in Texas.Learn more at and

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Jonathan Malm

Jonathan Malm

JONATHAN MALM is an author, speaker, and creative entrepreneur. While working full-time at his church as creative director, he created multiple resources to help the Church be more effective at creativity. He now runs these projects full-time and consults with churches and creative directors to make their ministries more successful. Jonathan lives with his wife Carolina in San Antonio, Texas.

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Barnabas Mam

Barnabas Mam

BARNABAS MAM has been AFCI’s Regional Director for Asia since 2007 and is one of only 200 Christians to survive the Killing Fields of Pol Pot. He joined the Communist party as a teenager and was converted to Christ while spying on a Christian evangelistic meeting in the early 1970's. He was later arrested and sent to the Killing Fields where he spent four years in captivity. After his release Barnabas was forced to flee the country where he spent another eight years in a refugee camp in Thailand where he began the ministry of church-planting. After returning to Cambodia, Barnabas helped rebuild the church in his native land, and over 400 churches have been planted since 1998.

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Jessica Manfre

Jessica Manfre

JESSICA MANFRE is a licensed social worker, author, and Chief Financial Officer of the nonprofit, Inspire Up. She holds a Master of Social Work degree from the University of Central Florida and a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Northwestern State University. Jessica is the proud wife of a U.S. Coast Guardsman, Scott, and mama to their two children, Anthony and Raegan. She is passionate about creating a kinder and more generous world—one that Jesus prayed and gave His life for.

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Matt Markins

Matt Markins

MATT MARKINS serves as the President and CEO of Awana, a global leader in child discipleship. As a researcher in child discipleship and children’s ministry, Matt has commissioned eleven research projects since 2013, including a study conducted by Barna Group called Children’s Ministry in a New Reality. He’s a board member at large for the National Association of Evangelicals and is the author or coauthor of four books, most notably The Faith of Our Children: Eight Timely Research Insights for Discipling the Next Generation and RESILIENT: Child Discipleship and the Fearless Future of the Church. He’s also the cofounder of the Child Discipleship Forum and D6 Conference. Matt and his wife, Katie, have been involved in children’s ministry for more than 25 years and spend their time in Nashville with their two sons. For more information go to and

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Louis Markos

Louis Markos

LOUIS MARKOS, is a professor in English and Scholar in Residence at Houston Baptist University and holds the Robert H. Ray Chair in Humanities. Dr. Markos is a respected and widly requested speaker on C. S. Lewis, Tolkien, and Christian worldview as well as the arts, education, the new age, apologetics and, ancient Greece and Rome. He is the author of several books and numerous lectures and articles. Dr. Markos lives in Houston, Texas, with his wife Donna, his son Alex, and his daughter Stacey.

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D. J. Marotta

D. J. Marotta

D. J. MAROTTA is a priest in the Anglican Church in North America and the founding Rector of Redeemer Anglican Church in Richmond, Virginia. His wife is gracious and his children are clever.

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Glenna Marshall

Glenna Marshall

GLENNA MARSHALL is a pastor's wife and mother of two energetic sons. She is the author of The Promise Is His Presence and Everyday Faithfulness. She writes regularly at on biblical literacy, suffering, and the faithfulness of God. She is a member of Grace Bible Fellowship in Sikeston, Missouri.

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Maxine Marsolini

Maxine Marsolini

MAXINE MARSOLINI is a free-lance writer, author, poet, pastor’s wife and homemaker. Maxine, author of Raising Children in Blended Families: Helpful Insights, Expert Opinions, True Stories and Blended Families: Creating Harmony as You Build a New Home Life, writes from what she calls “wisdom born of pain” through the difficult soil of a blended home. She and her husband Charlie, reside in the state of Oregon where they serve in ministry together working with couples who are struggling with relationship and financial issues. Maxine and Charlie have seven children in their blended family.

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Alfred Martin

Alfred Martin

ALFRED MARTIN (B.A., Washington College; Th.M., Th.D., Dallas Theological Seminary) is author of a number of books including The Holy Spirit: Investigation of the Personality, Deity, and Ministries of the Holy Spirit, Isaiah for the Everyday Bible Commentary series, and Not My Own: A Biblical Perspective on the Stewardship of Life. Throughout his career, he served as vice-president and dean of education at Moody Bible Institute and as professor at Dallas Bible College. He is now at home with His Lord.

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Chris Martin

Chris Martin

CHRIS MARTIN is editor of and a content marketing editor at Moody Publishers. You can follow him on Twitter at @ChrisMartin17

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Rob Martin

Rob Martin

ROB MARTIN has been involved in Christian ministry since his conversion in 1976. He first served as the editor of a Christian publication and then for six years with the Orange County Rescue Mission, Orange County, CA, before becoming General Manager of Fieldstead & Company, a private philanthropy of Howard and Robert Ahmanson. He later served as Executive Director of First Fruit, Inc. and has been with this organization in a full time capacity since 2009, serving ministries and colleague foundations as a coach on a variety of organizational issues. Rob was educated as a journalist, and spent his formative career years in newspaper work. He and his wife, Bev, have raised three daughters and reside at Useless Bay on Whidbey Island, WA.

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Eric    Mason

Eric Mason

DR. ERIC MASON is the founder and pastor of Epiphany Fellowship in Philadelphia, PA. He and his wife, Yvette, have four children. After more than two decades of gospel ministry, Dr. Mason has become known for his passion to see the glory of Jesus Christ robustly and relevantly engaged in broken cities with the comprehensive gospel. He helps coach and train families to plant churches locally, nationally, and internationally. He is the founder and president of Thriving, an urban resource organization committed to developing leaders for ministry in the urban context, and is the author of three books, Manhood Restored, Beat God to the Punch, and Unleashed. He is the recipient of multiple earned degrees, including a BS in Psychology from Bowie State University, a Master of Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary, and a Doctoral degree from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.

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Kelley Mathews

Kelley Mathews

KELLEY MATHEWS (B.A., Louisiana State University; Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminary) is a freelance writer and copy editor. She is co-author of Leading Women Who Wound with Sue Edwards. Kelley, her husband, John, and their two children reside in the Dallas area.

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John W. Mauck, JD

John W. Mauck, JD

JOHN MAUCK, an attorney for 30 years, is a founding partner at Mauck & Baker, LLC in Chicago. He is an Allied Attorney with Alliance Defending Freedom and was a board member of Christian Legal Society. John received his B.A. from Yale and his Juris Doctor from the University of Chicago. He and his wife of 40 years have four adult children and are active church members. John also wrote Paul on Trial: The Book of Acts as a Defense of Christianity, which was a finalist for the Evangelical Book of the Year.

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Jeremy Maxfield

Jeremy Maxfield

JEREMY MAXFIELD is a writer and consultant. After graduating from The University of Georgia and Beeson Divinity School, he began developing content for leaders and organizations throughout the country. He has also served in local churches, including his role as Discipleship Pastor at Brainerd Baptist in Chattanooga, TN. Jeremy and his wife, Amanda, have three daughters, Adalyn, Ella, and Katy Jane.

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L. E. Maxwell

L. E. Maxwell

L.E. MAXWELL founded Prairie Bible Institute in Three Hills, Alberta, Canada, in 1922. In his fifty-seven years of service with the school, he held many titles, including professor, principal, and president. A prolific author, he wrote many including Women in Ministry, Born Crucified, and Crowded to Christ. He is now at home with his Lord.

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Gary Mayes

Gary Mayes

GARY MAYES is a former pastor of Faith Community Church in Santa Ana, California. He has also served as consultant and trainer with SonLife Ministries. He is co-author of the book Economic Evangelist: Helping People to Become Financially Literate!, How to Trust God, and Growing a Healthy Church. He and his wife, Margaret, have two children and reside in Santa Ana, California.

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Richard Mayhue

Richard Mayhue

DR. RICHARD MAYHUE is the Executive VP and Dean and Professor of Theology and Pastoral Ministries of The Master’s Seminary. Before attending seminary, Dr. Mayhue served with the United States Navy from 1966 to 1971, including a tour of duty in Vietnam. Dr. Mayhue joined the faculty of The Master's Seminary in 1989 and was appointed as Dean of the Seminary in 1990. From 2000 to 2008, Dr. Mayhue also served in the role of Provost at The Master's College. Dr. Mayhue has authored, contributed to, and/or edited more than 25 books, including How To Study The Bible, Seeking God, Unmasking Satan, The Healing Promise, What Would Jesus Say About Your Church?, and Practicing Proverbs, plus numerous periodical and journal articles. Dick has been married to his gracious wife, "B", for over 42 years, and they have two children plus two grandsons. Dick enjoys gardening, model railroading (N scale), stamp collecting (USA), and grandfathering when he takes brief breaks from ministry.

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Jim McBride

Jim McBride

JIM MCBRIDE joined the staff of Sherwood Baptist Church in 2000 and has served as the executive pastor overseeing operations, church staff, finances and Men's Ministry since 2003. He is an executive producer of the films released by Sherwood Pictures, including Courageous, Fireproof, Facing the Giants, and Flywheel. Jim has also worked for Coca-Cola fifteen years and served in the U. S. Marine Corps for six years. Jim and his wife, Sheila, have been married for 28 years. They have four children, Victoria, Buddy, Tommy, and Sarah.

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September A. McCarthy

September A. McCarthy

As a homeschooling mom to ten children, SEPTEMBER MCCARTHY has encouraged and equipped families across the country on the Mom to Mom Podcast, the Dear Mom Podcast, at national conferences, and in her book Why Motherhood Matters. She can be found directing a large hybrid homeschool program, and creating homeschooling resources for her business, September and Co. September loves spending time with her grandchildren and ministering to all demographics of women in her community and around the world.

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Joy McClain

Joy McClain

JOY MCCLAIN Through song writing, publishing (over 150 short stories, Bible studies and articles), teaching, counseling and public speaking Joy passionately helps women understand their redemptive position in Christ. Joy has a unique call, marrying what women desire to express to words that give them a voice in which to do so. Married for 26 years, 20 of which involved a battle against her husband Mark's alcoholism, she and Mark have four children and live in Greenwood, Indiana. To learn more, visit

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Scott McClellan

Scott McClellan

SCOTT MCCLELLAN is the Communications Pastor at Irving Bible Church and an active voice in the conversation about church communication, creativity, and technology. Scott lives with his wife and two young daughters in the Dallas area where they are involved with Tapestry, a ministry to adoptive and foster families.

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Kate McCord

Kate McCord

KATE MCCORD worked in Afghanistan for nine years after the fall of the Taliban. During her years in country, she worked as a humanitarian aid worker, delivering projects to benefit the people of Afghanistan. She also learned the local language and developed deep and lasting friendships with local Afghans. After evacuating from her home in Afghanistan, Ms. McCord transitioned into a mentoring, training, consulting and coaching role to other workers serving in the region. Prior to moving to Afghanistan, Ms. McCord worked in the international corporate community as a business process and strategy consultant.Currently, she serves Christ through writing, speaking, mentoring, and conducting workshops and seminars. She is the author of In the Land of Blue Burqas and Farewell Four Waters, both published by Moody Publishers.

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Carolyn McCulley

Carolyn McCulley

CAROLYN McCULLEY is the author of Radical Womanhood and Did I Kiss Marriage Goodbye? She is also a contributor to the book, Sex and the Supremacy of Christ from John Piper, and to Focus on the Family's Boundless webzine. For ten years, she served as the media specialist for Sovereign Grace Ministries in Gaithersburg, Maryland. Currently, she is a blogger (Radical Womanhood), a frequent women's ministry speaker, and a filmmaker with the documentary company, Citygate Films. She lives in Maryland, where she is a member of Covenant Life Church.

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Josh McDowell

Josh McDowell

JOSH MCDOWELL As a young man, Josh McDowell considered himself an agnostic. He truly believed that Christianity was worthless. However, when challenged to intellectually examine the claims of Christianity, Josh discovered compelling, overwhelming evidence for the reliability of the Christian faith. In 1961 Josh joined the staff of Campus Crusade for Christ International. Not long after, he started the Josh McDowell Ministry to reach young people worldwide with the truth and love of Jesus.

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Joe S. McIlhaney, Jr., MD

Joe S. McIlhaney, Jr., MD

JOE S. MCILHANEY JR., M.D., is a board-certified obstetrician/gynecologist. In 2001, Dr. McIlhaney was appointed to the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS. He also serves on the Advisory Committee to the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Dr. McIlhaney has co-authored over six books including Hooked: The Brain Science on How Casual Sex Affects Human Development, and 1001 Health-Care Questions Women Ask. Dr. McIlhaney resides in Austin, Texas with his wife, Marion.

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Rebecca McLaughlin

Rebecca McLaughlin

REBECCA MCLAUGHLIN holds a PhD in Renaissance Literature from Cambridge University and a theology degree from Oak Hill College in London. Her first book, Confronting Christianity: 12 Hard Questions for the World’s Largest Religion, was named book of the year by Christianity Today. Her subsequent books include Exploring the Earliest Gospel, The Secular Creed: Engaging 5 Contemporary Claims, 10 Questions Every Teen Should Ask (and Answer) about Christianity, and Is Christmas Unbelievable?: Four Questions Everyone Should Ask about the World’s Most Famous Story. She lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts with her husband, three children, and church family.

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Robertson McQuilkin

Robertson McQuilkin

ROBERTSON McQUILKIN served as the third president of Columbia International University from 1968 to 1990 and currently serves as the president emeritus. He resigned from the presidency to care for his wife, Muriel, who had reached the stage of Alzheimer’s disease in which she needed full-time care. Prior to coming president of CIU, McQuilkin served as headmaster of Ben Lippen School, then for 12 years as a missionary in Japan. McQuilkin’s writings have appeared in numerous journals and periodicals. Among the books he has published are Understanding and Applying the Bible, Five Smooth Stones, Life in the Spirit, A Promise Kept, An Introduction to Biblical Ethics, and The Great Omission. In 2003 McQuilkin married Deborah Jones Sink. Between them, Robertson and Deborah have nine children.

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Andy McQuitty

Andy McQuitty

DR. MCQUITTY spent his high school years in Paris, Texas where his father served as Senior Minister of a Presbyterian church. Andy is husband to Alice and father to Julie, Elizabeth, Bonnie, Jonathan and Jeffrey. And most recently, grandpa to Drew and Madeline.Andy is an avid reader, tennis court rat, golfer, and writer; but his favorite pastime is spent with his family.He is a graduate of Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois and of Dallas Theological Seminary in Dallas, Texas. Andy earned his Doctor of Ministry degree from Dallas Theological Seminary in 1997, receiving the C. Sumner Wemp Award in personal evangelism as well as the John G. Mitchell Award for outstanding scholarship and effectiveness in ministry.Andy has served as a youth pastor in Washington State, and as Associate Pastor of a Bible Church in Garland, Texas. He has faithfully served as Sr. Pastor to Irving Bible Church since 1987.

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Margaret McSweeney

Margaret McSweeney

MARGARET McSWEENEY lives with her husband, David, and two teenage daughters in the Chicago suburbs. After earning a master’s degree in international business from the University of South Carolina, Margaret moved to New York City to work at a large bank where she met David. Margaret is the editor of Pearl Girls, author of A Mother’s Heart Knows and co-author of Go Back and Be Happy. Charity and community involvement are very important to Margaret. She has served on the board of directors for WINGS (Women in Need Growing Stronger) for over six years.

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Candy McVicar

Candy McVicar

CANDY MCVICAR is an author, educator, speaker, and devoted advocate for parents who experience the loss of a baby or child. After the stillbirth of her daughter Grace in 2001, she committed to enhance the care bereaved families receive while in the hospital, to facilitate healing holistically, and to optimize outcomes for subsequent pregnancies. Candy is the founder of the Missing GRACE Foundation, a national nonprofit that provides support, resources, and education for families and professional care providers when there is loss of a baby, infertility, or adoption challenges. Find out more about Candy at

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James T. Meeks

James T. Meeks

REVEREND JAMES T. MEEKS (B.A., Bishop College) is the founder and senior pastor of Salem Baptist Church in Chicago’s Roseland community. With over 20,000 members, Salem is the largest African American church in Illinois and one of the fastest growing in the nation. He also serves as the joint chairman for the Illinois Legislative Black Caucus and as an Illinois State Senator for the 15th Legislative District. Rev. Meeks is the author of How to get Out of Debt and Into Praise and Life-Changing Relationships. He and his wife, Jamell, reside in Chicago and are the proud parents of four children.

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Aaron Menikoff

Aaron Menikoff

AARON MENIKOFF is the Senior Pastor of Mount Vernon Baptist Church in Atlanta, GA. Before entering pastoral ministry, he served as a legislative assistant for the late United States Senator Mark O. Hatfield. He earned an M.Div. and a Ph.D. at Southern Seminary where he studied Christian social engagement during the Second Great Awakening. He is the author of Politics and Piety: Baptist Social Reform in America, 1770-1860 (Pickwick, 2014). Aaron has a heart for encouraging pastors. He organizes a yearly conference called Feed My Sheep, leads a monthly pastors fellowship in his area, and is Visiting Lecturer in Church History at Reformed Theological Seminary in Atlanta. He is married to Deana and is the father of Rachel, Jonah, Natalie, and Tori.

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Gil Mertz

Gil Mertz

GIL MERTZ is Assistant to the President at the Family Research Council in Washington, D.C. He has been involved with full-time Christian service for nearly forty years and draws from a vast background of ministry with international missions, humanitarian causes, public policy, and consulting. He is a former pastor and radio talk show host. His daily commentaries on forgiveness have been broadcast on more than 300 stations across America. Gil and his wife Patricia reside in southern California and have three children and three grandchildren.

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F. B. Meyer

F. B. Meyer

F. B. MEYER (1847-1929) was an internationally known British minister of the Gospel, a public servant, and an evangelist for more than sixty years. A good friend of D. L. Moody, he began preaching at Christ Church in London, when there were only 100 regular attendees. Within two years he was preaching regularly to over 2,000 people. Charles Spurgeon once spoke of him, saying "Meyer preaches as a man who has seen God face to face." Meyer was also active in the temperance movement, worked to close more than 500 houses of prostitution, and formed a prison aid society. Meyer authored more than 40 books, including biographies, devotional commentaries, sermon volumes and expository works. He also authored several pamphlets and edited a number of magazines.

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Jen Mickelborough

Jen Mickelborough

JEN MICKELBOROUGH is a British artist, creating from her garden studio in Sheffield, England. Her work resonates with color as she explores the beauty of nature and everyday wonder. Jen has been married to her husband Fran for 18 years and they have two children. For more information, visit

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Felicia Middlebrooks

Felicia Middlebrooks

FELICIA MIDDLEBROOKS (B.A., Purdue University) is one of the top media personalities in Chicago, anchoring the award-winning Morning Drive program on CBS Radio/WBBM Newsradio 780. She is the first woman and first African American to co-anchor Morning Drive. She is co-author of Called: "Hello, My Name is Mrs. Jefferson, I Understand Your Plane is Being Hijacked?" She also contributed to Our Voices. Felicia lives in Chicago, Illinois.

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Manny Mill

Manny Mill

MANNY MILL is chief executive officer of Koinonia House® National Ministries (KHNM)m whose mission is to bridge the gap between the Christian inmate and the local church. For almost 25 years, KHNM has been facilitating the integration of the former inmate into the church, workplace, and society through biblical discipleship. Manny graduated from Wheaton College (B.A., M.A.) and has been privileged to proclaim the Gospel in churches, schools, conferences, and especially behind prison walls in the United States and abroad. The father of five adult children and grandfather of six, Manny resides with his wife, Barbara, in Wheaton, IL.

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Donna J. Miller

Donna J. Miller

DONNA MILLER is the author of Growing Little Women: Capturing Teachable Moments with Your Daughter. Her husband, Don, is senior pastor of Westover Church in Greensboro, North Carolina, where Donna enjoys using her gift of hospitality to encourage its people. Donna further encourages mothers to mentor their daughters by leading seminars. Donna, Don, and their two daughters live in Greensboro, NC.

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Stephen Miller

Stephen Miller

STEPHEN MILLER is a pastor and artist who strives to enlarge people’s view of God with the truth of Scripture, and artfully provide a vocabulary to express thankfulness and praise. He is a passionate advocate for the local church and he travels all over the world to preach and lead worship. Stephen is the author of Worship Leaders, We Are Not Rock Stars and his latest album, Liberating King, is now available.

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Steve Miller

Steve Miller

STEVE MILLER, author of C.H. Spurgeon on Spiritual Leadership, has worked in Christian publishing for 20 years as an editor and writer. He is co-author of several books including D. L. Moody on Spiritual Leadership, and has written five children’s books with his wife, Becky. Steve has served as a Bible teacher and in various leadership positions since 1980, twelve years of which was spent leading the deaf ministry for John MacArthur’s Grace Community Church. Steve and Becky reside in Oregon’s Willamette Valley with their three sons.

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Al Mohler

Al Mohler

R. ALBERT MOHLER, JR. is the ninth president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, the flagship school of the Southern Baptist Convention and one of the largest seminaries in the world. Considered a leader among American evangelicals by Time and Christianity Today magazines, Dr. Mohler hosts two programs: "The Briefing," a daily analysis of news and events from a Christian worldview; and "Thinking in Public," a series of conversations with the day's leading thinkers. He also writes a popular blog and a regular commentary on moral, cultural and theological issues. Mohler is author of numerous books including He Is Not Silent: Preaching in a Postmodern World, The Conviction to Lead: 25 Principles for Leadership That Matters, and The Prayer That Turns the World Upside Down: The Lord's Prayer as a Manifesto for Revolution, and has also appeared on such national news programs as CNN, Larry King Live, NBC, Today Show, and Dateline NBC. He and his wife Mary, reside in Louisville, Kentucky and have two children.

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Andrew Montonera

Andrew Montonera

ANDREW MONTONERA is the great-grandson of Cornelius Stam, younger brother to John Stam. He holds a BA in communication from Trinity International University and resides in suburban Chicago.

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Dwight L. Moody

Dwight L. Moody

DWIGHT L. MOODY (1837-1899) was a highly acclaimed late 19th century evangelist. He founded the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago in 1886 and the Bible Institute Colportage Association, now Moody Publishers, in 1894. From training women, to reaching out to lost children, to bridging the gap between denominations, D.L. Moody was unlike any other. He is author of a number of books including Christ in You, Heaven, Men God Challenged, and Spiritual Power. His life is also chronicled in A Passion for Souls: The Life of D.L. Moody by Lyle Dorsett. He and his wife, Emma, had three children.

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Derrick C. Moore

Derrick C. Moore

DERRICK MOORE is a former NFL athlete who played for the Detroit Lions, Carolina Panthers, and Arizona Cardinals following his successful college football career. Since his retirement from the NFL in 1998 he has been in demand as a motivational speaker for professional teams, civic groups, churches, and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. He is on staff with FCA, serving as the chaplain of the football program at Georgia Tech. Derrick is the author of The Great Adventure and the general editor for the Strength and Honor Bible. He and his wife, Stephanie, a Christian fiction novelist, live in greater Atlanta area with their two daughters.

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R. York Moore

R. York Moore

R. YORK MOORE is a speaker, revivalist, abolitionist, and Tiktoker (york.moore), currently serving as President, CEO & National Evangelist for the Coalition for Christian Outreach. He is the co-founder of the EveryCampus movement, a coalition of organizations and churches seeking God for revival. He is the author of several books, including Seen. Known. Loved.

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Ron  Moore

Ron Moore

RONALD MOORE serves as Senior Pastor of The Bible Chapel, a multisite church with 4,000 people meeting at four campuses throughout the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area. Before joining Back to the Bible, Ron's teaching was heard each week day on a national program called The Journey. Ron earned a Master of Theology (Th.M.) and a Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) degree from Dallas Theological Seminary. He also holds a masters degree in education from Texas A&M. He has written several books including Journey Through the Bible, Journey Through the Psalms, Journey Through the Gospels and Ignite. He and his wife, Lori, have been married since 1980 and have four adult children.

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Stephanie Perry Moore

Stephanie Perry Moore

STEPHANIE PERRY MOORE is the author of many Young Adult Christian fiction titles, including the Payton Skky series, the Laurel Shadrach series, the Perry Skky Jr. series, the Faith Thomas Novelzine series, the Carmen Browne series, and the Beta Gamma Pi series. She is also the co-editor for the impactful BibleZine, REAL. Mrs. Moore speaks with young people across the country, showing them how they can live life fully and do it God's way. Stephanie currently lives in the greater Atlanta area with her husband, Derrick, a former NFL player and author, and their three children. Visit her website at

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J. P. Moreland

J. P. Moreland

J.P. MORELAND (B.S. University of Missouri, Th.M. Dallas Theological Seminary, M. A. University of California-Riverside, and Ph.D. University of Southern California) is the Professor of Philosophy at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University in La Mirada, California. He has co-planted three churches and he and his wife Hope attend Vineyard Anaheim church and are deeply committed to the body of believers there.

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Patrick Morley

Patrick Morley

PATRICK MORLEY founded Man in the Mirror in 1991, a ministry that has helped 35,000 churches impact the lives of twelve million men worldwide. Their vision is "for every church to disciple every man". He is the author of Man in the Mirror which was selected as one of the hundred most influential Christian books of the twentieth century. Patrick has written twenty books, 750 articles, has appeared on several hundred radio and television programs, and has a daily one minute radio program on 700 stations. He graduated from the University of Central Florida as well as Reformed Theological Seminary. He has earned a Ph.D. in management, completed through postgraduate studies at the Harvard Business School and Oxford University. He lives in Winter Park, Florida, with his wife, Patsy. His ministry websites are and

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Charles Morris

Charles Morris

CHARLES and JANET MORRIS At the turn of the new millennium Charles and Janet Morris packed up and moved to California, leaving behind the dream home they built at the base of Pikes Peak in the Colorado Rockies. They had been asking the Lord to use their communication skills in a front line way for the kingdom when the phone rang and Charles was called to become the fourth speaker on an 80-year-old Christian radio program based in Los Angeles. Charles had journalistic experience on radio, TV, and with UPI, but no file drawer full of sermons. So with a background in Bible teaching and leading women’s retreats, Janet joined her husband in helping write the daily messages. HAVEN Today airs on 600 stations with 500,000 listeners. Together Charles and Janet have co-authored two other books, Jesus in the Midst of Success and Saving a Life. Their prayer is that Living a Life that's All About Jesus will convey the same life-changing message Charles shares on the radio and that daily changes their own lives … “it’s all about Jesus”. Charles and Janet have three children and three grandchildren.

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Gilbert Morris

Gilbert Morris

GILBERT MORRIS wrote numerous novels for both adults and young people. After teaching high school, pastoring several Southern Baptist churches, and chairing the English department at Ouachita Baptist University, Gilbert retired to write and publish full-time. He wrote over 100 novels, including the Bonnets and Bugles and Seven Sleepers series for youth. He lived in Gulf Shores, Alabama, with his wife, Johnnie.

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Henry Morris

Henry Morris

DR. HENRY M. MORRIS (1918-2006) (B.S. Rice University; M.S., Ph.D. University of Minnesota) is widely recognized as the founder of the modern creation science movement. For many years he was the president of the Institute for Creation Research, San Diego, California. Dr. Morris wrote extensively on creation science and evolution, producing definitive works such as Some Call It Science, Biblical Creationism, Science and the Bible Scientific Creationism, and The Biblical Basis for Modern Science. In 1963, Dr. Morris and nine other creationists founded the Creation Research Society. At the age of 87 and after a full life devoted to the defense of the gospel, Dr. Morris entered into the joy of the Lord in 2006.

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Jena Morrow

Jena Morrow

JENA MORROW chronicles her journey with an eating disorder in her debut book, Hollow (May 2010). She studied music education at North Central College in Naperville, Illinois, and currently makes her home in Crest Hill, Illinois with her son. For more information, visit

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Jonathan Morrow

Jonathan Morrow

JONATHAN MORROW (D.Min., M.Div., M.A.) is the author of Welcome to College and Think Christianly and coauthor of Is God Just a Human Invention? He also contributed to the Apologetics Study Bible for Students. Jonathan is director of creative strategies for Impact 360 Institute where he teaches in the college “Gap Year” program and high school summer Immersion experience. As the founder of Think Christianly Jonathan speaks nationally on worldview, apologetics, and culture and is passionate about seeing a new generation of Christ-followers understand what they believe, why they believe it, and why it matters in life. His books have been featured on shows like Family Life Today, Stand to Reason, Breakpoint, WAY-FM, Frank Pastore, The Janet Mefferd Show, and Apologetics 315. He and his wife have been married for 13 years and have three children. Connect with him at

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Bill Mowry

Bill Mowry

BILL MOWRY (M.A., Ohio State University) has a passion for creating ministry cultures where relational disciplemaking is the norm. Bill and wife Peggy serve on staff with The Navigators Church Ministries in Columbus, Ohio. Both are avid "yardeners" and Peggy is a certified Master Gardener. Bill and Peggy have two adult children, two special grandchildren, and a coon hound named Ginger. They live on "Above and Beyond Acres" where they want to create a little place of beauty in a fallen world where people can reflect on the goodness of God. Bill is a published author in culture building, evangelism, and disciplemaking. You can contact Bill at his website:

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George Mueller

George Mueller

GEORGE MUELLER (1805-1898), evangelist and philanthropist in England, was a man of prayer and strong faith who depended wholly on God for his temporal and spiritual needs. During his time serving as pastor at a church in Bristol, England, his famous work with the orphans began when two young children were thrown upon the church's care. Mueller resolved never to tell anyone what his needs were. He told them to God and confidently expected them to be met. Over his life, he handled more than $8 million, although his own worldly possessions were valued at about $800 at his death. He is author of the book Answers to Prayer.

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Jasmine Mullen

Jasmine Mullen

JASMINE MULLEN is a writer and singer from Nashville, TN, and she was born to musical parents. Her mom is singer Nicole C. (Mullen) and her dad is a songwriter named David Mullen. She credits her love of words to their influence. Most of the time, Jasmine is writing songs or touring with her band, The New Respects, which she created with Zandy Mowry and Darius Fitzgerald. When she’s not creating music, she’s usually writing a story or daydreaming one up. Her hobbies include eating too much pizza, playing with her nieces and nephews, and laughing till she cries with her dearest and closest people.

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Art Murphy

Art Murphy

ART MURPHY (B.S. Union University; M.Ed Memphis State University) is the founder of Children's Ministry Solutions, a ministry to parents, churches, and children’s ministry leaders. Art has served 30+ years as a children's ministry pastor, author, speaker, and consultant, including seventeen years at First Baptist Church, Orlando, Florida. He also served as president of Preschool/Children Ministers Metro, leading over sixty of the largest churches in the U.S. He is author of the book The Faith of a Child: A Step-by-Step Guide to Salvation for Your Child. For more information visit

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Andrew Murray

Andrew Murray

ANDREW MURRAY (1828-1917) was a church leader, evangelist, and missionary statesman. As a young man, Murray wanted to be a minister, but it was a career choice rather than an act of faith. Not until he had finished his general studies and begun his theological training in the Netherlands, did he experience a conversion of heart. Sixty years of ministry in the Dutch Reformed Church of South Africa, more than 200 books and tracts on Christian spirituality and ministry, extensive social work, and the founding of educational institutions were some of the outward signs of the inward grace that Murray experienced by continually casting himself on Christ. A few of his books include The True Vine, Absolute Surrender, The School of Obedience, Waiting on God, and The Prayer Life.

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Joe Musser

Joe Musser

JOE MUSSER is author of more than 30 books, including Joni and Cereal Tycoon: Harry Parsons Crowell, Founder of the Quaker Oats Co. He is an award-winning film producer/director, has written a number of screenplays, and is president of Blackhawk Broadcasting and Quadrus Media.

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Maina Mwaura

Maina Mwaura

MAINA MWAURA is a freelance writer and journalist who has interviewed over 500 influential leaders, including two US Presidents, three Vice-Presidents, and a variety of others. He has learned what it takes to not only lead well, but to mentor well. Maina and his family attend High Point Church in the Kennesaw, Georgia area.

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Janet Mylin

Janet Mylin

JANET MYLIN is passionate about helping women and girls live boldly in Christ. Alongside Dannah Gresh, Janet is a lead teacher with Pure Freedom Ministries. She’s written three books, including Just Call Me Kate, part of a fiction series for tween girls. Janet is a worship leader and teacher in her local church community in central PA.

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Harold Myra

Harold Myra

HAROLD MYRA served as the CEO of Christianity Today International for 32 years. Under his leadership, the organization grew from one magazine to a communications company with a dozen magazines, copublished books, and a major Internet ministry. Myra started his journalistic career with "Youth for Christ" magazine, which under his leadership became "Campus Life" magazine. Author of five novels, numerous children's and nonfiction books, and hundreds of magazine articles, Myra has taught writing and publishing at the Wheaton College Graduate School in Illinois. He holds honorary doctorates from several colleges, including Biola University in California and Gordon College in Massachusetts. Myra has received various awards, among them the prestigious Magazine Publisher's Award and the James Deforest Murch Award from the National Association of Evangelicals. The Evangelical Press Association presented him with its highest honor, the Joseph T. Bayly Award, for his triple career as an editor, author, and publishing executive. Harold and his wife, Jeanette, are the parents of six children and grandparents of five. They reside in Wheaton, Illinois.

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