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Rene Pache

Rene Pache

DR. RENE PACHE, was reared in a Christian home under the guidance of a deeply spiritual mother (his father died when the boy was ten years old). He received his doctor's degree in law at Lausanne, Switzerland. By that time he was an out-and-out unbeliever. As a lawyer he joined the business staff of the big chemical works (CIBA) at Basle, Switzerland. It was there, at the age of 24, that he was converted through reading a Bible he had purchased. He would eventually become one of the founders of the Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship in Switzerland and France. His important works include The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit and The Return of Jesus Christ.

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Margaret D. Pagan

Margaret D. Pagan

MARGARET PAGAN received an A.B. in English from Morgan State University and studied writing at Johns Hopkins University. Her first published work appeared in Essence magazine, and she continued to publish many freelance articles, for the most part, dealing with African American history and genealogy. After accepting Jesus Christ as her Savior she studied at Baltimore School of the Bible, and she began to desire to write on things that glorify Christ. After writing an entry on the life of Katherine Ferguson, a pioneer in the Sunday School movement, for a biographical encyclopedia, Margaret went on to write her first work of historical fiction, More Than a Slave: The Life of Katherine Ferguson. Margaret is the wife of Carl E. Pagan, pastor of Urban Bible Fellowship Church and resides in Baltimore, Maryland.

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Chris Pappalardo

Chris Pappalardo

CHRIS PAPPALARDO, PhD, is the author and cofounder of GoodKind, the makers of Advent Blocks, an organization that helps people cultivate the good kind of habits and holiday celebrations. Chris is a pastor, editor, and writer at The Summit Church in the Raleigh-Durham, NC area. He is married to Jenn and is the proud dad of Lottie (who wants to save the planet) and Teddy (who wants you to read him another book).

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J. S. Park

J. S. Park

J. S. PARK, (BA Psychology, Univ. South Florida; MDiv, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary) is a hospital chaplain, viral blogger, and teaching pastor. As an interfaith chaplain at a large hospital in Tampa, he provides grief counseling and assists with end-of-life care. He also serves as a community care chaplain at Metropolitan Ministries, one of the largest nonprofit charities on the east coast, which serves the homeless in Tampa. He loves to play the drums and guitar, and has a sixth-degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do. He lives in Tampa, FL with his wife, Juliette, a nurse practitioner.

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Marv Parker

Marv Parker

Marv Parker an ordained minister, is the writer/producer of many innovative missions education, leadership training and disciple-making resources. He currently serves as Director of Church Health for the South Atlantic District of The Christian and Missionary Alliance.

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Johnny C. Parker, Jr

Johnny C. Parker, Jr

DR. JOHNNY PARKER is a certified Christian counselor and leadership coach. For over 10 years he conducted marriage conferences with FamilyLife Ministries. He also led Building Lasting Relationships seminars at McLean Bible Church for a number of years. Currently he serves as a chaplain for the Washington Redskins and speaks for Iron Sharpens Iron, the Man in the Mirror, NFL, and NBA teams. Dr. Parker holds a B.A. in Biblical Studies from Washington Bible College and a M.A. in Counseling Psychology from Bowie State University. He is also a member of the American Association of Christian Counselors. Dr. Parker is married to his best friend, Lezlyn, and they have three sons. The Parkers reside in the Washington, DC area.

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Catherine Parks

Catherine Parks

CATHERINE PARKS is the author of several books, including two middle grade biography collections, Strong and Empowered. She also serves as an acquisitions editor for Moody Publishers. Catherine and her husband, Erik, live outside of Nashville, TN, with their children, Sophie and Micah. In her free time, she loves hiking, playing volleyball, and serving on her church's worship team.

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Ele Parrott

Ele Parrott

ELE PARROT, a Biblical Counselor by profession, is the Director of Member Care for the Paraclete Mission Group. She worked as a missionary in the Latin community with OCI for 12 years, has worked in women’s and children’s ministry in her local church and has also been involved in Christian Camping ministry. She continues to lead Bible studies and is the head Mentor Mom at Sun Valley Community Church in Gilbert, Arizona. In addition to Transforming Together, Ele has authored a Spanish-language musical, El Futboles es mi Vida as well as Spanish materials for use in Christian homes and Sunday School classes.

Ele Parrot and her husband of 35 years, Don, the President and CEO of Finishers Project, have four grown children and three grandchildren.

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Roger Parrott

Roger Parrott

DR. ROGER PARROTT is one of America's most experienced presidents, leading Belhaven University, a doctoral-level institution, highly regarded as one of the 36 schools in the world working at the highest level of collegiate Arts programs. Behhaven was named in 2021 as "Best University to Work For" by the Chronicle of Higher Education, and Roger was recognized as one of "The 10 Most Visionary Education Leaders of 2021" by Education Magazine. For a quarter-century, he served in board leadership roles with Lausanne Movement and The Mission America Coalition and was chairman of the 2004 Forum for World Evangelization. He is the author of The Longview: Lasting Strategies for Rising Leaders.

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Janet Parshall

Janet Parshall

JANET PARSHALL is a graduate of Carroll College in Wisconsin. She has been consistently profiled as one of the top 100 "talkers" in Talkers magazine, the leading trade publication of the talk industry. Throughout her career, Janet has been a devoted advocate of the principles and policies that strengthen the family. In February 2005, Parshall was selected by President George W. Bush to represent the White House as public delegate to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women. Janet is a columnist for LIFE: Beautiful magazine and the author of several books. She and her husband, Craig, live in Virginia, and have four children and six grandchildren.

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Andy Partington

Andy Partington

ANDY PARTINGTON leads the work of Novō Communities and Novō Adventures. Novō Communities’ vision is to bring new life to individuals, peace to families, and hope to communities gripped by addiction by empowering local teams in developing nations to create transformational communities that offer healing, wholeness, and hope. Andy has served as Director of Training at London School of Theology, in local church leadership in the UK and Bolivia, and as CEO of Yeldall Manor, an addiction treatment center in the southeast of England. Andy is married to Michaela and the proud father of Daniel, Jemimah, Phoebe, JJ, and Miah. To learn more about Novo, visit and

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Dan Paterson

Dan Paterson

DAN PATERSON is a Christian thinker and the founder of Questioning Christianity, a ministry connecting the Christian story to life's deepest questions. With a personal background of wrestling through the problem of evil, he has earned several university qualifications in Theology and Apologetics in Australia and Oxford, fueled by a passion to help others process their doubts and discover the relevance and reasonableness of faith in Jesus. Speaking regularly to audiences around Australia and beyond, Dan is based in Brisbane, where together with his wife, Erin, their favorite job is raising three boys.

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Byron Paulus

Byron Paulus

BYRON PAULUS serve as Executive Director of Life Action Ministries, the largest organization in North America dedicated solely to the mission of revival. For more than four decades he has inspired thousands of believers to seek the Lord for widespread spiritual awakening through his writing, speaking, and leadership roles. Life Action Ministries focuses on igniting movements of authentic Christianity and is the parent organization of One Cry, Revive Our Hearts with Nancy Leigh DeMoss, and a variety of additional Life Action outreaches. The One Cry movement was birthed in Byron's heart, and he currently provides strategic leadership to this expanding initiative. The One Cry prayer summit, hosted by Moody Radio on the National Day of Prayer, has been used of God to lead others in praying for another great awakening in our nation. Byron and his wife Sue live in Niles, Michigan and have three children and twelve grandchildren. To learn more about his personal revival journey, visit

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Maggie Paulus

Maggie Paulus

MAGGIE PAULUS is a beauty seeker. She looks for God each day not only in His Word, but in creation, in her family, in the pain of life, in the humdrum—at the kitchen sink—everywhere. Maggie lives in Buchanan, MI, with her bearded husband, three precocious children, and one cat. When Maggie's not capturing life in words and photos, you'll find her digging in the dirt, deep-fat-frying anything within reach, prank calling, and garage sale-ing. Maggie loves God and people, and wants to love them more.

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Ruth Paxson

Ruth Paxson

RUTH PAXSON (1889-1949) was Bible teacher, missionary, and author. Born in Manchester, Iowa, she graduated from the State University of Iowa and then attended Chicago’s Moody Bible Institute. She served as YWCA secretary for Iowa and eventually traveled as secretary for the Student Volunteer Movement. In 1911, Ruth sailed for the mission field in China, sponsored by the YWCA. Health concerns forced her to leave China soon thereafter and she then taught Bible in Europe and the United States until her death. She is author of several books, including Life on the Highest Plane and Caleb the Overcomer.

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Jonathan Pearson

Jonathan Pearson

JONATHAN PEARSON is the Orangeburg Campus Pastor at Cornerstone Community Church and Assistant Director of The Sticks, an organization that empowers small town leaders. Jonathan is also co-host of the Next Up Podcast and author of Next Up: 8 Shifts Great Young Leaders Make and The Productive Pastor Handbook. He is married to Melissa and has a son named Riley. They live in Orangeburg, S.C. Find Jonathan online at

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Arlene Pellicane

Arlene Pellicane

ARLENE PELLICANE is a speaker, host of the Happy Home podcast, and author of several books including Parents Rising, Making Marriage Easier, and Screen Kids (coauthored with Dr. Gary Chapman). Arlene has been featured on popular media outlets including The Today Show, Fox & Friends, Focus on the Family, FamilyLife Today, The 700 Club, and the Wall Street Journal. She is the spokesperson for National Marriage Week and has been happily married to her husband, James, for more than 25 years. Arlene earned her BA from Biola University and her master’s in journalism from Regent University. Arlene inspires parents to raise children who are ready for life (not just playing video games). As an advocate of delaying smartphones and social media, her three children are living a revolutionary digital life and thriving. Arlene lives with her family in San Diego. To learn more, visit

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John Perkins

John Perkins

DR. JOHN M. PERKINS is the founder and president emeritus of the John and Vera Mae Perkins Foundation and co-founder of Christian Community Development Association. He has served in advisory roles under five U.S. presidents, is one of the leading evangelical voices to come out of the American civil rights movement, and is an author and international speaker on issues of reconciliation, leadership, and community development. For his tireless work he has received 14 honorary doctorates from universities including: Virginia University of Lynchburg, Wheaton College, Gordon College, Huntington College, Geneva College, Spring Arbor University, North Park College, and Belhaven College. In 2004 he partnered with Seattle Pacific University to launch the campus-based John Perkins Center for Reconciliation, Leadership Training, and Community Development.

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Lloyd Perry

Lloyd Perry

LLOYD M. PERRY (B.A. Gordon College; B.D., Gordon Divinity School; M.A., Columbia University; Th.D., Northern Baptist Theological Seminary; Ph.D. Northwestern University; D.Min., McCormick Seminary) was the director of the Doctor of Ministry program at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. His numerous books include Getting the Church on Target and Biblical Preaching for Today's World.

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Gerald W. Peterman

Gerald W. Peterman

GERALD PETERMAN is Professor of Bible and Director of Biblical and Theological Studies at Moody Bible Institute. Before coming to Moody he taught at Palm Beach Atlantic College in West Palm Beach, FL, spent 4 1/2 years doing church planting for the Evangelical Free Church in central Florida and in south central Iowa, and also served eight years in the Air National Guard as a Chaplain. Peterman also serves part-time at his local church. For Moody Publishers he has written Joy and Tears: The Emotional Life of the Christian (2013) and Between Pain and Grace: A Biblical Theology of Suffering with Dr. Andrew Schmutzer. Research interests include New Testament Greek Language and Exegesis, Greek and Roman Background to the New Testament, and Biblical Theology. Gerald has been married to Marjory since January 1984, with two adult daughters, Bethany and Grace.

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Arlene Peters

Arlene Peters

ARLENE PETERS married her husband David in 1966. They did their first three overseas missions terms together in Columbia between 1970- 1986. They then spent two terms in Brazil between 1987-1996. The Lord moved them to Mexico from 1997-2006 and then to Canada in 2006 where they have been since. David and Arlene have a daughter and son who both have their own families.

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David Peters

David Peters

DAVID PETERS married his wife Arlene in 1966. they did their first three overseas missions terms together in Columbia between 1970- 1986. They then spent two terms in Brazil between 1987-1996. The Lord moved them to Mexico from 1997-2006 and then to Canada in 2006 where they have been since. David and Arlene have a daughter and son who both have their own families.

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George W. Peters

George W. Peters

GEORGE W. PETERS (Th.B., B.A., Tabor College; B.D., St. Andrew's College; B.A., University of Saskatchewan; Ph.D., Hartford Seminary Foundation, Kennedy School of Missions) was professor of world missions at Dallas Theological Seminary for many years. Dr. Peters has been listed in Who's Who in American Education and has written several books including A Biblical Theology of Missions.

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Erik M. Peterson

Erik M. Peterson

ERIK M. PETERSON has been a designer and art director of book covers and interiors for over twenty years. From time to time he works on other types of design projects but always come back to books. More recently he’s worked on large-scale visual storytelling projects such as Little Pilgrim’s Progress: Illustrated Edition (in collaboration with illustrator Joe Sutphin) and The Pursuit of God: A 31-Day Experience (a thoughtful, illustrative layout of A. W. Tozer’s classic work, designed for slow, meditative reading).

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Charles Pfeiffer

Charles Pfeiffer

CHARLES F. PFEIFFER (Moody Bible Institute; B.A., Temple University; B.D., Reformed Episcopal Theological Seminary; Th.M., Chicago Lutheran Theological Seminary; Ph.D., Dropsie College) was professor of ancient literatures at Central Michigan University. He also studied at the University of Chicago's Oriental Institute and New York University. He served on the faculties of Gordon Divinity School, King's College, Lancaster School of the Bible, and Moody Bible Institute. Dr. Pfeiffer, as author, co-author, or editor, participated in the production of many works including Hebrews for the Everyman’s Bible Commentary Series, The Wycliffe Bible Commentary, and The Wycliffe Bible Encyclopedia.

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John Phillips

John Phillips

JOHN L. PHILLIPS is currently a Bible conference speaker through the Moody Bible Institute Extension Department. He was born in Great Britain, where he received much of his Bible teaching under the instruction of Stephen Olford. He spent two years in Israel during the last years of the Moody Bible Institute Correspondence School. He later served as director of the Emmaus Correspondence School. He is author of many books including 100 Sermon Outlines and Exploring Genesis.

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Jolene Philo

Jolene Philo

JOLENE PHILO grew up in a caregiving family and raised a son with medical special needs. As a teacher, she created an inclusive classroom for children with disabilities for 25 years. She's authored several books, including Every Child Welcome: A Ministry Handbook for Including Kids with Special Needs and Sharing Love Abundantly with Special Needs Families: The Five Love Languages® for Parents Raising Children with Disabilities. She hosts the award winning blog, Jolene and her husband live in a multigenerational family in Iowa with her daughter, son-in-law and their two young children.

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Robert E. Picirilli

Robert E. Picirilli

ROBERT E. PICIRILLI is the former Academic Dean of the Graduate School at Free Will Baptist Bible College in Nashville. He began teaching in 1955. He is a member of the Research Commission of the American Association of Bible Colleges and served twice as chairman of the southeastern section of the Evangelical Theological Society. Dr. Picirilli is the author of a number of books including Paul The Apostle, The Book of Romans, and Time and Order in the Circumstantial Participles of Mark and Luke. Dr. Picirilli and his wife, Clara, have five daughters, all married.

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Nate Pickowicz

Nate Pickowicz

NATE PICKOWICZ (BA, Muhlenberg College; MA, Trinity Theological Seminary) is the teaching pastor of Harvest Bible Church in Gilmanton Iron Works, New Hampshire. He is the author and editor of more than a dozen books, including Why We're Protestant, The American Puritans, How to Eat Your Bible, and Christ & Creed. Additionally, he has written for several publications, such as Tabletalk magazine. He and his wife, Jess, have three children.

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Vermon Pierre

Vermon Pierre

VERMON PIERRE (BA, Princeton University; MDiv, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) is the lead pastor at Roosevelt Community Church, a diverse multiethnic congregation in downtown Phoenix, Arizona. He is the author of Gospel Shaped Living and a contributor to The New City Catechism Devotional, 15 Things Seminary Couldn't Teach Me, and Revisiting 'Faithful Presence': To Change the World Five Years Later. He and his wife, Dennae, live in downtown Phoenix and have five children.

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Jeanette Hagen Pifer

Jeanette Hagen Pifer

JEANETTE HAGEN PIFER (B.A., Biola University, M.A. Talbot School of Theology, Ph.D., University of Durham) is Professor of New Testament at Biola University, where she has taught since 2016. Her focus in research and teaching is on the New Testament, especially the Pauline literature. She has served in a variety of ministry capacities including evangelistic and humanitarian work with orphans in the former Soviet Union, and helping to facilitate theological and ministry training around the world. Jeanette has been married to Nick since 2017. Together they enjoy long walks on the beach, summer road trips, and drumming up spontaneous adventure whenever they can.

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Arthur W. Pink

Arthur W. Pink

ARTHUR W. PINK (1886-1952) was born in Nottingham, England, became a follower of Jesus at age 22 and left England in 1910 to study at Moody Bible Institute. He had a handful of short term pastorates in Colorado, California, Kentucky, and South Carolina, as well as in Australia. He is author of a great number of books including The Ability of God, Gleanings in Exodus, and The Nature of God.

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Lorraine  Pintus

Lorraine Pintus

LORRAINE PINTUS graduated from the University of Nebraska with a BA in journalism and dabbled briefly in politics as a lobbyist and press manager for a gubernatorial candidate. She has been a media relations manager for Frito-Lay/PepsiCo., Inc. and with her husband owned an IBM store before becoming a promotion manager for the University of California, Irvine. Lorraine now proudly serves as "vice president" of the Pintus Household where she is wife to Peter and driver to her teenage daughters Mandy & Megan. In her spare time, she writes books and travels all around the world with her dear friend and co-author of Intimate Issues, Linda Dillow. Lorraine and Linda speak to tens of thousands of women each year, telling them of the hope and healing they can know through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

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Whitney K. Pipkin

Whitney K. Pipkin

WHITNEY K. PIPKIN lives with her husband, three children, and a dog named Honeybun in Northern Virginia, where where she works as a journalist. She has worked as a journalist for over 13 years, with articles appearing in The Washington Post, National Geographic and NPR alongside her regular work at the Chesapeake Bay Journal. She also has written for Christian publications such as The Gospel Coalition, The ERLC and Gospel-Centered Discipleship and serves as the Written Content Coordinator for the ministry Women & Work. She loves studying the Bible with her local church and reading on Sunday afternoons while her kids play (quietly?) nearby. You can find her on social media @whitneykpipkin and sign up for her newsletter at

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Janet Pope

Janet Pope

JANET POPE is a 2012 graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary with a Masters in Theology. Teaching the Bible is her passion, and her distinct speaking ministry inspires others to run to God’s Word first. Her solid foundation comes from memorizing entire books of the Bible—15 books and counting. Janet and her husband Ethan live in Dallas, Texas.

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Randy Pope

Randy Pope

RANDY POPE is the Lead Teacher and Directional Leader of Perimeter Church in Duluth, Georgia, a church devoted to reaching the unchurched of North Atlanta and the world. Pope is a graduate of the University of Alabama and Reformed Theological Seminary. His vision and commitment to make and train disciples is known throughout the Christian community. He is the founder of Atlanta Seminary and Perimeter Christian Schools and recently established Life-On-Life Ministries, where he continues to train church leaders both in the United States and throughout the world. Randy is the author of three books: The Intentional Church (previously released as The Prevailing Church), Finding Your Million Dollar Mate, and The Answer. Randy and his wife, Carol, have four children and live in Alpharetta, Georgia.

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Emma Moody Powell

Emma Moody Powell

EMMA MOODY POWELL was born in Northfield, Massachusetts on December 16, 1895. She was the daughter of A.P. Fitt (who was an author and the personal secretary of D.L. Moody) and Emma Moody Fitt (D.L. Moody’s only daughter). She grew up in Massachusetts, and at the age of twenty-one she married Edward Merriam Powell. Emma Moody Powell is best known for the biography she wrote on the life of her grandmother Emma Charlotte Revell, the wife of D.L. Moody.

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Ramon Presson

Ramon Presson

RAMON PRESSON, PhD, a licensed marriage & family therapist, has been in practice for 30 years and is the founder of LifeChange Counseling and Marriage Center of Franklin. He is a newspaper columnist; and with a dozen books in print he is the most published practicing therapist in Tennessee. He is a charter member of the American Association of Christian Counselors. From 1989 to 2004 Presson served as an assistant pastor in large churches in North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, and Tennessee. Ramon has had the unique privilege to serve on staff with and later co-author several books with Dr. Gary Chapman. He is currently co-authoring the teen edition of When Will My Life Not Suck? Authentic Hope for the Disillusioned with his 17-year-old son, Cameron. Ramon and his wife, Dorne, have been married for 28 years, have two sons, and live outside Nashville. He can be reached at

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Walter Price

Walter Price

WALTER K. PRICE (BS, University of Kentucky; MA, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) has pastored multiple congregations and authored many books including Next Year in Jerusalem, The Coming Antichrist, In the Final Days, and The Prophet Joel and the Day of the Lord.

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Derek J. Prime

Derek J. Prime

DEREK PRIME was born and brought up in London, where he received his secondary education at Westminster City School. National Service immediately followed for eighteen months, during which time he was attached as an army teacher to the Royal Scots Greys in Germany. Upon demobilisation he went to Emmanuel College, Cambridge, where he studied history and then theology. For the next three years he taught at a London Grammar School, prior to his ordination to become pastor of Lansdowne Evangelical Free Church in West Norwood in south London. After twelve years at Lansdowne he was called to Charlotte Chapel in Edinburgh where he was pastor for eighteen years. He then devoted himself to writing and an itinerant ministry. During this time, sadly, within a few years of one another, both his younger daughter and his wife died of cancer. However, he was greatly blessed in having his other daughter and older son in Edinburgh and second son in London, giving him the joy of eight grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren, an ever-growing family!

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Ray Pritchard

Ray Pritchard

RAY PRITCHARD serves as the president of Keep Believing Ministries. He is a graduate of Tennessee Temple University (B.A.), Dallas Theological Seminary (Th.M.) and Talbot School of Theology (D.Min.). Ministering extensively overseas, speaking at conferences, and appearing on Christian radio and television talk shows, Dr. Pritchard focuses on evangelism and encouragement to spread the hope of Jesus Christ through all the world. For 27 years he pastored churches in Los Angeles, Dallas and Chicago, and most recently served at Calvary Memorial Church in Oak Park, Illinois. Dr. Pritchard is the author of 27 books, including An Anchor for the Soul, Stealth Attack, Names of the Holy Spirit, and Credo. Ray and his wife, Marlene, have three sons.

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Austin Pryor

Austin Pryor

AUSTIN PRYOR is a native of Louisville, Kentucky, and graduated from the University of Kentucky where he received a B.S. degree in Banking and Finance in 1967. Pryor founded his own investment management firm, Forum Investment Counselors, in 1978 where he saw his average client account more than triple in value during its first five years of operations. He is an American financial writer, speaker, and radio personality whose work focuses on investment counseling from an evangelical Christian point of view. In 1990 he founded the Sound Mind Investing newsletter to help Christians apply biblical financial and investing principles in specific ways to their personal situations. His written articles appear regularly on as well as the Crosswalk, Christian Broadcasting Network, and Crown Financial Ministries websites.Pryor has been married to his wife, Susie, for 50 years; they have three grown children and ten grandchildren.

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