25 eBooks for 2025
Walk in faith in 2025 with these encouraging eBooks, only $2.99 January 13 and 14!
8 Habits for Growth
Learn the eight habits that lead to long-term growth when you build them into your life.
Memorizing Scripture
You will be transformed as the Bible takes root in your heart. You can do this!
How to Resurrect a Dead Prayer Life
The battle for prayer—transforming drudgery into joy and life-giving intimacy with God.
Practicing the Present
Escape the tyranny of urgency and anxiety and learn to live fully present.
The 7 Resolutions
Seven agreements to make with God that will overthrow old patterns and bring real change.
You Can Trust God to Write Your Story
explores biblical and modern-day stories of God's providence at work and teaches you how to trust God more.
Abiding Dependence
Forty days of meditations—a deep plunge into the beauty and richness of the Gospels.
The Good News We Almost Forgot
Explore the Heidelberg Catechism; for new and mature believers.
The 4 Habits of Joy-Filled People
Exercises and tools you can put into practice immediately. Joy is possible.
On Waiting Well
Discover how waiting can be an invitation to encounter the faithfulness of God
Humble Roots
Explores the missing virtue in our pursuit of peace, calling us to true creaturehood.
Toward a More Perfect Faith
These Philippians 3 sermons usher us into a deeper life of maturity in Jesus Christ.
Never Shaken
No matter what befalls us, we can live with the hope and courage of Jesus Christ.
All Who Are Weary
If you're craving soul rest, join Hauser in bringing your heavy burdens to Jesus.
The Simplest Way to Change the World
Explores principles and creative practices for the lost art of Christian hospitality.
Letting God Be Enough
Let the story of Moses help you move from nagging self-doubt to confident trust in God.
Just Do Something
A book on how to find and do God's will without having to decode a special so called hinden call.
My Lowest for His Highest
Discover the hope of persevering in the love and power of Jesus.
Fear and Faith
Meet the God who replaces fear with faith through these Scriptures and stories.
Made for His Pleasure
Identifies ten Biblical benchmarks for living a life that is pleasing to God.
This Light of Mine
This book empowers us to light up the darkness by living like Jesus in a non-Jesus world.