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Christian Fiction for Youth

Kids, teens, and emerging adults

These books for kids, teens, and emerging adults will engage young minds and imaginations, teaching them Christian principles along the way. Don’t miss the popular Sugar Creek Gang series.

Finally Sure

Finally Sure

Laurel's decision to pursue a Christian life causes her to reevaluate her relationships.
Paperback $7.99
The Spell of the Crystal Chair

The Spell of the Crystal Chair

The Dark Lord is busy, so Goel is sending the Seven Sleepers to spoil his plans.
Paperback $7.99
Right Thing

Right Thing

Morgan learns that when she disobeys she lets down not just her parents, but God too.
Paperback $6.99
No Fear

No Fear

Morgan is worried and afraid. Her mommy tells her about heaven and the good news of God.
Paperback $6.99
Speak Up

Speak Up

Morgan discovers that Alec, the new kid, is bullying her cousin and kids at school.
Paperback $6.99
Something Special

Something Special

At VBS, Morgan learns that God made each person the way they are for a reason.
Paperback $6.99
Golden Spirit

Golden Spirit

As Carmen learns hard life lessons, she begins to develop her own golden spirit.
Paperback $6.99
Sweet Honesty

Sweet Honesty

Carmen is bored and conspires against her parents to spend time at the mall without them.
Paperback $6.99
True Friends

True Friends

Moving to a new city, Carmen learns that finding new friends and fitting in is not easy.
Paperback $6.99
The Soldier Boy's Discovery

The Soldier Boy's Discovery

Two close families who find themselves on different sides of the Civil War. Book 4 of 10.
eBook $6.99
Staying Pure

Staying Pure

Peyton is content to not sleep with her boyfriend but begins to doubt her resolve.
eBook $5.99
The Strange Creatures of Dr. Korbo

The Strange Creatures of Dr. Korbo

The Seven Sleepers have seen strange animals before, but nothing like this.
Paperback $5.99
The Temptations of Pleasure Island

The Temptations of Pleasure Island

The Seven Sleepers take a much-needed vacation and encounter adventure instead.
Paperback $5.99
The Victims of Nimbo

The Victims of Nimbo

Sarah and Abbey try to help the Cloud people but can't see trouble is coming.
Paperback $5.99
The Terrible Beast of Zor

The Terrible Beast of Zor

Lost Chronicles of several adventures of the Seven Sleepers have been discovered!
Paperback $5.99
The Tree House Mystery

The Tree House Mystery

A tree house built near the creek attracts a mysterious visitor with an artificial leg.
Mass Market $5.99