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  • When Money Goes on Mission: Fundraising and Giving in the 21st Century

When Money Goes on Mission: Fundraising and Giving in the 21st Century

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Format: eBook
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Product Description

Build high-trust ministry partnerships that are effective and joy-filled

We've all seen fundraising and giving done poorly, but how do we get it right? Rob Martin was a grant maker for over twenty years and has been in and around the world of funding for a long time. He shares all that he's learned about fundraising and giving in today's world, the do's and don't, and how it can be a mutual blessing to all parties involved. He will teach you:

  • how the paradigm of giving is changing in the 21st century
  • how to craft a vision that donors will hear and appreciate
  • how to build strong, successful relationships between donors and fundraisers

This is an essential read for any Christian who gives or receives money. Ministry partnerships can be robust relationships that bring immense joy and remind us of our unity in Christ; this book will show you how.

About the Author

Rob Martin
ROB MARTIN has been involved in Christian ministry since his conversion in 1976. He first served as the editor of a Christian publication and then for six years with the Orange County Rescue Mission, Orange County, CA, before becoming General Manager of Fieldstead & Company, a private philanthropy of Howard and Robert Ahmanson. He later served as Executive Director of First Fruit, Inc. and has been with this organization in a full time capacity since 2009, serving ministries and colleague foundations as a coach on a variety of organizational issues. Rob was educated as a journalist, and spent his formative career years in newspaper work. He and his wife, Bev, have raised three daughters and reside at Useless Bay on Whidbey Island, WA.


The love of money, the apostle Paul observed, is the root of evil. But properly invested and compassionately managed, money can foster much that is good. In this book, Rob Martin simply, practically, and clearly explains how this can and should be done. Replete with stories and case studies garnered from several decades of experience in the world of compassionate finance, this book is the result of Rob's annual seminars on the subject to the culturally eclectic residents of the Overseas Ministries Study Center in New Haven and is uniquely accessible to Christian leaders in non-Western contexts. I highly recommend this book.

Jon Bonk, J & J Bonk, author of Missions and Money: Affluence as a Western Missionary Problem

In my African context, reading When Money Goes on Mission is like having the privilege of being seated under the village tree with a wise elder and being nourished by the transformative spring of wisdom coming from his lifelong experience in mission. The amazing and sobering stories, the deep biblical and theological insights on stewardship, the simplicity and the beauty of Rob's writing elevated my spirit. The book deeply shifted my paradigm and transformed my understanding of biblical fundraising. I found this a most useful and relevant book on fundraising that connects with my majority world context. The benefit will be immense for everyone who reads it, especially for mission and church leaders from the majority word.

Daniel Bourdanné, General Secretary, IFES

I have served on the board of First Fruit for many years and have observed Rob's imparting these principles to both ministries and granting organizations. I have seen the importance of this message and this "methodology" of bridging the "money gap" in which both ministries and donors must grapple. Rob not only offers proven answers, but also gives us paths to true sustainability as organizations see that money is not the real issue. Leadership and a realignment with true biblical principles are what is often needed, and Rob shows us how.

Henry Cloud, author and leadership consultant

Having worked and traveled with Rob Martin for nearly thirty years, I have come to respect and admire his penetrating insights about money and missions, and his ability to cut through promotional fog and to see clearly what truly effective ministry looks like. This book distills the best of Rob's wisdom, interlaced with profound biblical insight and sprinkled with lively humor. I recommend it as a "must read" for anyone who is giving or raising money.

David W. Bennett, Global Associate Director for Collaboration and Content, Lausanne Movement Board Member, First Fruit, Inc.

Rob Martin masterfully tells stories to communicate a powerful message about the communion of giving and receiving. You will find yourself laughing, nodding in agreement, then best of all, you will discover that on the adventure, like a wise, old friend, he helped you learn how to rally local sustainable support, how to earn trust with excellence and keep it with accountability, and how to encourage financial transactions in a way that fosters spiritual transformation. If you are engaged in God's global mission, read this book to lift your learning curve heavenward.

Gary G. Hoag, ECFA International Liaison

Rob Martin's brilliance as both a mission's director and a global funder of evangelical ministry is on full display in this highly practical and story-based narrative of co laborative funding principles and practices. Everyone on the journey of money on mission—local or global donors, ministry leaders or workers, board members or executives—would benefit from implementing what they learn from Rob's experience in mobilizing more resources to catalyze and sustain God's work.

Ron Williams, chairman of Cornerstone Trust

The church knows that something urgently needs to change in the global economy of missions today, but what and how? In When Money Goes on Mission, the Lord uses fundraising sage Rob Martin to connect the dots of mission history to find "a true and equal partnership in a cross-cultural or international setting, where each offers the other what they need in pursuit of their mutual callings." Magnificently presented!

Barbara Shantz, advisor, Give Way Visioneering; co-catalyst of Lausanne Ministry Fundraising Network

It is easy to give money naively, never understanding that your gift made a difficult situation worse. It is also easy to decide that it is best to never give, justified by the idea that outside funding harms people and leads to dependency. The more challenging space is to remain open to the leading of the Holy Spirit and discerning regarding the character of leaders, the viability of financial processes and ministry strategies, and the impact of cultural realities and expectations, to know how to share God's resources in God's mission in ways that truly further His purposes and foster ever-deepening growth and spiritual maturity for everyone involved. That is the focus of this book and why it is so important to read!

Mary Lederleitner, author of Cross-Cultural Partnership: Navigating the Complexities of Money and Mission

The dean of Christian philanthropy, Rob Martin, solves the puzzle of charities asking and donors giving in When Money Goes on Mission. A must buy.

Tom McCallie, President, Westwood Endowment Former Executive Director, The Maclellan Foundation, Inc.

Rob Martin has coached mission leaders from over forty nations and has equipped hundreds of leaders in undeveloped economies to create funding sources in their own contexts. Rob has also provided new insights and practical tools for these leaders to build sustained relationships across oceans that avoid toxic charity and create joy for both donors and mission leaders. Captured by the phrase "sustained interdependence," When Money Goes on Mission names a whole new way of understanding philanthropy and fundraising that will quickly become the standard to which we all aspire.

Brad Smith, President, Bakke Graduate University

Rob Martin has written a ground-breaking book on money and mission. A storyteller well versed with on-the-ground experience, he opens the world of donors and doers. While money for mission is complex, he links the dynamics of asking, giving, and raising funds. His vision is well expressed by when "the giver and the receiver . . . are in communion . . . [they] are equal at the foot of the cross." This rich resource will be the go-to text for years to come.

Brian C. Stiller, Global Ambassador, World Evangelical Alliance

Any of those fortunate enough to be in mission realize that we stand on the shoulders of the saints who have gone before us. Rob is one such person, and the lessons he shares in these pages are as thoughtful as they are engaging. This is not a book of theories and platitudes; it is a memoir of wisdom and experience that will make any reader a better disciple. If you are involved in mission, then you must read this book. Quickly!

Justin Narducci, President/Chief Executive Officer, Lifewater International

Rob virtually invented what became known as "field visits." Unwilling to just read proposals, Rob wanted to look petitioners in the eye and see who they really were and what they really did. People from around the world seek his counsel. Now his book brings a fresh, thoughtful, and vitally important perspective on money—giving and receiving. Humble and always with good humor, he has written this book with his life.

Phill Butler, founder of InterCristo, InterDev, and Vision Synergy

Why another book on fundraising? Rob Martin's amazing insight is a fitting response to this question given how his book bridges a noticeable gap in many of the previously written materials. Rob begins with a personal story and highlights the important role that God plays in funding His work. From the very beginning, he clearly submitted that God is at the center of fundraising and support development. I commend the book to everyone and pray that you experience joy as you encounter God in your own journey in fundraising.

Kehinde Ojo, Indigenous Support Development Director, IFES

When I met Rob Martin, I was impressed with his insight into the challenges faced by my friends in Latin America who were trying desperately to find a way to pay the bills so they could build ministries from which to fulfill their calling. It was not so much his professional insight that made the difference, but his willingness to make their struggle his own. As a result, his new book is not about how money goes on mission, but a compilation of lessons he learned from his new friends as they all went on mission together. The Spirit of God is doing a new work in our day—in which new mission initiatives are emerging around the world in places that we in the West thought of as our mission field. As Rob immersed himself in this new work, he humbly learned lessons we can all use, and he wrote them down in When Money Goes on Mission.

Timothy Halls, Executive Coordinator, Martureo—the Brazilian Center for Missiological Reflection

Product Details

ISBN: 978-0-8024-9756-7
Publish Date: March 2019
Format: eBook