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Social & Cultural Issues

Turbulent times call for bold actions—but always guided by the Word of God. The hard-to-face social issues in America like abortion, institutional racism, social injustice, inequity of resources, violence, and dishonest politicians and government all make us tremble . . . until we remember that God is still on His throne. If you want to get involved in God's kingdom-building plans, we've got resources that will help you engage cultural issues today with Christian wisdom and compassion. It's not enough to ask, "What would Jesus do?" You have to actually do it!

City on a Hill

City on a Hill

Discover a deeper understanding of how to live for Christ in the twenty-first century.
Paperback $15.99
When Helping Hurts

When Helping Hurts

Concepts, principles, and applications to help you help others in the best way possible.
Paperback $15.99
Understanding the Arab-Israeli Conflict

Understanding the Arab-Israeli Conflict

A biblically grounded look at the conflict between Israelis and Arabs.
Paperback $15.99
City of Man

City of Man

Former White House insiders call evangelicals toward strategic political engagement.
Hardcover $19.99
Oneness Embraced

Oneness Embraced

Although oneness is a struggle, the Bible offers a kingdom-based approach to racial unity.
Hardcover $19.99
Generation Ex-Christian

Generation Ex-Christian

With so many young people leaving their faith, here are some strategies for reengagement.
Paperback $13.99
On the Shoulders of Hobbits

On the Shoulders of Hobbits

Fantasy worlds like Tolkien's land of hobbits have the power to transform our reality.
Paperback $15.99
Outside the Womb

Outside the Womb

The ethics involved in various infertility treatments, and God's intention for the family.
eBook $3.99
The Virtues of Capitalism

The Virtues of Capitalism

Challenges various economic policies and offers a defense of free markets.
eBook $11.99
A Cross-Shaped Gospel

A Cross-Shaped Gospel

Unpacks how to live out the whole gospel by loving God and loving your neighbor.
Paperback $14.99
God Speaks Science

God Speaks Science

Made to wonder. And we don't have to be gifted at science to be awakened to His majesty.
Paperback $15.99
Honoring God in Red or Blue

Honoring God in Red or Blue

Offers insight for debating key political issues with respect and conviction.
Paperback $13.99
The Real Scandal of the Evangelical Mind

The Real Scandal of the Evangelical Mind

Carl Trueman calls for evangelical thinkers to stand up strongly for gospel distinctives.
Paperback $9.99
The Global Orphan Crisis

The Global Orphan Crisis

A call to sacrificially help care for the world's orphans and vulnerable children.
eBook $3.99
The Road Trip that Changed the World

The Road Trip that Changed the World

A book challenging the contemporary values of personal autonomy and self-fulfillment.
Paperback $14.99
How Should Christians Vote?

How Should Christians Vote?

Equips readers to vote and approach politics with a kingdom perspective.
Paperback $6.99