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Before you can do what's right, you have to see what's right.
When it comes to racial reconciliation, we often ask, "Where do we go from here?" But has it ever occurred to you that the real question is "Why are we still here?" In other words, until we've seen the problem of racism correctly—its history, its current effects, and its root causes—we aren't equipped to head in the right direction. We'll just keep falling into the same old patterns. The blind will lead the blind, and no one will have the vision to foster real change.
But take hope! Restoring our spiritual sight is exactly what Jesus came to achieve.
In this book, Josh Clemons and Hazen Stevens—one white, one black, and both brothers in Christ—will invite you to start the journey toward racial reconciliation and justice. Join us as we:
In Know. Own. Change., the authors set aside the world's patterns of division and hate. Instead, they set a tone that emerges from spiritual kinship in Christ. Every page seeks to honor Him, pointing believers back to Jesus as the one who is reconciling all things to himself.
Praise for Know. Own. Change.
"In the foreword of this compelling book, speaking to the racial tension and division in our country, my mentor and friend John Perkins observes, 'There is no way forward without linking arms and mingling our prayers to the God of heaven to heal our land.' Truer words have never been spoken. And that's the message of this book. Know. Own. Change. is both the title and hope-filled outline of this timely and very important resource. My dear friends Josh Clemons and Hazen Stevens write with an irresistible authenticity and honesty. Further, they show us how we can become portraits to a watching and waiting world of the transforming, reconciling power of the gospel. Thank you Josh and Hazen for this gift!"
—CRAWFORD W. LORITTS JR., author, speaker, radio host, founder and president of Beyond Our Generation
"Josh Clemons and Hazen Stevens are doing the much-needed work of raising awareness and understanding around racial reconciliation, especially within the church. If we are going to see restoration around racial division, it's going to take individuals and leaders getting into action and rebuilding what we did not tear down, but what we have been called by God to put back together. This book is a necessary tool for all of us to acknowledge and accept ownership so that we can live out God's divine plan for reconciliation."
—MICHAEL TODD, lead pastor of Transformation Church and bestselling author of Relationship Goals and Crazy Faith
"Josh and Hazen have created a godly blueprint for coming to a place of understanding and racial reconciliation. They model this process in their own lives, so its authenticity is felt. This book is tastefully written and is an answer to a huge issue in our culture."
—DALE C. BRONNER, author, founder, senior pastor, Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral, Austell, GA
"I, along with my husband 'MO,' met Josh and Hazen at a OneRace event in 2018. We quickly became comrades in what have been multi-episodic combines of racial reconciliation and justice throughout Atlanta. Whether it be on a stage with tens of thousands at Stone Mountain Park or a street corner in front of Centennial Olympic Park, I've watched and worked with these two zero to real quick, modern day, Jordan 1 wearing prophetic soldiers who live out what they write about. They aren't just calling for change, daily, they allow the work of racial reconciliation to challenge, change, and refresh them and all who are running alongside them."
—KENDRA A. MOMON, Associate Provost, Oglethorpe University
"Know. Own. Change. provides the American church with exactly what we need in this moment—a gospel-centered, challenging, and practical guide to racial reconciliation. If you and your church are serious about addressing the racial divide, you need this book."
—JUSTIN E. GIBONEY, president and founder, AND Campaign; author, Conviction and Compassion
"Josh and Hazen offer the church a grand invitation: to reconcile a racially broken world through the work and love of Jesus. If we are to be racial reconcilers, we must know, own, and engage the issues of race today through a biblical lens. This book encourages us to get back up and keep pursuing God's vision for a united and redeemed kingdom."
—MICHELLE AMI REYES, Vice President, Asian American Christian Collaborative; Scholar in Residence, Hope Community Church; author, Becoming All Things
"Jesus was a liberator, peacemaker, and reconciler, and the book Know. Own. Change. invites us to reflect that same hope in a world that desperately needs all three."
—TERENCE LESTER, founder of Love Beyond Walls; author of When We Stand: The Power of Seeking Justice Together and I See You: Opening Our Eyes to Invisible People
"Know. Own. Change. is the outcome of two men who have walked the journey of reconciliation together. It's the story of what can happen when young leaders offer their lives to see the historic pain of racism repented of, forgiven, and healed. I have known Josh Clemons and Hazen Stevens personally for many years and have had the honor of working alongside them in the ministry of reconciliation. What they offer in Know. Own. Change. isn't philosophy without practical experience, it's tested truth that was born out through literally hundreds of hours of prayer and thousands of hours of labor. I encourage you to open your heart and receive the truths in this book. In an hour when negativity clouds the atmosphere around the critical conversation of race, Josh and Hazen have offered us a light of hope and truth that will impact and change many."
—BILLY HUMPHERY, Lead Pastor, Gate City Church; director of Gate City Missions Base
"When it comes to the area of race, the church desperately needs reconcilers. I believe my two good friends Josh Clemons and Hazen Stevens are called by God to build bridges across racial lines for such a time as this. In their new book, Know. Own. Change., they deal with the subject of race not only from a biblical standpoint, but from the life of two men who are living out what true racial reconciliation looks like. I am so excited about how this book is going to change lives!"
—LEE ALLEN JENKINS, Senior Pastor, Eagles Nest Church
"Josh and Hazen are credible witnesses of God's work of bringing healing and hope to the racial tensions in America. Their love for God through the ministry of OneRace is what the church needs for times like these."
—NICOLE MARTIN, author, speaker, and Senior Vice President of Ministry Impact at the American Bible Society
"When it comes to racial unity movements, there is often much talk but little action. However, in this case, Josh Clemons and Hazen Stephens are the real deal. I've prayed and labored with these men. I've fasted and strategized with them. Their hearts are pure and their spirits are bold. There is so much division today, even in God's church. Yet Jesus prayed we would be one and then declared our oneness would determine our witness to this divided world. Lean in as you read the following pages—to know, own, and then change this story may be the most important work of our generation."
—JOHNSON BOWIE, Senior Pastor, Victory Church, Atlanta, GA
"The arc of the biblical narrative bends toward reconciliation . . . not only of individuals to their Creator through faith in Jesus Christ but to one another, then, beyond the distinctions of this world otherwise divide. Through their individual stories, collective experience, research, and practice, Josh and Hazen herein provide a constructive plan and hopeful path forward for all those interested in getting beyond accusatory rhetoric to actionable results, for the sake of the gospel and the glory of God, on earth as it is in heaven."
—MARK DEYMAZ, founding pastor, Mosaic Church of Central Arkansas; cofounder and CEO, Mosaix Global Network; author, Building a Healthy Multi-Ethnic Church and Disruption: Repurposing the Church to Redeem the Community
"The church has a lot to learn as it enters the race space. Followers of Jesus cannot ignore biblical reconciliation and justice if they truly desire to see God's will on earth as it is in heaven. Know. Own. Change. will not only reveal one's own blurred color vision, but it will challenge you to start where you are and follow the path on which the Father desires all His children to walk: healing, wholeness, transformation!"
—FOLEY BEACH, Archbishop and Primate of the Anglican Church in North America