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  • This Seat's Saved

This Seat's Saved

Available Formats

Format: Paperback
Your Price: $12.99
Expected Availability: 9/30/2024

Product Description

Class schedules, locker combinations, and the play for popularity — middle school is a new world with new rules.

At the start of 7th grade, Elita Brown's friends enjoy their seats at the popular lunchroom table. Meanwhile, Elita hides in the bathroom. This is not how she envisioned middle school. And her omission from the popular table is only the beginning of her problems. What will she do when she's terrorized by the meanest girl in school and accused of a crime she didn't commit? Elita befriends an older couple living in the woods and gains confidence through her project on the red fox. Will Elita find her way and take her seat at the best table? Full of suspense and divine moments, readers will be captivated by this story.

Parents and teachers who loved Seated with Christ can invite their middle school reader to This Seat's Saved. With great discussion questions and a main character who learns to read her Bible, trust God for the first time, and understand what it means to be seated with Christ from Ephesians 2:6, This Seat's Saved will help young readers on their journey with Jesus.

About the Author

Heather Holleman
DR. HEATHER HOLLEMAN an associate teaching professor of advanced writing at Penn State, speaker, and author. She has written ten books, including the bestseller Seated with Christ: Living Freely in a Culture of Comparison, and an award-winning book on evangelism (cowritten with her husband, Ashley Holleman) called Sent: Living a Life That Invites Others to Jesus. Heather’s book, The Six Conversations: Pathways to Connecting in an Age of Isolation and Incivility, helps fight the loneliness epidemic by inviting readers to enjoy better conversations. Her most recent fiction book, This Seat’s Saved, written for middle-grade audiences, helps young readers discover they are already seated at the best table with Jesus. This book recently won Christianity Today’s Book of the Year in the Young Adult category. Heather also serves with Faculty Commons in the professor ministry of Cru. She and her husband have two daughters and three cats. When she’s not writing or teaching, Heather is growing plum trees, looking for turtles in the woods, or gathering with friends for dinner and a movie.


"You know the feeling. Like a punch in the gut. You can't breathe. Heather Holleman captures that left-out feeling so well. This story will grab you by the heart."
Chris Fabry
Author and host of Chris Fabry Live on Moody Radio

"After reading this book, you'll want to tramp through the woods in search of red foxes and spring peepers, flop back in a pile of leaves and cry about the difficulties of growing up, and learn how to see your miraculous everyday life through the lens of God's perfect love for you. This Seat's Saved is a must-read for every middle school girl—and for every grown woman who still has a 'middle school girl' deep inside. I cannot wait to share this transformative story with my four daughters!"
Laura Booz
Author of Expect Something Beautiful: Finding God's Good Gifts in Motherhood and host of the Expect Something Beautiful podcast

"Heather Holleman is a truly talented storyteller. In This Seat's Saved she wraps her unique gift with a bow and presents it to an age group I love dearly: tweens! They'll be riveted by the plotline, identify with the girl-drama, and then discover they've been learning a powerful truth from God's Word the whole time."
Dannah Gresh
Bestselling author of Lies Girls Believe: And The Truth That Sets Them Free and founder of True Girl

"I love this book. You will love it; more importantly, your child will love it. There are friendships, old and new, the woods of Pennsylvania, and seventh-grade life imploding like a science experiment gone wrong. And there is God's kind and faithful presence, evident in everything from strong family relationships to the relationship between a red fox and sunset times. This Seat's Saved is not only the story of a preteen girl longing to make friends and fit in. Smart, awkward, and totally likeable Elita Brown begins to find meaning and purpose in some unexpected places, including the woods where she is 'most herself.' Through Elita's authentic and endearing introspection, Heather Holleman draws readers into a young teen's struggles and her discovery of true friends, the miraculous habits of a neighborhood fox, and a Creator who makes all things work together for our good."
Amanda Cleary Eastep
Author of the Tree Street Kids series

"This Seat's Saved is one of those sweet novels where a reader gathers gold nuggets of truth along the way and tucks them in their heart where they'll be revisited again and again throughout their lifetime. I wish this was available when I was in middle school."
Wendy Dunham
Inspirational artist and author of two middle grade novels: My Name Is River and its sequel, Hope Girl

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Product Details

ISBN: 978-0-8024-2886-8
Publish Date: June 2023
Dimensions: 5.25 x 8
Format: Paperback