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  • Rest Assured: What the Creation Story Was Intended to Reveal about Trusting God

Rest Assured: What the Creation Story Was Intended to Reveal about Trusting God

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Format: Paperback
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Product Description

From the first page of history, God has been teaching us about rest.

Twenty-first-century Americans often approach Genesis as a science manual. How did it all happen? But the ancient Israelites were concerned with different questions—questions of purpose . . . who and why. Bible study teacher and lifelong student Rachel Booth Smith helps us focus on the who of Creation so that we can find meaning and rest for our souls.

God set up a perfect home for us full of provision, significance, and purpose. In Rest Assured, Rachel becomes a holy eavesdropper, leaning over ancient Israelites' shoulders, listening as God reveals Himself to Israel. As we anchor ourselves in His character, we find a rest that grounds us when we're faced with the daily crises of life, big and small.

Do you feel heavy or anxious? Work, kids, finances, the future, the past, the state of the world can all threaten your joy, hope, and trust. Using archaeology findings, language discoveries, and biblical study, Smith shares theologically rich insights that bring us into the rest we need, the rest we crave—the rest for which we were made.

A life of rest changes everything. This book is for all who desire to have a life of flourishing, rooted in sacred trust and rest.

About the Author

Rachel-Booth Smith
RACHEL BOOTH SMITH has a contagious love for God’s Word. Her passion to teach accessible theology has led her to develop curriculum and leadership summits, write Bible studies, and teach. Rachel has a Master of Divinity degree from Pillar Seminary, where she learned to study the Bible in its original languages while being trained in ancient Near East context for both the Old and New Testament.


"Can God be trusted? This is the question Rachel masterfully answers in her book, Rest Assured. Rachel empowers her readers to understand the Bible's cultural context while making theological distinctives accessible, interesting, and relevant to our everyday lives. This message has the power to draw us closer to Christ, deepen our faith, and increase thoughtful meditation on Scripture."
—Kat Armstrong, Bible teacher and author of The In-Between Place: Where Jesus Changes Our Story and the 6-book Bible study series Storyline Bible Studies

"Rachel Booth Smith has the exquisite gift of weaving together stories that span generations in order to illuminate the Great Story, the one that begins and ends all other stories, the Story that sets us free. Booth Smith is equal parts scholar, sister, and compatriot. Her voice untangles, enriches, and inspires. Perfect for both personal growth and rich discussion, Rest Assured unleashed in me a new awe of the God who is restoring all things."
—Kimberly Stuart, Author of Star for Jesus (And Other Jobs I Quit)

"In a world that often feels like chaos, Rachel offers a fresh perspective of rest. Her accessible deep dive into ancient Near East cultures gives insight to the rest offered in the one true God and adds a dimension of admiration and trust to our worship. In a moment of commotion, Rachel's words feel like the wise friend who puts her hand on your shoulder and reminds you to breathe deeply and look to the Creator. This book is a gift, and I'm thrilled that Rachel's words are now available for more hands to hold."
—Monica Ritchie, Christian podcast and radio host

"Rest Assured is just what your mind and heart have been searching for in this restless world. Rachel delivers deep theological insight with the approachability of an everyday person living through everyday struggles. A must-read for all believers who are searching for rest."
—Meredith Brock, CEO of Proverbs 31 Ministries

"Thoroughly researched and beautifully written, Smith has made scholarship accessible to those who need it the most: an often restless and anxious church, which dearly needs this beautiful reintroduction to the God revealed in early Genesis. Her work is a true gift in that regard, masterfully guiding the reader through the discovery process, yet with a gentle enough touch for those who may have some unlearning to do before true learning can begin. Smith is a true scholar of the Scriptures, and at the same time a brilliant communicator. Both gifts are on display in this book, which I highly recommend to anyone wanting (or needing) to immerse themselves in the context of early Genesis such that they are better able to receive the invitation to the Lord's Sabbath rest and rule."
—Dan Lowery, President, Pillar Seminary

"This is a delightful little book about a very important topic: finding 'rest,' a biblical kind of rest found only in trusting, worshiping, and serving God. The author combines serious study of Genesis 1 and related passages of Scripture with wonderful stories from her life and family that illustrate it magnificently. She has a special gift of reading the Bible in its ancient cultural context and explaining it in an understandable way. This volume is well researched and well written. I found it to be not only a joy to read, but a deeply impactful application of the truth of Scripture for the daily lives of people."
—Richard E. Averbeck, Professor Emeritus of Old Testament and Semitic Languages, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

"Vividly enter the creation room of God and allow Rachel Smith to carry you on a journey of the creation story like you have never experienced it before. Holding in tension Western and Eastern cultural mores, and Ancient Near East customs, with a splash of Rachel's lived experiences to achieve Sabbath rest, provides a compelling argument of the true meaning of the seventh day of creation. Combining biblical fluency and literacy, the story of creation is masterfully recreated for young and old readers alike. Simply fantastic."
—Donnell J. Moore, Academic Dean/Professor, Pillar Seminary, and Director of Christian Education, Daytona District/Central Conference – AME Church

"If you are looking for a fresh angle, a jump-start for your discipleship to Jesus, Rest Assured is the place to turn. Rachel mines the creation story for both spiritually moving and practical ideas that inform, shape, and energize our confidence in God. From the Creator God we gain so much assurance that we can truly rest."
—Bishop Todd Hunter, Diocese of C4SO (ACNA) and author of Deep Peace

"Chaos and stress make me want to hold more tightly to my illusion of control. But in Rest Assured, Smith reminds me—and you—that our Creator God really does have the whole world in His hands. Through a comprehensive exploration of the creation story, Smith gently draws us to trust confidently in the Lord of the Sabbath."
—Kelley Mathews, Coauthor of 40 Questions about Women in Ministry

"Rachel makes Genesis 1 accessible for the average person! She helps us see the creation account through the cultural eyes of the intended audience—the Ancient Near East—and does to in a way that is understandable to the non-theologian. In so doing she answers many questions that most of us have had for years about creation. In addition to helping you feel confident in handling questions about creation, this book will help you to better understand what Sabbath means and why it is God's gift to us."
—Mike Schatzman, Missionary with Cru in Portugal and author of Expecting Hardship: An Honest Conversation About Missionary Life

Product Details

ISBN: 978-0-8024-3274-2
Publish Date: August 2024
Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5
Format: Paperback