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  • Radical Redemption: The Real Story of Manny Mill

Radical Redemption: The Real Story of Manny Mill

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Your Price: $8.99

Product Description

"The life and ministry of Manny Mill is another evidence that a reformed vision of God's sovereign grace ignites radical, risk-taking ministries of mercy, not passive fatalism. May his story set ten thousand captives free—including those who have never been in prison." — John Piper, founder, Desiring God Ministries


"I could have been dead so many times. I always spent more money than I had, I was always in over my head, and I was always involved in too many things at one time...Everything I did was with me in mind." — Manny Mill

Descending into a life of debauchery, Manny Mill found himself teetering on the edge of personal and financial disaster.

In this candid and vividly personal book, Manny tells how His pursuit of pleasure led him to the depths of human despair. A declared fugitive of the law, he was running from the FBI when he ran into Christ and a life of radical redemption. Manny's experiences will thrill you. His faith will inspire you. And his words will challenge you to think about your life, your relationship with the God of the universe, and your own need for a radical redemption.

About the Author

Manny Mill
MANNY MILL is chief executive officer of Koinonia House® National Ministries (KHNM)m whose mission is to bridge the gap between the Christian inmate and the local church. For almost 25 years, KHNM has been facilitating the integration of the former inmate into the church, workplace, and society through biblical discipleship. Manny graduated from Wheaton College (B.A., M.A.) and has been privileged to proclaim the Gospel in churches, schools, conferences, and especially behind prison walls in the United States and abroad. The father of five adult children and grandfather of six, Manny resides with his wife, Barbara, in Wheaton, IL.


I've been part of the Koinonia House Ministry family for over 16 years. Koinonia House Ministry met me at the gate upon being released from prison November 8, 1996.  Without Manny Mill  (my spiritual mentor) and the ministry of Koinonia House , I would not have become the man I am today.

-          Eddie Wells, Former resident of the Koinonia House Ministry

If there is a question about God's power to radically change a person's life, this is the book to read. It is wonderful to see how God has taken Manny's drive and enthusiasm and focused it on kingdom work.

-          Jerry K. Rose, President, Total Living Network

A blatant reminder that we can't do anything without God–but that with God and through His grace, all things are possible.

-          Kevin Palau, President, Luis Palau Association

Warning: This story is real. And Manny is contagious. Its lesson will more than touch you: it will challenge you to put "shoe leather" to your faith in service to our King.

-          Chuck Missler, Ph.D., Executive Director, Koinonia House Publishers

Anyone who encounters Manny Mill sees "Exhibit A" of God's overpowering love for the lost.

-          Peter J. Roskam, U.S. Representative, 6th Congressional District, Illinois.

Many Mill is one of those rare people whose story and whose continued faith-filled exuberance lifts all who know him.

-          Joel Nederhood, Director Emeritus of Ministries, The Back to God Hour, Pastor, Cottage Grove Christian Reformed Church, South Holland, Illinois

Manny Mill is a true trophy of God's grace. His story will gladden your heart. 

-          Thomas C. Pratt, Advisory Life Director, Prison Fellowship

Enthusiastic is too weak a word to describe Manny Mill. Radical Redemption is the fascinating story of a human hurricane that was transformed into a powerful witness by and for Jesus Christ. 

-          J. Richard Chase, President Emeritus, Wheaton College

This is a great story of how much God can do with one redeemed sinner who is sold out for Jesus.

-          Gay Reynolds, Vice President, Quantum Professional Search

Radical Redemption is the story of a simple man with an unbelievable passion and love for Jesus. It is a story of one man's journey of falling in love and being "real" for Jesus.  

-          Jorge L. Valdes, Ph.D., National Speaker and Author of Coming Clean

Manny Mill is truly a redeemed man! He has moved from a life of corruption and self-interest to one of service and sacrifice. This is a textbook example of how Jesus changes men! 

-          Mark Elfstrand, Morning Host WMBI, Chicago

Manny is one of the most persuasive persons I know, and this book sheds light on why I'm now involved in post-prison ministry. 

-          Bob Cook, Ministry Volunteer

Reading Manny's colorful story is the next best thing to knowing Manny himself and the joyful work God is doing through him among ex-offenders. 

-          Timothy R. Botts, Calligraphic Artist, Senior Art Director, Tyndale House

Revolutionary! The beauty of Manny's ministry reflects the gospel perfectly. Profoundly simple.

-          Bishop Edward Peecher, Pastor, Chicago Embassy Church, Chicago, Illinois.

This book will inspire as well as challenge those who pursue truth and believe God is still able to change lives. 

-          Samuel M. Huddleston, Assistant Superintendent of the Northern California & Nevada District, Assemblies of God.

Manny Mill is truly a diamond in God's jewelry box. The world rarely sees what God can do with a life that is totally surrendered. In Manny Mill, we are blessed to see this transformation that we read about in God's Word so beautifully displayed.

-          Robert Toney, Chaplain Supervisor, Louisiana State Penitentiary

Angola, Louisiana

I experience the radical redemption of my dear brother, Manny Mill every time I come into contact with him whether it be in personal fellowship, ministry business, or as we serve together in the prisons. Galatians 2:20 is truly a living reality in this man, as I see Jesus living in and through him. Manny Mill is "the real deal" and I count it a great honor and privilege to know him! 

-           Bob Wolfson – Cook County Jail Ministry, Koinonia House National Ministries Board Member, Attorney at Law/CPA

Manny Mill's infectious enthusiasm and deep sense of the sovereign grace of God propelled him into groundbreaking prison outreach within the state of Illinois. With characteristic, God-given passion and joy he visits his brothers in prison and inspires others to join him in this ministry. His visits to Angola Prison in Louisiana inspired him to encourage Christian men to found a theological seminary within an Illinois Correctional Center. The result is that men who Manny mentored founded Divine Hope Reformed Bible Seminary, a four-year theological seminary within the Danville Correctional Center. Manny continues his trailblazing work by hosting intensive three-day evangelistic and teaching retreats throughout correctional centers in Illinois. 

-          Nathan Brummel, Professor of Theology, Divine Hope Reformed Bible Seminary

Manny has become a dear friend and partner to our ministry as we have adopted him as our evangelist.  We work closely together as partners for the gospel of Christ.  He is an amazing, GENUINE man of God who is sound in doctrine and committed to the TRUTH.  Manny is the real deal.   

-          Chuck Babb (Pastor of CrossPointe Fellowship Church: Elizabethton, TN)

Manny Mill's story is a powerful testimony of God's goodness and grace. If you have not yet had the experience of hearing Manny preach the gospel in person, this book will be a great first introduction. Manny's passion for Christ reflects the passion Christ had for Manny when he rescued him from a life headed 100 miles an hour in the wrong direction.

-          John Byrne, Regional Executive Director - Prison Fellowship MN, SD, ND

I am blessed to call Manny and Barbara Mill my friends and co-laborers behind prison walls for Christ. The message and messenger have brought hope and restoration to many broken lives. Our offender population has a term of endearment that they have given to Manny and the Koinonia House Ministry team, they are known as "the real deal". It is with great anticipation and a sense of deep urgency that we await the much needed release of Radical Redemption in Spanish and the prison version to our population.

-          Stephen C. Keim, Chief Chaplain, Illinois Department of Corrections

I first met Manny Mill at 'The Institute of Holy Land Studies' on Mt. Zion in Jerusalem in 1989. He is a man who has been transformed by the grace and power of Christ. In the fall of 2012 he came to my hurting hometown and delivered a series of messages that bridged both ethnic and denominational divides. With genuine enthusiasm, Manny pointed the hearts of lost and lonely people to Jesus Christ. 

-          Rev. Perry E. Messick, First Baptist Church Collingdale, Pa, Chaplain – Law Enforcement Chaplains of Delaware County (LECDC)

Manny Mill is the real deal. Manny is one of the most dynamic and entertaining speakers I know. A bible based Christian that hit bottom in prison and with grace vows to never return. Hear one of the world's best story tellers explain what the Lord has planned for you.

-          Mark C. Curran, Jr., Sheriff Lake County, IL

To meet Manny Mill is to experience Radical Redemption. As a man he reflects holiness. As a husband and a dad he reveals self-sacrifice. In the prisons, he oozes with hope and restoration through Jesus as he teaches and spends time with those who are where he once was. As an ex-felon he is radically redeemed.  In this book, he chronicles a journey from selfishness and crime to servanthood and holiness. Manny tells his story and it is a story we all need to hear.

-          Jim Liske, CEO Prison Fellowship Ministries

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Product Details

ISBN: 978-0-8024-8716-2
Publish Date: November 2012
Format: eBook