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  • Passion Pursuit: What Kind of Love are You Making?

Passion Pursuit: What Kind of Love are You Making?

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Format: Video DVD
Your Price: $24.99

Product Description


Eye-popping pleasure and soul-to-soul intimacy—that's what God intended for a husband and wife to experience. But because of issues in our past, damaging information from the world, or incomplete teaching from the church, most of us don't enjoy these holy gifts.

Passion Pursuit offers a valuable and sacred journey to joy and freedom. Pursuing passion takes time, intentionality, and creativity. Through the use of Scripture, especially from the Song of Solomon, Passion Pursuit not only urges women to pursue passion but also details how God has given them permission to do so. It reveals the power a woman has to build up or to tear down her marriage and how she can deal with her husband's and her own temptations with empathy and holiness.

This daring ten-week DVD study combines the psychological expertise of Dr. Juli Slattery, formerly of Focus on the Family, along with bestselling author and beloved Bible teacher Linda Dillow. They are from two different generations but share a passion to bring God's truth and healing to women for their marriages and their lives.

(Filmed c. 2013)

About the Authors

Linda Dillow
LINDA DILLOW is the author of the bestselling Calm My Anxious Heart and co-author of Intimate Issues. Her latest book, What's it Like to be Married to Me? was a finalist for the non-fiction book of 2011. Linda's books have sold more than one and a half million copies in the U.S. and have been translated into many languages. Linda and her husband, Jody, lived in Europe and Asia for seventeen years, training Christian leaders in closed countries with Biblical Education by Extension. The Dillows live in Monument, Colorado. They have four grown children and ten grandchildren.

Juli Slattery
DR. JULI SLATTERY is the president and cofounder of Authentic Intimacy, a ministry dedicated to reclaiming God's design for sexuality. She is the host of the weekly podcast Java with Juli. She has authored or coauthored twelve books, including Passion Pursuit, Rethinking Sexuality, and 25 Questions You're Afraid to Ask about Love, Sex, and Intimacy. Juli is a member of the board of trustees of Moody Bible Institute. She and her husband, Mike, have three grown sons and live in Akron, Ohio.


Let's face it, a Bible study on this topic is long overdue. Sex and passion in marriage are topics often addressed only on the surface level in our friendships and even in our churches. In Passion Pursuit, Juli and Linda have chosen to dive deeply, answering real women's questions - even the ones we are often too afraid to ask. The combined wisdom and integrity of these two women, coupled with their refusal to avoid even the most intimate issues, will have this resource flying off bookshelves and into the hands and hearts of women who want real passion in their marriage. Every wife, every where, needs to do this Bible study. It will change the most important relationship in your life. - Priscilla Shirer, Bible teacher, author and speaker.

It's about time! This powerful resource is long overdue and incredibly helpful. And who better to do it than Linda Dillow and Juli Slattery. Passion Pursuit is biblically grounded, immeasurably helpful, and desperately needed. You will love it! —Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott,, authors of Love Talk

Juli Slattery and Linda Dillow have joined together to address some of the deepest sexual questions, struggles, and wounds of our era. It is a rare gift to the body of Christ for their remarkable wisdom, depth of experience, and passion for Jesus to be united to offer hope and direction. What they will bring us to enliven our passion and intensify our holiness will be a remarkable kingdom labor.- Dan B. Allender, PhD, Professor of Counseling Psychology and founding president The Seattle School of Theology and Psychology

Passion Pursuit gently yet unapologetically leads Christian women to that most marvelous of places: helping them to care about their sexual relationship as much as God does. Women who go through this fine study will certainly feel themselves drawing not just closer to their husbands, but also closer to God. Not only will they find themselves more pleasing to their husbands and more capable of experiencing greater personal delight themselves, but along the way they will also be led to become more and more like Christ. A marvelous aim, successfully achieved, and brilliantly executed. - Gary Thomas, author of Sacred Marriage and The Sacred Search

Sex is a hot topic. But, for many women sex is uncomfortable, an obligation, or a reminder of past hurts. Linda Dillow and Dr. Juli Slattery encourage women about a subject that is often not discussed.  Passion Pursuit is a Bible study that is relevant, informative and sensitive to the questions that many women want answered but don't know who to ask. Together the authors address the subject with transparency about their own lives, information from research and spiritual application from Scripture. Passion Pursuit is a resource for every woman who wants God's best out of life and marriage! - Debbie Alsdorf, author, A Woman Who Trusts God

This is one of the most important Bible studies a church can offer to married women. Juli and Linda tackle difficult topics with solid truth and a refreshing lightness. The answers the Church has failed to provide about sex and intimacy can be found right here. - Dannah Gresh, best-selling author And The Bride Wore White and Get Lost

You mean Christian women can, do, and should enjoy sex? Whodathunkit? Well, God did—first; but then all sorts of well-meaning experts created a mess with all-things Christian+sex+female+marriage+fun+healthy. As such, it's been difficult to find a book that engagingly couples biblical counsel with wise, funny, relatable, and thoroughly modern discussion—but Linda Dillow and Dr. Juli Slattery have accomplished just that! I highly recommend Passion Pursuit's spiritually saucy pages to every woman of faith. After all, satisfying, fun, and guilt-free sex was God's idea from the very beginning. - Julie Barnhill,  National and International speaker and author of ten books

While the world fixates on sex, the church has remained silent, and this has led to much confusion and pain in the Christian community. Now finally Dr. Juli Slattery and Linda Dillow have boldly stepped out and addressed the issues in a biblical, clear, and courageous way. Passion Pursuit opens the door to much healing, much pleasure, and much clarity on the sexual experience. It offers a more beautiful, passionate, and pleasurable picture for both husband and wife than the world can ever give. It will drastically change marriages and heal broken hearts. I pray every church in America will embrace this study for their women—and do so quickly! - Pat Harley, teacher and speaker, The Amazing Collection

A dynamic duo, Linda Dillow and Juli Slattery team up to show women how to put the sizzle back in their marriages. With transparency, wisdom, and at times, humor, Linda and Juli speak directly to women's hearts about pursuing passion in their marriages. If you don't want your marriage to become boring, this is a must read! - Becky Harling, international speaker and author of Freedom From Performing: Grace in An Applause Driven World

Every married woman needs to study Passion Pursuit. Marriage is foundational to families, children, and the shaping of the next generation of adults. This book inspires, instructs, gives hope and grace plus shows how to embrace marriage wholeheartedly as one of the best works of a woman's life. - Sally Clarkson, conference speaker, blogger, ( and author of 7 books, including Desperate: Hope for the Mom Who Needs to Breathe

Linda and Juli are two wise women who share with candor and grace about true intimacy in marriage. Passion Pursuit will bring up areas in your intimate life that have the potential to lead you to freedom if you are willing to "go there." I highly recommend you read this book with a friend or a mentor so you can discuss, confess, and find healing as you pursue passion in your marriage. - Sarah Mae, co-author of Desperate: Hope for the Mom Who Needs to Breathe


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Product Details

ISBN: 978-0-8024-1005-4
Publish Date: August 2013
Dimensions: 5.25 x 7.5
Format: Video DVD