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Leadership and Ministry

The goal of every Christian leader should be to lead like Jesus. Though there are many different leadership roles and styles, in the end, it should all come down to character, humility, maturity, godliness, and a willingness to serve instead of dominating. Moody Publishers has the Christian leadership resources you need to help your church or organization and its people thrive and grow! From books that lay out the principles of biblical leadership to those that help with church leadership training, no leadership topic is left out.

Word-Centered Church

Word-Centered Church

Discusses how a church should hear, receive, and implement the Word for transformation.
Paperback $14.99
Spiritual Leadership

Spiritual Leadership

A classic work about leadership that's powerful because it's spiritual.
Paperback $16.99
Paul and His Team

Paul and His Team

Teaches leadership and influence principles through observations from the early church.
Paperback $13.99


Commends the true work of shepherding to redefine what we mean by success in ministry.
Paperback $13.99
All Together Different

All Together Different

Translates social identity theory for pastors, church leaders, and ministry practitioners.
Paperback $14.99
Small Church Essentials

Small Church Essentials

Defends the importance of small churches and offers principles for leading one well.
Paperback $13.99
The Forgotten Church

The Forgotten Church

Calls suburban, urban, and rural churches to value each other and work together for gospel transformation
Paperback $14.99
The Church in Babylon Study Guide

The Church in Babylon Study Guide

A study guide that will help you dig deeper into the church in Babylon individually or in a small group
Paperback $8.99
Christ's Call to Reform the Church

Christ's Call to Reform the Church

A warning to the church today, based on the letters to the seven churches in Revelation.
Hardcover $19.99


A. W. Tozer explores the nature and mission of the church in a way that compels you to worship.
Paperback $13.99
Becoming Whole

Becoming Whole

Shows why poverty alleviation efforts fail and reveals that the secret to lasting change is in the human heart
Paperback $15.99
When Church Conflict Happens

When Church Conflict Happens

Conflict will come. Learn to lead confidently no matter when and how it does.
Paperback $15.99
The Pursuit of Excellence

The Pursuit of Excellence

Learn the secrets behind whole-hearted Christianity through the nine marks of Christian excellence.
Paperback $14.99
Until Every Child Is Home

Until Every Child Is Home

Shows you why your church needs orphans as much as orphans need your church.
Paperback $13.99
Reappearing Church

Reappearing Church

Reveals the unexpected reasons why the rise of secularism sets the stage for renewal in the church.
Paperback $14.99
Leveling the Church

Leveling the Church

Learn how to equip the saints in the pews for the work on the streets and in the neighborhood.
Paperback $14.99