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Love Hannah Anderson? Get all three of her books for yourself or for a friend. Only $25. But HURRY! Sale ends soon.
All That's Good-Discernment is more than simply avoiding bad things; discernment frees you to navigate the world with confidence and joy by teaching you how to recognize and choose good things. When you develop a taste for all that's good, you will encounter God in remarkable new ways.
Made for More-Many women today suffer from a kind of "identity myopia." We can see the details of our lives, but we can't connect them to the larger picture of who we are. This book invites women to rediscover the big picture, to rediscover what it means to be an image bearer and find their deepest sense of self in God alone.
Humble Roots-Recovering a theology of creaturehood, Humble Roots studies the missing virtue in our pursuit of life: humility. Exploring the character of Jesus and His invitation to come unto Him, Hannah Anderson uncovers the myriad benefits of humility, exposes the bankruptcy of our souls, and urges us to seek true abundance.