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  • Choose Life: Answering Key Claims of Abortion Defenders with Compassion

Choose Life: Answering Key Claims of Abortion Defenders with Compassion

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Format: eBook
Your Price: $13.99

Product Description

You're pro-life. But can you explain why?

You already believe in choosing life. But when the counterarguments are coming at you from every angle—legal, biological, medical, ethical, moral, philosophical, and biblical—how do you defend the pro-life view? And as you defend it . . . how do you speak with wisdom, humility, and compassion?

Now more than ever, the times call for a balance of truth and mercy. There are good, wise, and thoughtful rebuttals of every claim made by pro-abortion advocates. Collected here in one place, Choose Life offers you reasonable responses from leading experts in their respective fields. The authors are accomplished women and men from all walks of life. They'll help you know what to say—and why to say it—when you're faced with claims like:

  • "The courts have already settled the issue."
  • "The fetus is not a person."
  • "My body, my choice."
  • "I shouldn't have to raise an unwanted child."
  • "My circumstances justify ending my pregnancy."
  • "Abortions are helpful to women and society."
  • "The pro-life movement doesn't care about social justice."

It's time to set aside the strident fist-shaking and hurled insults. Learn to make the pro-life case with intelligent arguments and compassionate love—just the way a Christian should.

About the Authors

John-K Goodrich
JOHN GOODRICH (BA, Moody Bible Institute; MDiv, ThM, Talbot School of Theology; Ph.D., University of Durham) is the dean and professor at Compass Bible Institute in Southern California. John's teaching and writing focus on the literature, context, and theology of the New Testament, with a particular interest in the interpretation of the Pauline epistles. He also is deeply committed to the church and to training people to be active in ministry. He has been married to Christin since 2005 and together they enjoy following UCLA football and spending time with their son, Justin.

Jeanette-Hagen Pifer
JEANETTE HAGEN PIFER (B.A., Biola University, M.A. Talbot School of Theology, Ph.D., University of Durham) is Professor of New Testament at Biola University, where she has taught since 2016. Her focus in research and teaching is on the New Testament, especially the Pauline literature. She has served in a variety of ministry capacities including evangelistic and humanitarian work with orphans in the former Soviet Union, and helping to facilitate theological and ministry training around the world. Jeanette has been married to Nick since 2017. Together they enjoy long walks on the beach, summer road trips, and drumming up spontaneous adventure whenever they can.


Praise for Choose Life

Choose Life is a thorough and articulate examination of the pro-life position by multiple highly qualified contributors. Their challenges to the pro-choice position are reasoned and thoughtful. Whether you're pro-life, pro-choice, or on the fence, this book has much to offer you.
Bestselling author of Why Pro-Life?, ProLife Answers to ProChoice Arguments, and Pro-Choice or Pro-Life?

Addressing theological, philosophical, legal, spiritual, and practical concerns, the contributors not only do not shy away from the difficult questions, but answer them with intelligence, care, and compassion. I can't think of another book with such breadth and depth that is also accessible to ordinary people who want to learn more about what it truly means to choose life.
Professor of Philosophy & Church-State Studies, and Affiliate
Professor of Political Science, Baylor University

The defense of human dignity and the sanctity of human life is one of the central and inescapable tasks of today's Christians. In that task, we need every hand on deck. In Choose Life, a first-rank team of Christian defenders of life addresses some of the most pressing questions of our day, and with conviction they counter some of the most influential arguments coming from abortion supporters. This book is timely—urgently so—and will be a great encouragement to Christians in the battle for life.
President, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Choose Life is at once both informative and inspiring. The diverse backgrounds of the contributors give the book an impressive breadth and balance—biblical scholarship, philosophical reasoning, legal analysis, public policy, biology, medicine, counseling, personal reflection from experience—Choose Life has something for everyone! This book is a helpful resource that can be used both to equip and to persuade.
Lead Pastor, Harvest Bible Chapel, Fayetteville, AR

Abortion is more than a political, cultural, hot-button topic. A Christian must meet this issue with biblical wisdom, an empathetic understanding of women's circumstances followed by considerable solutions. Choose Life gives a voice to the unborn and will direct life-giving, healing conversations.
Actress, producer, author, mother of three

On any number of occasions, Black pastors, tired of the news they're getting from the mainstream media, have reached out to me regarding the pro-life movement's leadership, mission, and heart. This book addresses all of those critically important issues and much, much more.
Pro-life leader of Issues4Life Foundation

This is simply a splendid collection of essays. Every pro-lifer who wants to bear witness to the truth about the profound dignity of every human being and our obligations to support women as they bear new life will benefit from this book. No one can afford to sit on the sidelines, and Choose Life will help you defend life.
President of the Ethics and Public Policy Center

Choose Life is the most thorough work on answering objections in recent years. The up-to-date material found in these pages has been painstakingly researched by some of the brightest and most caring minds on the subject and will be a training manual for any serious student for years to come. I enthusiastically recommend this book to anyone who would like to research the pro-life position with integrity. Any desire of mine to write on this sensitive subject was dispelled as I realized everything I've ever wanted to say was lovingly covered. You will cry and you will rejoice as intimate stories of courage, betrayal, and hope are on full display for your consideration to choose life.
Founder and CEO of Living Waters ministries and the bestselling author of more than 90 books

If ever there were an issue that needs to be approached with grace, truth, and compassion, it is abortion in America. This book has done it. Tens of millions of our neighbors' lives have been lost or devastated through abortion since Roe v. Wade mandated abortion-on-demand in our country and ignited a bitter national debate that continues to this day. Choose Life gives us a comprehensive framework for approaching this ongoing tragedy with resolve, and with specific action steps to love the human beings involved.
Sr. Counsel, Alliance Defending Freedom; former Deputy Solicitor General of Florida; board member of a women's pregnancy center

Jeanette Hagen Pifer and John K. Goodrich have done us the wonderful service of bringing together an outstanding collection of essays that address a vitally important theme. Choose Life delivers admirably on its subtitle's promise. Leading scholars from a range of disciplines answer the most pressing claims of abortion defenders—and do so with clarity, courage, and importantly, compassion. An excellent resource!
Cofounder and President, The Center for Pastor Theologians

Choose Life is a thorough and sensitive look at abortion and the discussion between pro-choice and pro-life advocates. It considers the topic from every angle—philosophical, theological, legal, social, cultural, and, most importantly, from the standpoint of a woman's long-term experience. It drips with a sensitive tone, often lacking in this conversation. This book explains why being pro-life promotes our overall social well-being and deep care for the woman who faces a challenging, life-altering, deeply moral choice.
Executive Director for Cultural Engagement, the Howard G. Hendricks Center for Christian Leadership and Cultural Engagement; Senior Research Professor of New Testament Studies, Dallas Theological Seminary

Product Details

ISBN: 978-0-8024-9925-7
Publish Date: May 2022
Format: eBook