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  • Beyond Bath Time: Embracing Motherhood as a Sacred Role (True Woman)

Beyond Bath Time: Embracing Motherhood as a Sacred Role (True Woman)

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Format: eBook
Your Price: $9.99

Product Description

Where are you in the motherhood journey?

Are you a new mom struggling to redefine the boundaries of your life among a sea of diapers, feedings, and sleepless nights? Have you been a mom so long that you've lost yourself along the way? Are you trying to decide if you want to have children?

Erin Davis was a young Christian wife who had made the decision to not have children. She had multiple degrees, a great husband, a promising career—she had it all, according to cultural standards. But most days she felt anything but fulfilled.

In Beyond Bath Time Erin shares her journey to in responding to the call of motherhood. Women will be challenged, convicted, and wonderfully encouraged by Erin's honest and provocative look at motherhood. She unfolds the purpose and privileges of motherhood, revealing how it can be a powerful force for God's kingdom, helping you:

  • Discover God's heart on the issue of motherhood
  • See past the endless list of mothering responsibilities to a bigger, more eternal picture
  • Fight through the chaos to connect with your kids and pass on the faith
  • Reclaim motherhood as a high and holy calling

Beyond Bath Time is A True Woman book.

The goal of the True Woman publishing line is to encourage women to:

  • Discover, embrace, and delight in God's divine design and mission for their lives
  • Reflect the beauty and heart of Jesus Christ to their world
  • Intentionally pass the baton of Truth on to the next generation
  • Pray earnestly for an outpouring of God's Spirit in their families, churches, nation and world

About the Author

Erin Davis
ERIN DAVIS is a writer and teacher passionately committed to getting women of all ages to the deep well of God's Word. She is the author of more than a dozen books and Bible studies, including Connected7 Feasts, and Fasting & Feasting. Hear her teach on The Deep Well with Erin Davis podcast. When she’s not writing, you can find Erin chasing chickens and children on her small farm in the Midwest.


"At the end of the day, how do you know you've been a good mom? Who's idea of motherhood are you trying to live up to -- yours, your friend's or God's? Can you be a fulfilled follower of Christ in your role as an everyday mama? Our friend Erin has taken on these questions and more in this insightful and captivating read. She has brought to light truths that will impact you and your family for life. Thank you Erin for challenging us even in the seemingly mundane, to capture a big vision picture of motherhood. Motherhood matters because it is the heart of God." -- Wes and Carrie Ward, just an everyday dad and mama, and Revive Our Hearts' senior director of media (him!) and author of Together: Growing Appetites for God (her!)

"Authentic. Warm. Inviting. Practical. Insightful. Penetrating. Biblical. Beyond Bath Time is all that and more. Erin is a fresh, clear voice with a timely message, developed in the laboratory of life, with God's Word in hand. She challenges women to reclaim motherhood as a high, holy, and purposeful calling -- a sacrificial vocation with eternal rewards!" -- Nancy Leigh DeMoss, author, host of Revive Our Hearts radio

"What we often encounter about motherhood seems to be a caricature of real life. Either i's the unattainable super-mom of the advertising industry or the unbelievabley inconvenienced cranky mom of sitcoms. Fortunately, Erin Davis gives us a real portrait. But more importantly, she doesn't stay grounded in the daily experience of our lives here. She points us to the etrnal purposes of motherhood -- purposes that all women share, whether or not we've actually given birth. read this book to be encouraged, strengthened, and committed to God's wisdom in the beauty of motherhood." -- Carolyn McCulley, author of Radical Womanhood: Feminine Faith in a Feminist World and Did I Kiss Marriage Goodbye? Trusting God with a Hope Deferred

"I love how Erin lays out the big picture for moms. She lifts the curtain to see beyond the piles of laundry and provides a peek into the sacred. Erin challenges you to live beyond the daily monotony that threatens to suck the joy from motherhood. Beyond Bath Time beautiflly portrays motherhood's sacred calling but doesn't sugarcoat the hard places. Erin speaks as a mom who doesn't have all the answers, but is learning how to mother with joy. She hands out good doeses of practical help and encouragement while inviting mothers to join her in the high and holy battle. " -- Kimberly Wagner, author of Fierce Women:  The Beauty of a Soft Warrior (September 2012)

"My family does not come before ministy. My family is my first ministry. Erin's book is a reminder to all moms that raising children well and with joy is ministry and the single best way to reach the next generation with God's truth." -- Josh McDowell, bestselling author and speaker

"In a 'childless by choice' world that measures a woman's worth by her contribution to the paid workforce, motherhood is all too often set aside or given second class status. But look comes Erin Davis! She's on a mission to show you that motherhood matters, and that being a mom might just be the most important thing you'll ever do. If you're a Gen-Xer, who's swallowed the pop culture Kool-Aid, you need to read this book -- and consider if the hand that rocks the cradle does, in fact, rule the world!" -- Mary Kassian, author of Girls Gone Wise


Product Details

ISBN: 978-0-8024-7936-5
Publish Date: March 2012
Format: eBook