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Surprise – whoever you are, you're a missionary!
If you call yourself a follower of Jesus, God calls you his missionary. You may never go halfway around the world. You may not raise financial support. But because of God's gospel work in you, you are on mission: to people in your work, school, neighborhood, and those in need. As everyday missionaries, God has sent us to live out his Great Commission in the ordinary, normal, all-too-busy, and even most mundane moments of our lives.
But what exactly does an everyday missionary do? Where and when does this everyday mission happen? Most importantly, how can you possibly share the gospel, without killing your relationships?! Those are the types of questions A Field Guide for Everyday Mission answers for individuals, churches, small groups, Sunday schools, and missional communities. Many resources exist on missional theory, missional leadership, and even missional stories. But based on their years of helping people tangibly demonstrate the gospel, pastors and practitioners Ben Connelly and Bob Roberts Jr. have created an immediately implementable resource to help ordinary followers of Jesus put the idea of mission into everyday practice.
Each day's reading includes a biblical principle that can immediately be put into practice. Each reading ends with a few ways to help you live out the principle in your daily life. By the end of day 30, you'll have 101 different ways to demonstrate the gospel in your daily life. And along the way, other practitioners such as Jeff Vanderstelt, Rick McKinley, and Lance Ford share stories about living on God's everyday mission in their unique context. A Field Guide for Everyday Mission is a tool designed for you, whether you're newly considering the missional idea, whether you've never heard the word before, or whether you've spent years trying to figure out how to put that idea into practice.
BEN CONNELLY is a pastor, author, equipper, and occasional professor. He is honored to serve everyday disciples, ministry leaders, and church planters across the world through The Equipping Group, and to help lead Salt+Light Community and Plant Fort Worth, TX. Ben has written or contributed to several books, workbooks, articles, and publications, has overseen church planting efforts for multiple organizations, and has also taught university and seminary classes. He and Jess have three children and at times host short-term foster kids too. Learn more at, or @connellyben on various social media platforms.
In A Field Guide for Everyday Mission Ben Connelly and Bob Roberts Jr. articulate the Christian mission and provide 101 helpful and practical steps to set about accomplishing this mission. This book will benefit small groups, individuals, and churches who are committed to reaching their communities for Christ.
ED STETZER, President, LifeWay Research, and author, Subversive Kingdom
Bob Roberts and Ben Connelly have given the local church an incredibly helpful and practical guide to doing mission that will equip everyone from the seasoned practitioner to the brand-new believer. It is simple and straightforward, yet it has the power to change both your neighborhood and the world for Christ.
MATT CARTER, Pastor of Preaching and Vision, The Austin Stone Community
Church, and coauthor, The Real Win
"In A Field Guide for Everyday Mission, Ben and Bob bring to the table different perspectives, different generations, different stories, and different experiences. But they are unified in something far deeper: a gospel-saturated, Spirit-reliant, urgency and passion for God's mission, which can be—and must be—carried out in more normal settings than most of us realize. My hope is that God uses this book to open eyes, change our collective posture toward God's call, and inspire many lives on mission, for the sake of the gospel."
JEFF VANDERSTELT, Visionary Leader, Soma Family of Churches, and author, Saturate
Are you concerned about the state of the Church in the West today? Are you affected by the need of the World around us? Do you struggle to know what you should do about it personally? This book will challenge you to become a missionary, right where you live, and not leave evangelism to the so-called professionals.
You will find many captivating phrases like "people are not projects," and "we introduce people to the things that are most important to us." Mingled with the inspiration and motivation are practical pointers, which will help you share Jesus with your friends, neighbors and colleagues. Reading this book could have eternal consequences.
ADRIAN WARNOCK, blogger and author, Raised With Christ
A call to "mission" can sometimes play upon guilty feelings about overwhelming needs and intimidating challenges. Instead, Ben and Bob invite us into a conversation on calling that helps us see that we participate in the mission of God everyday as we bear the image of His Son among our family, neighbors, coworkers, and communities near and far. They offer an idea book full of creative ways to pursue God's calling in our lives to communicate the Gospel of Jesus Christ, in word and deed, in the power of the Spirit! I urge you to give an ear to their conversation because in it you will hear voices echoing their Savior.
STEVEN T. VANDERHILL, President, Redeemer Theological Seminary
If you find that "missional talk" can be a bit vague, then this is the book for you. It's an accessible guide to missional thinking. But even better, it will help put it into practice. It will show you what everyday mission can actually look like. Not every one of their 101 ideas will apply in your situation, but many of them will.
TIM CHESTER, director, The Porterbrook Network, and author, A Meal With Jesus
"Believe it or not, a missing element in being missional is the 'how'—or implementation—of the process. When push comes down to shove, we tend not to follow through for various reasons. Fortunately Ben Connelly and Bob Roberts, Jr. have addressed the 'how' of being missional, especially with their 101 Ways to Demonstrate the Gospel. While I like this book, this section was of particular value in that it put shoe leather on doing the gospel and being missional in the process. This is must-read material for the pastors and leaders who truly aspire to be incarnational in their missional communities."
AUBREY MALPHURS, Founder of the Malphurs Group, and Senior Professor of Leadership and Church Ministries, Dallas Theological Seminary
Ben and Bob do a phenomenal job creating a practical guide for missional living with a mix of story, theology, and simple, effective ideas to engage culture and do good. The world will be a better place as we begin to practice these ideas in our daily life rhythms.
CHRIS MARLOW, founder and CEO, Help One Now
I was always glad to support church missions but it took me many years to realize that I, too, had a mission. This very practical book helped me connect the dots in my understanding of that mission and offered me a way to step forward in faith. A Field Guide for Everyday Mission is written for all of us who wonder how to talk about and live out our faith in a natural, winsome, and God-honoring way.
DALE HANSON BOURKE, author, The Skeptic's Guide series and Embracing Your Second Calling
"A warning to those who still see the missional church as a simple program. As Ben Connelly and Bob Roberts point out, the missional church involves transforming the existing culture, the lives of people and the life of a community for the sake of Jesus Christ. This is more than a 'how to' book. It's the pathway to deep and lasting transformation."
REV. BEN DISNEY, Senior Minister, Arborlawn United Methodist Church, and Lead Consultant, Healthy Church Initiative, United Methodist Church