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Submitting Proposals


Moody Publishers does, on occasion, accept unsolicited manuscripts. However, priority is given to submissions sent via:

  • a professional literary agent
  • an author who has published with us
  • through an associate who works for a Moody ministry
  • personal contact at a writers conference



Moody Publishers titles are designed to glorify God in content and style. Titles are selected for publication based upon fit with this goal, quality of writing, and potential for market success. 

Please do not call our offices with manuscript ideas or mail packages to our offices. Rather, for proposal submissions meeting the criteria detailed above, please have your query sent to:

All queries should include:

  • Your name and email address
  • A brief author biography, including an explanation of your spiritual walk and background, your qualifications to write on the subject (non-fiction), and any previous published writings
  • A one-page book summary or synopsis
  • A detailed table of contents including paragraph summaries for each chapter (non-fiction)
  • The introduction and at least two sample chapters
  • The manuscript word count (actual or projected)
  • A description of your intended audience, how you envision those readers responding to your message, and how you would see us reaching your audience
  • A one-page overview of competitive titles on the market (books that are similar to or might be compared to yours)
  • A listing of potential endorsers for the book
  • A list of all social media accounts including number of followers/friends, and all other means that you connect with your readers including newsletters (with number of subscribers), blogs, video channel (YouTube, etc.)

Prepare your sample chapters in Microsoft Word with normal English usage for grammar, style, and punctuation. Moody Publishers uses The Chicago Manual of Style (17th edition). Please do not submit using Google documents with an attachment and/or link to Google. Submissions will be automatically rejected if all of the above qualifications are not met. 

Should the above qualifications be met, you or your agent can expect to receive a response to your proposal within six weeks of its arrival at the above email address.



If you are just getting started as an author, here are several ideas to help you move forward:

  • Develop experience by writing for periodicals or websites (a portfolio of articles can call attention to your book proposal)
  • Consider partnering with a professional literary agent
  • Hone your skills by taking writing courses
  • Use a reputable manuscript review service or join a writer’s group in your area
    If you know a published author, ask him or her to recommend you