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You've been wronged.
Have lies have been told about you? Have you been rejected? Maybe you've been the victim of abuse. Perhaps it's a broken promise. Or someone betrayed your confidence.
It's only natural that you would be angry. These wounds cry out for justice! But what if justice isn't possible this side of heaven? What if the damage can't be undone? What then?
You have a decision to make.
You can hold on to your anger until your anguish builds a prison of bitterness, where you will live a diminished and pain-filled life. Or you can choose to forgive.
Erwin Lutzer discusses dealing with difficult people such as "spear throwers" and "destroyers," as well as handling conflict among family members and Christians in the courtroom. In this concise, quickly readable volume, you'll learn how to move from bitterness to blessing by choosing forgiveness.
By choosing forgiveness you are choosing abundant life. It's a decision you can make today!
The Christian life is full of platitudes. One of these is that we "forgive one another." Unfortunately, too many of us live under heavy consequences of difficult and broken relationships. Can anything be done about it? Is it just "the way it is"? My good friend Erwin Lutzer provides specific help that we all need when dealing with difficult people in our lives. These pages will help you press on to find freedom in what might seem an impossible situation. Run the risk and read this book. You may never be the same.
-Michael J. Easley, President Emeritus, Moody Bible Institute
"The blood of Jesus offers words of forgiveness and reconciliation to all who embrace the cross. At the foot of the cross both destroyer and victim can come together and find healing." This tremendous truth is shared in the book When You've Been Wronged by my longtime friend Erwin Lutzer. Dr. Lutzer skillfully teaches godly principles of forgiveness and how Christians can have the mind of Christ when they find themselves in conflict.
-Franklin Graham, President and CEO, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, Samaritan's Purse
Hardly a day passes that I don't hear another story of betrayal, broken promises, and damaged relationships. Even our churches and Christian homes are strewn with the wreckage of estranged relationships. Dr. Lutzer urges us to make Christianity believable by pursuing reconciliation and moving from bitterness to blessing. This book is full of rich, biblical insight and practical instruction which, if heeded, will prove to be the pathway to freedom and perhaps the revival we so desperately need.
-Nancy Leigh DeMoss, Author, Revive Our Hearts radio host