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FOR INSIDE THE BOOK (Bold parts can be excerpted for the back cover if there is room)
The often quoted saying, "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear." holds true in this recent work of Dr. Harry Schaumburg. The Church of Jesus Christ is thoroughly enmeshed in one moral crisis after the other, and we have been in desperate need for a truly biblical answer to this crisis. Several thousand years ago, someone said, "...Increased years should teach wisdom." It is evident that Dr. Schaumburg's years of experience and his commitment to a thoroughly biblical approach to dealing with this issue has produced a work that shines with penetrating light into the one of the darkest areas of 21st century Christian life. I commend this work as a handbook for study in every church, as a resource to every pastor who has or will face this matter in their ministry and as a diagnostic tool for personal evaluation of one's own life and walk. No pastor's library should be without this wonderful tool. If Undefiled is taken seriously, it could produce a sea change in Christian behavior.
Bishop Joseph L. Garlington, Sr.
Senior Pastor
Covenant Church of Pittsburgh
Presiding Bishop
Reconciliation Ministries International
As the Church awakens to the mushrooming challenges of sexual sin and temptation, this book is important. Not only does Dr.
Schaumburg capture hearts through compelling narrative, he addresses the real issues head on. The author integrates a much needed Biblical
view of sex into the fabric of everyday faith. But most importantly, Dr. Schaumburg emphasizes the concept of sin, rather than the more
typical categorization of sexual sin as disease. Because sin is thoroughly addressed here with the gospel of Jesus Christ, hope and
power are present. Undefiled is substantial, but written in a way that people can comprehend. It is my prayer that this work will be
widely read - leading to understanding, repentance and faith, and God's blessing for people and families.
Joseph Wheat
Pastor, PCA
From a former client:
Before going to see Dr. Schaumburg, I was terrified. Not only had my world as I thought I knew it crumbled, but I was desperate for some answers to why my spouse had done these things: didn't he care about our marriage? Our family? What was so wrong with me that he had to go elsewhere? While reeling from the revelations, I faced the thought of what to do next: should we spend more money we didn't have on counseling that although it was "christian" hadn't helped in the past?
Now, as an alumni of Dr. Schaumberg's method, I can tell you that this book offers a real answer for the above questions facing so many broken marriages today. The real solution is not about the counseling, the recovery programs, and finding who to blame for one's behavior--we tried those and they didn't bring true change. Dr. Schaumberg's method gets to the heart of the matter, literally. He guides each person to examine their own heart and see how it lines up with God's will for their life, step by step, just as if you were going through his program. You will not be the same person you were if you read and follow the instructions in this book; in it you will find the keys to sexual redemption.
From a former client:
The resources Harry is making available to use in the local church will transform people's hearts and minds. I am confident that the truth contained in these new resources will begin to shatter the strongholds that have held many captive for years. If more people are exposed to this truth, hopefully the tide of self-help can be stemmed and the tide of clean heart, clean mind can begin to