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In this 3 DVD series, you will travel from deep within space to deep within the human body. Throughout your journey, you will learn more about the Master Creator as you learn more about His creation.
Plant Earth: Sanctuary of Life DVD
In the vast expanse of the solar system, the earth stands alone. Nowhere else but on this small, bluish jewel has God brought together the precise and perfect qualities necessary to sustain life. As you watch this memorable tour of our planet, you will discover hidden miracles absolutely vital to our survival. Clouds airlifting and distributing millions of tons of water each day throughout the earth. Seeds, carrying these ingenious packages of life, a treasury of flowers and trees to their new home in the earth's soil. You will enjoy the matchless splendor of water, land and sky, and marvel at this unique and remarkable planet every living thing calls home.
Animal Kingdom: Great Are Thy Works DVD
It has been said that the wisest of human engineers could not improve the control system found in the tail of a common squirrel. Similar statements can be made while observing the inhabitants of any pond, field or wilderness. God has left his indelible signature on every member of the animal kingdom with which we share this planet. As you view this video, you will be amazed at the mysterious migrations of the Pacific salmon and the monarch butterfly's annual 2,000 mile journey from Canada to Mexico. You will visit the inside of a honeycomb to learn the language of bees. Watch spiders spin webs stronger than steel. Throughout the animal kingdom, God's provision and craftsmanship are widely displayed.
Human Life: Crown of Creation DVD
The well-known Greek writer Sophocles wrote, "Numberless are the world's wonders, but none are more wonderful than man himself." Sophocles' timeless words still ring true, for human life exists as the crowning achivement of God's creation. As you watch this video, carefully consider the unimaginable complexity and potential of the human brain, the architectural masterwork of the hand and skeletal system, and the incredible durability of the heart. In the human body, God's creative power expresses its magnificent dimsnion. But there is far more to the miracle of the human experience than the wonders of the body and mind. God has made each of us for the highest purpose of all, to know and enjoy His love and care forever.
Spanish track included
Approximate running time: 60 minutes per DVD (3 DVDs total)
Filmed circa 1992–1993
Durante más de cincuenta años, Moody Science Classics ha revelado los milagros de los misterios de la naturaleza mientras muestra cómo las maravillas de la creación revelan la majestad de Dios. Los niños en edad escolar hasta la adolescencia, así como los padres y maestros, obtendrán un nuevo aprecio por el Creador y los intrincados detalles de Su obra, como se presenta en estos programas galardonados.
La serie de videos de Moody Science, premiada con el primer lugar en la categoría de Serie de Videos Educativos de los premios prácticos para lectores de educación en el hogar de 2001, son complementos maravillosos para enseñar principios científicos en un formato fácil de entender y desde una perspectiva bíblica.
Pista española incluida
Tiempo de ejecución aproximado: 60 minutos por DVD (3 DVD en total)
Grupo de edad: elemental y superior
Fecha de la película: alrededor de 1992-1993