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It is absolutely essential that a church perceive itself as an institution for the glory of God, and to do that—claims John MacArthur—the local church must adhere unfalteringly to biblical leadership principles.
Christ never intended church leadership to be earned by seniority, purchased with money, or inherited through family ties. He never compared church leaders to governing monarchs, but rather to humble shepherds; not to slick celebrities, but to laboring servants.
Drawing from some of the best-received material on church leadership, this updated edition guides the church with crucial, effective lessons in leadership. This book is valuable not only for pastors and elders, but for anyone else who wants the church to be what God intended it to be.
John MacArthur is on the cutting edge of church leadership and church development. He not only knows this critical area biblically but pragmatically as well, since his own church models the principles in this book.
-Dr. Tony Evans, pastor and author
The book The Master's Plan for the Church is indeed a masterwork. Like other works by John MacArthur, it shows solid biblical scholarship and practical application.
-Dr. Adrian Rogers, pastor, Bellview Baptist Church, Memphis, Tennessee
John MacArthur has done church leaders a great service. His new edition of The Master's Plan for the Church is the thorough, biblically-based book we are used to finding when we read MacArthur. I commend it to church leaders everywhere.
-Dr. Jerry Vines, pastor, First Baptist Church of Jacksonville, Florida