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  • The 5 Masculine Instincts: A Guide to Becoming a Better Man

The 5 Masculine Instincts: A Guide to Becoming a Better Man

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Format: Paperback
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Product Description

Don't trust your instincts—there is a better path to becoming a better man.

It's no secret: today's men face a dilemma. Our culture tells them that their instincts are either toxic or salvific. Men are left with only two options: deconstruct and forfeit masculine identity or embrace it with wild abandon. They're left to decide between ignoring their instincts or indulging them. Neither approach helps them actually understand their own masculine experiences nor how those experiences can lead them to become better men of God.

The Bible doesn't shy away from the reality of masculine instincts nor all of the ways those instincts can lead to destruction. Examining the lives of five men of the Bible, The 5 Masculine Instincts shows that these men aren't masculine role models or heroes but are men who wrestled with their own desires and, by faith, matured them into something better.

Through this book you'll discover your own instincts are neither curse nor virtue. They are the experiences by which you develop a new and better instinct—an instinct of faith. By exploring sarcasm, adventure, ambition, reputation, and apathy, The 5 Masculine Instincts shows you how to better understand yourself and how your own instincts can be matured into something better.

This is the path by which we become better men.


About the Author

Chase Replogle
CHASE REPLOGLE is the pastor of Bent Oak Church in Springfield, Missouri. He holds a degree in Biblical Studies and an M.A. in New Testament from The Assemblies of God Theological Seminary. He is currently a D.Min. student in The Sacred Art of Writing at Western Theological Seminary. His work draws from history, psychology, literature, and a rich narrative approach to Scripture to help readers think more deeply about faith and life. He has written for Christianity Today, The Gospel Coalition, Ekstatis, Bible Engagement Project, and Influence Magazine. A native of the Ozark woods, he enjoys being outdoors with his wife and two kids, sailing, playing the mandolin (badly), and quail hunting with his bird dog Millie.


Praise for The 5 Masculine Instincts

"Through the experiences of five biblical men—men like David, Samson, and Moses—Chase shows how these instincts can lead men to destruction, or by faith, to something better. Through their failures and success, we learn and mature with them. But these are not just stories. Chase offers practices by which we learn to discipline our own instincts. You will learn to live Paul's advice to the young man Timothy, 'Keep a close watch on yourself and on the teaching.' Know your instinct and know what you have in Christ. That is the way forward for men. Chase will show you the way."
—MARK BATTERSON, lead pastor of National Community Church; New York Times bestselling author of The Circle Maker

"There are lot of mixed messages in our society about masculinity—what it is, what it should be, what it shouldn't be, and even whether it's really 'a thing.' God designed men to be masculine in the best sense of the word. That requires harnessing our natural impulses and letting Him direct those traits toward the full, thriving manhood that He intends for all of us. This book is a great starting point."
—JIM DALY, President, Focus on the Family

"In my twenty-four years as a pastor, two tragic words have come to summarize the affliction of many men: lonely and bored. As Thoreau once quipped, 'The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.' Once they've settled in to the routines and presumed 'have-to's' of life—family, career, and maybe church—it is common for men to replace adventure and dreams with other things that numb and distract: television, internet surfing, pornography, sports, workaholism, voyeurism, excessive eating and drinking, an affair, and the like. In The 5 Masculine Instincts, Chase does a great job not only describing this sad state of affairs for many men but also paving a path forward for men who desire a better, more excellent way. Whether you are a man or there is a man that you care about, I highly recommend this work to you."
—SCOTT SAULS, senior pastor of Christ Presbyterian Church in Nashville, TN; author of Befriend and Irresistible Faith

"Chase takes the mask of masculinity right off the face of culture. This book exposes the lie that true masculinity is discovered in what we do, or what we possess. It redirects our hearts to the joyful truth that masculinity, at its core, is found in who we are becoming. It shows us how to become more like Christ. So seriously, buy this book, read it, soak in it, and spread the word. This book is a MUST READ for every man—and every woman who loves a man."
—RASHAWN COPELAND, founder of I'm So Blessed Daily; author of No Turning Back

"Chase is pursuing a much-needed goal—to help shape and inspire a new generation of godly men. With his ear to Scripture and a keen eye on culture, Chase brings the lives of the Bible's men into our own. As a result, we are able to learn from them and discover a better kind of manhood. The 5 Masculine Instincts is a book we need."
—BRAD LOMENICK, leadership consultant, speaker, founder of BLINC, and author of The Catalyst Leader and H3 Leadership

"Have you noticed how little we talk about character these days—particularly as men? We talk about toxic traits and roles and responsibilities, but men I know struggle most with living up to the expectations they have for themselves. They don't know how to get better. What men need is a new conversation about Christian character. Chase has done just that. Chase helps men grow in character by addressing the masculine instincts directing their lives through nuanced engagement with Scripture and deep gospel clarity. The 5 Masculine Instincts will help you become a man of true Christian character."
—LT. GEN. (RET) WILLIAM G. BOYKIN, founding member of the elite US Army Delta Force; US Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence; author of Man to Man: Rediscovering Masculinity in a Challenging World

"If ever there was a language, fashioned uniquely to men . . . invented just for them, Chase Replogle speaks it. This book is clear-headed, bold, and crisp. After nearly forty years in the publishing business, I've been told that men don't read books. Take a few minutes in this one and you will agree with me that this book is a happy exception. Men need to read this. I predict they will. I'm so glad I did."
—ROBERT WOLGEMUTH, bestselling author

"It's funny how as we grow older and live more of life we often end up with a foggier sense of who we are and where our lives are supposed to go—well, more tragic than funny, really. It leads us into so many misguided decisions and down wrong paths. This book is not a guide or a self-help book, which is good because our selves were what caused this confusion in the first place. Nor is it a sermon or a mandate. Instead, it's a reflection on purpose and direction, and identity woven through with biblical truth. For any disillusioned, post-idealist adults facing broken dreams or a confusing vision of the future, this book is for you and will be a help."
—BARNABAS PIPER, pastor, author of Help My Unbelief and The Curious Christian, and cohost of The Happy Rant podcast

"A ton of books are written each year, but truly exceptional books can be counted on one hand. This is one such book, and it is no accident. Chase Replogle is a gifted, engaging author who is a master storyteller, thorough researcher, and excellent interpreter and applier of biblical truth. To be a truly exceptional book, however, it also has to address a real issue with real substance. Never has masculinity faced the challenges it faces today—from without and from within. Chase takes these challenges head-on: no beating around the bush and no shortage of solid, biblically based guidance required to get us back on track. Thank you, Chase, for producing a book that men—indeed, our entire culture—is desperate for!"
—WAVE NUNNALLY, professor Emeritus of Early Judaism and Christian Origins, Evangel University / Assemblies of God Theological Seminary

"Talking about manhood today has become strangely controversial. That leaves a lot of men stuck. How are we supposed to be better as men if the whole conversation is always drama? The 5 Masculine Instincts is our way forward. I've known Chase for a long time and I know the years of work he's given to this topic. You'll recognize it when you read the book. I can't wait for all the men I know to read it. It's what we need."
—DAN BOEVER, professional Trick-shot Golf Entertainer and RE/MAX World Long Drive Champion (Sr. Division)

"The 5 Masculine Instincts is a fresh look at men today compared with men in the Bible. The author states there are no biblical heroes per se—with the exception of Jesus. For the most part, these men were ordinary, which makes them relatable. Chase's descriptions are interesting, colorful, insightful—and realistic."
—GENE GETZ, professor, radio host, and author of The Measure of a Man

"Being a man can be a challenge. We are easily discouraged and easily distracted. But we are not alone in this. The Word of the living God has given us men who are just like us. Chase highlights some of the crucial instincts so many of us experience as men, showing us where the men of the Bible got it right and where they also failed. Today's world continues to twist the purpose of masculinity and manhood. This book is going to point you back in the right direction. Whether you're a man wise in years or still striving to be, I encourage you to pick up The 5 Masculine Instincts and rediscover a better manhood in Christ.
—KORY KEETH, PRCA Rodeo Announcer

Product Details

ISBN: 978-0-8024-2554-6
Publish Date: March 2022
Dimensions: 5.25 x 8
Format: Paperback