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Jensen Survey-2 Volume Set -Old and New Testaments

Jensen Survey-2 Volume Set -Old and New Testaments

Complete two-volume set of Jensen's Survey of the Old and New Testaments.
eBook Set $41.99
Romans: A Model for Bible Study Methods

Romans: A Model for Bible Study Methods

A commentary/study guide for anyone who wants a thorough grasp of Romans.
eBook $0.99
Speaking to Life's Problems

Speaking to Life's Problems

Wisdom and resources for preaching that speaks to peoples' needs.
eBook $2.99
Scientists Who Believe

Scientists Who Believe

Career fulfillment in the sciences, yet further fulfillment through faith in Jesus Christ.
eBook $5.99
A Biblical Theology of Missions

A Biblical Theology of Missions

Teaches on Jesus, missionary theology, the nature of God, and the dynamics of missions.
Paperback $22.99
Read Aloud Bible Stories Volume 2

Read Aloud Bible Stories Volume 2

Illustrated Gospel stories for pre-schoolers and early school-age children.
Hardcover $16.99
John- Teach Yourself the Bible Series

John- Teach Yourself the Bible Series

Reviews each New Testament book and six other subjects for spiritual growth.
eBook $5.99
Mormonism Mama And Me

Mormonism Mama And Me

A personal account of one woman's conversion from Mormonism to Christianity.
eBook $2.99
A General Introduction to the Bible

A General Introduction to the Bible

An updated version satisfying the exacting demands on a good Bible introduction.
Paperback $39.99
Science and the Bible

Science and the Bible

Study scientific and biblical truths about evolution, the Flood, history, and prophecy.
Paperback $14.99
Paul the Apostle

Paul the Apostle

A thorough study of the Apostle Paul, his life, background, ministry, and writings.
Paperback $15.99
Pastor To Pastor

Pastor To Pastor

Dr. Lutzer offers practical advice on how to handle difficult pastoral situations.
eBook $3.99
The Fall Feasts of Israel

The Fall Feasts of Israel

A study of Israel's most significant festivals: Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot.
Paperback $14.99
Daily With The King

Daily With The King

A calendar of devotional readings for the Christian's daily walk with God.
Hardcover $24.99
Biblical Preaching for Today's World

Biblical Preaching for Today's World

A call to preachers to adjust their methods but never the message: to preach the Word.
eBook $3.99
The Secret Teachings of the Masonic Lodge

The Secret Teachings of the Masonic Lodge

This in-depth book probes the foundational conflicts of Freemasonry & Christianity.
Paperback $19.99