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Social & Cultural Issues

Turbulent times call for bold actions—but always guided by the Word of God. The hard-to-face social issues in America like abortion, institutional racism, social injustice, inequity of resources, violence, and dishonest politicians and government all make us tremble . . . until we remember that God is still on His throne. If you want to get involved in God's kingdom-building plans, we've got resources that will help you engage cultural issues today with Christian wisdom and compassion. It's not enough to ask, "What would Jesus do?" You have to actually do it!

Choose Life

Choose Life

Learn to make the pro-life case with intelligent arguments and compassionate love.
Paperback $17.99
Hitler's Cross

Hitler's Cross

Outlines critical and timely lessons from Hitler's hold on the church of Nazi Germany.
Paperback $16.99
Your New Life with Adult Children

Your New Life with Adult Children

Wisdom and practical help for navigating your relationship with adult children.
Paperback $16.99
Expected Availability: 10/1/2024
The Wolf in Their Pockets

The Wolf in Their Pockets

Redirecting hearts from the social Internet to worship and faith in Jesus Christ.
Paperback $16.99
Christ Among Other gods

Christ Among Other gods

Critiques the tolerance movement and guides Christians in a faithful response.
Paperback $16.99
Hope in Addiction

Hope in Addiction

How slaves to addiction become children of God and family in the community of God.
Paperback $13.59 $16.99
When Helping Hurts

When Helping Hurts

Concepts, principles, and applications to help you help others in the best way possible.
Paperback $15.99
Hope and Holiness

Hope and Holiness

The gospel is God's provision for the power to live a life of faith-filled purity.
Paperback $15.99
Understanding the Arab-Israeli Conflict

Understanding the Arab-Israeli Conflict

A biblically grounded look at the conflict between Israelis and Arabs.
Paperback $15.99
The Church in Babylon

The Church in Babylon

Teaches how to maintain your faith when living in the midst of a hostile, pagan culture.
Paperback $15.99
She Believed HE Could, So She Did

She Believed HE Could, So She Did

A journey toward freedom, exposing cultural lies about women and finding truth.
Paperback $15.99
Editing Jesus

Editing Jesus

We need Jesus. The whole Jesus. Lawrence explores 8 ways the Jesus of the contemporary church has been edited to fit the spirit of the age.
Paperback $15.99
Becoming Whole

Becoming Whole

Shows why poverty alleviation efforts fail and reveals that the secret to lasting change is in the human heart
Paperback $15.99
Never Shaken

Never Shaken

No matter what befalls us, we can live with the hope and courage of Jesus Christ.
Paperback $12.79 $15.99
Her Freedom Journey

Her Freedom Journey

Our prayer is that through this book you would better understand God's love and through that love, you will begin your journey of healing and freedom!
Paperback $15.99
Expected Availability: 7/2/2024
The New Reformation

The New Reformation

Christian hip-hop artist Shai Linne shows how the gospel applies to ethnic unity.
Paperback $15.99