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Biblical exegesis doesn't stop with the words alone. Faithful preachers exegete the emotion of the text as well.
It's easy to let our own personalities dictate the emotional dimension of our sermons, but the best preachers mirror the Bible's emotive intent in their sermons. In Passion in the Pulpit, Jerry Vines and Adam Dooley will teach you how to exegete not just the verbal content of Scripture, but its emotional appeal as well. They show you the role the Bible's emotional intent should play in each stage of sermon prep, and:
When we elevate the Bible's emotional intent above our own, we preach truth rather than personality.
Passion in the Pulpit by Jerry Vines and Adam Dooley is a must-read for every person who stands to preach. The man of God is called and charged with one responsibility—preach the Word. Proclaiming the Word is more than dispensing truth. If that is the only goal, the result will be dry preaching that produces dry Christians. The goal should always be passionate proclamation that produces passionate followers of Jesus. Masterfully, Vines and Dooley provide the proclaimer with understanding and techniques to deliver the passion and emotion of the given text in order to connect with the heart of the listener. I enthusiastically commend this book to all practitioners of preaching.
Frank Cox
Senior Pastor North Metro Baptist Church, Lawrenceville, GA
It would be difficult to find two more competent preachers of God's Word than Jerry Vines and Adam Dooley. These two remarkable preachers have combined their efforts to capture the essence of biblical passion. This moves us beyond the exuberance of human energy and enthusiasm to allowing the passion and pathos of the biblical passage itself to be expressed through the preaching of God's Word. In these pages, the preacher is relieved of having to focus on his own abilities of communication to revealing the passion of the text itself. Here is a guide to linking the emotion of the Holy Spirit in the inspired text itself to the proclamation of the Word of God. You will sail in uncharted waters in these pages and will sharpen your ability to genuinely touch the emotions of the hearers with the emotion and passion of Scripture.
Jimmy Draper
President Emeritus, LifeWay
Adam Dooley and Jerry Vines have taken their combined preaching experience and years of study to produce a resource that walks the preacher through a process for identifying, crafting, and proclaiming the emotion of a text. This book is a significant contribution to the field of preaching. It should be required reading for every pastor.
Robby Gallaty
Pastor of Long Hollow Baptist Church
Author of Preaching for the Rest of Us
Preaching with courageous conviction and compelling passion is essential for effective communication. Jerry Vines and Adam Dooley offer the tools and techniques to deliver the message with life changing impact. I highly recommend this book to all preachers and teachers of the Word of God.
Jack Graham
Pastor, Prestonwood Baptist Church
Passion in the Pulpit is a must-read for anyone who longs to be a more dynamic communicator of God's Word. Jerry Vines and Adam Dooley, two of the most effective expositors of Scripture in the world today, combine their years of experience to offer practical advice to every pastor. I highly recommend this book to any preacher or teacher of God's Word.
Robert Jeffress
Pastor, First Baptist Church, Dallas
Teacher, Pathway to Victory
In Passion in the Pulpit, a modern-day Moses and Joshua (Jerry Vines and Adam Dooley) teach us to convey faithfully the passionate convictions of the inspired authors of Scripture. This well-written manual distills exegetical insights and decades of personal experience. It is the mentoring most pastors are longing for in an engaging book! I'm delighted to enthusiastically commend this book to both new and seasoned preachers wishing to grow in effective exposition.
Robert L. Plummer
Chairman, New Testament Department; professor of New Testament Interpretation
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
It was my privilege to be a seminary classmate with Jerry Vines. I've followed his ministry for more than half a century and heard him preach on many occasions in different venues. In every setting he preached with the passion he writes about. My heart and mind were always stirred as he expounded the truth he lived. Vines and Dooley have joined their preaching skills, honed in the study and the marketplace of the people they have pastored, to assist us in our calling to feed the flock. Their words will bring insight, information, and inspiration and feed the desire of all who desire to grow in communicating the Word that transforms lives for now and forever.