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  • Next Up: 8 Shifts Great Young Leaders Make

Next Up: 8 Shifts Great Young Leaders Make

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Product Description

There are 8 key attitude and action shifts that every great leader makes.

From entitlement to honor. From passive to passionate. From unreliable to consistent. Are you willing to make these shifts (and more) and be ready when the "next up" call comes?

The Millennial generation is poised to do something. We can either learn, grow, ask for help, and lead honorably into the future, or we can passively wait, feeling entitled for the keys to eventually be given to us. We can do better than that! Let's take the initiative and rise to the challenge.

The future will be filled with leadership transitions at not only the highest levels in businesses, churches, and organizations all over the world, but also at regular, everyday places. Who will be ready to lead existing movements, groups, and causes? Or who will be ready to start the new ones?

Using practical, biblical, and contemporary examples and lessons, this book will help existing and burgeoning leaders pinpoint the areas of their lives where they still need to make the shift and learn to lead more effectively.

About the Author

Jonathan Pearson
JONATHAN PEARSON is the Orangeburg Campus Pastor at Cornerstone Community Church and Assistant Director of The Sticks, an organization that empowers small town leaders. Jonathan is also co-host of the Next Up Podcast and author of Next Up: 8 Shifts Great Young Leaders Make and The Productive Pastor Handbook. He is married to Melissa and has a son named Riley. They live in Orangeburg, S.C. Find Jonathan online at


The leadership tide is constantly changing, and Jonathan does a great job outlining what it's going to take to lead as a next generation leader going forward. One of the big questions today is transitioning leadership from one generation to the next. Next Up meets that challenge head on with a practical plan you can put into practice!
Brad Lomenick, author of The Catalyst Leader, president and lead visionary of Catalyst

Passing the leadership baton is no easy task, but receiving it is an even more daunting responsibility. With practical yet profound wisdom, Jonathan Pearson gives young leaders such necessary tools to face this challenge and steward their influence with grace and excellence.
Pete Wilson, pastor of Cross Point Church, author of Plan B and Let Hope In

Jonathan's book takes me back to my early days as a leader—those days of great ambition, boundless zeal, and no clue what I was really doing. With uncompromising insight, Jonathan emphasizes the unglamorous traits—honor, humility, patience—that make real leaders out of what might have been just a flash in the pan. Whether you're fresh out of the gate, or in the home stretch, this is the leadership book you need to run your race strong.
Scott Williams, church growth/leadership consultant, strategist at NxtLevel Solutions, author of Church Diversity and Go Big

The leadership pipeline in most organizations and churches is thin. In many cases, we have neglected the process of leadership development. But, a new crew of leadership is on the rise. Will they be ready? Jonathan bravely challenges his younger leader peers to step up to the plate and seize their day. This is a helpful and engaging book for all generations preparing for who is Next Up. 
Ron Edmondson, blogger at, senior pastor of Immanuel Baptist Church in Lexington KY

As a young leader imagining the future of our organization, Next Up has been a literal handbook.
Blaine Hogan, creative director at Willow Creek Community Church

Jonathan is one of the brightest young leaders I know. He also lives out what it means to honor the past and press toward the future as a young leader. Every young leader should read this work!
Shawn Lovejoy, lead pastor of Mountain Lake Church, author of The Measure of Our Success: An Impassioned Plea To Pastors

The youngest generation of leaders has often been unfairly generalized as spoiled and selfish. Jonathan Pearson throws light on a better way to lead in the middle of today's hurricane of cultural change. His message is timely yet rooted in timeless truth, and our age needs stronger roots to bear fresh fruit. A generation yet to have their chance depends on it.
Brandon Cox, pastor of Grace Hills Church in Bentonville, Arkansas, author of Rewired

When I see Jonathan at a distance or up close, he represents what Christ taught us with Faith, Hope and Love.  In Next Up, he communicates that kind of leadership in a real, relevant and engaging way.
Wayne Elsey, founder of Soles4Souls

Jonathan issues a bold call to young leaders, one that, if followed, will prepare them well as the next generation of leadership. I have seen firsthand how the negative traits he addresses can keep leaders from reaching their full potential. And on the flip side, I have seen leaders soar as they develop consistency, passion, humility, and patience. Jonathan's book is a much-needed resource for any young leader desiring to lead well. 
Justin Lathrop, founder of

Jonathan Pearson's Next Up is bringing to front and center characteristics and values which should grab the hearts and minds of Millennials everywhere. The choice to move forward, make changes, and commit to sustainable personal leadership development and progress has been a continuous challenge and theme for my 35 years of working and ministering to college age students. Pearson provides students serious about personal and professional growth a clear, concise framework for seizing the leadership opportunities God has placed in their path. If achieving success navigating the challenges of the 21st Century is a goal you share then I highly recommend Millennials, and those who mentor them, give Next Up full attention.
Dr. Rick Brewer, Vice President of Student Affairs and Athletics, Charleston Southern University

If you're in leadership at any level, whether inside the Church or in the secular world, this book will serve you well. For older leaders, this is a vital read to help prepare the next generation of leadership. For younger leaders, this is vital to help prepare them if God sees fit for them to continue to lead at an increasingly higher level. 

The work that Jonathan has done will serve you well, and help prepare you for the road that God has ahead of you. You owe it to your organization to process the concepts here. If you want to be a responsible leader, read this book.
Ben Reed, small groups pastor of Long Hollow, author of Starting Small: The Ultimate Small Group Blueprint

I love young, sharp, aggressive leaders. There is nothing more exciting than turning one of these young lions loose, but we often fail them in forgetting that great leadership happens when opportunity meets with preparation. Jonathan's book stands out as the perfect tool to help ensure the next generation is prepped and ready to pick up the leadership torch in your church or organization. 
Todd Adkins, Director of Leadership, Lifeway Christian Resources

Product Details

ISBN: 978-0-8024-9044-5
Publish Date: May 2014
Format: eBook