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  • Momentum: Pursuing God's Blessings Through the Beatitudes

Momentum: Pursuing God's Blessings Through the Beatitudes

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Format: Paperback
Your Price: $15.99

Product Description

The Beatitudes are not telling you how to become a Christian—they tell you what a true Christian looks like.

Everyone wants to be blessed. We want to be blessed in life, blessed in death, and blessed in eternity. In the Beatitudes, the Son of God tells us about the life that is blessed and about the people who are blessed. But Jesus does more than just describe a blessed life, He gives us a way to actually pursue it.

If you want to make strides in overcoming sin, growing in godliness, abounding in good works, and enjoying intimacy with the Lord, this book is for you. And if you have lost hope that any of these things are possible, this book is especially for you. You can make progress, starting today.

About the Author

Colin-S Smith
COLIN SMITH serves as senior pastor of The Orchard with six campuses across Chicagoland. Born in Edinburgh, Scotland, Colin received his Bachelor of Arts in Theology and Master of Philosophy from the London School of Theology. Colin is the author of several books including The Ten Greatest Struggles of Your Life and Fly Through the Bible: A Brief Introduction. He can be heard daily on the Open the Bible radio broadcast and at and Colin and his wife, Karen, have two sons and five granddaughters.


This book is at once delightful, convicting, and practical. Delightful, because it is so well written with excellent illustrations; convicting, in that it aims at the transformation of our hearts; and finally, practical, because it spell out exactly what we can do to gain the momentum in the Christian life that we all seek. What you hold in your hand is a treasure that helps us understand the beatitudes and that motivates us to become what Jesus redeemed us to be. Read it and you will want to share it with a friend!

Pastor Emeritus, The Moody Church, Chicago 

Without fail, my mind, heart, and walk with God are always stirred by Colin Smith's messages. Solid biblical exposition, heart-searching insight, and practical exhortation make this study of the Beatitudes a rich resource.

Author, Revive Our Hearts teacher and host

I have never before thought of the progression in Jesus' Beatitudes. And I'll never read them the same way again after Colin Smith's insightful book, Momentum. From the poor in spirit to the persecuted for righteousness' sake, Christians all along the sanctification spectrum will be edified by this wise work.

Editorial Director, The Gospel Coalition
Author, Blind Spots: Becoming a Courageous, Compassionate, and Commissioned Church

The Christian understanding of blessing has been greatly watered down to represent a few shallow aspects at the cost of the rich biblical connotations that go with it. Colin Smith redresses this with a deep, enriching exposition. Usually when I seek this kind of enrichment I go to writers of previous generations. This book has the same depth but is also written in a vibrant, contemporary style.

Teaching Director, Youth for Christ, Sri Lanka

In Momentum, Colin Smith leaves behind our culture's superficial use of #blessed as a hashtag to brag about favorable circumstances to mine the counterintuitive wisdom of what Jesus says it really means to have a life that is blessed. This book will cause you to look deeply into your own heart and life for signs of genuine spiritual life as well as equip you to pursue more purposefully the Giver of life.

Bible teacher and author

Colin Smith's series on the Momentum is a soul-searching investigation into Jesus' teachings on the Beatitudes. The beauty of this study is that it asks the right questions and then it answers them in straightforward and plain English. Here is a gift that would bless many a church and many a Bible study group.

President Emeritus, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

I love this book. Thank you Colin for the refreshing, insightful, and compelling way in which you open the Beatitudes to us. Indeed, the Beatitudes are the marks and evidence of new life in Christ, as well as a practical model for growth in the Christian life. This book is for every follower of Christ who wants to get unstuck and experience momentum in their walk with Christ. What a gift!

Author, Speaker, Radio Host
Sr. Pastor, Fellowship Bible Church, Roswell, Georgia


Product Details

ISBN: 978-0-8024-1386-4
Publish Date: October 2016
Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5
Format: Paperback