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What a needed book! Make It Home Before Dark is one of those rare books that I intend to give to my friends. Crawford's book will change your perspective about repentance and as a result, you'll experience the love of God in a fresh way.
-Dennis Rainey, Executive Director of Family Life
Conviction leads to brokenness, brokenness to repentance, repentance to healing. Crawford's book, Make It Home Before Dark, brings the Truth of strong biblical teaching to the soul, coupled with grace and compassion for the thirsty. Take a drink. You'll be refreshed.
-Dr. Gary Rosberg, President, America's Family Coaches
This book provides a practical road map of getting back on track when we as sheep wander from the Shepherd.
-Dr. Tony Evans, Senior Pastor, Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship, Dallas, Texas, President, The Urban Alternative
Make It Home Before Dark is the fascinating title of an important book by my very dear friend and colleague Dr. Crawford Loritts. It is important because it deals with the fundamental condition for holiness now and heaven to come. The key word is repentance -- a doctrine rarely preached or practiced today. It is necessary for saints and sinners alike. Jesus opened His ministry with the call to repentance. Peter did the same at the birthing of the church and Paul launched his missionary work with the message of "repentance toward God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ." I thank God for this biblical and balanced treatment of a truth that must be preached if we are to see revival and spiritual awakening in our day. I commend this book to readers everywhere with the passionate expectation of blessing to come!
-Dr. Stephen F. Olford, Founder and Senior Lecturer, The Stephen Olford Center for Biblical Preaching, Memphis, Tennessee