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  • Killing Sin: Conquer the One Thing That Is Defeating You

Killing Sin: Conquer the One Thing That Is Defeating You

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Format: Paperback
Your Price: $14.99

Product Description

Kill what's killing you.

Every fiber of you aches to distance yourself from something holding you back—that one thing that is killing you. Pastor Karl Clauson understands.

How can we take hold of God's promises and walk in freedom—not just for a day or a week but a sustained, lasting victory? In Killing Sin, Karl is honest about his own personal battles and draws from his decades of experience helping people conquer sin to show us the pathway to freedom.

Sin separates us from God, what Jesus saves us from, and what the Holy Spirit gives us power to overcome. Karl presents behavioral habits that hold you back, an understanding of how change happens, and strategies for winning wars grounded in Scripture. No longer do you need to hide or suffer alone. Killing Sin shows you how to successfully fight temptation and overcome the sin in your life.

About the Author

Karl Clauson
KARL CLAUSON is the host of Moody Radio's Karl and Crew, a nationally syndicated radio program, and is Lead Pastor of 180 Chicago Church. Karl and his bride, Junanne, have been married for 37 years and have two adult children.


"What an amazing book! Karl Clauson writes like he speaks: with passion, clarity, and conviction. I love this book. You'd think a book on killing sin would feel like a heavy weight, when in fact, it's just the opposite. Killing Sin is a path to freedom, wholeness, and abundance. This book compelled me to take a deeper look at my motivations and coping mechanisms. I sensed God's holy invitation to believe Him for more, to trust Him on a deeper level. In a world that's quickly normalizing destructive sin, we need this truth-telling invitation to freedom. Bravo, Karl!"
Bestselling author, national speaker, talk radio host

"This is a great book. It is provocative, interesting, and convicting. It forces us to finally reject all of our excuses and get serious in the presence of God about 'the sin that so easily entangles [us]' (Heb. 12:1 NIV). If you ask me why the church seems so weak today, I would answer it is because we have so many defeated Christians who simultaneously hate their besetting sin and yet find themselves loving to repeat it. This book points the way out of an acceptance of our spiritual doldrums to finally live honestly in the power of the Spirit. Get two copies, one for yourself and one for someone else you know who also needs it."
Pastor Emeritus, The Moody Church, Chicago

"Sin is ugly. It not only breaks God's law, but it breaks His heart. Sin stunts our spiritual growth, and it causes pain in our relationships. Sin must be killed. In his newest book, Karl does a fabulous job of helping us to know how to win the battle against sin, one choice at a time. He reminds us that 'the body of sin might be brought to nothing' (Rom. 6:6) not because of what we do, but because of the power we receive from Jesus Himself. Read this book and, when you are finished, may you long remember that you are 'no longer . . . enslaved to sin' (Rom. 6:6)."
Nationally syndicated talk show host

"Sin! Consistently, it is the area of the spiritual life that followers of Jesus struggle with most. The persistent sins in our lives can make us mad at ourselves and even frustrated with God. But the Lord is the one who redeemed us from sin and empowers us to live holy lives, if only we'll take advantage of that enablement. And that's where Karl Clauson's terrific book Killing Sin can help us all. It is honest, biblical, and practical, giving clear-cut steps to living a life of obedience to God and His Word. Anyone who wants to walk with the Lord Jesus and grow in faith and obedience, don't miss this outstanding and helpful book."
Vice President and Academic Dean, Moody Bible Institute; host and Bible teacher, Moody Radio's Open Line with Dr. Michael Rydelnik

"A must-read for those ready to take a stand against sin! This book leads you on a powerful journey from recognizing the crippling impact of sin in your life to completely uprooting and killing it. You will move from a place of feeling broken and defeated to being energized to fan the flames of the Holy Spirit within you so you can break free to live the life God has called you to. I highly recommend this book to anyone who feels hopeless in their cycle of sin, shame, and repentance and who longs for lasting victory in their war against sin."
Podcast host of Coffee and Bible Time

"There are countless so-called 'remedies' to conquer the ever-present and always-powerful temptation to sin in our lives. But few offer solid biblical solutions. That is why Karl Clauson's book is unique. His approach to killing sin is rooted in Scripture and eminently practical. This book will provide you with life-giving answers to the elusive freedom that you long to experience."
Enjoying God Ministries

"Which do you want, behavior modification or transformation? Self-help, spiritual whack-a-mole, or empowerment from God? In this book, Karl Clauson gives a life-changing, abundant-life approach to living in freedom."
Award-winning author and radio personality who hosts the daily program Chris Fabry Live on Moody Radio

"We live in a culture that's soft on sin. Yet if you don't conquer sin, it will conquer you. What harmful sins threaten to tear your life and family apart? Read this book, not to find condemnation but hope. Karl Clauson will show you that anyone can shake a debilitating habit by hating sin and killing it in God's power. Addressing sin may not be a popular message—but it's a needed one."
Author of Parents Rising; host of the Happy Home podcast

"As we all grow in Christ, we long to experience the shedding of that which encumbers us, but we have to have a battlefield mentality to war through the battle with the power of God's written and spoken word in our lives. Karl Clauson writes with vulnerability, clear biblical instruction, and remarkable clarity on God's desire for our freedom from sin. Be prepared for some precise examination through the loving power of Jesus Christ to call you to experience more in your life as you allow the conviction, confession, and grace of God into your life in a whole new way."
America's Family Coaches; authors of 6 Secrets to a Lasting Love

"My friend Karl Clauson is asking the right question. And for many Christians stuck in a shallow, unsatisfying, and compromised lifestyle it is the question. Maybe you're one of them. 'What one thing is holding your spiritual life back?' What a fog-cutting question! And I bet in asking it, you can name yours! The real game-changer, however, is not with the question, but in getting a life-changing answer. And this is where Karl is at his best. He offers biblically sound, highly practical wisdom that not only brings freedom but also brings you into a real day-to-day experience with Jesus. I highly recommend it."
Founder, Men's Fraternity and BetterMan

"We sat down to skim Karl's book for this endorsement but ended up reading the whole thing in one sitting. It is that good! Karl is one of our all-time favorite guests on FamilyLife Today because he is a no-nonsense guy who always shoots straight. This book is as straight as it gets. It is time for all of us to 'kill sin,' and Karl is not only going to motivate you but also give you the goods on the 'how.' Karl's call to us to get serious about our sin could not come at a more crucial time in our culture. The world is watching, and it is time for us who believe to start living like it. Killing sin is step one."
Cohosts, FamilyLife Today

"Karl reminds us that the reason Christ came was to destroy the works of the devil. We all know the pain that comes when sin is killing us. If we're honest, we all have that one thing that keeps defeating us. It's time to turn the tables on sin and Satan. Sins like anger, addiction, and lust lurk in the shadows, waiting to wreak havoc on our lives. Through the power of God's Word and Spirit we can kill the sin that is trying to kill us. Killing Sin isn't just another empty promise . . . it is a proven biblical strategy for moving from vulnerability to victory!
Senior Pastor, Woodside Bible Church; host, Equipped with Chris Brooks

"Karl wrote a book about sin that isn't depressing, negative, blaming, or shaming. How is that even possible?! He found a way! Through his compelling stories, many relevant strategies, and brilliant use of familiar and unfamiliar Bible passages and heroes, he has given us a gift. This is a complete teaching on a significant topic we all must embrace. If you've given up on overcoming sin, and who hasn't, this is the book for you. Read it now!"
Founder of Celebrate Kids, Inc., speaker, and an author of seven parenting books, including Parent Differently and 8 Great Smarts

"As a professor of Bible at Moody Bible Institute, I enthusiastically endorse Karl Clauson's Killing Sin. This book provides a solid, spiritually transformative approach to conquering persistent sin in the believer's life. Clauson adeptly weaves together Scripture, personal anecdotes, and practical wisdom to lead readers through the process of identifying, confronting, and overcoming sin through God's power. His emphasis on humility, the work of the Holy Spirit, and the use of God's Word as a weapon against sin is both refreshing and critically needed in today's church. Killing Sin doesn't offer simplistic solutions but presents a comprehensive strategy for lasting victory rooted in intimacy with Christ. This book will be an invaluable resource for pastors, students, and any believer serious about pursuing holiness."
Professor of Bible, Moody Bible Institute; author of 14 Fresh Ways to Enjoy the Bible

Product Details

ISBN: 978-0-8024-3459-3
Publish Date: January 2025
Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5
Format: Paperback