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We all know that Scripture asks us to pray without ceasing, but which of us couldn't use more encouragement for our prayer times? Moody Publishers has the resources to help you! Whether it's prayer for healing, morning prayer, contemplative prayer, or just prayer for strength to get you through your busy day, we have books that God can use in your life. Let your prayer times be enriched by books that help you come boldly before heaven's throne!

The Grumbler's Guide to Giving Thanks

The Grumbler's Guide to Giving Thanks

Invigorate your faith through practicing thanksgiving in simple and extraordinary ways
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Power Through Prayer

Power Through Prayer

This classic work helps Christians rediscover the source of spiritual power in their life.
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A Practical Guide for Praying Parents

A Practical Guide for Praying Parents

Learn how your best intentions can become enriching, effective prayers for your children
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Coming to Grips with Unanswered Prayer

Coming to Grips with Unanswered Prayer

Discusses why a loving God would let prayers go unanswered.
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5 Love Languages Children Bundle

5 Love Languages Children Bundle

You love your child. But how can you make sure your child knows it? This two-pack bundle helps you learn and speak your child's love language.
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Answers to Prayer

Answers to Prayer

George Mueller experienced God's provision through prayer. His story will encourage you.
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It Happens After Prayer

It Happens After Prayer

What do we do when facing tragedies and triumphs? We pray. And then we pray some more.
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Landscape of Hope

Landscape of Hope

Through the medium of art and words, an illustrated, restoring journey into the Psalms.
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TGC Spurgeon WEB PAK

TGC Spurgeon WEB PAK

Two lovely editions for your library from the great preacher on peace and perseverance.
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Spurgeon on the Priority of Prayer

Spurgeon on the Priority of Prayer

Volume 1 of the Spurgeon Speaks series offers Spurgeon's reflections on Christian prayer.
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Spurgeon on the Power of Scripture

Spurgeon on the Power of Scripture

Volume 2 of the Spurgeon Speaks series reminds you of the transforming power of Scripture.
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Beyond Priceless

Beyond Priceless

Exchange your doubts and fears for the immeasurable worth of knowing God
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When You Hurt and When He Heals

When You Hurt and When He Heals

A series of meditations designed to encourage you and open you up to holistic healing.
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Chicago Neighborhood Prayer Guide

Chicago Neighborhood Prayer Guide

Details the needs of Chicago's 77+ neighborhoods and suggests specific ways to pray.
Paperback $9.99
Prayer Revolution

Prayer Revolution

Discover how your heart will be transformed as you see the power of prayer and God
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Prayer Revolution & Journey in Prayer

Prayer Revolution & Journey in Prayer

Together, these resources will help you discover the power of prayer for God's Kingdom.
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