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Is happily-ever-after a myth—or can you experience something even better?
Couples don't ride off into the sunset after their honeymoon. The truth is marriage is hard. Maybe you're in a place where you're feeling that. You might even feel like this is the end.
Bob and Dannah Gresh have been there. But they decided to participate in God's redemption story. Together they discovered something better than romance: a love that endures.
Whether your relationship is suffering from pornography, addiction, an affair, or just years of unhappiness, Jesus Christ can help you redeem the broken places of your marriage. In Happily Even After, Dannah is a friend who walks beside you and helps you:
Dannah demonstrates how to forgive, live with joy, and hold your head high while you participate in His redemption story for your husband. You may feel like your story is over, but no one writes better—or happier—endings than Jesus.
"Few things hurt a wife more deeply than discovering that her husband has been sexually unfaithful. Pornography or any other extramarital sexual activity strikes at the heart of marital intimacy. Dannah Gresh does not whitewash the pain. She does not offer an 'easy fix,' but she does offer hope. She writes, not from an ivory tower, but as one who has experienced the pain and found redemption. If you are walking this road, you will find Happily Even After a welcome companion. I highly recommend this book to wives who are struggling and those who want to help them."
–GARY D. CHAPMAN, PhD, author of The 5 Love Languages
"You've picked up this book because you feel lost and hopeless. Friend, you are neither. The God of the universe is with you, inviting you to open your heart to His healing and wisdom. This book will not fix your broken marriage, but it will show you a path to spiritual maturity and life from a godly woman who has walked every step of this road. When Joseph confronted his brothers who had sold him into slavery, he said, "you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today." I can't help but think of this verse as I read through Happily Even After. Through the evil of betrayal and sexual sin, God has created a story of redemption to preserve the lives of many."
–Dr. JULI SLATTERY, bestselling author; cofounder, Authentic Intimacy
"Dannah is no dry-land sailor. Her marriage has been pommeled at times with waves of disappointment, failure, and shame. But over the course of years, I have watched her and Bob find a lighthouse in the gospel, an anchor in the Scripture, a harbor in the covenant-keeping love of God. Through their tears and fears, these dear friends of mine have found in Christ the mercy, grace, and hope to press on—together. Out of the messiness and damage caused by the storms they have been through, God has created something of great beauty and enduring value. Happily Even After will show you how He can do the same in any life, any marriage, that will dare to cling to Him and take Him at His Word."
–NANCY DeMOSS WOLGEMUTH, author; founder and Bible teacher of Revive Our Hearts
"At last! A book that clears a pathway through the mess of exposed sexual secrets. In Happily Even After, noted author Dannah Gresh provides both the biblical truth and clinical evidence needed to win back the trust lost during the trauma of marital betrayal. This book is an invaluable resource, written from personal experience, for any who have lived through deception and disloyalty in their marriage, as well as for all those who long to offer hope to others hurting in this way. Every pastor and counselor—indeed, every spouse—will benefit from Dannah's timely and tender book. Buy it. Keep it on hand. And use it to offer the miracle of redemption to those who feel abandoned and unlovable but who, through Christ, can once again hope to live happily—even after."
–JANI ORTLUND, Renewal Ministries
"This is not your average marriage book. Equal parts honorable honesty and timeless Truth, Happily Even After will help you face the reality of your marriage—namely that you are a sinner married to a sinner—and an even greater reality, that Jesus is a God who redeems. Your marriage doesn't need the fairy tale. It needs the faith that God is willing and able to restore broken things.'"
–ERIN DAVIS, author of Fasting & Feasting and longtime friend
"One of our greatest fears as humans is the fear of exposure. What will people do with me if they find out who I really am, what I've done, what I struggle with? This fear is especially powerful when it involves the dark world of sexual sin. So it is remarkable that the Greshes have written with such candor about their own struggles with sexual sin in their marriage. This book will provide great encouragement for those who have felt hopeless. God still promises to redeem our life from destruction!"
–PETE KUIPER, LCSW, Crossroads Counseling of the Rockies
"Pure truth . . . rigorous and radical honesty that leads to the ultimate healing of redemption! Happily Even After is ongoing and available. Take the journey!"
–MIKE BIVENS, MA Christian Counseling
"I have known Bob and Dannah for over thirty-five years and can tell you that what you're about to read is true. I have watched them fight for their marriage like no other couple I know. You may think that no one understands what you are going through with your husband, but Dannah knows. Her experience, compassion, courage, wisdom, insight, and faith to believe that you can live Happily Even After are evident on every page. She understands the thoughts you're thinking and the betrayal you feel. Her ability to walk you down this hard road of hurt will make your journey less scary and bolster your strength for next steps. A wiser and more trusted voice for reassuring faith and hope in your relationship with your husband would be hard to find."
–DONNA VANLIERE, New York Times bestselling author and longtime friend
"Bob and Dannah Gresh offer a key that can unlock men and marriages from the prison of sexual sin and shame. This is a struggle that a large percentage of men are dealing with worldwide, and yet there are precious few resources to guide us. The shame and fear of disappointing our wives is overwhelming and gives shame power. Dannah's writing isn't just for women. It gives men a glimpse into the real hurt and pain that this sin causes, but also provides a lifeline of hope that redemption is possible. This book has the real possibility of becoming a timeless tool that will save marriages for decades to come."
–DARREN TYLER, pastor, Conduit Church
"Every marriage experiences pain, disappointment, and the overall effects of brokenness. It is a school for learning to live out biblical love and forgiveness. With raw vulnerability and transparency, Dannah invites the reader into her own journey and helps women navigate through difficult seasons on their way to restoration. A must-read that points to the grace, hope, and redemption we can only find in Christ."
–LAURA GONZALEZ DE CHAVEZ, director, Aviva Nuestros Corazones
"Happily Even After is a true story. My husband and I have been friends with Bob and Dannah for twenty years. We've seen them walk through hard things. We've seen them trust God with impossible prayers. We've seen God faithfully restore their marriage. But that's not how I know this book is a true story. I know it's a true story because, twenty years ago, Bob and Dannah shared this hope—these Bible verses, these tools, these insights—with us during our own marriage crisis. I know firsthand that God can hold two people together when the chasm appears too vast to breach. I know for myself that God can change hearts and minds and habits when they appear unchangeable. I know personally that sometimes, you just need to know there's hope. Let Happily Even After be a voice of hope for you."
–LAURA BOOZ, author, Expect Something Beautiful: Finding God's Good Gifts in Motherhood
"I highly recommend Happily Even After because of its raw honesty and transparency coming from a place of real brokenness and yet healing. The story of Bob and Dannah Gresh is a testimony to the forgiveness of Christ that overcomes sin and brings restoration. The studies, references, and biblical foundation give hope that you too can find happiness even after the pain of betrayal and sexual sin. As a former pornography addict and sexual sinner myself, I can affirm the claims of this book that through Christ real repentance and change is possible."
"This book has truly touched my heart and I feel incredibly blessed to have read it. For those of us who know this hurt, Dannah has carefully, thoughtfully, and lovingly articulated her and Bob's story, maintaining throughout that we strengthen ourselves in the Lord. It's written primarily for wives, however, you might have a daughter, sister, or friend and this may be their story—I would encourage all women to read this book to expand their understanding and insight. Thank you, Dannah and Bob, for faithfully surrendering your story to honor and glorify the Lord."
–NICOLA SMITH, a reader from Scotland
"I've been a pastor's wife since I was twenty years old. I have listened to and prayed for many women who chose to fight for their marriage despite their husband's immorality. This is the book I would have shared with them if it had been in print! In this book, Dannah and Bob have chosen to share their journey, and Dannah has created a path that feels like she is walking just ahead of women courageous enough to pursue healing for their hearts. I am asking the Lord to use this tool to redeem and restore many who need to hear the truth from someone who can say, 'This is the way, walk ye in it!'"
–HOLLY ELLIFF, pastor's wife and women's ministry leader
"Raw. Honest. Wise. Dannah speaks gospel help and hope to every heart wounded by betrayal trauma. Not only are these pages packed with solid advice, they portray a vision for covenant marriage that will inspire hurting women to walk the redemptive path with conviction and courage."
–MARY A. KASSIAN, author, The Right Kind of Strong