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Haggai and Malachi, two postexilic minor prophets, adressed many practical issues that concern God's people even today: attitudes, priorities, the use of money, divorce, Christ's second coming and others. In Haggai, the people listen to God's message and are encouraged; but in Malachi, they argue with the Lord. Yet both books offer important lessons for the church and Christian families. Dr. Wolf supplies helpful, concise, and valuable information for the Bible student at any level, discussing significant questions and issues and providing section-by-section commentary on the texts of the two prophecies.
About the Author
HERBERT M. WOLF (Wheaton College, Dallas Theological Seminary, Brandeis University) was a well loved and respected professor of Old Testament at Wheaton Graduate School in Wheaton, Illinois. A translator for the Old Testament section of the New International Version, Dr. Wolf is the author of a number of books including Haggai and Malachi, in the Everyman's Bible Commentary Series, An Introduction to the Old Testament Pentateuch, and Interpreting Isaiah as well as numerous journal, magazine, and encyclopedia articles.