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  • Glorious Finish: Keeping Your Eye on the Prize of Eternity in a Time of Pastoral Failings

Glorious Finish: Keeping Your Eye on the Prize of Eternity in a Time of Pastoral Failings

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Format: Paperback
Your Price: $14.99

Product Description

What separates pastors who finish well from those who don't?

When trusted pastors fall into sin and destroy a ministry, the entire body of believers gets hurt. After helping two large churches through the aftermath of such an event, Daniel Henderson discovered that pastoral failings are not primarily rooted in overdeveloped passions for self and sin but rather in underfed visions of eternity and a lack of zeal for God's glory.

In Glorious Finish, Daniel Henderson teaches you:

  • Why focusing on God's glory is the key to a fruitful ministry
  • How leaders can build habits that keep them captivated by God and His glory
  • How to stay glory-oriented in the grind, challenges, and spiritual attacks of ministry

Forget the latest techniques and the strategies—spend some time recentering on what you know is most important—His glory.

About the Author

Daniel Henderson
As a senior pastor for nearly three decades, DANIEL HENDERSON brought prayer-based revitalization to numerous churches. Now, as the President of Strategic Renewal and Global Director of The 6:4 Fellowship, Daniel is dedicating his full-time efforts to help congregations across the country and world experience renewal. Daniel is sought-after for his expertise in leading corporate prayer. He has authored numerous books on biblical leadership and prayer, including Old Paths, New Power and Transforming Prayer: How Everything Changes When You Seek God’s Face.


"The message of Glorious Finish is timely and desperately needed at a time when so many Christian leaders are being forced to step down because of character issues, family crisis, or moral failure. As a leader or pastor, it is imperative that you prepare to finish well. Glorious Finish will inspire and motivate you to take an honest look at the root causes that sabotage your destiny and help equip you to overcome them."
President of Moody Bible Institute
Author of Unstuck: Out of Your Cave into Your Call

"Glorious Finish is a sober and extremely helpful book about a growing epidemic among Christian clergy. Believers in Jesus Christ across America are watching with dismay as serious problems beset pastors, leading to failure and shame. As a result, churches are devastated, and nonbelievers see their cricticism validated. Daniel Henderson attacks the problem head on and gives us a book that needs to be read by clergy and church members alike."
Senior Pastor, The Brooklyn Tabernacle
Author of Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire

"What's better than learning from your mistakes? Learning before you make the mistake! That's what I find inspiring in Glorious Finish! Here's an honest and insightful path to finishing well. From one pastor to another, Daniel coaches us to higher places. No leader escapes the temptations to descend into dangerous dissatisfaction. We can all learn before we make regrettable mistakes. Get into this book and let it get into you!"
Founding Pastor, 12Stone Church
Author of Home Run: Learn God's Game Plan for Life and Leadership

"In a day of high-profile "blow-outs" and dysfunctional leadership, Glorious Finish provides the church with a desperately needed reorientation. Winsome. Practical. Biblical. Bold. Hopeful. This is more than just another pastoral leadership book; it's the distillation of critical truths for faithful ministry over the long haul. I always grow as a Christian and pastor when I'm around Daniel. This book will show you why."
Lead Pastor of College Park Church, Indianapolis
Author of Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy: Discovering the Grace of Lament
"Only heaven knows what the church would be like today if everyone God called to serve Him had faithfully fulfilled their calling. Daniel Henderson's book Glorious Finish provides a crucial, timely, challenging word for those who take God's calling seriously. It will inspire you to finish everything God initiates in your life."
President of Blackaby Ministries International
Coauthor, Spiritual Leadership and Experiencing God

"I am so thankful for Daniel Henderson's new book, Glorious Finish. As a pastor myself, my heart is gripped with the reality of the struggle Daniel exposes in this book. We are all capable of being disqualified, left to our own resources. The truths Daniel shares in this book reveal how we can guard our hearts and trust the power of Christ to live in victory and experience the glorious finish Christ has promised for us. This book will change lives. This book will save marriages and ministries. This book will inspire you to finish gloriously!"
Senior Pastor, Hope Church Las Vegas
Author of Unburdened

"Through his experience and godly wisdom, Daniel speaks to a difficult but prominent issue in our day with authority and grace. By focusing on the unique call that God has for every pastor, he challenges us to live our lives in light of eternity."
Lead Pastor, Chicago Tabernacle
Author of DNA of a Leader

"Daniel has captured the critical crises in our pulpits across America—the deadly distractions that keep our eyes off the prize. This book places a spotlight on the dangerous and provides compelling biblical solutions. I am a black pastor of thirty-seven years and have traveled all over the world preaching. Satan does not discriminate against race, creed, or color. This book is for all of us. I highly recommend that every aspiring pastor and presiding pastor read this book."
Pastor of the Greater Exodus Baptist Church
CEO and founder of People For People, Inc.
Philadelphia Eagles Chaplain

"A friend of mine remarked, 'When we are young we look like our parents, but when we die we look like our decisions.' Our choices and decisions matter. The reality is that all of us are just a half a step from sinful failure and disqualification. With that in mind, our choices and decisions should flow from a humble, disciplined dependence on the Lord. That's why I am thrilled that my friend Daniel Henderson has written Glorious Finish. This book is a treasure and an engaging resource to help us stay the course and keep our focus on what matters most."
Author, speaker, radio host, Senior Pastor, Fellowship Bible Church, Roswell, GA

"Daniel Henderson has prayed, plowed, and persevered. A veteran of pastoral ministry in the glories of victory and the bitter pains of church conflict and the moral failure of predecessors, Daniel writes with passion and clarity discovered over decades of personal experience. If you are a pastor or church leader, or a caring person in a church community, you will want to read Glorious Finish so that you can receive all that God has stored up for you. Thoroughly biblical, helpful, pastoral, and personal. Read this book!"
President of William Jessup University, teacher, and author of books on leadership and personal and organizational transformation

"Daniel Henderson's book Glorious Finish couldn't come at a better time! This book is riveting, because it deals with the painful reality of too many moral failures among Christian leaders and the frightening possibility that any of us could be next. The current data, the personal examples, the Scripture, the insights, and the vulnerability of a seasoned pastor appealing for change combine to make this book a genuine 'page turner.' Glorious Finish isn't written by a moralist looking down at those who blew it—it is a pastoral word of wisdom looking around to all of us, urging us to choose a better way forward. Well-written, fast-paced, and hard to put down."
Senior Pastor, Hyde Park Baptist Church, Austin, TX
President, Southern Baptists of Texas Convention
Author of Empowered: Why We Need Spirit-Filled Churches

Product Details

ISBN: 978-0-8024-1943-9
Publish Date: April 2020
Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5
Format: Paperback