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  • Evolution Contrasted with Scripture Truth

Evolution Contrasted with Scripture Truth

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Product Description

The main object of these pages is to show that Evolution is incompatible with the vital doctrines of Christianity. It is first necessary to ascertain just what Evolution properly means. If claims are to be maintained, it must explain the development of all that exists, from primary material to life and intelligence.

A theory such as Evolution can be judged not only on the ground of evidence, and the need for adequate forces to cause it to operate, but it can also be tested by its outcome. If it tenets when followed out, are found to be subversive of known truth, in morals and religion, the verdict must be against it.

When compared with the foundational doctrines of Christianity, it is coming to be clearly recognized that the teachings of Evolution are antagonistic to them. Compromise is not possible unless the vital truths of Christianity are explained away and replaced by Modernist views. It is thus evident that a choice must be made between evolutionary teaching and the Scriptures as a revelation from God.

About the Author

W-Bell Dawson
WILLIAM BELL DAWSON was born in 1854. While today he is known for his books, he spent most of his life working as a surveyor and engineer. In 1893, he started working for the Canadian Department of Marine and Fisheries where he supervised a major tidal survey for over twenty years. This project produced what are called tide tables which gave important information about the tides in all of the main Canadian harbors. In 1924, he stopped work in Canada and began writing about creation science and evolution. He is best known for his books Forethought in Creation (1925), Evolution Contrasted with Scripture Truth (1926), and The Bible Confirmed by Science (1932).

Product Details

ISBN: 978-0-8024-9273-9
Publish Date: January 1926
Format: eBook