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  • Evidence for the Rapture: A Biblical Case for Pretribulationism

Evidence for the Rapture: A Biblical Case for Pretribulationism

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Format: Paperback
Your Price: $21.99

Product Description

Is the rapture still going to happen? And if so, when?

With contributing scholars from schools like Moody Bible Institute, Dallas Theological Seminary, and The Master's Theological Seminary, Evidence for the Rapture is a convincing and thoroughly biblical case for the rapture.

This collection of exegetical essays looks at the rapture from a number of biblical angles: the words of Jesus in the Gospels, Paul's teachings in the epistles, and even prophetic and apocalyptic literature. In sound exegetical technique, the authors corroborate Scripture's main teachings on the end times to provide a trustworthy and concise treatment of a multi-faceted issue.

For the last several hundred years, the doctrine of a pretribulation rapture has been a fixture in many churches and institutions. Evidence for the Rapture is a fresh polish upon this long-standing doctrine.

About the Author

John-F Hart
DR. JOHN F. HART is professor of Bible at Moody Bible Institute where he has ministered for the last 32 years. He holds a Master of Theology degree from Dallas Theological Seminary and a Doctor of Theology degree from Grace Theological Seminary. He has written articles for several biblical journals and contributed chapters to two books. He is also the author of 50 Things You Need to Know about Heaven (Bethany House, 2014). He and his wife, Cindy, live in Valparaiso, IN, have been married for 40 years, and have two adult sons.


"Evidence for the Rapture is essential reading for anyone interested in biblical prophecy. The team of authors have tackled one of the most important issues in eschatology in a concise and effective manner. Don't miss what they have to say."

Dr. Ed Hindson 
Founding Dean & Distinguished Professor
School of Divinity, Liberty University

Product Details

ISBN: 978-0-8024-1291-1
Publish Date: August 2015
Dimensions: 6 x 9
Format: Paperback