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  • Every Reason to Leave: And Why We Chose to Stay Together

Every Reason to Leave: And Why We Chose to Stay Together

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Product Description

Every Reason to Leave is a personal and detailed story of one couple's unbelieavable marital journey.

After almost ten years of marriage, Vicki Rose found herself the single mother of two young children, separated from her husband, Bill, a part owner of the New York Yankees addicted to cocaine, women, and work. Both Jewish, Vicki and Bill each came to know Jesus Christ during their 5-year separation, and amazing reconciliation and renewal soon took place. You wouldn't believe what they're marriage looks like now.

This story is an example of what God can do to restore a broken—and seemingly irreparable—marriage.

If you're in the black hole of marital despair, thinking about divorce, and wondering if it's worth the effort to stay married, this book is for you. 

About the Author

Vicki Rose
VICKI ROSE is a strong Bible teacher with a relevant, life-changing message. She was born and raised in New York City and upon graduating from Sarah Lawrence College in 1975, Vicki began her retail career at Saks Fifth Ave and went on to marry Bill Rose in 1977.After almost 10 years of marriage, Vicki found herself the single mother of a 1 ½ and 4 year old, separated from her husband who was addicted to cocaine, woman and work. 1 ½ years later, Vicki accepted Christ through an outreach dinner at age 35 and became a passionate follower of Jesus Christ with a deep hunger for His word. As Vicki began to pray for her husband to also know Christ, her heart toward him changed and they were reconciled after he accepted Christ, entered rehab and they spent time in counseling. They had been separated for 5 ½ years. Both Vicki and Bill are Jewish believers though neither was raised in a religious Jewish home. Vicki has taught, facilitated and led many Bible Studies for women in her church as well as acted as Prayer Coordinator for the Women’s Ministry and has taught and shared her testimony all across the U.S. as well as in Nicaragua, Poland, Russia, Bulgaria and Italy.


I have never read a more compelling account of the power of God to change lives and restore marriages. In her book Every Reason to Leave and Why We Chose to Stay Together, Vicki Rose shares her journey with integrity—the good, the bad, the horrible, the separation, the discovery, the restoration, the work, and the deep satisfaction. Walking this road with Billy and Vicki Rose has the potential of changing your life forever. I wish every couple—married or divorced—could read this book.


Gary Chapman PhD, bestselling author of The 5 Love Languages


Vicki Rose is a trophy of God's grace, as is her marriage to Bill Rose. Her story is a powerful testimony of God's ability to redeem the most hopeless situation. In a day when so many marriages are not making it to the finish line, this is a story that needs to be heard. I believe Vicki's life message will be a healing balm to many women in difficult marriages and will give them the courage and faith to wait on the Lord and remain faithful to Him and His calling, rather than throwing in the towel on their marriage. Above all, I trust it will stir up in every wife a desire for her marriage to better reflect the amazing redemptive story of Christ and His bride. 


Nancy Leigh DeMoss, author, host of Revive Our Hearts radio

Searching for happiness and wholeness, Vicki Rose chased after those high society offerings that she envisioned would bring her significance and satisfaction. However, in chasing her dreams, her life turned more and more into a nightmare. The career-climbing, celebrity-connecting, and cocaine-consuming lifestyle did not fulfill her as expected. Her story in Every Reason to Leave describes setbacks and disappointments, especially in her early years of marriage to Billy Rose, partial owner of the New York Yankees. In her search to make sense of her world, Vicki—and Billy— make a discovery, one many of us have made, or should. As I read this book, I could not put it down, nor will you. Trust me, you have every reason to read Every Reason to Leave, especially if you are in a crisis in your marriage and/or in your faith. Don't leave either, and Vicki will give you the reason.


 —Emerson Eggerichs PhD, author of Love and Respect

Staying married, growing old together, loving and caring for each other as we age and decline—this is but one area Vicki Rose touches on in Every Reason to Leave.  The joy of a thirty-seven-plus year marriage relationship that has persevered through drug addiction, infidelity, and five and a half years of separation to victory through a relationship with Jesus Christ is the subject of this testimonial work. This is a "must read" for anyone contemplating divorce!


Don P. Hodel, former president and CEO of Focus on the Family


Every Reason to Leave is not for the fainthearted—because it took enormous courage and patience for Vicki Rose, its author, to say no to divorce and yes to waiting for the Lord to heal her wounded heart and her marriage. With devastating insight into how it takes two sinners to kill a marriage, but only one Savior to restore it, Vicki crafts an insightful account that will be both a beacon and a road map to the countless couples who live in quiet desperation. Without whitewashing ongoing challenges in her marriage, Vicki has written an account that will mend the hearts of "whosoever shall read."


Barbara Ryan, attorney, speaker, pastoral caregiver


Marriage is tricky business, and how you handle the trickiness might just make or break the rest of your life. My friends Bill and Vicki have navigated their way through the challenges, proving that anyone who surrenders to the will and ways of Jesus can enjoy the mutual intimacy of a deep and abiding love. I have watched their relationship . . . it is the real deal. Many will find hope in their journey toward a fulfilling marriage because you have shared your struggles and victories with such transparency and power. Thanks, Bill and Vicki, for this compelling story!


Dr. Joseph M. Stowell, president, Cornerstone University


This book is the blood, sweat and tears of a woman who has had the courage to stay married when her marriage was not a fairy tale. After thirty-seven years of marriage, including

five and a half years of separation, Vicki has written about principles that she has not only learned but also has lived. Her story is a miracle that will challenge and offer hope to any twenty-first-century wife who would consider staying married in the midst of difficult, shattering, non-fairy tale circumstances.



Jackie Kendall, president of Power to Grow and bestselling author of Lady in Waiting


Why bother to stay married is a question we've asked ourselves more than once during the fifty-three years we've been together. Like Vicki and Billy, we found our marriage in trouble and had serious doubts about our future together. Would that we had the chance to read Vicki Rose's honest and provocative book back then, we might have better understood God's plan for vibrant relationships and avoided some hard lessons. It has been a joy to know how Vicki and Billy moved through the deep waters of hopelessness and despair to an island of reconciliation and confident expectations for their future together. Reading their story and the transformation that God has brought about because this couple chose to honor their marriage vows will be of great encouragement to women considering divorce; women who have all but given up on their marriages. This book is a must-read for the discouraged and disheartened!


Norm and Bobbe Evans, founders, The Winning Ways


 For those who feel they have no hope, this book is for you. If life feels meaningless or is imploding, you will find solace and comfort in this gripping story of a NYC Jewish socialite couple who found a radical means of healing. For singles or the average couple, you will learn capacities for new depths of forgiveness toward all your friends and family. I had a front row seat for this modern day miracle. Do yourself a favor—grab this book!


Sheila Weber, executive director, National Marriage Week USA



Product Details

ISBN: 978-0-8024-0655-2
Publish Date: August 2014
Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5
Format: Paperback