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  • Empty Nest, Full Life: Discovering God's Best for Your Next

Empty Nest, Full Life: Discovering God's Best for Your Next

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Format: Paperback
Your Price: $14.99

Product Description

How to Thrive After Your Kids Leave Home

IT'S HAPPENING! You weren't always sure you'd get here, but the kids grew up and are surviving—more or less successfully. But what now?! If you're like most moms, you're caught between grief and delight, and full of questions, loose ends, hopes, and regrets. Empty nesting can be a disorienting time, but it can also be the best time of your life.

Jill Savage, an empty-nest veteran, offers you


for the murky waters ahead. Teaching you what you need to let go of and hold on to


for when you're feeling confused and discouraged. Full of stories and new insights, you'll find your spirits lifted and hope renewed.


for when you don't know "What's next?" Jill offers loads of practical ideas for coping and thriving in this encore season.

About the Author

Jill Savage
JILL SAVAGE is an author and speaker who is passionate about encouraging families. She is the author of nine books including Professionalizing Motherhood, My Hearts At Home, Real Moms...Real Jesus, Living With Less So Your Family Has More, and her most recent bestselling release No More Perfect Moms. Featured on Focus on the Family,, and as the host of the Heartbeat radio program, Jill is the founder of Hearts at Home, an organization that encourages moms. Jill and her husband, Mark, have five children, two who are married, two granddaughters, and one grandson. They make their home in Normal, Illinois.


Praise for Empty Nest, Full Life

Empty Nest, Full Life is a winner! This book is as real as writing gets—the good, the bad, the funny, the sad, the exasperation, the decision-making, the stress, and the joy! Jill Savage writes truthfully and vulnerably—and her readers are the recipients of powerful strategies for turning the empty nest years into a season of rich opportunities and purposeful living. Jill's advice—to give yourself grace, keep your mouth shut, and to love no matter what—hit me smack-dab in the heart! Buy this book for yourself, then gather your friends together for a book study. I highly recommend it!

Carol Kent, speaker and author, When I Lay My Isaac Down

Like having a cup of coffee with a trusted friend, Jill helps moms look beyond the empty nest and into an exciting future. Just as a mom cheers on her children when they spread their wings and fly, Jill cheers on the empty nester to dust off her own wings and soar. Empty Nest, Full Life is a must read for any mom who has waved goodbye and wondered what comes next.

Sharon Jaynes, bestselling author of Enough: Silencing the Lies the Steal Your Confidence

Mom, the REST of life can be the BEST of life—and Jill Savage shares just HOW to make the most of life's second half!

Pam Farrel, author of 48 books, including bestselling Men Are Like Waffles, Women Are Like Spaghetti and 10 Secrets of Living Smart, Savvy and Strong; codirector of Love-Wise

Jill is a faithful friend through every seasons of marriage and motherhood. She graciously gathers women in pursuit of wisdom, passing on what God is teaching her along the journey. This book is no exception. Motherhood doesn't end when the kids leave the nest. There are new griefs, joys, and challenges. Jill is a trusted guide in navigating through it all!

Juli Slattery, founder of Authentic Intimacy

Is your adult child making decisions that are seriously stressing you out? As a new empty nest mom, I needed Jill's wisdom and practical advice to help me navigate what I'm letting go of and what I can look forward to in this new season of my life! Not only does she tackle the tough and sensitive topics that Christian moms truly need and are afraid to talk about, but Jill shares her experience with transparency, humility, and with a loud voice of hope! Let Jill be your guide, your friend, and most of all, allow her words deepen your hope and trust in God's plan for your adult child's life.

Barb Roose, speaker and author of I'm Waiting, God: Finding Blessings in God's Delay and Winning the Worry Battle: Life Lessons from the Book of Joshua

Empty Nest, Full Life will fill the hole in your heart that's been left empty when your child has left home. Jill has a compelling way of making you feel like she's sitting across the table from you, hot coffee in hand, reminding you in her sweet, gentle way that God has not forgotten you nor is life over, but instead has a great adventure planned for you with an incredible full life ahead! It's a must-read for anyone who has, or is, experiencing the empty nest. This book is going to help SO MANY women!

Shari Braendel, founder of Fashion Meets Faith and empty nest mom of four 



Practical wisdom, "get after it" ideas, and encouragement galore, Jill Savage astutely provides women with exactly what we need to not just survive, but thrive, in the empty nest years! Navigating changing relationships will be a challenge no more. Your heart will sigh and your mind will be fully engaged as you learn to navigate, celebrate and embrace your Empty Nest, Full Life.


Tracey Eyster, founder and director of, author of Be The Mom, and empty nest mom of two for five years

Product Details

ISBN: 978-0-8024-1928-6
Publish Date: August 2019
Dimensions: 5.5 x 7.5
Format: Paperback