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Do you find yourself chasing "something more"?
We are people seized by longings we can't seem to satisfy. It's built into us—in our very bones. We were created with an innate desire to be a part of a world and a story bigger than ours. Sadly, however, most of us spend our lives blind to the fact that this story and this world are right in front of us, beckoning to us to come and play our part. We keep on with our focused, relentless pursuit of everything else and find ourselves dissatisfied.
In Do Something Beautiful, York Moore shows you how to:
Don't give up on your "something more." Chase it better.
Praise for Do Something Beautiful
This book presents us with a beautifully framed call to live a beautiful and impactful life for Jesus. York brings a distinctly missional approach to abroad range of life's pursuits and interests, and he does it is a way that is eminently doable and deeply appealing. A worthy read.
Alan Hirsch
Founder of Forge International, 100 Movements, and the 5Q Collective
In Do Something Beautiful, York Moore has both told his personal story while explaining "the story of everything." Moore not only helps us understand concepts from Scripture like righteousness, justice, beauty, and mercy, but helps us long to experience them and describes practical ways we share them with others.
Steve Douglas
President of Cru
In a world filled with noise, York Moore is a prophetic voice with a burning passion for Jesus, justice, and people. More than "another preacher," York has given his life to fight for the voiceless, marginalized, and build bridges to bring glimpses of God's Kingdom to earth. Do Something Beautiful is more than a book. It's an invitation into the story of God, who is making all things new. Spending time with York has enriched, and changed my life, and I believe this book can change yours to see a God who is bigger, better, and more beautiful than your wildest dreams. And the best part... He wants to use you! In a world full of division, pain, and brokenness, let's do something beautiful."
Nick Hall
Evangelist, Founder of PULSE and CEO of the US Lausanne Committee
In a world of despair, injustice, and hopelessness, Moore reminds us of the beauty of the cross and challenges us to reflect that beauty in our everyday lives and in our everyday relationships. Do Something Beautiful is a must-read guide to finding your place in God's story.
Tom Lin
President/CEO of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
York's book Do Something Beautiful has been a joy to read! He offers great perspective for our current generation's longing to be a part of the bigger story. Using honest and transparent personal stories, York beautifully portrays the gospel as the foundation to that inner longing for true beauty. Personally, I love how he did not try to avoid the pain in his own life or those around him, but rather embraced it in order to find God in the midst of pain-that we must be willing to embrace the cost, however high, to do something truly beautiful. The stories he tells will stir your heart to do something beautiful as you walk with Jesus! There is a longing for true revival and awakening all across the earth and its stories and books like these that will provide tools for how to walk in the radical love of Jesus and see revival and awakening!
Lindy and The Circuit Riders