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  • Change is Like a Slinky: 30 Strategies for Promoting and Surviving Change in Your Organization

Change is Like a Slinky: 30 Strategies for Promoting and Surviving Change in Your Organization

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Product Description

A practical guide to navigate change in today's organizational climate. Change or perish: this is a current motto for leaders in all types of organizations. But how does one adapt to such fast and furious change and effectively lead the organization through change intact and more effective? Hans Finzel provides a proven strategy in Change is Like a Slinky, exploring the six major phases in the cycle of change. As he says, 'Change is a lot like a Slinky... A slinky can be a lot of fun, but it is also completely unpredictable.' Instead of grudgingly wading through inevitable change, readers will find themselves equipped and fired up to tackle it head on.

About the Author

Hans Finzel
HANS FINZEL (D.Miss., Fuller School of World Missions; Th. M., Dallas Theological Seminary) is the president of HDLeaders. He served for 20 years as president of WorldVenture (formerly CBInternational). He and his wife, Donna, spent ten years as missionaries in Eastern Europe, working with WorldVenture to train pastors behind the Iron Curtain. Hans is the author of ten books, including Change is Like a Slinky, Launch Your Encore, The Power of Passion in Leadership, Unlocking the Scriptures, and his bestseller The Top Ten Mistakes Leaders Make. He co-authored The Top Ten Ways to Love Your Wife with his wife. He is the host of the Leadership Podcast, The Leadership Answer Man and is a widely sought-after speaker as an expert in leadership development, change management and international studies. The Finzels make their home in Highlands Ranch, Colorado and have four children.


If you're wrestling with change in your group or organization -- and who isn't? -- this is a must-read book.  Hans Finzel shows that like a Slinky, change can be fun.  His style and down-to-earth insights teach you how to navigate change-not from a classroom but in the real world, working with real people.
-Ken Blanchard, co-author of The One Minute Manager and The Leadership Pill

Make this book an essential part of your leadership library.  And let Hans Finzel be your lighthouse captain through the circuitous route to positive, constructive, well-tolerated change.  Ignore him at your peril.
-John Maxwell, Founder, The INJOY Group

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Product Details

ISBN: 978-1-57567-502-2
Publish Date: January 2004
Format: eBook