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Nancy Leigh DeMoss is beloved for her openness, insight, and boldness in urging women to give themselves wholly to God. You'll see why in these three powerful works, packed into one hardbound, collectible edition.
Nancy DeMoss has discovered an irrefutable spiritual principle: before every great movement of God there is always a time of deep repentance. Here is her moving, true account of how God created that brokenness in others—and the astonishing revival that followed.
For a Christian, waving the white flag doesn't mean, "I give up!" It means, "Victory at last!"
Struggling with stubborn habits? Secret sin? Spiritual strongholds? The key isn't how committed you are to the battle—it's how surrendered you are to God. Here is the breakthrough you've been waiting for—the first step towards a deeper, richer, victorious spiritual life.
Your fullest experience of God will only come when your life is holy and your heart is pure.
If you're longing for a deeper connection with God, you must first answer His call to holiness. Here Nancy Leigh DeMoss shares practical principles for having a life that is set apart—and a heart is set on fire.
Nancy Leigh DeMoss has my enthusiastic applause and heartfelt blessing as she seeks to fan into flame the fire of revival through her teaching on brokenness.
-Anne Graham Lotz, President and CEO, AnGel Ministries
Nancy DeMoss helps us understand the cost of full surrender to Jesus Christ. But before we are finished reading Surrender: The Heart God Controls, we are longing for the joy that comes with signing everything over to our Lord. If you hunger to grow your spiritual life to the next level, you own it to yourself to read this book."
-Dr. David Jeremiah , Senior pastor, Shadow Mountain Community Church, President, Turning Point Ministries
When our pastoral team reads a book by Nancy Leigh DeMoss, we listen. We are riveted. We are convicted. When you taste the pleasantness of painful and precious truth, you want more. I thank God for the heart-awakening, holiness-advancing, Christ-exalting ministry of Nancy Leigh DeMoss.
-John Piper, Preaching pastor, Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis