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  • Antiochus: A Novel

Antiochus: A Novel

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Product Description

He was one of the most notorious persecutors of the Jews who ever lived. He defiled the Temple of God, killed religious zealots, and became the archetype of the Antichrist.

The Greek monarch, King Antiochus IV Epiphanes, ruled the ancient Seleucid Empire 2200 years ago. The authors have written the story of his reign and find an extremely revealing relationship between this mysterious personality and certain events that the Bible indicates are yet to come to pass.

An important evil figure in Bible prophecy comes to life in Antiochus.

About the Authors

Walter Price
WALTER K. PRICE (BS, University of Kentucky; MA, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) has pastored multiple congregations and authored many books including Next Year in Jerusalem, The Coming Antichrist, In the Final Days, and The Prophet Joel and the Day of the Lord.

John Gillies
JOHN GILLIES was a missionary in Brazil, concert soloist, actor, and freelance writer. He wrote numerous articles, books—including Martyrs of Guanabara—and award–winning scripts for films, filmstrips, and television.

Product Details

ISBN: 978-0-8024-9153-4
Publish Date: January 1982
Format: eBook