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Is ______ok in the bedroom?
If I'm single, how far is too far?
How do I get past my shame?
Whether you are married or single, having great sex or no sex, your sexuality is inseparable from your spirituality. Sadly, most churches are silent on the subject.
Dr. Juli Slattery is breaking the silence.
In 25 Questions You're Afraid to Ask about Love, Sex, and Intimacy, she tackles the most common and critical questions women ask her about sexuality, like:
Candid, wise, and practically minded, Dr. Slattery addresses matters like sexual abuse, pornography, betrayal in marriage, intimacy in the bedroom, singleness, and more, calling women to think biblically about all areas of their sexuality.
Find answers to your questions, liberation from your fears, and freedom to explore God's good gifts of love, sex, and intimacy.