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  • I Am Found: Quitting the Game of Hide and Seek with God and Others

I Am Found: Quitting the Game of Hide and Seek with God and Others

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Format: eBook
Your Price: $10.99

Product Description

Are you tired of battling shame?
Long to be truly known and deeply loved?

Hesitant to show others the real you?

We are all made for connection, but many of us live with walls up and hearts closed. What would it take for us to let go and stand tall and unashamed?

I Am Found

guides us in just that. This six-week Bible study on shame and identity explores how we can own our stories, trust God's affections, and relate honestly with Him and others.

Each week begins with biblical teaching and is followed by five days of guided reflection. Drenched in Scripture, and allowing plenty of space to journal and savor biblical truths, I Am Found welcomes you on a personal journey of transformation through God's Word.

Laura Dingman invites you to build your life on a beautiful, liberating truth: Jesus loves us in our weakness, but He doesn't leave us there.

About the Author

Laura Dingman
LAURA DINGMAN spends most of her time creating and leading worship experiences that help connect people with the story of God. She has served in vocational ministry as the Creative Arts Director at The Creek, a large church in Indianapolis, for over a decade. She loves to show people where their story intersects with God's story. She enjoys belting Broadway, laughing hysterically, reading great books, and living life with her favorite two people in the whole world, her husband, Matt, and her spunky daughter, Abigail. She is the author of Life Rhythms: Learning to Live in God-Centered Time and I Am Found: Quitting the Game of Hide and Seek with God, Ourselves, and Others. You can learn more about her journey and connect with her at


I am Found is a uniquely powerful study for women of all ages who long to fully experience freedom from shame and confidence in Christ.  The format includes rich references to scripture, poignant illustrations, and thought-provoking questions for personal and small group reflection.  Women who fully engage in this study will have transformed thinking that results in mature Christian living.  I highly recommend this resource! - Carol Kent, Speaker and Author Becoming a Woman of Influence

Whether the idea of being found fills your heart with joy or gives you a sense of dread, this book is for you. Tackling shame head on from the beginning, Laura shows you why being found is so good, especially if you hold the notion that if God really found out who you really are, He'd hightail it the other direction. Over and over again, the message that God is for you and not against you reverberates through the soul as you read, take apart, and truly digest God's Word. This is a study that helps you silence the clamor and lies that fill your mind so that you can clearly see God's love for you and desire to be found each and every day. - Jen Ferguson, co-author of Pure Eyes, Clean Heart: A Couple's Journey to Freedom from Pornography

Laura Dingman has put into our hands a study that takes us on a life-transforming journey that is both biblically accurate and intensely personal.  Though presented as a six-week study, I Am Found is so much more.  Whether doing the study individually or in community with other Christians, I Am Found has the potential of impacting the reader's life in ways never before experienced.  Having known and worked with Laura for more than twenty years, I celebrate the day when "she was found" and began serving Jesus Christ in vocational ministry.  - Gary L. Johnson, D.Min. Senior Minister; Indian Creek Christian Church, Indianapolis, IN    

Ever since the days of Adam and Eve, humans have displayed a dogged propensity to hide ourselves--from God and from each other. We often do this out of a deep sense of shame that comes from below, not above. If you're tired of hiding and ready to experience a more authentic and vulnerable life, then you can't afford not to experience Laura Dingman's I Am Found.  It will lovingly lead you to embrace the life God intends for you to live. Get ready to step out of the shadows! - Jonathan Merritt, author of Jesus is Better Than You Imagined; contributing writer for The Atlantic

The lies of the enemy swirl in our head. "You'll never be enough." "You're not smart." "You're ugly." "You're too far gone." In I Am Found, Laura Dingman confidently walks you through Scripture to debunk each falsehood, restoring your heart and soul to a place of rest. Perfect for your small group or women's study, this book allows you to gather your girlfriends to dive into Truth together. You'll discover how deeply you're loved, leaving the lies of the past behind. What a joy to be really found by God, knowing His plans are good!  - Cherie Lowe, author of Slaying the Debt Dragon: How One Family Conquered Their Money Monster and Found an Inspired Happily Ever After  

In an age of selflies, personal promotion and excessive approval-seeking, it is harder than ever to ground our identity in the right place.  This study offers us rich wisdom rooted in Laura's personal journey and in the words of Scripture.  I deeply respect the work Laura has done, and continues to do, to honestly face her own shame and the destructive voices in her head - replacing them with the truth that she is a valuable child of God.  Dig into this study with great anticipation for what God will do in your heart! - Nancy Beach, Leadership Coach & Author, Gifted to Lead and The Hour on Sunday

The passion Laura feels for women to be free and whole in Christ is infectious. God has given her a call to minister to women who have been told they are not enough, not worthy of true freedom, and too much so we must hide parts of ourselves from our Creator and others. Laura lets God use her in powerful ways to dispel those lies and introduce us to a Jesus who wants us to enjoy being truly known by Him and those around us. This Spirit-filled study and Laura's wise words will resonate with you, change you, and free you to experience life in a new, profound way. It has been a blessing to me, and I know it will be for others as well. - Mary Graham,  blogger at and writes for the Huffington Post

Laura Dingman's story of being found by the God who knows, who loves and who redeems all our stories has found its way into the creation of this excellent study, I Am Found. She invited others to join her and now invites you into this process of coming out of hiding, and the journey of being found by Him  The integration of God's Word, personal practice, and community open space for transformation in Him so that you can more fully live the life God intended for you. - Sibyl Towner, Co-Author of Listen To My Life, Co-Director  of The Springs Retreat Center, Oldenburg, Indiana, and Spiritual Director and teacher of Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction

Product Details

ISBN: 978-0-8024-9466-5
Publish Date: June 2016
Format: eBook