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  • Hollow: An Unpolished Tale

Hollow: An Unpolished Tale

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Format: eBook
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Product Description

Twenty-nine years, 7 months, 14 days, and the battle still rages.

Jena Morrow has an eating disorder. It can kill her. Jena Morrow has a Savior. He came to give her abundant life.

This is not a polished tale of victory but an honest, true story of fragility. Hollow recounts Jena's daily struggle with anorexia and the God who is able and willing to reach down into the dirt. A central theme of Hollow is the surrender of control to Jesus Christ. His Word is interwoven throughout the story as rebuttals to the lies that besiege those engaged in any addiction.  

In addition to her point of view, Jena includes those of her friends, family, and former therapists providing  an undercurrent of hope.

Written in an easy conversational voice, Hollow will resonate with those in the midst of a struggle and those who stand beside them.

About the Author

Jena Morrow
JENA MORROW chronicles her journey with an eating disorder in her debut book, Hollow (May 2010). She studied music education at North Central College in Naperville, Illinois, and currently makes her home in Crest Hill, Illinois with her son. For more information, visit


Hollow, a memoir by Jena Marrow shares the honest truth of human brokenness. Her life's journey is like that of so many; and, anyone walking the path of redemptive growth will be enlightened and guided by Jena's vulnerability. As a clinical psychologist, I know it is through gracious relationship that people are healed; Hollow evokes a sincere, healing relationship between the reader and Jena's story of grace. 
R. Allen Lish, Psy.D.

Jena offers hope to those struggling with an eating disorder, or to those just wondering if what they have to offer is good.  Her authentic and courageous telling of her journey thus far is a true testimony to the goodness of God in the midst of our struggles.
Kris Walsh, LCSW

This is no graphic drama told for entertainment purposes.  In Jena's words, it is a "cautionary tale" told by one who tarried inthe darkness, but who no longer lives there.  Jena's story moves beyond the slippery darkness into the strength of relationship with the Living God, and she is eager to invite along many companions.
Jill Fleagle, D.Min.

As a Family Nurse Practitioner, this is a memoir that has made me a better health care provider by enabling me to recognize thost struggling and get them the help they need before they reach such depths of darkness. Hollow reaches out to all people who struggle in life, and guides the reader to the power of God in helpin gwith these struggles.  This book is an awakening.
Linda Silakowski, FNP

If you or a loved one needs to know there really is a way out of the strong clutches of the self hatred of an eating disorder, you will want to walk with Jena through each page. You will find a new strength and a fresh hope.
Gregory L. Jantz, PhD, C.E.D.S., Founder of The Center, Inc.

Hollow pulled me into a world I knew little about, held me there with its raw authenticity, and gave me empathy for those who struggle with eating disorders. Anyone battling food issues should read this book. But more than that, anyone who loves someone in an eating disorder's clutches should scour its pages for understanding.
Mary DeMuth, Author of Thin Places, a Memoir

Too often we want the fairytale ending. In Hollow: An Unpolished Tale, new author Jena Morrow treats us to an uncommonly honest portrayal of the recovery journey, and makes a hope-filled case for facing our fears, embracing our anger, and surrendering to the only One who can calm the storm within, even if (and when) it continues to rage.
Constance Rhodes, Founder of FINDINGbalance, Co-Founder of The True Campaign

Not just a haunting tale of a wicked disorder, but the story of a tenacious God who does not give up on His children. Jena's story offers reality and hope to the millions of people (not counting their relatives and friend) impacted by eating disorders.
Jane Rubietta, Speaker and award-winning author of critically acclaimed Come Along: The Journey to a More Intimate Faith

Product Details

ISBN: 978-1-57567-591-6
Publish Date: May 2010
Format: eBook