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  • Full Circle: A Pictorial Autobiography of George and Hilda Sweeting

Full Circle: A Pictorial Autobiography of George and Hilda Sweeting

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Format: Hardcover
Your Price: $22.99

Product Description

Be inspired by the story of a life well lived.

In this book you'll encounter—through words and images—the uplifting story of George Sweeting and his beloved wife, Hilda. You'll discern the providential hand of God as He brings the Sweetings' lives full circle. Both of George's parents were converted in Scotland by the ministry of D. L. Moody. Then, in God's perfect timing, He brought George into two leadership positions connected with this great evangelist—first, as pastor of the historic Moody Church in downtown Chicago, and second, as the sixth president of the school that Moody founded: the Moody Bible Institute.

Along the way, God gave the Sweetings a deep heart for evangelism. Whether it was preaching in evangelistic crusades or sending missionaries to the foreign field, George has always been passionate about winning souls for Christ. "Our supreme task is world evangelization in this generation!" was the constant cry of his heart.

From humble beginnings, to academic leadership, to friendship with a U.S. president, God used George and Hilda Sweeting to make an impact on the world. Lives lived for Christ from start to finish are hard to find these days—yet deeply encouraging when God brings them before our eyes. So enter into the story of the Sweetings and find your spirit refreshed by their legacy of faithfulness. And as you read, ask yourself, "Lord, how do you want to bring my life full circle as well?"

About the Author

George Sweeting
DR. GEORGE SWEETING is the former president and chancellor of the Moody Bible Institute (1971-1999) and is currently Chancellor Emeritus. As a world-renowned evangelist, pastor, teacher, and writer, few are better equipped to explain how to grow in your salvation. How to Begin the Christian Life is a modern classic with more than a million copies in print in English and other languages.

Product Details

ISBN: 978-0-8024-2506-5
Publish Date: February 2022
Dimensions: 6.25 x 9.5
Format: Hardcover